Altera MAX 10 FPGA User Manual

MAX 10 FPGA Configuration User Guide

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101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Overview............................................................1-1
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features....................................... 2-1
Configuration Schemes...............................................................................................................................2-1
JTAG Configuration........................................................................................................................2-1
Internal Configuration....................................................................................................................2-2
Configuration Features............................................................................................................................... 2-8
Remote System Upgrade in Dual Compressed Images.............................................................. 2-8
Configuration Design Security.....................................................................................................2-15
SEU Mitigation and Configuration Error Detection................................................................2-18
Configuration Data Compression...............................................................................................2-22
Configuration Details................................................................................................................................2-23
Configuration Sequence................................................................................................................2-23
MAX 10 Configuration Pins.........................................................................................................2-25
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Design Guidelines............................................. 3-1
Dual-Purpose Configuration Pins.............................................................................................................3-1
Guidelines: Dual-Purpose Configuration Pin..............................................................................3-1
Enabling Dual-purpose Pin............................................................................................................3-2
Configuring MAX 10 Devices using JTAG Configuration....................................................................3-2
JTAG Configuration Setup.............................................................................................................3-3
ICB Settings in JTAG Configuration.............................................................................................3-4
Configuring MAX 10 Devices using Internal Configuration................................................................ 3-4
Selecting Internal Configuration Modes...................................................................................... 3-5
.pof and ICB Settings.......................................................................................................................3-5
Programming .pof into Internal Flash..........................................................................................3-7
Accessing the Remote System Upgrade Block Through User Interface.............................................. 3-8
Error Detection............................................................................................................................................ 3-8
Verifying Error Detection Functionality......................................................................................3-8
Enabling Error Detection................................................................................................................3-9
Accessing Error Detection Block Through User Interface........................................................ 3-9
Enabling Data Compression.....................................................................................................................3-10
Enabling Compression Before Design Compilation.................................................................3-11
Enabling Compression After Design Compilation...................................................................3-11
AES Encryption..........................................................................................................................................3-11
Generating .ekp File and Encrypt Configuration File.............................................................. 3-12
Generating .jam/.jbc/.svf file from .ekp file................................................................................3-13
Programming .ekp File and Encrypted POF File...................................................................... 3-14
Encryption in Internal Configuration.........................................................................................3-15
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MAX 10 FPGA Configuration IP Core Implementation Guides...................... 4-1
Altera Unique Chip ID IP Core.................................................................................................................4-1
Instantiating the Altera Unique Chip ID IP Core.......................................................................4-1
Resetting the Altera Unique Chip ID IP Core............................................................................. 4-1
Altera Dual Configuration IP Core...........................................................................................................4-1
Instantiating the Altera Dual Configuration IP Core.................................................................4-2
Altera Dual Configuration IP Core References..................................................5-1
Altera Dual Configuration IP Core Avalon-MM Address Map............................................................5-1
Altera Dual Configuration IP Core Parameters...................................................................................... 5-3
Altera Unique Chip ID IP Core References........................................................6-1
Altera Unique Chip ID IP Core Ports.......................................................................................................6-1
Additional Information for MAX 10 FPGA Configuration User Guide..........A-1
Document Revision History for MAX 10 FPGA Configuration User Guide.....................................A-2
Altera Corporation
101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134

MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Overview

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You can configure MAX® 10 configuration RAM (CRAM) using the following configuration schemes:
• JTAG configuration—using JTAG interface.
• Internal configuration—using internal flash.
Supported Configuration Features
Table 1-1: Configuration Schemes and Features Supported by MAX 10 Devices
Configuration Scheme
Remote System
Compression Design Security SEU Mitigation
JTAG configuration Yes Internal configuration Yes Yes Yes Yes
Related IP Cores
• Altera Dual Configuration IP Core—used in the remote system upgrade feature.
• Altera Unique Chip ID IP Core—retrieves the chip ID of MAX 10 devices.
Related Information
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features on page 2-1
Provides information about the configuration schemes and features.
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Design Guidelines on page 3-1
Provides information about using the configuration schemes and features.
Altera Unique Chip ID IP Core on page 2-16
Altera Dual Configuration IP Core on page 2-14
2015 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
ISO 9001:2008 Registered
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and
MAX 10 Device
JTAG In-System Programming
Configuration Data

