ALTERA PCG-01013-1.4 User Manual

PCG-01013-1.4 Copyright © 2012 Altera Corp.
Arria® V Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
The use of the pin connection guidelines for any particular desi gn should be verified for device operation, wit h the datasheet and Altera.
3. In no event shall the aggregate liability of Altera relating to this Agreement or the subject matter hereof under any legal theory (whether in tort, c ontract, or otherwise), exceed One US Dollar
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4. This Agreement s hall be governed by the laws of t he S tate of California, without regard to conflict of law or choice of law principles. You agree t o submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts BY DOWNLOADING OR USING THESE G UIDELINES, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS
Pin Connection Guidelines Agreement © 2012 Altera C orporation. All rights reserved.
Preliminary PCG-01013-1.4
The pin connection guidel ines are considered preliminary. These pin connection guidelines should only be used as a recommendation, not as a s pecification.
1. Subject to the ter m s and conditions of this Agreement, Altera grants to you the us e of this pin connection guideline to determine the pin connections of an Altera based design. You may not us e this pin connection guideline for any other purpose.
2. Altera does not guarantee or imply the reliability, or serviceability, of the pin connection gui delines or other item s provided as part of these guidelines. The f iles contained herein are provided 'AS IS'. ALTERA DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDIN G THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
(US$1.00). In no event shall Altera be liable for any lost revenue, lost profits , or other consequential, indirect, or special damages caused by your use of thes e guidelines even if advised of the
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programmable logic device-

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PCG-01013-1.4 Copyright © 2012 Altera Corp.
CLK[0:23][p:n] I/O, Clock
Dedicated positive and negative clock input pins that can also be used for data inputs. OCT Rd is supported on these pins.
When you use the single-ended I/O standard, only the CLK[0:23]p pins serve as the dedicated input pins to the PLL.
When you do not use these pins, Altera recommends tying them to GND or leave them unconnected. If unconnected, use the Quartus II
I/O, Clock
These pins can be tied to GND or left unconnected. If unconnected, use the Quartus II software programmable options to internally bias
I/O, Clock
These pins can be tied to GND or left unconnected. If unconnected, use the Quartus II software programmable options to internally bias
I/O, Clock
These pins can be tied to GND or left unconnected. If unconnected, use the Quartus II software programmable options to internally bias FPLL_[BL,BC,BR,TL,TC,TR]_CLKOUT3,
I/O, Clock
These pins can be tied to GND or left unconnected. If unconnected, use the Quartus II software programmable options to internally bias
MSEL[0:4] Input
Use these pins to set the configuration scheme and POR delay.
These pins have an internal 25-kΩ pull-
down that is always active.
When you use these pins, tie them directly to VCCPGM or GND to get the combination for the configuration scheme as specified in the
AS_DATA0 / ASDO / DATA[0] Bidirectional
In a passive serial (PS) or fast passive parallel (FPP) configuration scheme, DATA[0] is a dedicated input data pin.
In an active serial (AS) x1 and AS x4 configuration schemes, AS_DATA0 and ASDO are dedicated bidirectional data pins.
When you do not use this pin, Altera recommends leaving the pin unconnected.
AS_DATA[1:3 ] / DATA[1:3] Bidirectional
In an AS configuration scheme, AS_DATA[1:3] pins are used.
In an FPP x8 or FPP x16 configuration scheme, the DATA[1:3] pins are used.
When you do not use this pin, Altera recommends leaving the pin unconnected.
nCSO/ DATA[4] Bidirectional
In an AS configuration scheme, the nCSO pin is used. nCSO drives the control signal from the Arria V device to the EPCS or EPCQ device in the AS configuration scheme.
In an FPP configuration scheme, the DATA4 pin is used.
When you are not programming the device in the AS configuration scheme, the nCSO pin is not used. When you do not use this pin as an
Arria® V Device Family Pin Connection Guide lines
Altera recommends that you create a Quartus® II design, enter your device I/O assignments, and compile the design. The Quartus II software will check your pin connections according to I /O assignment and placement rules.
