Guideline: .mif Streaming in PLL Reconfiguration.....................................................................3-4
Guideline: scandone Signal for PLL Reconfiguration.................................................................3-4
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Implementation Guides......................................... 4-1
ALTCLKCTRL IP Core...............................................................................................................................4-1
IP Catalog and Parameter Editor...................................................................................................4-1
Specifying IP Core Parameters and Options................................................................................4-2
Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor)............................................... 4-4
ALTPLL IP Core.......................................................................................................................................... 4-5
IP Catalog and Parameter Editor...................................................................................................4-6
Specifying IP Core Parameters and Options................................................................................4-7
Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor).............................................4-17
ALTPLL_RECONFIG IP Core.................................................................................................................4-18
IP Catalog and Parameter Editor.................................................................................................4-18
Specifying IP Core Parameters and Options..............................................................................4-19
Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor).............................................4-20
Obtaining the Resource Utilization Report................................................................................4-21
Internal Oscillator IP Core....................................................................................................................... 4-21
IP Catalog and Parameter Editor.................................................................................................4-22
Specifying IP Core Parameters and Options..............................................................................4-23
Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor).............................................4-24
ALTCLKCTRL IP Core References.....................................................................5-1
Internal Oscillator Ports and Signals.........................................................................................................8-1
Additonal Information for MAX 10 Clocking and PLL User Guide................ A-1
Document Revision History for MAX 10 Clocking and PLL User Guide..........................................A-1
Altera Corporation
101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Overview
Clock Networks Overview
MAX® 10 devices support global clock (GCLK) networks.
Clock networks provide clock sources for the core. You can use clock networks in high fan-out global
signal network such as reset and clear.
Internal Oscillator Overview
MAX 10 devices offer built-in internal oscillator up to 116 MHz.
You can enable or disable the internal oscillator.
PLLs Overview
Phase-locked loops (PLLs) provide robust clock management and synthesis for device clock management,
external system clock management, and I/O interface clocking.
You can use the PLLs as follows:
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• Zero-delay buffer
• Jitter attenuator
• Low-skew fan-out buffer
• Frequency synthesizer
• Reduce the number of oscillators required on the board
• Reduce the clock pins used in the device by synthesizing multiple clock frequencies from a single
reference clock source
2015 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are
trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as
trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance
of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any
products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information,
product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
PLLs Overview
• PLL cascading
• Reference clock switchover
• Drive the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) clock
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MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Overview
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MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and
101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134
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Clock Networks Architecture and Features
Global Clock Networks
GCLKs drive throughout the entire device, feeding all device quadrants. All resources in the device, such
as the I/O elements, logic array blocks (LABs), dedicated multiplier blocks, and M9K memory blocks can
use GCLKs as clock sources. Use these clock network resources for control signals, such as clock enables
and clears fed by an external pin. Internal logic can also drive GCLKs for internally-generated GCLKs and
asynchronous clears, clock enables, or other control signals with high fan-out.
Clock Pins Introduction
There are two types of external clock pins that can drive the GCLK networks.
Dedicated Clock Input Pins
You can use the dedicated clock input pins (CLK<#>[p,n]) to drive clock and global signals, such as
asynchronous clears, presets, and clock enables for GCLK networks.
If you do not use the dedicated clock input pins for clock input, you can also use them as general-purpose
input or output pins.
The CLK pins can be single-ended or differential inputs. When you use the CLK pins as single-ended clock
inputs, both the CLK<#>p and CLK<#>n pins have dedicated connection to the GCLK networks. When you
use the CLK pins as differential inputs, pair two clock pins of the same number to receive differential
Dual-Purpose Clock Pins
You can use the dual-purpose clock (DPCLK) pins for high fan-out control signals, such as protocol signals,
TRDY and IRDY signals for PCI via GCLK networks.
The DPCLK pins are only available on the left and right of the I/O banks.
2015 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are
trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as
trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance
of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any
products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information,
product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Clock Resources
Clock Resources
Table 2-1: MAX 10 Clock Resources
Clock ResourceDeviceNumber of Resources
Dedicated clock input pins
• 10M02
• 10M04
• 10M08
• 10M16
• 10M25
• 10M40
8 single-ended or 4
16 single-ended or 8
• 10M50
DPCLK pinsAll4
For more information about the clock input pins connections, refer to the pin connection guidelines.
