Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For
example: c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an actual
file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL keyword
SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in Courier.
1., 2., 3., and a., b., c.,... Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is
important, such as the steps listed in a procedure.
vThe checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only.
1The hand points to information that requires special attention.
rThe angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key.
fThe feet direct you to more information on a particular topic.
Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important.
Altera Corporation v
About this User Guide ...............................................................................................................................iii
How to Contact Altera .................................................................................................................. iv
Documentation Feedback ............................................................................................................. iv
MAC Addresses .............................................................................................................................11
Getting Started ............................................................................................................................................13
The NiosEthernet Development Kit (EDK) includes hardware and
software components that provide network connectivity for your Niosbased embedded systems. The components included in this kit are:
■A network-interface daughter card that can plug directly into the
Nios development board.
■An SOPC Builder library component that defines the logic and
interface signals necessary to use the daughter card in a Nios system.
■A C language library that provides a network-protocol stack. This
library includes support for raw Ethernet, address resolution
protocol (ARP), Internet protocol (IP), Internet control message
protocol (ICMP), user datagram protocol (UDP), and transmission
control protocol (TCP) protocols and utility routines for controlling
the daughter card hardware.
The kit includes APEXTM device hardware reference designs and example
software application programs. These reference designs and application
examples are intended as starting points to be modified by you for your
specific network-enabled application.
The Nios EDK library components and tools can be installed on Solaris,
HP-UX or PC-Windows (NT/2000/XP).
1The Nios Development Kit, featuring the Nios embedded
processor must be installed before you can use the Nios Ethernet
Development Kit.
The following items are included in the Nios EDK:
■Nios EDK daughter card based on the SMSC
PHY/MAC chip
■Male-to-male RJ-45 network cable
■Female-to-male crossover adapter, used for direct-PC connection
The Nios EDK CD-ROM contains the following files:
■SOPC library components
■PC-board schematic and layout files for the Nios EDK daughter card
–Nios 32-bit CPU for a single daughter card
–Nios 16-bit CPU for a single daughter card
–Nios 32-bit for dual-stacked daughter cards
■Example software applications:
–Library general demonstration and configuration programs
–Example web server
–Nios 32-bit CPU network-based GERMS monitor application
–Nios Ethernet Development Kit User Guide
The Nios EDK CD-ROM includes an InstallShield
installation wizard for
Windows workstations, and install scripts for Unix workstations. See
“Install the Hardware and Software Files” on page 16 for step-by-step
installation instructions.
The Nios EDK adds files to your SOPC Builder home <SOPC-HOME>
directory. By default, the install program adds the files to the SOPC
Builder home directory C:\Altera\Excalibur\sopc_builder_2_5. During
installation you have the option to add the SOPC Builder tool to another
directory. In this document, the SOPC Builder home directory is referred
to as <SOPC-HOME>. Below are the directories and files found in the
C:\Altera\Excalibur\sopc_builder_2_5default directory.
1To access the .vhdl default directory files, change /verilog/ to
/vhdl/in the default directory files shown for verilog.
10Altera Corporation
Nios Ethernet Development Kit User GuideOverview
■The PDF documentation files are in:
1For the most current version of this user guide, see
■A complete set of PC-board manufacturing documents for the
daughter card. This includes all design-files necessary to build and
assemble the daughter card board and components. These
documents are found in following directories:
The Nios EDK daughter card manufacturing and design documents give
you all the necessary information to build copies of the daughter card
yourself. You may also use these design files to copy and paste sections of
the daughter card design into your own custom PC-board schematic,
layout, or bill of materials (BOM).
All Ethernet devices require a unique 48-bit Ethernet media access control
(MAC) address. All Nios EDK kits ship with the same default MAC
address. This MAC address serves as a placeholder during development.
To obtain your own block of unique Ethernet MAC addresses for your
products, refer to the IEEE web site at
A single Nios EDK system can use the default MAC address on a LAN
without a conflict. However, two Nios EDK systems with the same MAC
address will cause conflicts. If you are using two or more Nios EDK
systems on the same LAN, you must assign a unique Ethernet MAC
address to each system.
The Nios Development Kit and the Nios EDK form a prototyping
platform for creating your custom embedded, networked system. These
development boards, reference designs, and applications allow you to
rapidly prototype your application.
Altera Corporation 11
Verify Kit
Getting Started
This section explains how to set up the Nios EDK daughter card, install
the Nios EDK files, load the hardware reference design into the board and
run the Ethernet application examples.
Verify the following items are included in your Nios Ethernet
Development Kit:
■Nios EDK daughter card based on the SMSC LAN 91C111
PHY/MAC chip
■Male-to-male RJ-45 network cable
■Female-to-male crossover adapter, used for direct-PC connection
■O’Reilly Internet Core Protocols Manual
■Nios Ethernet Development Kit User Guide
Getting Started
Set Up the
Daughter Card
The hardware reference designs included with the Nios EDK assume the
daughter card is connected to the prototype connectors JP8, JP9, and JP10
on the Nios development board and that your board is already set up.
If you are setting up your Nios development board for the first time, see
the Nios Embedded Processor Getting Started User Guide.