Dual purpose I/O pins that can be used Dual purpose I/O pins that can be used
one differential clock output pair or single
Preliminary PCG-01013-1.4
The rules differ from one device to another based on device density, package, I/O assignments, voltage assignments, and other f actors that are not fully described in this document or the device handbook.
Arria V (transceiver-based device) Pin
Clock and PLL Pins
Dedicated Configuration/JTAG Pins
Pin Type (1st and
2nd Function)
Pin Description Connection Guidelines
as two single-ended clock output pins ,
ended feedback input pin.
as two single-ended outputs, differential external feedback input pin or single ended feedback input pin.
software programmable options to internally bias these pins. They can be reserved as inputs tristate with weak pull up resistor enabled, or as outputs driving GND.
these pins. They can be reserved as inputs tristate with weak pull up resistor enabled, or as outputs driving GND.
these pins. They can be reserved as inputs tristate with weak pull up resistor enabled, or as outputs driving GND.
these pins. They can be reserved as inputs tristate with weak pull up resistor enabled, or as outputs driving GND.
these pins. They can be reserved as inputs tristate with weak pull up resistor enabled, or as outputs driving GND.
"Configuration, Design Security, and Remote System Upgrades in Arria V Devices" chapter in the Arria V Handbook. These pins are not used in the JTAG configuration scheme. Tie the MSEL pins to GND if you are using the JTAG configuration scheme. Use only MSEL pin settings defined in the Arria V device datasheet.
output pin, Altera recommends leaving the pin unconnected.

Pin Connection Guidelines Page 2 of 23

PCG-01013-1.4 Copyright © 2012 Altera Corp.
Arria® V Device Family Pin Connection Guide lines
Altera recommends that you create a Quartus® II design, enter your device I/O assignments, and compile the design. The Quartus II software will check your pin connections according to I /O assignment and placement rules.
nCE Input
nCE is an active-low chip enable pin. When nCE is low, the device is enabled. When nCE is high, the device is disabled.
In a multi-device configuration, the nCE pin of the first device is tied low while its nCEO pin drives the nCE pin of the next device in the chain.
Pulling this pin low during configuration and user mode causes the Arria V device to lose its configuration data, enter a reset state, and tri-states all I/O pins. A low-to-high logic initiates a reconfiguration.
When you use the nCONFIG pin in a passive configuration scheme, connect the pin directly to the configuration controller.
As a status output, the CONF_DONE pin drives low before and during configuration. After all configuration data is received without error and the initialization cycle starts, the CONF_DONE pin is released.
As a status input, the CONF_DONE pin goes high after all data is received. Then the device initializes and enters user mode.
This pin is not available as a user I/O pin.
Connect an external 10-kΩ pull-up resistor to VCCPGM. VCCPGM must be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the I/O on the
I/O, Output
Dual-purpose open-drain output pin. This pin drives low when device configuration completes.
During multi-device configuration, this pin feeds the nCE pin of the next device in the chain. If this pin is not feeding the nCE pin of the next
The Arria V device drives the nSTATUS pin low immediately after power-up and releases it after the Arria V device exits power-on reset (POR).
As a status output, the nSTATUS pin is pulled low to indicate an error during configuration.
As a status input, the device enters an error state when the nSTATUS pin is driven low by an external source during configuration or initialization.
This pin is not available as a user I/O pin.
Connect an external 10-kΩ pull-up resistor to VCCPGM. VCCPGM must be high enough to meet the VIH specification of the I/O on the
Preliminary PCG-01013-1.4
The rules differ from one device to another based on device density, package, I/O assignments, voltage assignments, and other f actors that are not fully described in this document or the device handbook.
Arria V (transceiver-based device) Pin
Pin Type (1st and
2nd Function)
Pin Description Connection Guidelines
In a single-device configuration and JTAG programming, connect the nCE pin to GND.
When you use the nCONFIG pin in an AS configuration scheme, connect the pin through a 10-kΩ resis tor tied to VCCPGM.
