Altera Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition User Manual

Cyclone II Edition Reference Manual

101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134

Nios Development Board

Development Board Version 6XX-40020R Document Version 1.3 Document Date May 2007
Part Number MNL-N051805-1.3
ii Altera Corporation


About this Manual................................................................................... v
How to Contact Altera .............................................................................................................................. v
Typographic Conventions ...................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1. Overview
Features Overview ................................................................................................................................. 1–1
General Description ............................................................................................................................... 1–1
Factory-Programmed Reference Design ............................................................................................ 1–2
Chapter 2. Board Components
Component List ...................................................................................................................................... 2–1
Cyclone II EP2C35 Device (U62) ......................................................................................................... 2–3
Push-Button Switches (SW0 - SW3) .................................................................................................... 2–4
Individual LEDs (D0 - D7) .................................................................................................................... 2–5
Seven-Segment LEDs (U8 & U9) ........................................................................................................ 2–5
SSRAM Chip (U74) ................................................................................................................................ 2–6
DDR SDRAM Chip (U63) ..................................................................................................................... 2–9
Flash Memory (U5) .............................................................................................................................. 2–11
Ethernet MAC/PHY (U4) & RJ45 Connector (RJ1) ........................................................................ 2–13
Serial Connector (J19) ......................................................................................................................... 2–15
Expansion Prototype Connectors (PROTO1 & PROTO2) ............................................................. 2–16
CompactFlash Connector (CON3) .................................................................................................... 2–23
PMC Connector (JH1 & JH2) .............................................................................................................. 2–26
Mictor Connector (J25) ........................................................................................................................ 2–29
Test Points (TP1 – TP8) ....................................................................................................................... 2–31
EPCS64 Serial Configuration Device (U69) ..................................................................................... 2–32
Configuration Controller Device (U3) .............................................................................................. 2–33
Configuration-Status LEDs ........................................................................................................... 2–33
Configuration & Reset Buttons .................................................................................................... 2–34
SW8 – CPU Reset ...................................................................................................................... 2–34
SW9 – Factory Config ............................................................................................................... 2–35
SW10 – Reset, Config ................................................................................................................ 2–35
Reset Distribution ........................................................................................................................... 2–36
Starting Configuration ................................................................................................................... 2–36
Factory & User Configurations .................................................................................................... 2–36
Configuration Process ................................................................................................................... 2–37
Flash Memory Partitions ............................................................................................................... 2–38
User Application Space ............................................................................................................ 2–38
User Configuration ................................................................................................................... 2–39
Factory Configuration .............................................................................................................. 2–39
Persistent Data ........................................................................................................................... 2–39
Altera Corporation iii
Contents Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition
JTAG Connectors (J24 & J5) ............................................................................................................... 2–39
JTAG Connector to FPGA (J24) ....................................................................................................2–39
JTAG Connector to EPM7256AE Device (J5) .............................................................................. 2–41
Clock Circuitry ..................................................................................................................................... 2–41
Power-Supply Circuitry ...................................................................................................................... 2–44
Appendix A. Restoring the Factory Configuration
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... A–1
Reprogramming the Flash Memory ................................................................................................... A–1
Reprogramming the EPM7256AE Configuration Controller Device ............................................ A–1
Appendix B. Connecting to the Board via Ethernet
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... B–1
Connecting the Ethernet Cable ........................................................................................................... B–1
Connecting the LCD Screen ........................................................................................................... B–2
Obtaining an IP Address ................................................................................................................ B–2
LAN Connection ....................................................................................................................... B–3
DHCP .................................................................................................................................... B–3
Static IP Address .................................................................................................................. B–3
Point–to–Point Connections .................................................................................................... B–4
Browsing to Your Board ...................................................................................................................... B–5
iv Altera Corporation

