Altera Arria 10 Avalon-MM User Manual

Arria 10 Avalon-MM Interface for PCIe
User Guide
Last updated for Altera Complete Design Suite: 15.0
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101 Innovation Drive
San Jose, CA 95134


Datasheet............................................................................................................. 1-1
Arria 10 Avalon-MM Interface for PCIe Datasheet ...............................................................................1-1
Features ........................................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Release Information ....................................................................................................................................1-6
Device Family Support ...............................................................................................................................1-7
Configurations .............................................................................................................................................1-7
Example Designs..........................................................................................................................................1-9
Debug Features ..........................................................................................................................................1-10
IP Core Verification ..................................................................................................................................1-10
Compatibility Testing Environment ..........................................................................................1-10
Performance and Resource Utilization ..................................................................................................1-10
Recommended Speed Grades ..................................................................................................................1-11
Steps in Creating a Design for PCI Express........................................................................................... 1-11
Getting Started with the Avalon-MM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express .........2-1
Running Qsys .............................................................................................................................................. 2-2
Generating the Example Design ............................................................................................................... 2-3
Understanding Simulation Log File Generation..................................................................................... 2-5
Running a Gate-Level Simulation..............................................................................................................2-5
Simulating the Single DWord Design ......................................................................................................2-5
Generating Quartus II Synthesis Files.......................................................................................................2-6
Creating a Quartus II Project .................................................................................................................... 2-6
Adding Virtual Pin Assignment to the Quartus II Settings File (.qsf)................................................. 2-7
Compiling the Design .................................................................................................................................2-7
Programming a Device ...............................................................................................................................2-7
Understanding Channel Placement Guidelines ..................................................................................... 2-7
Parameter Settings.............................................................................................. 3-1
Arria 10 Avalon-MM System Settings ..................................................................................................... 3-1
Interface System Settings ........................................................................................................................... 3-4
Base Address Register (BAR) Settings ......................................................................................................3-6
Device Identification Registers ..................................................................................................................3-7
PCI Express and PCI Capabilities Parameters ........................................................................................3-8
Device Capabilities ..........................................................................................................................3-8
Error Reporting ...............................................................................................................................3-9
Link Capabilities ........................................................................................................................... 3-10
MSI and MSI-X Capabilities ........................................................................................................3-11
Slot Capabilities .............................................................................................................................3-12
Power Management ......................................................................................................................3-13
Altera Corporation
Physical Layout of Hard IP In Arria 10 Devices.................................................4-1
Channel and Pin Placement for the Gen1, Gen2, and Gen3 Data Rates..............................................4-4
Channel Placement and fPLL Usage for the Gen1 and Gen2 Data Rates............................................4-5
Channel Placement and fPLL and ATX PLL Usage for the Gen3 Data Rate...................................... 4-7
64- or 128-Bit Avalon-MM Interface to the Application Layer......................... 5-1
32-Bit Non-Bursting Avalon-MM Control Register Access (CRA) Slave Signals .............................5-3
RX Avalon-MM Master Signals ................................................................................................................5-3
64- or 128-Bit Bursting TX Avalon-MM Slave Signals ..........................................................................5-5
Clock Signals ................................................................................................................................................5-8
Interrupts for Endpoints when Multiple MSI/MSI-X Support Is Enabled .......................................5-10
Hard IP Reconfiguration Interface .........................................................................................................5-11
Physical Layer Interface Signals ..............................................................................................................5-13
Serial Data Signals .........................................................................................................................5-13
PIPE Interface Signals .................................................................................................................. 5-14
Test Signals .................................................................................................................................... 5-19
Correspondence between Configuration Space Registers and the PCIe Specification .....................6-1
Type 0 Configuration Space Registers ..................................................................................................... 6-5
Type 1 Configuration Space Registers ..................................................................................................... 6-6
PCI Express Capability Structures.............................................................................................................6-6
Altera-Defined VSEC Registers................................................................................................................. 6-9
CvP Registers..............................................................................................................................................6-10
64- or 128-Bit Avalon-MM Bridge Register Descriptions .................................................................. 6-13
Avalon-MM to PCI Express Interrupt Registers ......................................................................6-15
Programming Model for Avalon-MM Root Port .................................................................................6-26
Sending a Write TLP .................................................................................................................... 6-27
Sending a Read TLP or Receiving a Non-Posted Completion TLP .......................................6-28
PCI Express to Avalon-MM Interrupt Status and Enable Registers for Root Ports ............6-28
Root Port TLP Data Registers ..................................................................................................... 6-29
Uncorrectable Internal Error Mask Register ........................................................................................ 6-31
Uncorrectable Internal Error Status Register ....................................................................................... 6-32
Correctable Internal Error Mask Register .............................................................................................6-33
Correctable Internal Error Status Register ............................................................................................6-34
Arria 10 Reset and Clocks................................................................................... 7-1
Reset Sequence for Hard IP for PCI Express IP Core and Application Layer ....................................7-2
