iiDevelopment Kit Version 1.1.0Altera Corporation
MAX II Development Kit Getting Started User GuidePreliminaryJuly 2005
About This User Guide
Revision History ........................................................................................................................................ v
How to Contact Altera .............................................................................................................................. v
Typographic Conventions ...................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1. About This Kit
Features ................................................................................................................................................... 1–1
Chapter 2. Getting Started
System Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 2–1
MAX II Development Kit Contents ............................................................................................... 2–1
Inspect the Board ............................................................................................................................. 2–1
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For technical support or other information about Altera® products, go to
the Altera world-wide web site at www.altera.com. You can also contact
Altera through your local sales representative or any of the sources listed
800-800-EPLD (3753)
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time
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Altera Corporation Development Kit Version 1.1.0v
July 2005MAX II Development Kit Getting Started User Guide
Typographic Conventions
This document uses the typographic conventions shown below.
Visual CueMeaning
Bold Type with Initial
Capital Letters
bold type External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names,
Italic Type with Initial Capital
Italic type Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type.
Initial Capital LettersKeyboard keys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples:
“Subheading Title”References to sections within a document and titles of on-line help topics are
Courier type Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1,
1., 2., 3., and
a., b., c., etc.
● •Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important.
v The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only.
1 The hand points to information that requires special attention.
r The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key.
f The feet direct you to more information on a particular topic.
Command names, dialog box titles, checkbox options, and dialog box options are
shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box.
filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold
type. Examples: f
Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters. Example: AN 75:
High-Speed Board Design.
Examples: t
Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type.
Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file.
Delete key, the Options menu.
shown in quotation marks. Example: “Typographic Conventions.”
tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix n, e.g., resetn.
Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For
actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL
Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is
important, such as the steps listed in a procedure.
The caution indicates required information that needs special consideration and
understanding and should be read prior to starting or continuing with the
procedure or process.
The warning indicates information that should be read prior to starting or
continuing the procedure or processes
c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an
SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in
viDevelopment Kit Version 1.1.0Altera Corporation
MAX II Development Kit Getting Started User GuideJuly 2005
Chapter 1. About This Kit
The MAX®II Development Kit provides everything you need to develop
complete solutions using MAX II devices. Several demos and reference
designs are included to show some of the features and benefits of MAX II
CPLD devices, as well as provide a starting point for custom designs. This
document describes how to install the software provided with the kit and
how to use the demos and reference designs that accompany the MAX II
development board.
The MAX II Development Kit includes:
■MAX II Development Board—The MAX II development board is a
prototyping and evaluation platform that provides designers with
an easy way to assess the features of the MAX II device and to begin
building custom solutions with the MAX II device. Key features of
the board include an EPM1270 device along with current sense
circuitry, power-up time detection circuitry, SRAM, and an LCD.
Refer to the MAX II EPM1270 Development Board Data Sheet for more
II Development Software, Web Edition—The Quartus II
development software provides a comprehensive environment for
SOPC design. The Quartus II software integrates into nearly any
design environment, with interfaces to industry-standard EDA tools.
You can obtain a 4-month license for the software from the Altera
web site. The Quartus II license allows you to use the product for
four months only. After four months, you must get a renewal to keep
on using the software.
MegaCore function with the OpenCore
IP Functions—The kit contains the Altera pci_t32
Plus feature. This OpenCore
Plus feature lets you quickly and easily verify the IP function by
running a time-limited version in hardware before making a
purchase decision. The OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation feature
is an evaluation tool for prototyping only. You must purchase a
license to use an Altera MegaCore in production designs.
Altera Corporation Development Kit Version 1.1.01–1
July 2005MAX II Development Kit Getting Started User Guide
■Reference Designs/Demos—Altera provides several demos and
reference designs with the MAX II Development Kit to help you get
started building applications. See “Demo Designs” on page 2–7 and
“Reference Designs” on page 2–16 for more information on the
designs provided.
1–2Development Kit Version 1.1.0Altera Corporation
MAX II Development Kit Getting Started User GuideJuly 2005
Chapter 2. Getting Started
Before using the kit or installing the software, be sure to check the
contents of the kit and inspect the board to verify that you received all of
the items. If any of these items are missing, contact Altera
proceed. You should also verify that your PC meets the software and
system requirements of the kit.
before you
MAX II Development Kit Contents
The MAX®II Development Kit contains the following items:
■MAX II development board with an EPM1270 device
■ByteBlaster™ II Programming cable
■USB Type A-B cable
■MAX II Development Kit CD-ROM
II Development Software Web Edition CD-ROM
Inspect the Board
1The MAX II development board can be damaged without
proper anti-static handling.
Place the board on an anti-static surface and inspect it to ensure that it has
not been damaged during shipment. Verify that all components are on the
board and appear intact. Note that some components are purposefully
unpopulated. There are several resistors that are unpopulated, as well as
an EEPROM socket (J10).
fRefer to the MAX II EPM1270 Development Board Data Sheet (available on
the MAX II Development Kit CD-ROM) for information on the board
components and their locations.