About this Manual

This manual provides details about the Nios® development board, Cyclone™ II Edition.Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition
The table shows this document’s revision history.
Date & Revision Description
May 2007, 1.3 Corrected Figure 1-1 and Figure 2-21.
Revised “How to Contact Altera”.
Updated headers and footers.
October 2006, 1.2
June 2006, 1.1
May 2005, 1.0 First publication.
Corrected statement: LEDs D0 - D7 turn on when driven
to 0, not 1.
Updated headers and footers.
Updated part numbers to RoHS compliant parts
Corrected D7 pin information in LED pin table
Removed pin labels from J19 figure
Added J19 pin table
Changed PROTO1 and PROTO2 figures to use board
net names
Added PROTO1 and PROTO2 pin tables
Corrected FPGA pin label for CON3 pin 9 in PMC
Connector pin table
Added new pin AE15 to PMC Connector pin table
Added U69 pin table
Corrected factory config button figure
Added pin and device information and corrected net
name for U3 Starting Configuration step 3
Improved clock circuitry figure
Added clock signal pin tables
How to Contact
For the most up-to-date information about Altera products, refer to the following table.
Contact (1)
Technical support Website
Technical training Website
Altera Corporation v May 2007 Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition
Contact Method
About this Manual
Contact Method
Contact (1)
Product literature Website
Altera literature services Email
Non-technical support (General)
(Software Licensing)
Note to table:
(1) You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative.
This document uses the typographic conventions shown below.
Visual Cue Meaning
Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters
bold type External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names,
Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters
Italic type Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type.
Command names, dialog box titles, checkbox options, and dialog box options are shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box.
filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold type. Examples: f
Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters. Example: AN 75:
High-Speed Board Design.
Examples: t
, \qdesigns directory, d: drive, chiptrip.gdf file.
, n + 1.
Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type. Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file.
Initial Capital Letters Keyboard keys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples:
Delete key, the Options menu.
“Subheading Title” References to sections within a document and titles of on-line help topics are
shown in quotation marks. Example: “Typographic Conventions.”
Courier type Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1,
tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix n, e.g., resetn.
Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For example: actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL keyword Courier.
1., 2., 3., and a., b., c., etc.
Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important.
v The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only.
vi Reference Manual Altera Corporation Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition May 2007
Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is important, such as the steps listed in a procedure.
c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an
SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in
Visual Cue Meaning
1 The hand points to information that requires special attention.
r The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key.
f The feet direct you to more information on a particular topic.
The caution indicates required information that needs special consideration and understanding and should be read prior to starting or continuing with the procedure or process.
The warning indicates information that should be read prior to starting or continuing the procedure or processes
About this Manual
Altera Corporation Reference Manual vii May 2007 Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition
About this Manual
viii Reference Manual Altera Corporation Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition May 2007

1. Overview

Features Overview

The Nios Development Board, Cyclone II Edition, provides a hardware platform for developing embedded systems based on Altera® Cyclone II devices. The Nios Development Board, Cyclone II Edition provides the following features:
Nios Development Board Cyclone II EditionA Cyclone II
EP2C35F672C5 or EP2C35F672C5N FPGA with 33,216 logic elements (LE) and 483,840 bits of on-chip memory
16 MBytes of flash memory
2 MBytes of synchronous SRAM
32 MBytes of double data rate (DDR) SDRAM
On-board logic for configuring the FPGA from flash memory
On-board Ethernet MAC/PHY device and RJ45 connector
Two 5.0 V-tolerant expansion/prototype headers each with access to
41 FPGA user I/O pins
CompactFlash connector for Type I CompactFlash cards
32-bit PMC Connector capable of 33 MHz and 66 MHz operation
Mictor connector for hardware and software debug
RS-232 DB9 serial port
Four push-button switches connected to FPGA user I/O pins
Eight LEDs connected to FPGA user I/O pins
Dual 7-segment LED display
JTAG connectors to Altera devices via Altera download cables
50 MHz oscillator and zero-skew clock distribution circuitry
Power-on reset circuitry