JTAG Configuration

101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134

Configuration Schemes

Figure 2-1: High-Level Overview of JTAG Configuration and Internal Configuration for MAX 10 Devices
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JTAG Configuration
2015 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
In MAX 10 devices, JTAG instructions take precedence over the internal configuration scheme. Using the JTAG configuration scheme, you can directly configure the device CRAM through the JTAG
interface—TDI, TDO, TMS, and TCK pins. The Quartus® II software automatically generates an SRAM Object File (.sof). You can program the .sof using a download cable with the Quartus II software programmer.
Related Information
Configuring MAX 10 Devices using JTAG Configuration on page 3-2
Provides more information about JTAG configuration using download cable with Quartus II software programmer.
ISO 9001:2008 Registered
Table 2-1: JTAG Pin
Pin Function Description
TDI Serial input pin for:
• instructions
TDI is sampled on the rising edge of TCK
TDI pins have internal weak pull-up resistors.
• test data
• programming data
TDO Serial output pin for:
• instructions
• test data
TDO is sampled on the falling edge of TCK
• The pin is tri-stated if data is not shifted out of the device.
• programming data
TMS Input pin that provides the control
signal to determine the transitions of the TAP controller state machine.
TCK Clock input to the BST circuitry.
All the JTAG pins are powered by the V
1B. In JTAG mode, the I/O pins support the LVTTL/
TMS is sampled on the rising edge of TCK
TMS pins have internal weak pull-up resistors.
LVCMOS 3.3-1.5V standards.
Related Information
MAX 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about supported I/O standard in MAX 10 devices.
Guidelines: Dual-Purpose Configuration Pin on page 3-1
Enabling Dual-purpose Pin on page 3-2