When you do not use the nCONFIG pin, connect the pin directly or through a 10-kΩ res istor to VCCPGM.
During JTAG programming, the nCONFIG status is ignored.
device and the external host.
device, you can use this pin as a regular I/O pin. In a single-device configuration, use this pin as a regular I/O pin. During single-device configuration, you may leave this pin floating. Connect
this pin to an external 10-kΩ pull-up resistor to VCCPGM.
device and the external host.
Pin Connection Guidelines Page 3 of 23
PCG-01013-1.4 Copyright © 2012 Altera Corp.
Arria® V Device Family Pin Connection Guide lines
Altera recommends that you create a Quartus® II design, enter your device I/O assignments, and compile the design. The Quartus II software will check your pin connections according to I /O assignment and placement rules.
TCK Input
JTAG test clock input pin that clock input to the boundary-scan testing (BST) circuitry. Some operations occur at the rising edge, while others occur at the falling edge. It is expected that the clock input waveform have a nominal 50% duty cycle.
This pin has an internal 25-kΩ pull-down
that is always active.
Connect this pin to a 1-kΩ pull-down resistor to GND.
TMS Input
JTAG test mode select input pin that provides the control signal to determine the transitions of the test access port (TAP) controller state machine.
The TMS pin is evaluated on the rising edge of the TCK pin. Transitions in the state machine occur on the falling edge of the TCK after the signal is applied to the TMS pin.
This pin has an internal 25-kΩ pull-up
that is always active.
Connect this pin to a 1-kΩ - 10-kΩ pull-up resistor to the VCCPD in the dedicated I/O bank which the JTAG pin resides.
TDI Input
JTAG test data input pin for instructions as well as test and programming data. Data is shifted in on the rising edge of the TCK pin.
This pin has an internal 25-kΩ pull-up
that is always active.
Connect this pin to a 1-kΩ - 10-kΩ pull-up resistor to VCCPD in the dedicated IO bank which the JTAG pin resides.
TDO Output
JTAG test data output pin for instructions as well as test and programming data. Data is shifted out on the falling edge of the TCK pin. This pin is tri-stated if the data is not being shifted out of the device.
To disable the JTAG circuitry, leave the TDO pin unconnected. In cases where the TDO pin uses VCCPD = 2.5 V to drive a 3.3 V JTAG interface, there may be leakage current in the TDI input buffer of the
Optional/Dual-Purpose Configuration
Input (PS, FPP)
Dedicated bidirectional clock pin.
In the PS and FPP configuration schemes, the DCLK pin is the clock input used to clock configuration data from an external source into the Arria V device.
In the AS configuration scheme, the DCLK pin is an output clock to clock the EPCS or EPCQ device.
Do not leave this pin floating. Drive this pin either high or low.
Preliminary PCG-01013-1.4
The rules differ from one device to another based on device density, package, I/O assignments, voltage assignments, and other f actors that are not fully described in this document or the device handbook.
Arria V (transceiver-based device) Pin
Pin Type (1st and
2nd Function)
Pin Description Connection Guidelines
To disable the JTAG circuitry, connect the TMS pin to VCCPD using a 1-kΩ resistor.
To disable the JTAG circuitry, connect the TDI pin to VCCPD using a 1-kΩ resistor.
interfacing devices. An external pull-up resistor tied to 3.3 V on their TDI pin may be used to eliminate the leakage current if needed.
Output (AS)
Pin Connection Guidelines Page 4 of 23
PCG-01013-1.4 Copyright © 2012 Altera Corp.
Arria® V Device Family Pin Connection Guide lines
Altera recommends that you create a Quartus® II design, enter your device I/O assignments, and compile the design. The Quartus II software will check your pin connections according to I /O assignment and placement rules.
I/O, Output
Optional output pin. This pin is an open­drain output pin by default and requires a
10-kΩ pull-up resistor. Active high signal
that indicates that the error detection circuitry has detected errors in the configuration SRAM bits. This pin is optional and is used when the CRC error detection circuitry is enabled.
