cThe PCI Compiler is scheduled for product obsolescence and discontinued support
as described in PDN1410. Therefore, Altera does not recommend use of this IP in
new designs. For more information about Altera’s current IP offering, refer to
Altera’s Intellectual Property website.
101 Innovation Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Compiler Version:11.1
Document Date:October 2011
i–iiUser Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
PCI Compiler
specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted
otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names
are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without
notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest
version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
iii Altera Corporation
i–ivUser Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
Release Information ................................................................................................................................... 2
Device Family Support ............................................................................................................................. 2
Features ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Common Features .................................................................................................................................. 3
PCI Compiler with MegaWizard Plug-in Manager Flow ................................................................4
PCI Compiler with SOPC Builder Flow ..............................................................................................4
General Description ................................................................................................................................... 5
Simulate the Design ............................................................................................................................... 1–9
Simulation in the Quartus II Software ........................................................................................ 1–11
The Quartus II Simulation Files ......................................................................................................... 1–12
Target Device Signals & Signal Assertion .................................................................................... 3–6
Master Device Signals & Signal Assertion .................................................................................... 3–9
PCI Bus Signals .................................................................................................................................... 3–11
General Description ............................................................................................................................... 4–1
Altera Corporation User Guide Version 11.1vii
PCI Compiler
Features ................................................................................................................................................... 4–2
Pull Up (pull_up) ........................................................................................................................... 4–15
Local Reference Design ....................................................................................................................... 4–15
Local Target ..................................................................................................................................... 4–17
PCI Compiler with SOPC Builder Flow Design Walkthrough ....................................................... 5–2
Create a New Quartus II Project .................................................................................................... 5–3
Set Up the PCI-Avalon Bridge ........................................................................................................ 5–5
Add the Remaining Components to the SOPC Builder System ................................................ 5–7
Complete the Connections in SOPC Builder ................................................................................ 5–8
Generate the SOPC Builder System ............................................................................................... 5–9
Files Generated by SOPC Builder ................................................................................................ 5–10
Simulate the Design ............................................................................................................................. 5–11
Compile the Design ............................................................................................................................. 5–13
Program a Device ................................................................................................................................ 5–14
Upgrading Systems from a Previous Version ................................................................................. 5–15
Chapter 6. Parameter Settings
System Options-1 ................................................................................................................................... 6–1
Value of Multiple Pending Reads ....................................................................................................... 6–6
viiiUser Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
PCI Compiler
System Options-2 ................................................................................................................................... 6–9
PCI Bus Speed .............................................................................................................................. 6–9
PCI Data Bus Width .................................................................................................................... 6–9
General Description ............................................................................................................................... 8–1
Features ................................................................................................................................................... 8–2
Revision History ............................................................................................................................... Info–i
How to Contact Altera .................................................................................................................... Info–ii
xiiUser Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
PCI Compiler
About PCI Compiler
The Altera® PCI Compiler provides many options for creating custom,
high-performance PCI bus interface designs. Whether your system’s top
priority is high bandwidth, high speed, or a combination of features, you
can use the PCI Compiler to meet your system requirements.
The PCI Compiler contains the pci_mt64, pci_mt32, pci_t64, and
pci_t32 MegaCore
functions, a Verilog HDL and VHDL testbench, and
reference designs. Altera also offers the following development kits as
PCI hardware prototyping platforms:
■PCI High-Speed Development Kit, Stratix Professional Edition
■PCI Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition
These kits include a PCI development board, a reference design, software
drivers, and a graphical user interface to help you evaluate the PCI
solution in a system.
You can create PCI systems using one of the following design flows in the
II software.
Plug-in Manager flow
This option allows you to choose a specific PCI MegaCore function,
specify parameters, generate design files, and manually integrate the
parameterized PCI MegaCore function into your overall system.
■SOPC Builder flow
This option allows you to build a complete PCI system—componentby-component—using an automatically-generated sytem
interconnect fabric. The SOPC Builder uses the PCI-Avalon®Memory-Mapped (Avalon-MM) bridge to connect the PCI bus to the
interconnect, allowing you to easily create any system that includes
one or more of the Avalon-MM peripherals.