Internal Configuration

You need to program the configuration data into the configuration flash memory (CFM) before internal configuration can take place. The configuration data to be written to CFM will be part of the programmer object file (.pof). Using JTAG In-System Programming (ISP), you can program the .pof into the internal flash.
During internal configuration, MAX 10 devices load the CRAM with configuration data from the CFM.
Internal Configuration Modes
The internal configuration scheme for all MAX 10 devices except for 10M02 device consists of the following modes:
• Dual Compressed Images—configuration image is stored as image 0 and image 1 in the CFM
• Single Compressed Image
• Single Compressed Image with Memory Initialization
• Single Uncompressed Image
• Single Uncompressed Image with Memory Initialization In dual compressed images mode, you can use the CONFIG_SEL pin to select the configuration image.
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MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
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Configuration Flash Memory
The internal configuration scheme for 10M02 device supports the following mode:
• Single Compressed Image
• Single Uncompressed Image
Related Information
Configuring MAX 10 Devices using Internal Configuration on page 3-4
Remote System Upgrade in Dual Compressed Images on page 2-8
Configuration Flash Memory
The CFM is a non-volatile internal flash that is used to store configuration images. The CFM may store up to two compressed configuration images, depending on the compression and the MAX 10 devices. The compression ratio for the configuration image should be at least 30% for the device to be able store two configuration images.
Table 2-2: Maximum Number of Compressed Configuration Image for MAX 10 Devices
Device Maximum Number of Compressed Configuration Image
10M02 1
10M04, 10M08, 10M16, 10M25, 10M40, and 10M50 2
Related Information
Configuration Flash Memory Permissions on page 2-18
Configuration Flash Memory Sectors
All CFM in MAX 10 devices consist of three sectors, CFM0, CFM1, and CFM2 except for the 10M02. The sectors are programmed differently depending on the internal configuration mode you select.
The 10M02 device consists of only CFM0. The CFM0 sector in 10M02 devices is programmed similarly when you select single compressed image or single uncompressed image.
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
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Configuration Flash Memory Sectors
Dual Compressed Image
Single Uncompressed Image
Single Uncompressed Image with Memory Initialization
Single Compressed Image with Memory Initialization
Single Compressed Image
Compressed Image 0
Uncompressed Image 0 with Memory Initialization
Compressed Image 0 with Memory Initialization
Compressed Image 0
Uncompressed Image 0
Compressed Image 1
User Flash Memory
User Flash Memory
Internal Configuration
Configuration Flash Memory Total Programming Time
Figure 2-2: Configuration Flash Memory Sectors Utilization for all MAX 10 Devices Except for the 10M02 Device
Unutilized CFM1 and CFM2 sectors can be used for additional user flash memory (UFM).
Configuration Flash Memory Total Programming Time
Table 2-3: Configuration Flash Memory Total Programming Time for Sectors in MAX 10 Devices
10M02 5.4 10M04 6.5 4.6 11.1 10M08 12.0 8.9 20.8 10M16 and 10M25 16.4 12.6 29.0 10M40 and 10M50 30.2 22.7 52.9
In-System Programming
Related Information
CFM and UFM Array Size
You can program the internal flash including the CFM of MAX 10 devices with ISP through industry standard JTAG interface. ISP offers the capability to program, erase, and verify the CFM. The JTAG circuitry and ISP instructions for MAX 10 devices are compliant to the IEEE-1532-2002 programming specification.
Programming Time (s)
During ISP, the MAX 10 receives the IEEE Std. 1532 instructions, addresses, and data through the TDI input pin. Data is shifted out through the TDO output pin and compared with the expected data.
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MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
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Real-Time ISP
Real-Time ISP
The following are the generic flow of an ISP operation:
1. Check ID—the JTAG ID is checked before any program or verify process. The time required to read
this JTAG ID is relatively small compared to the overall programming time.
2. Enter ISP—ensures the I/O pins transition smoothly from user mode to the ISP mode.
3. Sector Erase—shifting in the address and instruction to erase the device and applying erase pulses.
4. Program—shifting in the address, data, and program instructions and generating the program pulse to
program the flash cells. This process is repeated for each address in the internal flash sector.
5. Verify—shifting in addresses, applying the verify instruction to generate the read pulse, and shifting
out the data for comparison. This process is repeated for each internal flash address.
6. Exit ISP—ensures that the I/O pins transition smoothly from the ISP mode to the user mode. You can also use the Quartus II Programmer to program the CFM.
Related Information
Programming .pof into Internal Flash on page 3-7
Provides the steps to program the .pof using Quartus II Programmer.