When you use the dedicated CRC_ERROR pin configured as an open-dr ain output, connect this pin to an external 10-kΩ pull-up resistor to
DEV_CLRn I/O, Input
Optional input pin that allows you to override all clears on all the device registers. When this pin is driven low, all registers are cleared. When this pin is driven high (VCCPGM), all registers behave as programmed.
When you do not use the dedicated input DEV_CLRn pin, and when this pin is not used as an I/O pin, Altera recommends connecting this
DEV_OE I/O, Input
Optional input pin that allows you to override all tri-states on the device. When this pin is driven low, all I/O pins are tri-stated. When this pin is driven high (VCCPGM), all I/O pins behave as programmed.
When you do not use the dedicated input DEV_OE pin, and when this pin is not used as an I/O pin, Altera recommends connecting this pin
DATA[5:15] I/O, Input
Dual-purpose configuration data input pins. These pins are required for the FPP configuration scheme. Use DATA [5:7] pins for FPP x8, DATA [5:15] pins for FPP x16. You can use the pins that are not required for configuration as regular I/O pins.
When you do not use the DATA[5:15] input pins, and when these pins are not used as I/O pins, Altera recommends leaving these pins
I/O, Output
This is a dual-purpose pin and can be used as an I/O pin when not enabled as an INIT_DONE pin in the Quartus II software. When this pin is enabled, a transition from low to high on the pin indicates that the device has entered user mode. If the INIT_DONE output pin option is enabled in the Quartus II software, the INIT_DONE pin cannot be used as a user I/O pin after configuration.
When you use the dedicated INIT_DONE pin configured as an open-drain output pin, connect this pin to an external 10-kΩ pull-up res istor to
Optional user-supplied clock input. Synchronizes the initialization of one or more devices. If this pin is not enabled for use as a user-supplied configuration clock, it can be used as a user I/O pin.
When you do not use the CLKUSR pin as a configuration clock input pin, and when the pin is not used as an I/O pin, Altera recommends
Preliminary PCG-01013-1.4
The rules differ from one device to another based on device density, package, I/O assignments, voltage assignments, and other f actors that are not fully described in this document or the device handbook.
Arria V (transceiver-based device) Pin
Pin Type (1st and
2nd Function)
Pin Description Connection Guidelines
VCCPGM. When you do not use the dedicated CRC_ERROR configured as an open-drain output, and when this pin is not used as an I/O pin, connect this pin as defined in the Quartus II software.
pin to GND.
to GND.
VCCPGM. In Active Serial (AS) multi-device configuration mode, Altera recommends that the INIT_DONE output pin option is enabled in the Quartus II software for devices in the configuration chain. Do not tie INIT_DONE pins together between master and slave devices. Monitor the INIT_DONE status for each device to ensure successful transition into user-mode. When you do not use the dedicated INIT_DONE pin configured as open-drain output pin, and when this pin is not used as an I/O pin, Altera recommends connecting this pin as defined in the Quartus II software.
connecting this pin to GND.
Pin Connection Guidelines Page 5 of 23
PCG-01013-1.4 Copyright © 2012 Altera Corp.
Arria® V Device Family Pin Connection Guide lines
Altera recommends that you create a Quartus® II design, enter your device I/O assignments, and compile the design. The Quartus II software will check your pin connections according to I /O assignment and placement rules.
I/O, Output
The CVP_CONFDONE pin is driven low during configuration. When Configuration via Protocol (CvP) is complete, this signal is released and is pulled high by an external pull-up resistor. Status of this pin is only valid if the CONF_DONE pin is high.
When you use the dedicated CvP_CONFDO NE pin configured as an open-drain output pin, connect this pin to an external 10-kΩ pull-up
nPERST[L0,R0] I/O, Input
Dedicated fundamental reset pins. These pins are only available when you use
them together with the PCI Express (PCIe
When these pins are low, the transceivers are in reset.
When these pins are high, the transceivers are out of reset.
When these pins are not used as the fundamental reset, these pins may be used as user I/O pins.
