Altera Partial Reconfiguration IP Core User Manual

CB Interface Controller
Freeze/Unfreeze Controller
Data Source Controller
JTAG Debug
PR Data Interface
FPGA Control Block (CB) Interface Module
Main Controller Module
PR Data Source Interface Module
1. The main controller module handles all the handshaking signals of the CB interface and processes the incoming data, as needed, before sending to the PRBLOCK. It also handles the freeze/un-freeze PR interface.
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Partial Reconfiguration IP Core
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Partial reconfiguration (PR) is fully supported in the Stratix® V device family, which offers you the ability to reconfigure part of the design's core logic such as LABs, MLABs, DSP, and RAM, while the remainder of the design continues running. The PR IP core can be implemented through the Qsys Interface, or via the Quartus II® IP Catalog.
Partial reconfiguration is performed through either an internal host residing in the core logic or as an external host via dedicated PR pins. The advantage of the internal host is that you can store all the logic needed for PR on the device, without the need for external devices.
Figure 1: PR IP core Components
When you instantiate the PR IP core, the Main Controller module which includes the Control Block Interface Controller, Freeze/Unfreeze Controller, and the Data Source Controller are all instantiated. A Data Source Interface module provides you with a JTAG Debug Interface and PR Data Interface. If you choose to use the PR IP core as an internal host, it automatically instantiates the corresponding crcblock and prblock WYSIWYG atom primitives.
If it is used as external host (placed in another FPGA or CPLD), the PR IP core provides the crcblock
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and prblock WYSIWYG atom primitive as interface ports so that you can connect to the dedicated PR pins and CRC_ERROR pin on the target FPGA undergoing partial reconfiguration.
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IP Core
PR Region
PR Bitstream
file (.rbf) in
external memory
PR Control Block (CB)
PR Region
PR Bitstream
file (.rbf) in
external memory

Instantiating the Partial Reconfiguration IP Core in the Qsys Interface

Figure 2: Managing Partial Reconfiguration with an Internal or External Host
The figure shows how these blocks should be connected to the PR control block (CB). In your system, you will have either the external host or the internal host, but not both. During PR, the PR Control Block (CB) is in Passive Parallel x16 programming mode.
Related Information
FPGA Control Block Interface on page 15
Control Block Interface Controller on page 17
Freeze and Unfreeze Controls on page 18
Data Source Controller on page 18
Standard Partial Reconfiguration Data Interface on page 18
JTAG Debug Mode for Partial Reconfiguration on page 19
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Instantiating the Partial Reconfiguration IP Core in the Qsys Interface
Partial Reconfiguration(PR) is available as a Qsys component through the Qsys interface.You can choose to instantiate the core as an internal host or an external host.
When instantiated with Qsys, PR is configured as a Conduit interface, or by enabling the Avalon Memory Map Slave interface. If you use Qsys and want PR included as component, you must instantiate the PR IP core in the Qsys interface.
To instantiate the PR IP core with Qsys:
1. Click Tools > Qsys
2. In the Qsys interface IP Catalog expand Basic Functions > Configuration and Programming and select Partial Reconfiguration.
3. Configure your IP core variation using the settings appropriate to your design.
Partial Reconfiguration IP Core
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Figure 3: Partial Reconfiguration IP Core in the Qsys Interface

Instantiating the Partial Reconfiguration IP Core in the Quartus II IP Catalog

4. Turn on Enable Avalon-MM slave interface to use the Avalon Memory Map Slave interface rather than the Conduit interface.
5. Click Finish.
Related Information
Instantiating the Partial Reconfiguration IP Core in the Quartus II IP Catalog on page 3
Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Parameters on page 6
Creating a System With Qsys
Instantiating the Partial Reconfiguration IP Core in the Quartus II IP Catalog
Partial Reconfiguration(PR) is available from the IP Catalog.You can choose to instantiate the core as an internal host or an external host.
If you are not using PR as a component of the Qsys interface, then you can instantiate PR with the Quartus II IP Catalog.
The PR IP core can be instantiated as the internal host for Stratix V devices. When internal host is specified, both prblock and crcblock WYSIWYG atom primitives are auto-instantiated as part of the
Partial Reconfiguration IP Core
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Instantiating the Partial Reconfiguration IP Core in the Quartus II IP Catalog
design. You can instantiate the PR IP core as the external host on any supported Altera devices as specified in the user selectable device family list.
1. Click Tools > IP Catalog.
2. Expand Installed IP > Library > Basic Functions > Configuration and Programming and select Partial Reconfiguration.
3. In the Save IP Variation dialog box, name your partial reconfiguration IP variation. Choose whether to use Verilog or VHDL. Click OK to save your variation.
4. Configure your IP core variation using the s appropriate to your design.
Figure 4: Partial Reconfiguration IP Core in the IP Catalog
5. Turn on Enable Avalon-MM slave interface to use the Avalon Memory Map Slave interface rather
6. Click Finish.
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than the Conduit interface.
The IP Catalog instantiates your IP core variation and displays a completion dialog box.
Partial Reconfiguration IP Core
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Static Region
PR Region
Persona A
PR Bitstream
Persona B
from Same
PR Bitstream
Persona B
from Different
Incompatible PRPOF
(Will Corrupt the design
and May Damage Device)
PR Bitstream (.rbf)
7. Click Exit.