In a normal ISP operation, to update the internal flash with a new design image, the device exits from user mode and all I/O pins remain tri-stated. After the device completes programing the new design image, it resets and enters user mode.
The real-time ISP feature updates the internal flash with a new design image while operating in user mode. During the internal flash programming, the device continues to operate using the existing design. After the new design image programming process completes, the device will not reset. The new design image update only takes effect in the next reconfiguration cycle.
ISP and Real-Time ISP Instructions
Table 2-4: ISP and Real-Time ISP Instructions for MAX 10 Devices
Instruction Instruction Code Description
CONFIG_IO 00 0000 1101
• Allows I/O reconfiguration through JTAG ports using the IOCSR for JTAG testing. This is executed after or during configurations.
nSTATUS pin must go high before you can issue the
CONFIG_IO instruction.
PULSE_NCONFIG 00 0000 0001 Emulates pulsing the nCONFIG pin low to trigger reconfi‐
guration even though the physical pin is unaffected.
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
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ISP and Real-Time ISP Instructions
Instruction Instruction Code Description
10 1100 1100
• Puts the device in ISP mode, tri-states all I/O pins, and drives all core drivers, logic, and registers.
• Device remains in the ISP mode until the ISC_
DISABLE instruction is loaded and updated.
• The ISC_ENABLE instruction is a mandatory instruc‐ tion. This requirement is met by the ISC_ENABLE_
CLAMP or ISC_ENABLE_HIZ instruction.
ISC_DISABLE 10 0000 0001
10 0011 0011
10 1111 0100 Sets the device up for in-system programming. Program‐
10 0001 0000
• Puts the device in ISP mode and forces all I/O pins to follow the contents of the JTAG boundary-scan register.
• When this instruction is activated, all core drivers, logics, and registers are frozen. The I/O pins remain clamped until the device exits ISP mode successfully.
• Brings the device out of ISP mode.
• Successful completion of the ISC_DISABLE instruction happens immediately after waiting 200 µs in the Run­Test/Idle state.
ming occurs in the run-test or idle state.
• Sets the device to a no-operation mode without leaving the ISP mode and targets the ISC_Default register.
• Use when:
• two or more ISP-compliant devices are being
accessed in ISP mode and;
• a subset of the devices perform some instructions
while other more complex devices are completing extra steps in a given process.
Do not issue the ISC_ENABLE_HIZ and ISC_ENABLE_CLAMP instructions from the core logic.
All ISP and real-time ISP instructions are disabled when the device is not in the ISP or real-time ISP mode, except for the enabling and disabling instructions.
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10 0000 0011 Sets the device up to load the flash address. It targets the
ISC_Address register, which is the flash address register.
10 1111 0010
• Sets the device up to erase the internal flash.
• Issue after ISC_ADDRESS_SHIFT instruction.
10 0000 0101
• Sets the device up for verifying the internal flash under normal user bias conditions.
• The ISC_READ instruction supports explicit addressing and auto-increment, also known as the Burst mode.
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
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Initialization Configuration Bits
Instruction Instruction Code Description
BGP_ENABLE 01 1001 1001
• Sets the device to the real-time ISP mode.
• Allows access to the internal flash configuration sector while the device is still in user mode.
BGP_DISABLE 01 0110 0110
• Brings the device out of the real-time ISP mode.
• The device has to exit the real-time ISP mode using the BGP_DISABLE instruction after it is interrupted by reconfiguration.
Caution: Do not use unsupported JTAG instructions. It will put the device into an unknown state and
requires a power cycle to recover the operation.
Initialization Configuration Bits
Initialization Configuration Bits (ICB) stores the configuration feature settings of the MAX 10 device. You can set the ICB settings during Convert Programming File.
Table 2-5: Initialization Configuration Bits for MAX 10 Devices
Configuration Settings Description Default State/Value
Power On Reset Scheme
• Instant ON
• Fast POR delay
• Slow POR delay
Instant ON
Set I/O to weak pull-up prior usermode
Auto-reconfigure from secondary image when initial image fails.
Use secondary image ISP data as default setting when available.
• Enable: I/O will set to week pull-up prior to usermode.
• Disable: I/O will be input tri-stated.
• Device will automatically load secondary image if initial image fails.
• device will automatically load image 0.
• device will not load image 1 if image 0 fails.
CONFIG_SEL pin setting is ignored.
• Disable: Use ISP data from image 0
• Enable: Use ISP data from image 1
ISP data contains the information about state of the pin during ISP. This can be either tri-state with weak pull-up or clamp the I/O state. You can set the ISP clamp through Device and Pin Option, or Pin Assignment tool.
Verify Protect To disable or enable the Verify Protect feature. Disable
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
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Configuration Features