General Description

Altera Corporation 1–1 May 2007
The Nios development board comes pre-programmed with a Nios II processor reference design. Hardware designers can use the reference design as an example of how to build systems using the Nios II processor and to gain familiarity with the features included. Software designers can use the pre-programmed Nios II processor design on the board to begin prototyping software immediately.
This document describes the hardware features of the Nios development board, including detailed pin-out information, to enable designers to create custom FPGA designs that interface with all components on the board. A complete set of schematics, a physical layout database, and GERBER files for the development board are installed with the Nios II development tools in the <Nios II EDS install path>/documents directory.
f See the Nios II Development Kit, Getting Started User Guide for instructions
on setting up the Nios development board and installing Nios II development tools.
Figure 1–1shows a block diagram of the Nios development board.
Figure 1–1. Nios Development Board, Cyclone II Edition Block Diagram
Proto 1 Expansion
Prototype Connector
Proto 2 Expansion
Prototype Connector
Dual Seven-Segment Display
Factory­Programmed Reference
50MHz Oscillator
5.0 V Regulators
JTAG Connector
Mictor Connector
Compact Flash
Push-button Switches (4)
User LEDs (8)
16 Mbyte DDR SDRAM
2 Mbyte SSRAM
Vccint 1.2-V
Vccio 3.3-V
Cyclone II
EPCS64 Configuration
16 Mbyte Flash Memory
PMC Connector
When power is applied to the board, on-board logic configures the FPGA using hardware configuration data stored in flash memory. After successful configuration, the Nios II processor design in the FPGA wakes up and begins executing boot code from flash memory.
The board is factory-programmed with a default reference design. This reference design is a web server that delivers web pages via the Ethernet port. For further information on the default reference design, refer to Appendix B: Connecting to the Board via Ethernet.
1–2 Reference Manual Altera Corporation Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition May 2007
In the course of development, you might overwrite or erase the flash memory space containing the default reference design. Altera provides the flash image for the default reference design so you can return the board to its default state. Refer to Appendix A: Restoring the Factory Configuration for more information.
Altera Corporation Reference Manual 1–3 May 2007 Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition
1–4 Reference Manual Altera Corporation Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition May 2007