Related Information
MAX 10 FPGA Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines
Global Clock Network Sources
Table 2-2: MAX 10 Clock Pins Connectivity to the GCLK Networks
Figure 2-1: GCLK Network Sources for 10M02, 10M04, and 10M08 Devices
Global Clock Network Sources
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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CLK[0,1][p,n] CLK[2,3][p,n]
Global Clock Control Block
Figure 2-2: GCLK Network Sources for 10M16, 10M25, 10M40, and 10M50 Devices
Global Clock Control Block
The clock control block drives GCLKs. The clock control blocks are located on each side of the device,
close to the dedicated clock input pins. GCLKs are optimized for minimum clock skew and delay.
The clock control block has the following functions:
• Dynamic GCLK clock source selection (not applicable for DPCLK pins and internal logic input)
• GCLK multiplexing
• GCLK network power down (dynamic enable and disable)
Table 2-3: Clock Control Block Inputs
Dedicated clock input pinsDedicated clock input pins can drive clocks or
global signals, such as synchronous and asynchro‐
nous clears, presets, or clock enables onto given
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MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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clkswitch (1)
Static Clock Select (3)
Static Clock
Select (3)
Internal Logic
Clock Control Block
clkselect[1..0] (2)Internal Logic (4)
CLK[n + 3]
CLK[n + 2]
CLK[n + 1]
(1) The clkswitch signal can either be set through the configuration file or dynamically set when using the manual PLL switchover
feature. The output of the multiplexer is the input clock (fIN) for the PLL.
(2) The clkselect[1..0] signals are fed by internal logic. You can use the clkselect[1..0] signals to dynamically select the clock source for
the GCLK when the device is in user mode. Only one PLL (applicable to PLLs on the same side) can be selected as the clock source to
the GCLK.
(3) The static clock select signals are set in the configuration file. Therefore, dynamic control when the device is in user mode is not
(4) You can use internal logic to enable or disable the GCLK in user mode.
clkswitch (1)
DPCLK pinsDPCLK pins are bidirectional dual function pins that
PLL counter outputsPLL counter outputs can drive the GCLK.
Internal logicYou can drive the GCLK through logic array
Figure 2-3: Clock Control Block
Global Clock Control Block
are used for high fan-out control signals, such as
protocol signals, TRDY and IRDY signals for PCI via
the GCLK. Clock control blocks that have inputs
driven by DPCLK pins cannot drive PLL inputs.
routing to enable the internal logic elements (LEs)
to drive a high fan-out, low-skew signal path. Clock
control blocks that have inputs driven by internal
logic cannot drive PLL inputs.
Each MAX 10 device has a maximum of 20 clock control blocks. There are five clock control blocks on
each side of the device.
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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Altera Corporation
Clock Input Pins
Internal Logic
PLL Outputs
Five Clock Control
Blocks on Each Side
of the Device
Global Clock Network Power Down
Each PLL generates five clock outputs through the c[4..0] counters. Two of these clocks can drive the
GCLK through a clock control block.
From the Clock Control Block Inputs table, only the following inputs can drive into any given clock
control block:
• Two dedicated clock input pins
• Two PLL counter outputs
• One DPCLK pin
• One source from internal logic
The output from the clock control block in turn feeds the corresponding GCLK. The GCLK can drive the
PLL input if the clock control block inputs are outputs of another PLL or dedicated clock input pins.
Normal I/O pins cannot drive the PLL input clock port.
Figure 2-4: Clock Control Block on Each Side of the Device
Altera Corporation
Out of these five inputs to any clock control block, the two clock input pins and two PLL outputs are
dynamically selected to feed a GCLK. The clock control block supports static selection of the signal from
internal logic.
Related Information
• ALTCLKCTRL Parameters on page 5-1
• ALTCLKCTRL Ports and Signals on page 5-2
Global Clock Network Power Down
You can disable the MAX 10 GCLK (power down) by using both static and dynamic approaches. In the
static approach, configuration bits are set in the configuration file generated by the Quartus® II software,
which automatically disables unused GCLKs. The dynamic clock enable or disable feature allows internal
logic to control clock enable or disable of the GCLKs.
When a clock network is disabled, all the logic fed by the clock network is in an off-state, reducing the
overall power consumption of the device. This function is independent of the PLL and is applied directly
on the clock network.
