ALTERA MAX 3000A Service Manual

MAX 3000A
Programmable Logic
Device Family
High-performance, low-cost CMOS EEPROM-based programmable


logic devices (PLDs) built on a Multiple Array MatriX (MAX®) architecture (see Table 1)
3.3-V in-system programmability (ISP) through the built-in
IEEE Std. 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface with advanced pin-locking capability Built-in boundary-scan test (BST) circuitry compliant with
IEEE Std. 1149.1-1990 Enhanced ISP features:
Enhanced ISP algorithm for faster programming – ISP_Done bit to ensure complete programming – Pull-up resistor on I/O pins during in-system programming High-density PLDs ranging from 600 to 5,000 usable gates
4.5-ns pin-to-pin logic delays with counter frequencies of up to
227.3 MHz MultiVoltTM I/O interface enabling the device core to run at 3.3 V,
while I/O pins are compatible with 5.0-V, 3.3-V, and 2.5-V logic levels Pin counts ranging from 44 to 208 in a variety of thin quad flat pack
(TQFP), plastic quad flat pack (PQFP), and plastic J-lead chip carrier (PLCC) packages
Hot-socketing support Programmable interconnect array (PIA) continuous routing structure
for fast, predictable performance PCI compatible
Bus-friendly architecture including programmable slew-rate control
Open-drain output option
Table 1. MAX 3000A Device Features
Feature EPM3032A EPM3064A EPM3128A EPM3256A
Usable gates 600 1,250 2,500 5,000 Macrocells 32 64 128 256 Logic array blocks 2 4 8 16 Maximum user I/O
(ns) 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.5
tSU (ns) 2.9 2.8 3.3 3.9 t
(ns) 3.0 3.1 3.4 3.5
(MHz) 227.3 222.2 192.3 172.4
Altera Corporation 1
34 66 96 158
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
Programmable macrocell flipflops with individual clear, preset,

...and More Features

clock, and clock enable controls
Programmable power-saving mode for a power reduction of over 50% in each macrocell
Configurable expander product-term distribution, allowing up to 32 product terms per macrocell
Programmable security bit for protection of proprietary designs
Enhanced architectural features, including: – 6 pin- or logic-driven output enable signals – Two global clock signals with optional inversion – Enhanced interconnect resources for improved routability – Programmable output slew-rate control
Software design support and automatic place-and-route provided by the Altera® MAX+PLUS® II development system for Windows-based PCs and Sun SPARCstations, HP 9000 Series 700/800, and IBM RISC System/6000 workstations
Additional design entry and simulation support provided by EDIF 2 0 0 and 3 0 0 netlist files, library of parameterized modules (LPM), Verilog HDL, VHDL, and other interfaces to popular EDA tools from third-party manufacturers such as Cadence, Exemplar Logic, Mentor Graphics, OrCAD, Synopsys, Synplicity, and VeriBest
Programming support with the Altera master programming unit (MPU), MasterBlasterTM communications cable, ByteBlasterMVTM parallel port download cable, BitBlasterTM serial download cable as well as programming hardware from third-party manufacturers and any in-circuit tester that supports JamTM Standard Test and Programming Language (STAPL) Files ( Files (
), or Serial Vector Format Files (
), Jam STAPL Byte-Code