2. Board Components

Optional Power

Component List

This section introduces all the important components on the Nios development board. See Figure 2–1 and Table 2–1 for component locations and brief descriptions of all board features.
Figure 2–1. Nios Development Board
CPU Reset
Reset, Config
(J11, J12, J13)
(J15, J16, J17)
SW0 –SW3
Optional Power
Optional Power
Factory Config
Table 2–1. Nios Development Board, Cyclone II Edition Components & Interfaces
Board Designation Name Description
U62 Cyclone II FPGA EP2C35F672C5 or EP2C35F672C5N device.
User Interface
SW0 – SW3 Push-button switches Four momentary contact switches for user input to the
D0 – D7 Individual LEDs Eight individual LEDs driven by the FPGA.
U8, U9 Seven-segment LEDs Two seven-segment LEDs that display numeric
output from the FPGA.
Altera Corporation 2–1 May 2007
Board Components
Table 2–1. Nios Development Board, Cyclone II Edition Components & Interfaces (Continued)
Board Designation Name Description
U74 SSRAM memory 2 Mbytes of synchronous SRAM.
U5, LED7 Flash memory 16 Mbytes of nonvolatile memory for use by both the
U63 DDR SDRAM memory 32 Mbytes of DDR SDRAM.
FPGA and the configuration controller. LED7 lights whenever the flash chip-enable is asserted.
Connections & Interfaces
U4, RJ1 Ethernet MAC/PHY 10/100 Ethernet MAC/PHY chip connected to an RJ-
J19 Serial connector RS-232 serial connector with 5 V-tolerant buffers.
PROTO1 (J11, J12, J13) Expansion prototype
PROTO2 (J15, J16, J17) Expansion prototype
CON3 CompactFlash connector CompactFlash connector for memory expansion.
JH1, JH2 PMC connector Expansion connector for a PCI mezzanine card.
J25 Mictor connector Mictor connector providing access to 27 I/O pins on
TP1 – TP8 Test Points Test points providing access to eight FPGA I/O pins.
J24 JTAG connector JTAG connection to the FPGA allowing hardware
J5 JTAG connector
J27 EPCS configuration header Connects to the EPCS serial configuration device for
45 Ethernet connector.
Supports all RS-232 signals.
Expansion headers connecting to 41 I/O pins on the FPGA. Supplies 3.3V and 5.0V for use by a daughter card.
Expansion headers connecting to 41 I/O pins on the FPGA. Supplies 3.3V and 5.0V for use by a daughter card.
the FPGA. Allows debugging Nios II systems using a First Silicon Solutions (FS2) debug probe.
configuration using the
Quartus Nios II IDE.
JTAG connection to the MAX controller.
in-system programming.
II software and software debug using the
Configuration & Reset
U3 MAX Configuration controller Altera MAX EPM7256AE device used to configure
the FPGA from flash memory.
U69 Serial configuration device Altera EPCS64 low-cost serial configuration device to
configure the FPGA.
SW8 CPU Reset button Push-button switch to reboot the Nios II processor
configured in the FPGA.
2–2 Reference Manual Altera Corporation Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition May 2007
Board Components
Table 2–1. Nios Development Board, Cyclone II Edition Components & Interfaces (Continued)
Board Designation Name Description
SW9 Factory Config button Push-button switch to reconfigure the FPGA with the
factory-programmed reference design.
SW10 Reset, Config Push-button switch to reset the board.
LED0 – LED3, LED6 Configuration status LEDs LEDs that display the current configuration status of
the FPGA.
Clock Circuitry
Y2 Oscillator 50 MHz clock signal driven to FPGA.
J4 External clock input Connector to FPGA clock pin.
Power Supply
J26 DC power jack 16V DC unregulated power source.
D34 Bridge rectifier Power rectifier allows for center-negative or center-
positive power supplies.
J28, J29, J30, J33 (and more)
Optional Power Supply External power supply can be connected for high-
current applications.
The sections that follow describe each component in detail.
Cyclone II
U62 is a Cyclone II FPGA in a 672-pin FineLine BGA® package. Depending on the board revision, the part number is EP2C35F672C5 or
EP2C35 Device
EP2C35F672C5N. Table 2–2 lists the device features.
Table 2–2. Cyclone II EP2C35 Device Features
LEs 33,216
M4K Memory Blocks 105
Total RAM Bits 483,840
Embedded 18x18 Multiplier Blocks 35
PLLs 4
User I/O Pins 475
1 Preproduction builds of the Nios Development Board, Cyclone
II Editon have an EP2C35F6728ES device.
Altera Corporation Reference Manual 2–3 May 2007 Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition
Board Components
f For Cyclone II-related documentation including pin out data for the
The development board provides two separate methods for configuring the FPGA:
1. Using the Quartus
II software running on a host computer, a designer configures the device directly via an Altera download cable connected to the FPGA JTAG header (J24).
2. When power is applied to the board, a configuration controller device (U3) attempts to configure the FPGA with hardware configuration data stored in flash memory. For more information on the configuration controller, refer to “Configuration Controller
Device (U3)” on page 2–33.
EP2C35 device, see the Altera Cyclone II literature page at
Push-Button Switches (SW0 ­SW3)
SW0 – SW3 are momentary-contact push-button switches to provide stimulus to designs in the FPGA. Refer to Figure 2–2. Each switch is connected to an FPGA general-purpose I/O pin with a pull-up resistor as shown in Ta bl e 2– 3. Each I/O pin perceives a logic 0 when its corresponding switch is pressed.
Figure 2–2. Push-Button Switches (SW0 – SW3)
Table 2–3. Push Button Switches Pin Table
Button FPGA Pin Board Net Name
SW0 Y11 user_pb0
SW1 AA10 user_pb1
SW2 AB10 user_pb2
SW3 AE6 user_pb3
2–4 Reference Manual Altera Corporation Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition May 2007
Board Components

Individual LEDs (D0 - D7)

Seven-Segment LEDs (U8 & U9)

This Nios development board provides eight individual LEDs connected to the FPGA. Refer to “Push-Button Switches (SW0 - SW3)” on page 2–4. D0 – D7 are connected to general purpose I/O pins on the FPGA as shown in Ta bl e 2– 4. When a pin drives logic 0, the corresponding LED turns on.
Table 2–4. LED Pin Table
LED FPGA Pin Board Net Name
D0 AC10 pld_led0
D1 W11 pld_led1
D2 W12 pld_led2
D3 AE8 pld_led3
D4 AF8 pld_led4
D5 AE7 pld_led5
D6 AF7 pld_led6
D7 AA11 pld_led7
U8 and U9 connect to the FPGA, and each segment is individually controlled by a general-purpose I/O pin. Refer to Figure 2–3. When a pin drives logic 0, the corresponding U8 and U9 LED turns on. See Table 2–5 for pin-out details.
Figure 2–3. Dual Seven-Segment Display
U8 U9
Altera Corporation Reference Manual 2–5 May 2007 Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition
Board Components
Table 2–5. Dual Seven-Segment Display
FPGA Pin U8 & U9 Pin Pin Function Board Net Name
AE13 10 a hex_0A
AF13 9 b hex_0B
AD12 8 c hex_0C
AE12 5 d hex_0D
AA12 4 e hex_0E
Y12 2 f hex_0F
U12 7 dp hex_0DP
V14 10 a hex_1A
AD11 8 c hex_1C
AE11 5 d hex_1D
AE10 4 e hex_1E
AF10 2 f hex_1F
AD10 3 g hex_1G
AC11 7 dp hex_1DP