Altera Corporation User Guide Version 11.11
October 2011
Release Information
Device Family
Ta bl e 1 provides information about this release of the PCI Compiler.
Table 1. PCI Compiler User Guide Release Information
The MegaCore functions provide either final or preliminary support for
target Altera device families:
■Final support means the core is verified with final timing models for
this device family. The core meets all functional and timing
requirements for the device family and can be used in production
■Preliminary support means the core is verified with preliminary
timing models for this device family. The core meets all functional
requirements, but might still be undergoing timing analysis for the
device family. It can be used in production designs with caution.
■HardCopy Compilation means the core is verified with final timing
models for the HardCopy
functional and timing requirements for the device family and can be
used in production designs.
■HardCopy Companion means the core is verified with preliminary
timing models for the HardCopy companion device. The core meets
all functional requirements, but might still be undergoing timing
analysis for HardCopy device family. It can be used in production
designs with caution.
2User Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
PCI CompilerOctober 2011
About PCI Compiler
Ta bl e 2 shows the level of support offered by the User Guide MegaCore
functions for each Altera device family.
Table 2. Device Family Support
Device FamilySupport
Arria II GXFinal
Cyclone II Final
Cyclone IIIFinal
Cyclone III LSFinal
Cyclone IV (E, GX)Final
HardCopy II HardCopy Compilation
HardCopy III
HardCopy IV (E, GX)
II (1)
Stratix GXFinal
Stratix IIFinal
Stratix II GX Final
Stratix IIIFinal
IV (E, GX)
Other device familiesNo support
Note to Ta b l e 2:
(1) MAX II devices are supported by the pci_mt32 and pci_t32 MegaCore
functions only.
Refer to the What’s New in Altera IP
page of the Altera website.
This section summarizes the features of the PCI Compiler.
Common Features
The following list outlines the common features of the PCI Compiler.
■Fully compliant with the PCI Special Interest Group (PCI SIG)
PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 3.0
■Supports both 32-bit and 64-bit interfaces
■Supports Master/Target and Target-Only modes
Altera Corporation User Guide Version 11.13
October 2011
■IP functional simulation models enable simulation of a register
transfer level (RTL) model of a PCI MegaCore function in VHDL and
Verilog HDL simulators
■OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation feature enables testing of a
PCI MegaCore function in hardware prior to purchasing a license
■Configuration registers:
●Parameterized registers: device ID, vendor ID, class code,
revision ID, BAR0 through BAR5, subsystem ID, subsystemvendor ID, maximum latency, minimum grant, capabilities list
pointer, expansion ROM BAR
●Parameterized default or preset base address (available for all
six BARs) and expansion ROM base address
●Non-parameterized registers: command, status, header type 0,
latency timer, cache line size, interrupt pin, interrupt line
■Host bridge application support
PCI Compiler with MegaWizard Plug-in Manager Flow
The following list outlines the features of the PCI Compiler with
MegaWizard Plug-in Manager flow.
■IP Toolbench wizard-driven interface makes it easy to generate a
custom variation of a PCI MegaCore function
■PCI target features:
●Capabilities list pointer support
●Expansion ROM BAR support
●Local-side requests for target abort, retry, or disconnect
●Local-side interrupt requests
■PCI master features (pci_mt64 and pci_mt32 only):
●Allows on-chip arbitration logic
●Allows disabling latency timer
■64-bit PCI features (pci_mt64 and pci_t64 only):
●64-bit addressing support as both master and target
●Initiates 64-bit addressing, using dual-address cycle (DAC)
●Initiates 64-bit memory transactions
●Dynamically negotiates 64-bit transactions and automatically
multiplexes data on the local 64-bit data bus
PCI Compiler with SOPC Builder Flow
The following list outlines the features of the PCI Compiler with SOPC
Builder flow.
■SOPC Builder ready
■PCI complexities, such as retry and disconnect are handled by the
PCI/Avalon Bridge logic and transparent to the user
4User Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
PCI CompilerOctober 2011
About PCI Compiler
■Hard-coded (fixed) or run-time configurable (dynamic) Avalon-to-
PCI address translation
■Hard-coded or automatic PCI-to-Avalon address translation
■Separate Avalon Memory-mapped (Avalon-MM) slave ports for PCI
bus access (PBA) and control register access (CRA)
■Support for Avalon-MM burst mode
■Option for independent or common PCI and Avalon clock domains
■Option to increase PCI read performance by increasing the number
of pending reads and maximum read burst size.