1.Verify that your Nios board is set up correctly and the power is off.
Altera Corporation 13
Getting StartedNios Ethernet Development Kit User Guide
1When connecting the daughter card, make sure you place the
card on the prototype connectors correctly as shown in Figure 1.
If you do not, the board may be permanently damaged.
2.Place the daughter card on the JP8, JP9, and JP10 prototype
Figure 2. Daughter Card Placement for Use with the APEX Reference Design
14Altera Corporation
Nios Ethernet Development Kit User GuideGetting Started
1The daughter card can also be placed on the JP11, JP12, and JP13
prototype connectors. However, the APEX hardware reference
designs shipped with the kit do not target these prototype
connectors and will need to be changed.
Figure 3. Alternative Placement of the Daughter Card
Getting Started
3.Connect the network cable to the daughter card.
If you are connected to a LAN or HUB:
Connect the male-to-male networking cable to the RJ-45 connector
on the daughter card as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Using the Nios EDK with a LAN or HUB
Altera Corporation 15
Getting StartedNios Ethernet Development Kit User Guide
If you are not using a LAN or HUB connection and are connected
directly to a workstation or PC Ethernet jack, insert the female-tomale RJ-45 crossover adapter to the networking cable and then
connect the adapter to the RJ-45 on the daughter card as shown in
Figure 5.
Figure 5. Using the Nios EDK with a Workstation or PC Ethernet Jack
Install the
Hardware and
Software Files
4.Connect the other end of the networking cable to your Ethernet LAN
or workstation.
The instructions below are for a Windows PC. These instructions assume
you have already installed or upgraded your Nios Development Kit to
version 2.1 or higher.
1.Insert the Nios EDK CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The
InstallShield installer begins automatically.
Unix users: See the readme text file for installation instructions.
16Altera Corporation
Nios Ethernet Development Kit User GuideGetting Started
2.Follow the installation instructions. The screen in Figure 6 appears
when you have completed the installation. Click Finish.
Figure 6. Install Completed
Getting Started
Load the
This section explains how you will use the Quartus
Nios ethernet reference design into the Nios development board. All
instructions assume you are using the Quartus II software.
1.Click the Start Menu > Programs > Altera > Nios Ethernet
Development Kit 2.0 > Nios Ethernet Development Kit Reference
2.In the Quartus II software, click the Open Programmer icon.
Figure 7. Quartus II Software Icons
Open Programmer Icon
II software to load the
Altera Corporation 17
Getting StartedNios Ethernet Development Kit User Guide
The Chain 1 dialog box appears as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Chain 1 Dialog Box
3.Click Add File. The Select File dialog box appears as shown in
Figure 9.
Figure 9. The Select File Dialog Box
18Altera Corporation
Nios Ethernet Development Kit User GuideGetting Started
4.Double-click the standard_lan91c111_32.sof file and the file appears
in the Chain 1 dialog box as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Chain 1 Dialog Box
Getting Started
5.Click the check box in the Program/Configure column as shown in
Figure 10.
6.Check the Programming Hardware section of the screen as shown in
Figure 10. ByteBlasterMV™ should appear in the Type field
selection. To change the type, click Setup and select ByteBlasterMV
from the Hardware Type drop-down list box.
Altera Corporation 19
Getting StartedNios Ethernet Development Kit User Guide
Figure 11. ByteBlasterMV Selection
1If ByteBlasterMV is not an available selection, you will need to
install the ByteBlasterMV driver.
Run Example
For information about installing the ByteBlasterMV driver, see the
Quartus II Installation & Licensing for PCs Manual at the Altera web site.
7.In the Chain 1 dailog box, click Start . See Figure 10 on page 19. The
two-digit seven-segment display on the Nios development board
turns off. When the download is completed, the Progress bar reads
100% and the dual seven-segment LED display lights turn on.
If you encounter a JTAG error, see the Nios Embedded Processor
Development Board Data Sheet for information on setting the switches
Using the Nios SDK Shell, you will now run the example applications.
Nios software is developed in the Bash environment. If you are unfamiliar
with the Bash environment, refer to the Nios Embedded Processor Software
Development Reference Manual for more information.
The Hello Plugs Application Example
To run Hello Plugs, follow these steps:
1.Click the Start Menu >Programs > Altera > Excalibur Nios 2.1> Nios SDK Shell. The SDK Shell window appears and displays the
SDK Shell prompt as shown in Figure 12 on page 21.
20Altera Corporation
Nios Ethernet Development Kit User GuideGetting Started
Figure 12. The Nios SDK Shell
Getting Started
2.At the prompt, type;
cd verilog/nios_dev_board/ethernet/
standard_lan91c111_32/cpu_sdk/src r
1If you installed the Nios EDK program in another directory,
make the appropriate change in step 2.
3.Type nios-build hello_plugs.c r
The default setting for the nios-run utility is <COM1>. For more
information about specifying another serial port when executing nios-run,see the Nios Embedded Processor Software Development Reference
4.Press SW3 to clear the Nios development board.
5.Type nios-run hello_plugs.srec r
The hello_plugs.srec file begins downloading to the board as
shown in Figure 13.
Altera Corporation 21
+ 47 hidden pages
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