SSRAM Chip (U74)

U74 is a 32-bit, 2 Mbyte Cypress SSRAM chip. Depending on the board revision, the part number is CY7C1380C-167AC or CY7C1380D-167AXC. The chip is rated for synchronous accesses up to 167 MHz. U74 connects to the FPGA so it can be used by a Ni os II emb edded processor as general­purpose memory. The factory-programmed Nios II reference design identifies the SSRAM devices in its address space as a contiguous 2 Mbyte, 32-bit-wide, zero-wait-state main memory.
2–6 Reference Manual Altera Corporation Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition May 2007
Board Components
Table 2–6 shows all connections between the FPGA and the SSRAM chip.
Table 2–6. SSRAM Pin Table
FPGA Pin U74 Pin Pin Function Board Net Name
AB3 37 A0 ssram_a0
AB4 36 A1 ssram_a1
G5 35 A2 ssram_a2
G6 34 A3 ssram_a3
B2 33 A4 ssram_a4
B3 32 A5 ssram_a5
C2 38 NC/A19 ssram_a6
C3 39 NC/A20 ssram_a7
L9 42 A6 ssram_a8
F7 43 A7 ssram_a9
L10 44 A8 ssram_a10
J5 45 A9 ssram_a11
L4 46 A10 ssram_a12
C6 47 A11 ssram_a13
A4 48 A12 ssram_a14
B4 49 A13 ssram_a15
A5 50 A14 ssram_a16
B5 81 A15 ssram_a17
B6 82 A16 ssram_a18
A6 99 A17 ssram_a19
C4 100 A18 ssram_a20
G9 85 ADSC_N ssram_adsc_n
M3 93 BE_n0 ssram_be_n0
M2 94 BE_n1 ssram_be_n1
M4 95 BE_n2 ssram_be_n2
M5 96 BE_n3 ssram_be_n3
C7 98 CE1_n ssram_ce1_n
L2 52 D0 ssram_d0
L3 53 D1 ssram_d1
L7 56 D2 ssram_d2
L6 57 D3 ssram_d3
N9 58 D4 ssram_d4
Altera Corporation Reference Manual 2–7 May 2007 Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition
Board Components
Table 2–6. SSRAM Pin Table (Continued)
FPGA Pin U74 Pin Pin Function Board Net Name
P9 59 D5 ssram_d5
K1 62 D6 ssram_d6
K2 63 D7 ssram_d7
K4 68 D8 ssram_d8
K3 69 D9 ssram_d9
J2 72 D10 ssram_d10
J1 73 D11 ssram_d11
H2 74 D12 ssram_d12
H1 75 D13 ssram_d13
J3 78 D14 ssram_d14
J4 79 D15 ssram_d15
H3 18 D24 ssram_d16
H4 19 D25 ssram_d17
G1 22 D26 ssram_d18
G2 23 D27 ssram_d19
F2 24 D28 ssram_d20
F1 25 D29 ssram_d21
K8 28 D30 ssram_d22
K7 29 D31 ssram_d23
G4 2 D16 ssram_d24
G3 3 D17 ssram_d25
K6 6 D18 ssram_d26
K5 7 D19 ssram_d27
E2 8 D20 ssram_d28
E1 9 D21 ssram_d29
J8 12 D22 ssram_d30
J7 13 D23 ssram_d31
D5 86 OE_n ssram_oe_n
J9 87 WE_n ssram_we_n
D7 84 ADSP_n ssram_adsp_n
H10 83 ADV_n ssram_adv_n
B7 97 CE2 ssram_ce2
A7 92 CE3_n ssram_ce3_n
2–8 Reference Manual Altera Corporation Nios Development Board Cyclone II Edition May 2007
+ 44 hidden pages