■Internal Arbiter in Host Bridge and Target/Master mode
This section provides a general description of the following:
■PCI MegaCore Functions
■PCI Testbench
■PCI Compiler with MegaWizard Plug-in Manager Flow
■PCI Compiler with SOPC Builder Flow
PCI MegaCore Functions
The PCI MegaCore functions are hardware-tested, high-performance,
flexible implementations of PCI interfaces. These functions handle the
PCI protocol and timing requirements internally. The back-end interface
is designed for easy integration, allowing you to focus your engineering
efforts on value-added custom development to significantly reduce timeto-market.
Optimized for Altera devices, the PCI MegaCore functions support
configuration, I/O, and memory transactions. The small size of the
functions, combined with the high density of Altera's devices, provides
ample resources for custom local logic to accompany the PCI interface.
The high performance of Altera's devices also enables these functions to
support unlimited cycles of zero wait state memory-burst transactions.
These functions can operate at either 33- or 66-MHz PCI bus clock speeds,
allowing them to achieve up to 132 Megabytes per second (MBytes/s)
throughput in a 32-bit 33-MHz PCI bus system and up to 528 MBytes/s
throughput in a 64-bit 66-MHz PCI bus system.
In the pci_mt64 and pci_mt32 functions, the master and target
interfaces can operate independently, allowing maximum throughput
and efficient usage of the PCI bus. For instance, while the target interface
is accepting zero wait state burst write data, the local logic may
simultaneously request PCI bus mastership, thus minimizing latency.
Altera Corporation User Guide Version 11.15
October 2011
General Description
To ensure timing and protocol compliance, the PCI MegaCore functions
have been rigorously hardware tested. Refer to “Compliance Summary”
on page 10 for more information on the hardware tests performed.
PCI Testbench
The PCI testbench, provided in Verilog HDL and VHDL, facilitates the
design and verification of systems that implement any of the PCI
MegaCore functions. You can build a PCI behavioral simulation
environment by using components of the PCI testbench, the IP functional
simulation model of your PCI MegaCore function variation, and the rest
of your Verilog HDL or VHDL design.
PCI Compiler with MegaWizard Plug-in Manager Flow
With this flow, you design to a low-level interface that allows custom PCI
transaction design. Because you are designing the logic to interface to the
PCI MegaCore function, you have more control of individual module
1This flow is recommended for users who have previously
designed with the PCI Compiler or whose highest priority is to
minimize design latency.
For example, if you are designing a PCI-to-DDR2 SDRAM controller
interface you need to do the following:
■Specify the PCI MegaCore function parameters.
■Design the ‘back end’ user design, including master control logic,
target control logic, data path first-in first-out (FIFO) buffers, and
direct memory access (DMA) engine.
■Design the DDR2 SDRAM controller interface.
■Specify the DDR2 SDRAM MegaCore function parameters.
■Design internal PCI and DDR2 SDRAM logic blocks.
■Write RTL code that connects the PCI and DDR2 SDRAM blocks.
6User Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
PCI CompilerOctober 2011
Figure 1 shows a PCI-to-DDR2 SDRAM controller interface design using
Backend User Design
Altera PCI MegaCore Function Local-Side, Low Level Interface
DDR2 SDRAM Memory Module
Tar ge t
Altera FPGA
the PCI Compiler with MegaWizard Plug-in Manager flow; shaded areas
represent user-customized blocks.
Figure 1. PCI-to-DDR2 SDRAM Design Using the PCI Compiler With MegaWizard Flow
About PCI Compiler
fFor more information about the PCI Compiler with MegaWizard flow,
refer to Chapter 1, Getting Started.
PCI Compiler With SOPC Builder Flow
With this flow, you specify system components and choose system
options from a rich set of features, and the SOPC Builder then
automatically generates the interconnect logic and simulation
environment. Thus, you define and generate a complete system in
dramatically less time than manually integrating separate IP blocks.