Configuration Settings Description Default State/Value
Allow encrypted POF only If enabled, configuration error will occur if
unencrypted .pof is used.
JTAG Secure
To disable or enable the JTAG Secure feature. Disable
Enable Watchdog To disable or enable the watchdog timer for
remote system upgrade.
Watchdog value To set the watchdog timer value for remote system
Related Information
.pof and ICB Settings on page 3-5
.pof Generation through Convert Programming Files on page 3-6
Provides more information about setting the ICB during .pof generation using Convert Programming File.
Instant-on on page 2-24
Provides more information about Instant ON and other power on reset scheme.
Verify Protect on page 2-17
JTAG Secure Mode on page 2-16
ISP and Real-Time ISP Instructions on page 2-5
User Watchdog Timer on page 2-14
Configuration Features

Remote System Upgrade in Dual Compressed Images

MAX 10 devices support the remote system upgrade feature. By default, the remote system upgrade feature is enabled in all MAX 10 devices when you select the dual compressed image internal configuration mode.
The remote system upgrade feature in MAX 10 devices offers the following capabilities:
• Manages remote configuration
• Provides error detection, recovery, and information
• Supports direct-to-application configuration image
• Supports compressed and encrypted .pof You can use the Altera Dual Configuration IP core or the remote system upgrade circuitry to access the
remote system upgrade block in MAX 10 devices.
The JTAG Secure feature will be disabled by default in Quartus II. If you are interested in using the JTAG Secure feature, contact Altera for support.
The watchdog timer value depends on the MAX 10 you are using. Refer to the Watchdog Timer section for more information.
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MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
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Sample CONFIG_SEL pin
Image 0 Image 1
Wait for Reconfiguration
First Error Occurs
First Error Occurs
Second Error Occurs
Flow when Auto-reconfigure
from secondary image when initial image fails is disabled.
Second Error Occurs
Error Occurs
Remote System Upgrade Flow
Both the application configuration images, image 0 and image 1, are stored in the CFM. The MAX 10 device loads either one of the application configuration image from the CFM.
Figure 2-3: Remote System Upgrade Flow for MAX 10 Devices
Remote System Upgrade Flow
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
The remote system upgrade feature detects errors in the following sequence:
1. After power-up, the device samples the CONFIG_SEL pin to determine which application configuration
image to load. The CONFIG_SEL pin setting can be overwritten by the input register of the remote system upgrade circuitry for the subsequent reconfiguration.
2. If an error occurs, the remote system upgrade feature reverts by loading the other application configu‐
ration image. These errors cause the remote system upgrade feature to load another application configuration image:
• Internal CRC error
• User watchdog timer time-out
3. Once the revert configuration completes and the device is in user mode, you can use the remote system
upgrade circuitry to query the cause of error and which application image failed.
4. If a second error occurs, the device waits for a reconfiguration source. If the Auto-restart configura‐ tion after error is enabled, the device will reconfigure without waiting for any reconfiguration source.
5. Reconfiguration is triggered by the following actions:
• Driving the nSTATUS low externally.
• Driving the nCONFIG low externally.
• Driving RU_nCONFIG low.
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Status Register (SR)
Previous State Register 2 Bit[31..0]
State Register 1 Bit[31..0]
Current State Logic Bit[33..0]
Internal Oscillator
Control Register Bit [38..0]
Input Register Bit [38..0]
Bit [40..39]
Bit [38..0]
Shift Register
Logic Array
RU Reconfiguration State Machine
User Watchdog Timer
RU Master State Machine
Remote System Upgrade Circuitry
Remote System Upgrade Circuitry
Figure 2-4: Remote System Upgrade Circuitry
Table 2-6: Remote System Upgrade Circuitry Signals for MAX 10 Devices
Altera Corporation
The remote system upgrade circuitry does the following functions:
• Tracks the current state of configuration
• Monitors all reconfiguration sources
• Provides access to set up the application configuration image
• Returns the device to fallback configuration if an error occurs
• Provides access to the information on the failed application configuration image
Remote System Upgrade Circuitry Signals
Core Signal Name Logical
RU_DIN regin Input
Use this signal to write data to the shift register on the rising edge of RU_CLK. To load data to the shift register, assert RU_
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
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Remote System Upgrade Circuitry Input Control
Core Signal Name Logical
Use this signal to get output data from the shift register. Data
RU_DOUT regout Output
is clocked out on each rising edge of RU_CLK if RU_SHIFTnLD is asserted.