You can set the input clock sources and the clkena signals for the GCLK multiplexers through the
ALTCLKCTRL IP core parameter editor in the Quartus II software.
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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Related Information
• ALTCLKCTRL Parameters on page 5-1
• ALTCLKCTRL Ports and Signals on page 5-2
Clock Enable Signals
The MAX 10 devices support clkena signals at the GCLK network level. This allows you to gate off the
clock even when a PLL is used. After reenabling the output clock, the PLL does not need a resynchroniza‐
tion or relock period because the circuit gates off the clock at the clock network level. In addition, the PLL
can remain locked independent of the clkena signals because the loop-related counters are not affected.
Figure 2-5: clkena Implementation
Clock Enable Signals
Note: The clkena circuitry controlling the C0 output of the PLL to an output pin is implemented with
two registers instead of a single register.
Figure 2-6: Example Waveform of clkena Implementation with Output Enable
The clkena signal is sampled on the falling edge of the clock (clkin). This feature is useful for
applications that require low power or sleep mode.
The clkena signal can also disable clock outputs if the system is not tolerant to frequency overshoot
during PLL resynchronization.
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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Altera Corporation
÷2 (1)
ADC clock (2)
No Compensation; ZDB Mode
Source-Synchronous; Normal Mode
(1) This is the VCO post-scale counter K.
(2) Only counter C0 of PLL1 and PLL3 can drive the ADC clock.
External clock output
Internal Oscillator Architecture and Features
Related Information
• Guideline: Clock Enable Signals on page 3-1
• ALTCLKCTRL Parameters on page 5-1
• ALTCLKCTRL Ports and Signals on page 5-2
Internal Oscillator Architecture and Features
MAX 10 devices have built-in internal ring oscillator with clock multiplexers and dividers. The internal
ring oscillator operates up to 232 MHz which is not accessible. This operating frequency further divides
down to slower frequencies.
By default internal oscillator is turned off in user mode. You can turn on the oscillator by asserting the
oscena signal in the Internal Oscillator IP core.
When the oscena input signal is asserted, the oscillator is enabled and the output can be routed to the
logic array through the clkout output signal. When the oscena signal is set low, the clkout signal is
constant high. You can analyze this delay using the TimeQuest timing analyzer.
PLLs Architecture and Features
PLL Architecture
The main purpose of a PLL is to synchronize the phase and frequency of the voltage-controlled oscillator
(VCO) to an input reference clock.
Figure 2-7: MAX 10 PLL High-Level Block Diagram
Each clock source can come from any of the two or four clock pins located on the same side of the device
as the PLL.
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MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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Phase-Frequency Detector (PFD)
PLL Architecture
The PFD has inputs from the feedback clock, fFB, and the input reference clock, f
. The PLL compares
the rising edge of the input reference clock to a feedback clock using a PFD. The PFD produces an up or
down signal that determines whether the VCO needs to operate at a higher or lower frequency.
Charge Pump (CP)
If the charge pump receives a logic high on the up signal, current is driven into the loop filter. If the
charge pump receives a logic high on the down signal, current is drawn from the loop filter.
Loop Filter (LF)
The loop filter converts the up and down signals from the PFD to a voltage that is used to bias the VCO.
The loop filter filters out glitches from the charge pump and prevents voltage overshoot, which minimizes
jitter on the VCO.
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO)
The voltage from the charge pump determines how fast the VCO operates. The VCO is implemented as a
four-stage differential ring oscillator. A divide counter, M, is inserted in the feedback loop to increase the
VCO frequency, f
, above the input reference frequency, f
The VCO frequency is determined using the following equation:
= f
× M = fIN × M/N ,
where fIN is the input clock frequency to the PLL and N is the pre-scale counter.
The VCO frequency is a critical parameter that must be between 600 and 1,300 MHz to ensure proper
operation of the PLL. The Quartus II software automatically sets the VCO frequency within the
recommended range based on the clock output and phase shift requirements in your design.
Post-Scale Counters (C)
The VCO output can feed up to five post-scale counters (C0, C1, C2, C3, and C4). These post-scale counters
allow the PLL to produce a number of harmonically-related frequencies.
Internal Delay Elements
The MAX 10 PLLs have internal delay elements to compensate for routing on the GCLK networks and
I/O buffers. These internal delays are fixed.