Altera Corporation User Guide Version 11.17
October 2011
1This flow is recommended for users who are new to the PCI
Compiler or whose highest priority is to minimize design time.
General Description
PCI Master/Target
Altera FPGA
For example, Figure 2 shows the PCI-to-DDR2 SDRAM design using the
PCI Compiler with SOPC Builder flow; the dashed-lines indicate
pre-existing components that are added to the design via the SOPC
Builder graphical user interface (GUI). When comparing Figure 1 with
Figure 2, you can see that the PCI Compiler with SOPC Builder flow
option requires far less user customization.
Figure 2. PCI-to-DDR2 SDRAM Design Using the PCI Compiler With SOPC Builder Flow
fFor more information about the PCI Compiler with SOPC Builder flow,
refer to Chapter 5, Getting Started.
8User Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
PCI CompilerOctober 2011
For more information about SOPC Builder, refer to volume 4 of the
Quartus II Handbook.
About PCI Compiler
Selecting the
Flow for Your
Ta bl e 3 summarizes the guidelines for selecting a particular flow over
another. In most cases, the PCI Compiler with SOPC Builder flow is the
appropriate choice.
This section lists the advantages and disadvantages of the PCI Compiler
with the SOPC Builder flow.
■Dramatically faster time-to-market
■Requires minimal PCI bus protocol design expertise
■Very short learning curve
■Access to rich feature set
■Uses simple and flexible GUI to create complete PCI system within
■Predesigned ‘back end’ and ‘local side’ interconnect
■Uses an automatically-generated simulation environment
■Create custom components and integrate them by using the
component wizard
■All components are automatically interconnected
■Does not allow you to customize PCI transaction behavior
■Some applications may have excessive overhead in size and
Altera Corporation User Guide Version 11.19
October 2011
Compliance Summary
PCI Compiler With MegaWizard Plug-in Manager Flow
This section lists the advantages and disadvantages of the PCI Compiler
with MegaWizard Plug-in Manager flow.
■More control of the system feature set
■Can design directly from the PCI interface to peripheral devices
■Can access local-side interface to reduce clock cycles and achieve
higher bandwidth
■Requires manual integration of system modules
■Cannot easily use existing SOPC Builder peripherals
■Requires a register transfer level (RTL) file for each instantiation
■Requires significant knowledge of the PCI bus protocol
The MegaCore functions are compliant with the requirements specified in
the PCI SIG PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 3.0 and Compliance Checklist, Revision 3.0.
To ensure PCI compliance, Altera has performed extensive validation of
the PCI MegaCore functions. Validation includes both simulation and
hardware testing. The following simulations are covered by the
validation suite for the PCI MegaCore functions:
■PCI-SIG checklist simulations
■Applicable operating rules in Appendix C of the PCI Local Bus
Specification, Revision 3.0, including:
●Basic protocol
●Signal stability
●Master and target signals
●Data phases
●Device selection
■Local-side interface functionality
■Corner cases of the PCI and local-side interface, such as random wait
state insertion
In addition to simulation, Altera performed extensive hardware testing
on the functions to ensure robustness and PCI compliance. The test
platforms include the Agilent E2928A PCI Bus Exerciser and Analyzer, an
Altera PCI development board with a device configured with a PCI
MegaCore function and a reference design, and PCI bus agents such as a
10User Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
PCI CompilerOctober 2011
About PCI Compiler
host bridge, Ethernet network adapter, and video card. The Altera PCI
MegaCore functions were tested on the Stratix EP1S25F1020C5 and
EP1S60F1020C6 devices. Hardware testing ensures that the PCI
MegaCore functions operate flawlessly under the most stringent
During hardware testing with the Agilent E2928A PCI Bus Exerciser and
Analyzer, various tests were performed to guarantee robustness and
strict compliance. These tests included the following:
■Memory read/write
■I/O read/write
■Configuration read/write
The tests generate random transaction types and parameters at the PCI
and local sides. The Agilent E2928A PCI Bus Exerciser and Analyzer
simulated random behavior on the PCI bus by randomizing transactions
with variable parameters such as the following:
■Bus commands
■Burst length
■Data types
■Wait states
■Error conditions
The local side also emulated a variety of test conditions in which the PCI
MegaCore functions experienced random wait states and terminations.