Connect these pins as defined in the Quartus II software.
Partial reconfiguration request pin. Drive this pin high to start partial reconfiguration. Drive this pin low to end reconfiguration. This pin can only be used in partial reconfiguration using the external host mode in the FPP x16 configuration scheme.
When you do not use the dedicated input PR_REQUEST pin, and when this pin is not used as an I/O pin, Altera recommends connecting PR_READY
I/O, Output or Output
The partial reconfiguration ready pin is driven low until the device is ready to begin partial reconfiguration. When the device is ready to start reconfiguration, this signal is released and is pulled high by an external pull-up resistor.
When you use the dedicated PR_READY pin configured as an open-drain output pin, connect this pin to an external 10- kΩ pull-up resistor to
I/O, Output or Output
The partial reconfiguration error pin is driven low during partial reconfiguration unless the device detects an error. If an error is detected, this signal is released and pulled high by an external pull-up resistor.
When you use the dedicated PR_ERROR pin configured as an open-drain output pin, c onnect this pin to an external 10-kΩ pull-up resistor to
Preliminary PCG-01013-1.4
The rules differ from one device to another based on device density, package, I/O assignments, voltage assignments, and other f actors that are not fully described in this document or the device handbook.
Arria V (transceiver-based device) Pin
Partial Reconfiguration Pins
Pin Type (1st and
2nd Function)
Pin Description Connection Guidelines
resistor to VCCPGM. When you do not use the dedicated CvP_CONFDONE pin configured as open-drain output pin, and when this pin is not used as an I/O pin, Altera recommends connecting this pin as defined in the Quartus II software.
) hard IP.
this pin to GND.
VCCPGM. When you do not use the dedicated PR_READY pin configured as open-drain output pin, and when this pin is not used as an I/O pin, Altera recommends connecting this pin as defined in the Quartus II software.
VCCPGM. When you do not use the dedicated PR_ERROR pin configured as open-drain output pin, and when this pin is not used as an I/O pin, Altera recommends connecting this pin as defined in the Quartus II software.
Pin Connection Guidelines Page 6 of 23
PCG-01013-1.4 Copyright © 2012 Altera Corp.
Arria® V Device Family Pin Connection Guide lines
Altera recommends that you create a Quartus® II design, enter your device I/O assignments, and compile the design. The Quartus II software will check your pin connections according to I /O assignment and placement rules.
I/O, Output or Output
The partial reconfiguration done pin is driven low until the partial reconfiguration is complete. When the reconfiguration is complete, this signal is released and is pulled high by an external pull-up resistor.
When you use the dedicated PR_DONE pin configured as an open-drain output pin, connec t this pin to an external 10-kΩ pull-up resistor to
I/O, RX channel
These are true LVDS receiver channels on column I/O banks. Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins. OCT Rd is supported on all DIFFIO_RX pins.
Connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus II software.
I/O, TX channel
These are true LVDS transmitter channels on column I/O banks. Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins.
Connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus II software.
I/O, TX channel
These are emulated LVDS output channels. All the user I/Os, including I/Os with true LVDS input buffers, can be configured as emulated LVDS output buffers. External resistor network is needed for emulated LVDS output buffers.
Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins
Connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus II software.
DQS[#][B,T,R] I/O, bidirectional
Optional data strobe signal for use in external memory interfacing. These pins drive to dedicated DQS phase shift circuitry. The shifted DQS signal can also drive to internal logic.
Connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus II software.
Preliminary PCG-01013-1.4
The rules differ from one device to another based on device density, package, I/O assignments, voltage assignments, and other f actors that are not fully described in this document or the device handbook.
Arria V (transceiver-based device) Pin
Differential I/O Pins
Pin Type (1st and
2nd Function)
Pin Description Connection Guidelines
VCCPGM. When you do not use the dedicated PR_DONE pin configured as open-drain output pin, and when this pin is not used as an I/O pin, Altera recommends connecting this pin as defined in the Quartus II software.
External Memory Interface Pins
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