Software Requirements
You should install the following software before you begin developing
designs for the kit:
■Internet Explorer 4.01 with Service Pack 2 or later to use Quartus II
Help. You need a web browser to register the Quartus II software and
request license files.
Altera Corporation Development Kit Version 1.1.02–1
July 2005MAX II Development Kit Getting Started User Guide
Installing the MegaCore Function & Reference Designs/Demos
■Altera recommends that you install the software that is on the
MAX II Development Kit CD-ROM. See “Installing the MegaCore
Function & Reference Designs/Demos”.
■Quartus II software version 4.1 SP1 or later. See “Installing the
Quartus II Software”.
Important Considerations
You need your network identification card (NIC) ID for licensing the
Quartus II software.
Your NIC number is a 12-digit hexadecimal number that identifies the
Windows NT workstation that serves Quartus II licenses. Networked (or
floating node) licensing requires an NIC number or server host ID. When
obtaining a license file for network licensing, you should use the NIC
number from the PC that will issue the Quartus II licenses to distributed
users over a network. You can find the NIC number for your card by
typing ipconfig /all at a command prompt. Your NIC number is the
number on the physical address line, without the dashes.
You need administrative privileges to install the required software.
Installing the
Function &
To install the MegaCore® functions and reference designs, insert the
MAX II Development Kit CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Copy the
files to your hard drive.
1The pci_t32 MegaCore function installer is available in the
PCI_ReferenceDesign/PCI_Megacore_Installer directory. To
take advantage of the evaluation version of this MegaCore,
install it in the directory of your choice.
Figure 2–1 shows the directory structure.
2–2Development Kit Version 1.1.0Altera Corporation
MAX II Development Kit Getting Started User GuideJuly 2005
Figure 2–1. MAX II Directory Structure
Getting Started
Installing the
Quartus II
Refer to “Installing the Quartus II Software” in the Quartus II Installation
& Licensing Manual for PCs, which is included on the MAX II Development
Kit CD-ROM, for the software installation instructions. After the software
finishes installing, you must request and install a license to enable it. See
“Setting Up Licensing ” on page 2–3 for more information.
Quartus II System Requirements
To use the MAX II Development Kit with the Quartus II software
provided with the kit, your system must meet the Quartus II software
minimum requirements. Refer to “System Requirements” in the
Quartus II Installation & Licensing Manual for PCs, which is included on the
MAX II Development Kit CD-ROM, for the software requirements.
Setting Up
Altera Corporation Development Kit Version 1.1.02–3
July 2005MAX II Development Kit Getting Started User Guide
Before using the Quartus II software, you must request a license file from
the Altera web site at www.altera.com/licensing and install it on your
PC. When you request a license file, Altera e-mails you a license.dat file
that enables the software. To obtain a license, perform the following steps:
1.Log on to the Altera web site at www.altera.com/licensing.
Connecting the Cables and Power to the Board & PC
2.Click Quartus II Web Edition Software.
3.Follow the on-line instructions to request your license. A license file
is e-mailed to you.
4.To install your license, refer to “Specifying the License File” in the
Quartus II Installation & Licensing Manual for PCs, included on the
MAX II Development Kit CD-ROM.
Connecting the
Cables and
Power to the
Board & PC
The MAX II Development Board obtains power from either the USB or
PCI interfaces. The three-pin jumper J8 controls whether power is
obtained via USB or PCI. The board ships with the power control option
set to USB (the shunt on J8 connects pins 1-2). To power the board from
the PCI Edge Connector, the shunt should be moved to pins 2-3.
To use the board outside of a PC chassis, you must connect the USB Type
A-B cable (included with the kit) from your PC to the board. The first time
you connect to your PC, the operating system will notify you that it
“Found New Hardware.” Windows XP automatically installs drivers for
you, while Windows NT and Windows 98 do not. The drivers are only
necessary if you are planning to use your PC to transfer data to and from
the MAX II development board. For more information, refer to
“Reference Design 1: USB Reference Design” on page 2–16.
ByteBlaster II Cable
The ByteBlaster II cable is used to download new programming files to
the MAX II device. The board supplies power to the ByteBlaster II
download cable. Connect the ByteBlaster II cable’s 10-pin female plug to
the MAX II device JTAG header on the board (J2) and connect the other
end to your PC to configure the MAX II device directly using a POF file.
1Align the ByteBlaster II connector so that the red strip is
orientated towards the Altera logo on the board.
the MAX II
2–4Development Kit Version 1.1.0Altera Corporation
MAX II Development Kit Getting Started User GuideJuly 2005
In order to program the MAX II device on the MAX II development
board, you must provide power to the board. The MAX II development
board can be powered via the USB or PCI interfaces. This section assumes
the board is being powered via USB. Refer to “Reference Design 3: PCI
Reference Design” on page 2–26 for details regarding programming
when the PCI bus is supplying power.
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