General Description

2 Altera Corporation
MAX 3000A devices are low-cost, high-performance devices based on the Altera MAX architecture. Fabricated with advanced CMOS technology, the EEPROM-based MAX 3000A devices operate with a 3.3-V supply voltage and provide 600 to 5,000 usable gates, ISP, pin-to-pin delays as fast as 4.5 ns, and counter speeds of up to 227.3 MHz. MAX 3000A devices in the -4, -5, -6, -7, and -10 speed grades are compatible with the timing requirements of the PCI Special Interest Group (PCI SIG)
Specification, Revision 2.2
. See Table 2.
PCI Local Bus
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
Table 2. MAX 3000A Speed Grades
Device Speed Grade
-4 -5 -6 -7 -10
EPM3032A EPM3064A EPM3128A EPM3256A
(1) Contact Altera for up-to-date information on the availability of this speed grade.
vvv vvv
vvv v (1)
The MAX 3000A architecture supports 100% transistor-to-transistor logic (TTL) emulation and high-density small-scale integration (SSI), medium-scale integration (MSI), and large-scale integration (LSI) logic functions. The MAX 3000A architecture easily integrates multiple devices ranging from PALs, GALs, and 22V10s to MACH, and pLSI devices. MAX 3000A devices are available in a wide range of packages, including PLCC, PQFP, and TQFP packages. See Table 3.
Table 3. MAX 3000A Maximum User I/O Pins
Device 44-Pin
EPM3032A 34 34 EPM3064A 34 34 66 EPM3128A 80 96 EPM3256A 116 158
(1) Contact Altera for up-to-date information on available device package options. (2) When the IEEE Std. 1149.1 (JTAG) interface is used for in-system programming or
boundary-scan testing, four I/O pins become JTAG pins.
Notes (1), (2)
MAX 3000A devices use CMOS EEPROM cells to implement logic functions. The user-configurable MAX 3000A architecture accommodates a variety of independent combinatorial and sequential logic functions. The devices can be reprogrammed for quick and efficient iterations during design development and debug cycles, and can be programmed and erased up to 100 times.
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MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
MAX 3000A devices contain 32 to 256 macrocells, combined into groups of 16 macrocells called logic array blocks (LABs). Each macrocell has a programmable­independently programmable clock, clock enable, clear, and preset functions. To build complex logic functions, each macrocell can be supplemented with shareable expander and high-speed parallel expander product terms to provide up to 32 product terms per macrocell.
MAX 3000A devices provide programmable speed/power optimization. Speed-critical portions of a design can run at high speed/full power, while the remaining portions run at reduced speed/low power. This speed/power optimization feature enables the designer to configure one or more macrocells to operate at 50% or lower power while adding only a nominal timing delay. MAX 3000A devices also provide an option that reduces the slew rate of the output buffers, minimizing noise transients when non-speed-critical signals are switching. The output drivers of all MAX 3000A devices can be set for 2.5 V or 3.3 V, and all input pins are
2.5-V, 3.3-V, and 5.0-V tolerant, allowing MAX 3000A devices to be used in mixed-voltage systems.
MAX 3000A devices are supported by the MAX+PLUS II development system, an integrated package that offers schematic, text—including VHDL, Verilog HDL, and the Altera Hardware Description Language (AHDL)—and waveform design entry, compilation and logic synthesis, simulation and timing analysis, and device programming. The MAX+PLUS II software provides EDIF 2 0 0 and 3 0 0, LPM, VHDL, Verilog HDL, and other interfaces for additional design entry and simulation support from other industry-standard PC- and UNIX­workstation-based EDA tools. The MAX+PLUS II software runs on Windows-based PCs, as well as Sun SPARCstation, HP 9000 Series 700/800, and IBM RISC System/6000 workstations.
/fixed-OR array and a configurable register with

Functional Description

4 Altera Corporation
For more information on development tools, see the
Programmable Logic Development System & Software Data Sheet
The MAX 3000A architecture includes the following elements:
Logic array blocks (LABs)
Expander product terms (shareable and parallel)
Programmable interconnect array (PIA)
I/O control blocks
The MAX 3000A architecture includes four dedicated inputs that can be used as general-purpose inputs or as high-speed, global control signals (clock, clear, and two output enable signals) for each macrocell and I/O pin. Figure 1 shows the architecture of MAX 3000A devices.
Figure 1. MAX 3000A Device Block Diagram
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
6 to 16 I/O
6 to 16 I/O
6 Output Enables
6 to 16
6 to 16


1 to 16
33 to 48
36 36
6 to 16
36 36
6 to 16
6 to 16
6 to 16
17 to 32
49 to 64
6 Output Enables
6 to 16
6 to 16
6 to 16 I/O
6 to 16 I/O