Bitstream Compatibility Check

Related Information
Instantiating the Partial Reconfiguration IP Core in the Qsys Interface on page 2
Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Parameters on page 6
Bitstream Compatibility Check
Turn on the Enable bitstream compatibility check when instantiaing the PR IP core from either Qsys or the IP Catalog to have the Quartus II software verify the partial reconfiguration PR Bitstream file (.rbf). If an incompatible bitstream is detected, the PR operation aborts and the status output reports an error.
This prevents you from accidentally corrupting the static region of your design with a bitstream from an incompatible .rbf and risking damage to the chip being programmed.
Partial Reconfiguration IP Core
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Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Parameters

When Enable bitstream compatibility check is turned on, the PR IP core creates a PR bitstream ID and displays it in the configuration dialog box.
Related Information
Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Parameters on page 6
Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Ports on page 8
Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Parameters
IP Core Option Value Default Description
Use as PR Internal Host
Enable JTAG debug mode
Enable Avalon-MM slave interface
On or Off
On or Off
On or Off
Turn on this option to use the PR IP core as an internal host. Both prblock and crcblock WYSIWYG atom primitives are auto-instantiated as part of your design. Disable this option to use the PR IP core as an external host. You must connect additional interface signals to the dedicated PR pins or the external
prblock and crcblock
WYSIWYG atom primitives interface signals if the PR IP core is used as an external host.
Turn on this option to access the PR IP core with the Programmer to perform partial reconfigura‐ tion.
Turn on this option to use the Avalon Memory Map slave interface
Enable bitstream compatibility check
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On or Off
Off Turn on this option to check the
bitstream compatibility during PR operations for External Host. The bitstream compatibility check feature is always enabled for PR Internal Host. The PR bitstream ID value must be specified if this option is enabled for PR External Host.
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Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Parameters
IP Core Option Value Default Description
PR bitstream ID -2147483648 to
Input Data Width
Target device familiy for partial reconfiguration
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 16 Specifies the data width in bits.
"Arria V", "Arria V GZ", "Cyclone V", "Stratix V"
Clock-to-Data ratio 1, 2, or 4
0 Specifies a signed 32-bit integer
value of the PR bitstream ID for External Host. This value must match the PR bitstream ID generated during compilation for the target PR design. The PR bitstream ID value of the target PR design can be found in the Assembler compilation report (.asm.rpt).
This option affects the data[] bus width.
"Stratix V" Select the target device family for
partial reconfiguration when the PR megafunction is used as External Host.
Note: This option is ignored
for PR Internal Host.
Specifies the ratio between PR clock and PR data. Select '1' for plain PR data, '2' for encrypted PR data, or '4' for compressed PR data (with or without encryption)
Divide error detection frequency by
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256
Only available when the IP core is used as an Internal Host where the crcblock WYSIWYG atom primitive is auto-instantiated as part of the design.
Specifies the divide value of the internal clock, which determines the frequency of the error detection CRC. The divide value must be a power of two. Refer to the device handbook to find the frequency of the internal clock for the selected device.
Related Information
Using the Avalon Memory Mapped Slave Interface on page 13
Avalon Memory Map Slave Interface Read and Write Transfer Timing on page 17 For more information on the timing specification for the Avalon Memory Mapped Slave interface.
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Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Ports

Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Ports
I/O Port List for PR IP Core
Table 1: Clock/Reset Ports
These options are always available.
Port Name Width Direction Function
Table 2: Conduit Interface
This option is always available.
Port Name Width Direction Function
Input Asynchronous reset for the PR
IP core. Set high to enable partial reconfiguration. Set low to prevent partial reconfiguration and reset the state machine in the PR IP core.
Input User input clock to the PR IP
core. This signal is ignored during
JTAG debug operations.
Output Active high signal used to freeze
the PR interface signals of the region undergoing partial reconfiguration. De-assertion of this signal indicates the end of PR operation.
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Partial Reconfiguration IP Core
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Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Ports
Table 3: Conduit Interface
These options are available when Enable Avalon-MM slave interface parameter is turned Off.
Port Name Width Direction Function
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32
Input A signal arriving at this port
asserted high initiates a PR event. You must assert this signal high for a minimum of one clock cycle and de-assert it low prior to the end of the PR operation so that the PR IP core is ready to accept the next pr_start trigger event when the freeze signal is low.
This signal is ignored during JTAG debug operations.
Input Selectable input PR data bus
width, either x1, x2, x4, x8, x16, or x32.
Once a PR event is triggered, it is synchronous with the rising edge of the clk signal whenever the
data_valid signal is high and
the data_read signal is high. This signal is ignored during
JTAG debug operations.
Input A signal arriving at this port
asserted high indicates the
data[] port contains valid data.
This signal is ignored during JTAG debug operations.
Output A signal arriving at this port
asserted high indicates the PR IP core is ready to read the valid data on the data[] port whenever the data_valid signal is asserted high. The data sender must stop sending valid data if this port is low.
This signal deasserted low during JTAG debug operations.
Partial Reconfiguration IP Core
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