PLL Outputs
The MAX 10 PLL supports up to 5 GCLK outputs and 1 dedicated external clock output. The output
frequency, f
, to the GCLK network or dedicated external clock output is determined using the
following equation:
= fIN/N and
= f
/C = (f
× M)/C = (fIN × M)/(N × C),
where C is the setting on the C0, C1, C2, C3, or C4 counter.
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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Altera Corporation
PLL Features
PLL Features
Table 2-4: MAX 10 PLL Features
C output counters5
M, N, C counter sizes1 to 512
Dedicated clock outputs1 single-ended or 1 differential
Dedicated clock input pins4 single-ended or 2 differential
Spread-spectrum input clock trackingYes
PLL cascadingThrough GCLK
Source synchronous compensationYes
No compensation modeYes
Normal compensationYes
Zero-delay buffer compensationYes
Phase shift resolutionDown to 96 ps increments
Programmable duty cycleYes
Output counter cascadingYes
Input clock switchoverYes
User mode reconfigurationYes
Loss of lock detectionYes
4:1 multiplexer CLK input selectionYes
PLL Locations
The following figures show the physical locations of the PLLs. Every index represents one PLL in the
device. The physical locations of the PLLs correspond to the coordinates in the Quartus II Chip Planner.
C counters range from 1 through 512 if the output clock uses a 50% duty cycle. For any output clocks using a
non-50% duty cycle, the post-scale counters range from 1 through 256.
Only applicable if the input clock jitter is in the input jitter tolerance specifications.
The smallest phase shift is determined by the VCO period divided by eight. For degree increments, the
MAX 10 device family can shift all output frequencies in increments of at least 45°. Smaller degree
increments are possible depending on the frequency and divide parameters.
Altera Corporation
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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Bank 8
Bank 3
Bank 1Bank 2
Bank 6Bank 5
PLL 1 (1)
PLL 2 (2)
(1) Available on all packages except V36 package.
(2) Available on U324 and V36packages only.
Bank 8
Bank 1A
Bank 2
Bank 6Bank 5
PLL 1 (1)
PLL 2 (2)Bank 7
Bank 3Bank 4
Bank 1B
(1) Available on all packages except V81 package.
(2) Available on F256, F484, U324, and V81 packages only.
Figure 2-8: PLL Locations for 10M02 Device
PLL Locations
Figure 2-9: PLL Locations for 10M04 and 10M08 Devices
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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Bank 8
Bank 1A
Bank 2
Bank 6Bank 5
PLL 2 (1)Bank 7
Bank 3Bank 4
Bank 1B
PLL 3 (1)
PLL 4 (1)
(1) Available on all packages except E144 and U169 packages.
Clock Pin to PLL Connections
Figure 2-10: PLL Locations for 10M16, 10M25, 10M40 and 10M50 Devices
Clock Pin to PLL Connections
Table 2-5: MAX 10 Dedicated Clock Input Pin Connectivity to PLL
You can use the following three signals to observe and control the PLL operation and resynchronization.
Use the pfdena signal to maintain the last locked frequency so that your system has time to store its
current settings before shutting down.
The pfdena signal controls the PFD output with a programmable gate. The PFD circuit is enabled by
default. When the PFD circuit is disabled, the PLL output does not depend on the input clock, and tends
to drift outside of the lock window.
The areset signal is the reset or resynchronization input for each PLL. The device input pins or internal
logic can drive these input signals.
When you assert the areset signal, the PLL counters reset, clearing the PLL output and placing the PLL
out of lock. The VCO is then set back to its nominal setting. When the areset signal is deasserted, the
PLL resynchronizes to its input as it relocks.
The assertion of the areset signal does not disable the VCO, but instead resets the VCO to its nominal
value. The only time that the VCO is completely disabled is when you do not have a PLL instantiated in
your design.
This only applies to 10M16, 10M25, 10M40, and 10M50 devices.
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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Altera Corporation
Clock Feedback Modes
The locked output indicates that the PLL has locked onto the reference clock and the PLL clock outputs
are operating at the desired phase and frequency set in the ALTPLL IP core parameter editor.
Altera recommends using the areset and locked signals in your designs to control and observe the status
of your PLL. This implementation is illustrated in the following figure.
Figure 2-11: locked Signal Implementation
Note: If you use the SignalTap® II tool to probe the locked signal before the D flip-flop, the locked
signal goes low only when areset is deasserted. If the areset signal is not enabled, the extra logic
is not implemented in the ALTPLL IP core.