Logic Array Blocks

The MAX 3000A device architecture is based on the linking of high-performance LABs. LABs consist of 16-macrocell arrays, as shown in
Figure 1. Multiple LABs are linked together via the PIA, a global bus that
is fed by all dedicated input pins, I/O pins, and macrocells.
Each LAB is fed by the following signals:
36 signals from the PIA that are used for general logic inputs
Global controls that are used for secondary register functions
MAX 3000A macrocells can be individually configured for either sequential or combinatorial logic operation. Macrocells consist of three functional blocks: logic array, product-term select matrix, and programmable register. Figure 2 shows a MAX 3000A macrocell.
Altera Corporation 5
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
Figure 2. MAX 3000A Macrocell
LAB Local Array
Term Select Matrix
Parallel Logic Expanders (from other macrocells)
Global Clocks
Programmable Register
to I/O Control Block
36 Signals
from PIA
16 Expander
Product T erms
Shared Logic Expanders
to PIA
Combinatorial logic is implemented in the logic array, which provides five product terms per macrocell. The product-term select matrix allocates these product terms for use as either primary logic inputs (to the OR and
gates) to implement combinatorial functions, or as secondary inputs to the macrocell’s register preset, clock, and clock enable control functions.
Two kinds of expander product terms (“expanders”) are available to supplement macrocell logic resources:
Shareable expanders, which are inverted product terms that are fed
back into the logic array Parallel expanders, which are product terms borrowed from adjacent
The MAX+PLUS II development system automatically optimizes product-term allocation according to the logic requirements of the design.
For registered functions, each macrocell flipflop can be individually programmed to implement D, T, JK, or SR operation with programmable clock control. The flipflop can be bypassed for combinatorial operation. During design entry, the designer specifies the desired flipflop type; the MAX+PLUS II software then selects the most efficient flipflop operation for each registered function to optimize resource utilization.
6 Altera Corporation
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
Each programmable register can be clocked in three different modes:
Global clock signal mode, which achieves the fastest clock-to-output performance.
Global clock signal enabled by an active-high clock enable. A clock enable is generated by a product term. This mode provides an enable on each flipflop while still achieving the fast clock-to-output performance of the global clock. Array clock implemented with a product term. In this mode, the
flipflop can be clocked by signals from buried macrocells or I/O pins.
Two global clock signals are available in MAX 3000A devices. As shown in Figure 1, these global clock signals can be the true or the complement of either of the two global clock pins,
Each register also supports asynchronous preset and clear functions. As shown in Figure 2, the product-term select matrix allocates product terms to control these operations. Although the product-term-driven preset and clear from the register are active high, active-low control can be obtained by inverting the signal within the logic array. In addition, each register clear function can be individually driven by the active-low dedicated global clear pin (

Expander Product Terms

Although most logic functions can be implemented with the five product terms available in each macrocell, highly complex logic functions require additional product terms. Another macrocell can be used to supply the required logic resources. However, the MAX 3000A architecture also offers both shareable and parallel expander product terms (“expanders”) that provide additional product terms directly to any macrocell in the same LAB. These expanders help ensure that logic is synthesized with the fewest possible logic resources to obtain the fastest possible speed.

Shareable Expanders

Each LAB has 16 shareable expanders that can be viewed as a pool of uncommitted single product terms (one from each macrocell) with inverted outputs that feed back into the logic array. Each shareable expander can be used and shared by any or all macrocells in the LAB to build complex logic functions. A small delay ( shareable expanders are used. Figure 3 shows how shareable expanders can feed multiple macrocells.
) is incurred when
Altera Corporation 7
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
Figure 3. MAX 3000A Shareable Expanders
Shareable expanders can be shared by any or all macrocells in an LAB.
Macrocell Product-Term Logic
Product-Term Select Matrix
Macrocell Product-Term Logic
36 Signals from PIA
16 Shared Expanders

Parallel Expanders

Parallel expanders are unused product terms that can be allocated to a neighboring macrocell to implement fast, complex logic functions. Parallel expanders allow up to 20 product terms to directly feed the macrocell OR logic, with five product terms provided by the macrocell and 15 parallel expanders provided by neighboring macrocells in the LAB.
The MAX+PLUS II Compiler can automatically allocate up to three sets of up to five parallel expanders to the macrocells that require additional product terms. Each set of five parallel expanders incurs a small, incremental timing delay ( product terms, the MAX+PLUS II Compiler uses the five dedicated product terms within the macrocell and allocates two sets of parallel expanders; the first set includes five product terms, and the second set includes four product terms, increasing the total delay by 2 ×
). For example, if a macrocell requires 14
8 Altera Corporation
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
Two groups of eight macrocells within each LAB (e.g., macrocells 1 through 8 and 9 through 16) form two chains to lend or borrow parallel expanders. A macrocell borrows parallel expanders from lower­numbered macrocells. For example, macrocell 8 can borrow parallel expanders from macrocell 7, from macrocells 7 and 6, or from macrocells 7, 6, and 5. Within each group of eight, the lowest-numbered macrocell can only lend parallel expanders and the highest-numbered macrocell can only borrow them. Figure 4 shows how parallel expanders can be borrowed from a neighboring macrocell.
Figure 4. MAX 3000A Parallel Expanders
Unused product terms in a macrocell can be allocated to a neighboring macrocell.
36 Signals
from PIA
16 Shared Expanders
Term Select Matrix
Term Select Matrix
Macrocell Product­Term Logic
Clock Clear
Macrocell Product­Term Logic
Clock Clear
to Next
Altera Corporation 9
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet

Programmable Interconnect Array

Logic is routed between LABs on the PIA. This global bus is a programmable path that connects any signal source to any destination on the device. All MAX 3000A dedicated inputs, I/O pins, and macrocell outputs feed the PIA, which makes the signals available throughout the entire device. Only the signals required by each LAB are actually routed from the PIA into the LAB. Figure 5 shows how the PIA signals are routed into the LAB. An EEPROM cell controls one input to a 2-input which selects a PIA signal to drive into the LAB.
Figure 5. MAX 3000A PIA Routing
to LAB
PIA Signals
While the routing delays of channel-based routing schemes in masked or field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are cumulative, variable, and path-dependent, the MAX 3000A PIA has a predictable delay. The PIA makes a design’s timing performance easy to predict.

I/O Control Blocks

The I/O control block allows each I/O pin to be individually configured for input, output, or bidirectional operation. All I/O pins have a tri-state buffer that is individually controlled by one of the global output enable signals or directly connected to ground or VCC. Figure 6 shows the I/O control block for MAX 3000A devices. The I/O control block has six global output enable signals that are driven by the true or complement of two output enable signals, a subset of the I/O pins, or a subset of the I/O macrocells.
10 Altera Corporation
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
Figure 6. I/O Control Block of MAX 3000A Devices
6 Global Output Enable Signals
OE Select Multiplexer
to Other I/O Pins
from Macrocell
to PIA
Open-Drain Output Slew-Rate Control
When the tri-state buffer control is connected to ground, the output is tri-stated (high impedance) and the I/O pin can be used as a dedicated input. When the tri-state buffer control is connected to VCC, the output is enabled.
The MAX 3000A architecture provides dual I/O feedback, in which macrocell and pin feedbacks are independent. When an I/O pin is configured as an input, the associated macrocell can be used for buried logic.
Altera Corporation 11
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
In-System Programma­bility (ISP)
MAX 3000A devices can be programmed in-system via an industry­standard 4-pin IEEE Std. 1149.1-1990 (JTAG) interface. In-system programmability (ISP) offers quick, efficient iterations during design development and debugging cycles. The MAX 3000A architecture internally generates the high programming voltages required to program its EEPROM cells, allowing in-system programming with only a single
3.3-V power supply. During in-system programming, the I/O pins are tri­stated and weakly pulled-up to eliminate board conflicts. The pull-up
value is nominally 50 k.
MAX 3000A devices have an enhanced ISP algorithm for faster programming. These devices also offer an ISP_Done bit that ensures safe operation when in-system programming is interrupted. This ISP_Done bit, which is the last bit programmed, prevents all I/O pins from driving until the bit is programmed.
ISP simplifies the manufacturing flow by allowing devices to be mounted on a printed circuit board (PCB) with standard pick-and-place equipment before they are programmed. MAX 3000A devices can be programmed by downloading the information via in-circuit testers, embedded processors, the MasterBlaster communications cable, the ByteBlasterMV parallel port download cable, and the BitBlaster serial download cable. Programming the devices after they are placed on the board eliminates lead damage on high-pin-count packages (e.g., QFP packages) due to device handling. MAX 3000A devices can be reprogrammed after a system has already shipped to the field. For example, product upgrades can be performed in the field via software or modem.
The Jam STAPL can be used to program MAX 3000A devices with in­circuit testers, PCs, or embedded processors.