During the tests, the Agilent E2928A PCI Bus Exerciser and Analyzer also
acted as a PCI protocol and data integrity checker as well as a logic
analyzer to aid in debugging. This testing ensures that the functions
operate under the most stringent conditions in your system.
fFor more information on the Agilent E2928A PCI Bus Exerciser and
Analyzer, refer to the Agilent website at www.agilent.com.
This section lists the speed and approximate resource utilization of the
PCI MegaCore functions in supported Altera device families.
and Resource
Altera Corporation User Guide Version 11.111
October 2011
PCI Compiler with MegaWizard Plug-in Manager Flow
The speed and resource utilization estimates are based on a PCI
MegaCore function using one BAR that reserves 1 MByte of memory.
Implementing additional BARs generates additional logic in the PCI
Performance and Resource Utilization
MegaCore function. Using different parameter options may result in
additional logic generated within the function. Results were generated
using the Quartus II software version 11.1.
Ta bl e 4 shows PCI MegaCore function resource utilization and
performance data for Stratix II devices.
Table 4. PCI MegaCore Function Performance in Stratix II Devices (1)
PCI Function
Notes to Ta b l e 4:
(1) This data was obtained by compiling each of the PCI MegaCore functions
(parameterized to use one BAR that reserves 1 MByte of memory) in the Stratix II
EP2S60F1020C5 device.
(2) The Utilization for Stratix II devices is based on the number of adaptive look-up
tables (ALUTs) used for the design as reported by the Quartus II software.
(ALUTs) (2)
1,08389> 67
71487> 67
75450> 67
44848> 67
I/O Pins
Ta bl e 5 shows PCI MegaCore function resource utilization and
performance for Stratix, Stratix GX, and Cyclone devices.
Table 5. PCI MegaCore Function Performance in Stratix, Stratix GX &
Cyclone Devices(1)
PCI Function
Logic Elements
1,37889> 67
96687> 67
100750> 67
66148> 67
I/O Pins
Note to Ta b l e 5:
(1) The PCI MegaCore functions use approximately the same number of LEs for the
Stratix, Stratix GX, and Cyclone device families. This data was obtained by
compiling each of the PCI MegaCore functions (parameterized to use one BAR
that reserves 1 MByte of memory) in the Stratix EP1S60F1020C6 device.
12User Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
PCI CompilerOctober 2011
About PCI Compiler
Ta bl e 6 shows PCI MegaCore function resource utilization and
performance data for Cyclone II devices.
Table 6. PCI MegaCore Function Performance in Cyclone II Devices (1)
PCI Function
Note to Ta b l e 6:
(1) This data was obtained by compiling each of the PCI MegaCore functions
(parameterized to use one BAR that reserves 1 MByte of memory) in the
Cyclone II EP2C35F672C7 device.
Logic Elements
1,21989> 67
77887> 67
84750> 67
50448> 67
I/O Pins
Ta bl e 7 shows PCI MegaCore function resource utilization and
performance for MAX II devices.
Table 7. PCI MegaCore Function Performance in MAX II Devices (1), (2)
PCI Function
Notes to Ta b l e 7:
(1) This data was obtained by compiling each of the PCI MegaCore functions
(parameterized to use one BAR that reserves 1 MByte of memory) in the MAX II
EPM2210F324C3 device.
(2) pci_mt64 and pci_t64 MegaCore functions are not supported in MAX II
Logic Elements
78950> 67
45548> 67
I/O Pins
PCI Compiler with SOPC Builder Flow
The speed and resource utilization estimates are for the supported
devices when operating in the PCI Target-Only, PCI Master/Target, and
PCI Host-Bridge device modes for each of the application-specific
performance settings.
1Performance results will vary depending on the user-specified
parameters that are built into the system module.
Altera Corporation User Guide Version 11.113
October 2011
Performance and Resource Utilization
Ta bl e 8 lists memory utilization and performance data for Stratix II
Table 8. Memory Utilization & Performance Data for Stratix II Devices (4)
Performance Setting
as: (1)
Notes to Ta b l e 8:
(1) Min = Single-cycle transactions
Ty pi ca l = Burst transactions with a single pending read
Max = Burst transactions with multiple pending reads
(2) The LE count for Stratix II devices is based on the number of adaptive look-up tables (ALUTs) used for the design as
reported by the Quartus II software.