Related Information
• Guideline: PLL Control Signals on page 3-2
• PLL Control Signals Parameter Settings on page 6-2
• ALTPLL Ports and Signals on page 6-6
Clock Feedback Modes
The MAX 10 PLLs support up to four different clock feedback modes. Each mode allows clock multiplica‐
tion and division, phase shifting, and programmable duty cycle.
The PLL fully compensates input and output delays only when you use the dedicated clock input pins
associated with a given PLL as the clock sources.
For example, when using PLL1 in normal mode, the clock delays from one of the following clock input
pins to the PLL and the PLL clock output-to-destination register are fully compensated:
• CLK0
• CLK1
• CLK2
• CLK3
When driving the PLL using the GCLK network, the input and output delays might not be fully
compensated in the Quartus II software.
Altera Corporation
Related Information
Operation Modes Parameter Settings on page 6-1
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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Data pin
PLL reference
clock at input pin
Data at register
Clock at register
Source Synchronous Mode
If the data and clock arrive at the same time at the input pins, the phase relationship between the data and
clock remains the same at the data and clock ports of any I/O element input register.
You can use this mode for source synchronous data transfers. Data and clock signals at the I/O element
experience similar buffer delays as long as both signals use the same I/O standard.
Figure 2-12: Example of Phase Relationship Between Clock and Data in Source Synchronous Mode
Source Synchronous Mode
Source synchronous mode compensates for clock network delay, including any difference in delay
between the following two paths:
• Data pin to I/O element register input
• Clock input pin to the PLL PFD input
For all data pins clocked by a source synchronous mode PLL, set the input pin to the register delay chain
in the I/O element to zero in the Quartus II software. All data pins must use the PLL COMPENSATEDlogic option in the Quartus II software.
No Compensation Mode
In no compensation mode, the PLL does not compensate for any clock networks. This mode provides
better jitter performance because clock feedback into the PFD does not pass through as much circuitry.
Both the PLL internal and external clock outputs are phase-shifted with respect to the PLL clock input.
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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PLL Reference
Clock at the Input Pin
PLL Clock at the
Register Clock Port
(1), (2)
External PLL Clock
Outputs (2)
Phase Aligned
(1) Internal clocks fed by the PLL are phase-aligned to each other.
(2) The PLL clock outputs can lead or lag the PLL input clocks. The PLL clock outputs lag the
PLL input clocks depending on the routine delays.
PLL Reference
Clock at the Input pin
PLL Clock at the
Register Clock Port
External PLL Clock
Outputs (1)
Phase Aligned
(1) The external clock output can lead or lag the PLL internal clock signals.
Normal Mode
Figure 2-13: Example of Phase Relationship Between the PLL Clocks in No Compensation Mode
Normal Mode
In normal mode, the PLL fully compensates the delay introduced by the GCLK network. An internal clock
in normal mode is phase-aligned to the input clock pin. In this mode, the external clock output pin has a
phase delay relative to the input clock pin. The Quartus II software timing analyzer reports any phase
difference between the two.
Figure 2-14: Example of Phase Relationship Between the PLL Clocks in Normal Compensation Mode
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MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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PLL Reference Clock
at the Input Pin
PLL Clock
at the Register Clock Port
External PLL Clock Output
at the Output Pin
Phase Aligned
Zero-Delay Buffer Mode
In zero-delay buffer (ZDB) mode, the external clock output pin is phase-aligned with the clock input pin
for zero delay through the device. When using this mode, use the same I/O standard for the input clock
and output clocks to ensure clock alignment at the input and output pins.
Figure 2-15: Example of Phase Relationship Between the PLL Clocks in ZDB Mode
Zero-Delay Buffer Mode
PLL External Clock Output
Each PLL in the MAX 10 devices supports one single-ended clock output or one differential clock output.
Only the C0 output counter can feed the dedicated external clock outputs without going through the
GCLK. Other output counters can feed other I/O pins through the GCLK.
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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clkena 1 (1)
clkena 0 (1)
(1) These external clock enable signals are available only when using the ALTCLKCTRL IP core.
(2) PLL#_CLKOUTp and PLL#_CLKOUTn pins are dual-purpose I/O pins that you can use as one single-ended
or one differential clock output.