Programming with External Hardware

12 Altera Corporation
For more information on using the Jam STAPL language, see Application
Note 88 (Using the Jam Language for ISP & ICR via an Embedded Processor)
and Application Note 122 (Using Jam STAPL for ISP & ICR via an Embedded
MAX 3000A devices can be programmed on Windows-based PCs with an Altera Logic Programmer card, MPU, and the appropriate device adapter. The MPU performs continuity checking to ensure adequate electrical contact between the adapter and the device.
For more information, see the Altera Programming Hardware Data Sheet.
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
The MAX+PLUS II software can use text- or waveform-format test vectors created with the MAX+PLUS II Text Editor or Waveform Editor to test the programmed device. For added design verification, designers can perform functional testing to compare the functional device behavior with the results of simulation.
Data I/O, BP Microsystems, and other programming hardware manufacturers also provide programming support for Altera devices.
1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Support
Table 4. MAX 3000A JTAG Instructions
JTAG Instruction Description
SAMPLE/PRELOAD Allows a snapshot of signals at the device pins to be captured and examined during
EXTEST Allows the external circuitry and board-level interconnections to be tested by forcing a
BYPASS Places the 1-bit bypass register between the TDI and TDO pins, which allows the BST
IDCODE Selects the IDCODE register and places it between the TDI and TDO pins, allowing the
USERCODE Selects the 32-bit USERCODE register and places it between the TDI and TDO pins,
ISP Instructions These instructions are used when programming MAX 3000A devices via the JTAG ports
For more information, see Programming Hardware Manufacturers.
MAX 3000A devices include the JTAG BST circuitry defined by IEEE Std.
1149.1-1990. Table 4 describes the JTAG instructions supported by MAX 3000A devices. The pin-out tables starting on page 39 of this data sheet show the location of the JTAG control pins for each device. If the JTAG interface is not required, the JTAG pins are available as user I/O pins.
normal device operation, and permits an initial data pattern output at the device pins
test pattern at the output pins and capturing test results at the input pins
data to pass synchronously through a selected device to adjacent devices during normal device operation
IDCODE to be serially shifted out of TDO
allowing the USERCODE value to be shifted out of TDO
with the MasterBlaster, ByteBlasterMV, or BitBlaster cable, or when using a Jam STAPL file, JBC file, or SVF file via an embedded processor or test equipment
The instruction register length of MAX 3000A devices is 10 bits. The IDCODE and USERCODE register length is 32 bits. Tables 5 and 6 show the boundary-scan register length and device IDCODE information for MAX 3000A devices.
Altera Corporation 13
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
Table 5. MAX 3000A Boundary-Scan Register Length
Device Boundary-Scan Register Length
EPM3032A 96 EPM3064A 192 EPM3128A 288 EPM3256A 480
Table 6. 32-Bit MAX 3000A Device IDCODE Value Note (1)
Device IDCODE (32 bits)
(4 Bits)
EPM3032A 0001 0111 0000 0011 0010 00001101110 1 EPM3064A 0001 0111 0000 0110 0100 00001101110 1 EPM3128A 0001 0111 0001 0010 1000 00001101110 1 EPM3256A 0001 0111 0010 0101 0110 00001101110 1
(1) The most significant bit (MSB) is on the left. (2) The least significant bit (LSB) for all JTAG IDCODEs is 1.
Part Number (16 Bits) Manufacturer’s
Identity (11 Bits)
1 (1 Bit)
See Application Note 39 (IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing in Altera
Devices) for more information on JTAG BST.
14 Altera Corporation
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
Figure 7 shows the timing information for the JTAG signals.
Figure 7. MAX 3000A JTAG Waveforms
to Be
to Be
Table 7 shows the JTAG timing parameters and values for MAX 3000A
Altera Corporation 15
MAX 3000A Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet
Table 7. JTAG Timing Parameters & Values for MAX 3000A Devices
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit
TCK clock period 100 ns TCK clock high time 50 ns TCK clock low time 50 ns
JTAG port setup time 20 ns JTAG port hold time 45 ns JTAG port clock to output 25 ns JTAG port high impedance to valid output 25 ns JTAG port valid output to high impedance 25 ns Capture register setup time 20 ns Capture register hold time 45 ns Update register clock to output 25 ns Update register high impedance to valid output 25 ns Update register valid output to high impedance 25 ns

Programmable Speed/Power Control

Output Configuration
MAX 3000A devices offer a power-saving mode that supports low-power operation across user-defined signal paths or the entire device. This feature allows total power dissipation to be reduced by 50% or more because most logic applications require only a small fraction of all gates to operate at maximum frequency.
The designer can program each individual macrocell in a MAX 3000A device for either high-speed or low-power operation. As a result, speed­critical paths in the design can run at high speed, while the remaining paths can operate at reduced power. Macrocells that run at low power incur a nominal timing delay adder (t
and t
) for the t
, t
, tIC, t
, tEN,
MAX 3000A device outputs can be programmed to meet a variety of system-level requirements.

MultiVolt I/O Interface

The MAX 3000A device architecture supports the MultiVolt I/O interface feature, which allows MAX 3000A devices to connect to systems with differing supply voltages. MAX 3000A devices in all packages can be set for 2.5-V, 3.3-V, or 5.0-V I/O pin operation. These devices have one set of VCC pins for internal operation and input buffers (VCCINT), and another set for I/O output drivers (VCCIO).
16 Altera Corporation
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