(3) In some compilations one M512 block was used, but it is not counted.
(4) The data was obtained by performing compilations on a Stratix II EP2S60F1020C5 device. Each of the device types
was parameterized to use one BAR that reserved 1 MByte of memory on the Avalon-MM side. For the PCI
Master/Target Peripheral mode, one MByte of memory was reserved on the PCI side.
Ty pi ca l = Burst transactions with a single pending read
Max = Burst transactions with multiple pending reads
was parameterized to use one BAR that reserved 1 MByte of memory on the Avalon-MM side. For the PCI
Master/Target Peripheral mode, one MByte of memory was reserved on the PCI side.
Ta bl e 10 lists memory utilization and performance data for Stratix,
Stratix GX, and Cyclone devices.
Table 10. Memory Utilization & Performance Data for Stratix, Stratix GX & Cyclone Devices (3) (Part 1
of 2)
(2) In Cyclone devices, memory is implemented in M4K blocks, not M512 blocks.
(3) The data was obtained by performing compilations on a Cyclone EP1C20F400C7 device. Each of the device types
Ty pi ca l = Burst transactions with a single pending read
Max = Burst transactions with multiple pending reads
was parameterized to use one BAR that reserved 1 MByte of memory on the Avalon-MM side. For the PCI
Master/Target Peripheral mode, one MByte of memory was reserved on the PCI side.
Ta bl e 11 lists memory utilization and performance data for MAX II
1MAX II devices only support the PCI Target-Only peripheral
and the single-cycle performance setting.
Table 11. Memory Utilization & Performance Data for MAX II Devices (2)
Performance Setting as: (1)32-Bit PCI Interface
Notes to Ta b l e 11 :
(1) Min = Single-cycle transactions
(2) The data was obtained by performing compilations on a MAX II EPM2210F324C3 device. The device type was
parameterized to use one BAR that reserved 1 MByte of memory on the Avalon-MM side.
16User Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
PCI CompilerOctober 2011
PCI TargetPCI Master
I/O Pins
About PCI Compiler
Installation and
fFor system requirements and installation instructions, refer to Altera
The User Guide is part of the MegaCore IP Library, which is distributed
with the Quartus II software and downloadable from the Altera website,
Software Installation and Licensing.
Figure 3 shows the directory structure after you install the PCI Compiler
User Guide, where <path> is the installation directory. The default
installation directory on Windows is c:\altera\<version>; on Linux it is
Altera Corporation User Guide Version 11.117
October 2011
Installation and Licensing
Figure 3. Directory Structure
Installation directory.
Contains the Altera MegaCore IP Library and third-party IP cores.
Contains the Altera MegaCore IP Library.
Contains shared components.
Contains common IP Toolbench files.
Contains the PCI Compiler files.
Contains constraint files that include all necessary assignments to meet your PCI timing requirements for
all supported Altera device families and development kits.
Contains encrypted lower-level design files and other support files.
On Linux systems, you must add this directory as a user library in the Quartus II software.
Contains the files that are specific for PCI Compiler with MegaWizard flow.
Contains the files that are specific for PCI Compiler with SOPC Builder.
Contains the necessary files for the parameterization wizard.
Contains the necessary files for the SOPC Builder GUI. For Linux, this directory must be
added to the Component/Kit Library search path by choosing SOPC Builder Setup (File menu).
Contains a header file that can be used in PCI Compiler with SOPC Builder flow. The header
file contains macros to access control and status registers inside the PCI-Avalon bridge.
Contains example Quartus II projects and simulation waveforms for each of the PCI MegaCore functions.
Contains reference designs for common functions implemented with the PCI MegaCore functions.
Contains Verilog HDL and VHDL testbenches for simulating designs.
Contains example Quartus II projects using SOPC Builder.
Contains the Verilog HDL and VHDL testbenches for simulating designs that include the PCI-Avalon bridge.
18User Guide Version 11.1Altera Corporation
PCI CompilerOctober 2011
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