RU_nRSTIMER rsttimer Input
Use this signal to reset the user watchdog timer. A falling edge of this signal triggers a reset of the user watchdog timer.
Use this signal to reconfigure the device. Driving this signal
RU_nCONFIG rconfig Input
low triggers the device to reconfigure if you enable the remote system upgrade feature.
The clock to the remote system upgrade circuitry. All registers
RU_CLK clk Input
in this clock domain are enabled in user mode if you enable the remote system upgrade. Shift register and input register are positive edge flip-flops.
RU_SHIFTnLD shiftnld Input Control signals that determine the mode of remote system
upgrade circuitry.
• When RU_SHIFTnLD is driven low and RU_CAPTnUPDT is driven low, the input register is loaded with the contents of the shift register on the rising edge of RU_CLK.
• When RU_SHIFTnLD is driven low and RU_CAPTnUPDT is
RU_CAPTnUPDT captnupdt Input
driven high, the shift register captures values from the input_cs_ps module on the rising edge of RU_CLK.
• When RU_SHIFTnLD is driven high, the RU_CAPTnUPDT will be ignored and the shift register shifts data on each rising edge of RU_CLK.
Related Information
Accessing the Remote System Upgrade Block Through User Interface on page 3-8
Provides more information about accessing the remote system upgrade through user interface atom.
MAX 10 Device Datasheet
Provides more information about Remote System Upgrade timing specifications.
Remote System Upgrade Circuitry Input Control
The remote system upgrade circuitry has three modes of operation.
• Update—loads the values in the shift register into the input register.
• Capture—loads the shift register with data to be shifted out.
• Shift—shifts out data to the user logic.
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
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Remote System Upgrade Input Register
Table 2-7: Control Inputs to the Remote System Upgrade Circuitry
Remote System Upgrade Circuitry Control Inputs
Shift register
0 0 Don't Care Don't Care Update
0 1 0 0 Capture Current State
0 1 0 1 Capture
Previous State Application1}
0 1 1 0 Capture
Previous State Application2}
0 1 1 1 Capture
1 Don't Care Don't Care Don't Care Shift
Input Settings for Registers
Shift Register
Shift Register
{ru_din, Shift
The following shows examples of driving the control inputs in the remote system upgrade circuitry:
• When you drive RU_SHIFTnLD high to 1’b1, the shift register shifts data on each rising edge of RU_CLK and RU_CAPTnUPDT has no function.
• When you drive both RU_SHIFTnLD and RU_CAPTnUPDT low to 1’b0, the input register is loaded with the contents of the shift register on the rising edge of RU_CLK.
• When you drive RU_SHIFTnLD low to 1’b0 and RU_CAPTnUPDT high to 1’b1, the shift register captures values on the rising edge of RU_DCLK.
Remote System Upgrade Input Register
Table 2-8: Remote System Upgrade Input Register for MAX 10 Devices
Bits Name Description
38:14 Reserved Reserved—set to 0.
• 0: Load configuration image 0
13 ru_config_sel
• 1: Load configuration image 1 This bit will only work if the ru_config_sel_overwrite bit is set
to 1.
• 0: Disable overwrite CONFIG_SEL pin
• 1: Enable overwrite CONFIG_SEL pin
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MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
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Bits Name Description
Remote System Upgrade Status Registers
11:0 Reserved Reserved—set to 0.
Remote System Upgrade Status Registers
Table 2-9: Remote System Upgrade Status Register—Current State Logic Bit for MAX 10 Devices
Bits Name Description
33:30 msm_cs The current state of the master state machine (MSM).
29 ru_wd_en
The current state of the enabled user watchdog timer. The default state is active high.
28:0 wd_timeout_value The current, entire 29-bit watchdog time-out value.
Table 2-10: Remote System Upgrade Status Register—Previous State Bit for MAX 10 Devices
Bits Name Description
31 nconfig An active high field that describes the reconfiguration sources 30 crcerror 29 nstatus
which caused the MAX 10 device to leave the previous application configuration. In the event of a tie, the higher bit order takes precedence. For example, if the nconfig and the ru_nconfig triggered at the same time, the nconfig takes precedence over the
28 wdtimer
27:26 Reserved Reserved—set to 0.
The state of the MSM when a reconfiguration event occurred. The
25:22 msm_cs
reconfiguration will cause the device to leave the previous applica‐ tion configuration.
21:0 Reserved Reserved—set to 0.
Master State Machine
The master state machine (MSM) tracks current configuration mode and enables the user watchdog timer.
Table 2-11: Remote System Upgrade Master State Machine Current State Descriptions for MAX 10 Devices
msm_cs Values State Description
0010 Image 0 is being loaded. 0011 Image 1 is being loaded after a revert in application image happens. 0100 Image 1 is being loaded. 0101 Image 0 is being loaded after a revert in application image happens.
MAX 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
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