PLL External Clock Output
Figure 2-16: PLL External Clock Output
Each pin of a differential output pair is 180° out of phase. To implement the 180° out-of-phase pin in a
pin pair, the Quartus II software places a NOT gate in the design into the I/O element.
The clock output pin pairs support the following I/O standards:
• Same I/O standard as the standard output pins (in the top and bottom banks)
• Differential SSTL
The MAX 10 PLLs can drive out to any regular I/O pin through the GCLK. You can also use the external
clock output pins as general-purpose I/O pins if you do not require any external PLL clocking.
Related Information
MAX 10 General Purpose I/O User Guide
Provides more information about the I/O standards supported by the PLL clock output pins.
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MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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ADC Clock Input from PLL
Only the C0 output counter from PLL1 and PLL3 can drive the ADC clock.
Counter C0 has dedicated path to the ADC clock input.
Spread-Spectrum Clocking
The MAX 10 devices allow a spread-spectrum input with typical modulation frequencies. However, the
device cannot automatically detect that the input is a spread-spectrum signal. Instead, the input signal
looks like deterministic jitter at the input of the PLL.
The MAX 10 PLLs can track a spread-spectrum input clock if the input signal meets the following
• The input signal is within the input jitter tolerance specifications.
• The modulation frequency of the input clock is below the PLL bandwidth as specified in the Fitter
MAX 10 devices cannot generate spread-spectrum signals internally.
PLL Programmable Parameters
ADC Clock Input from PLL
Programmable Duty Cycle
The programmable duty cycle allows PLLs to generate clock outputs with a variable duty cycle. This
feature is supported on the PLL post-scale counters.
The duty cycle setting is achieved by a low and high time-count setting for the post-scale counters. To
determine the duty cycle choices, the Quartus II software uses the frequency input and the required
multiply or divide rate.
The post-scale counter value determines the precision of the duty cycle. The precision is defined as 50%
divided by the post-scale counter value. For example, if the C0 counter is 10, steps of 5% are possible for
duty cycle choices between 5 to 90%.
Combining the programmable duty cycle with programmable phase shift allows the generation of precise
nonoverlapping clocks.
Related Information
Post-Scale Counters (C0 to C4) on page 4-11
Provides more information about configuring the duty cycle of the post-scale counters in real time.
Programmable Bandwidth
The PLL bandwidth is the measure of the PLL’s ability to track the input clock and its associated jitter.
The MAX 10 PLLs provide advanced control of the PLL bandwidth using the programmable characteris‐
tics of the PLL loop, including loop filter and charge pump. The 3-dB frequency of the closed-loop gain in
the PLL determines the PLL bandwidth. The bandwidth is approximately the unity gain point for open
loop PLL response.
Related Information
• Programmable Bandwidth with Advanced Parameters on page 4-10
MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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Programmable Phase Shift
• Charge Pump and Loop Filter on page 4-13
Provides more information about the PLL components to update PLL bandwidth in real time.
• Programmable Bandwidth Parameter Settings on page 6-2
Programmable Phase Shift
The MAX 10 devices use phase shift to implement clock delays. You can phase shift the output clocks
from the MAX 10 PLLs using one of the following methods:
• Fine resolution using VCO phase taps
• Coarse resolution using counter starting time
The VCO phase output and counter starting time are the most accurate methods of inserting delays.
These methods are purely based on counter settings, which are independent of process, voltage, and
The MAX 10 devices support dynamic phase shifting of VCO phase taps only. The phase shift is configu‐
rable for any number of times. Each phase shift takes about one scanclk cycle, allowing you to implement
large phase shifts quickly.
Fine Resolution Phase Shift
Fine resolution phase shifts are implemented by allowing any of the output counters (C[4..0]) or the M
counter to use any of the eight phases of the VCO as the reference clock. This allows you to adjust the
delay time with a fine resolution. The following equation shows the minimum delay time that you can
insert using this method.
Figure 2-17: Fine Resolution Phase Shift Equation
in this equation is the input reference clock frequency
For example, if f
is 100 MHz, N = 1, and M = 8, then f
= 800 MHz, and Φ
= 156.25 ps. The PLL
operating frequency defines this phase shift, a value that depends on the reference clock frequency and
counter settings.
The following figure shows an example of phase shift insertion using the fine resolution through VCO
phase taps method. The eight phases from the VCO are shown and labeled for reference.
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MAX 10 Clocking and PLL Architecture and Features
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