Clocks ........................................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Clock Domains ................................................................................................................................7-4
Clock Summary ...............................................................................................................................7-6
Interrupts for Endpoints ....................................................................................8-1
Altera Corporation
Enabling MSI or Legacy Interrupts .......................................................................................................... 8-2
Generation of Avalon-MM Interrupts .....................................................................................................8-3
Interrupts for Endpoints Using the Avalon-MM Interface with Multiple MSI/MSI-X Support
Error Handling ................................................................................................... 9-1
Physical Layer Errors ..................................................................................................................................9-2
Data Link Layer Errors ...............................................................................................................................9-2
Transaction Layer Errors ...........................................................................................................................9-3
Error Reporting and Data Poisoning ....................................................................................................... 9-6
Uncorrectable and Correctable Error Status Bits ...................................................................................9-7
IP Core Architecture......................................................................................... 10-1
Top-Level Interfaces .................................................................................................................................10-3
Avalon-MM Interface............................................................................................................................... 10-3
Clocks and Reset ....................................................................................................................................... 10-3
Interrupts ................................................................................................................................................... 10-3
PIPE ............................................................................................................................................................ 10-3
Data Link Layer .........................................................................................................................................10-4
Physical Layer ............................................................................................................................................10-6
32-Bit PCI Express Avalon-MM Bridge ................................................................................................ 10-8
Avalon-MM Bridge TLPs .......................................................................................................... 10-11
Avalon-MM-to-PCI Express Write Requests .........................................................................10-11
Avalon-MM-to-PCI Express Upstream Read Requests ........................................................10-11
PCI Express-to-Avalon-MM Read Completions ................................................................... 10-12
PCI Express-to-Avalon-MM Downstream Write Requests ................................................. 10-12
PCI Express-to-Avalon-MM Downstream Read Requests ...................................................10-12
Avalon-MM-to-PCI Express Read Completions ................................................................... 10-13
PCI Express-to-Avalon-MM Address Translation for 32-Bit Bridge ..................................10-13
Minimizing BAR Sizes and the PCIe Address Space .............................................................10-15
Avalon-MM-to-PCI Express Address Translation Algorithm for 32-Bit Addressing ......10-17
Completer Only Single Dword Endpoint ............................................................................................10-19
RX Block .......................................................................................................................................10-20
Avalon-MM RX Master Block .................................................................................................. 10-20
TX Block .......................................................................................................................................10-21
Interrupt Handler Block ............................................................................................................ 10-21
Design Implementation.................................................................................... 11-1
Throughput Optimization................................................................................ 12-1
Altera Corporation
Making Pin Assignments to Assign I/O Standard to Serial Data Pins ..............................................11-1
Recommended Reset Sequence to Avoid Link Training Issues ......................................................... 11-1
SDC Timing Constraints.......................................................................................................................... 11-2
Throughput of Posted Writes ................................................................................................................. 12-3
Throughput of Non-Posted Reads ......................................................................................................... 12-3
Optional Features..............................................................................................13-1
Configuration via Protocol (CvP) .......................................................................................................... 13-1
ECRC ..........................................................................................................................................................13-2
ECRC on the RX Path .................................................................................................................. 13-2
ECRC on the TX Path .................................................................................................................. 13-3
Avalon-MM Testbench and Design Example .................................................. 14-1
Arria 10 Avalon-MM Endpoint Testbench ...........................................................................................14-2
Arria 10 Avalon-MM Root Port Testbench ..........................................................................................14-4
Endpoint Design Example........................................................................................................................14-4
BAR/Address Map ........................................................................................................................14-6
Avalon-MM Test Driver Module ........................................................................................................... 14-7
DMA Write Cycles ................................................................................................................................... 14-8
DMA Read Cycles ...................................................................................................................................14-10
Avalon-MM Root Port Design Example .............................................................................................14-12
Root Port BFM ........................................................................................................................................14-14
BFM Memory Map .....................................................................................................................14-16
Configuration Space Bus and Device Numbering ................................................................. 14-16
Configuration of Root Port and Endpoint ..............................................................................14-16
Issuing Read and Write Transactions to the Application Layer .......................................... 14-21
BFM Procedures and Functions ........................................................................................................... 14-22
ebfm_barwr Procedure .............................................................................................................. 14-22
ebfm_barwr_imm Procedure ....................................................................................................14-23
ebfm_barrd_wait Procedure ..................................................................................................... 14-24
ebfm_barrd_nowt Procedure ....................................................................................................14-25
ebfm_cfgwr_imm_wait Procedure ...........................................................................................14-26
ebfm_cfgwr_imm_nowt Procedure ......................................................................................... 14-26
ebfm_cfgrd_wait Procedure ......................................................................................................14-27
ebfm_cfgrd_nowt Procedure .....................................................................................................14-28
BFM Configuration Procedures................................................................................................ 14-29
BFM Shared Memory Access Procedures ............................................................................... 14-31
BFM Log and Message Procedures .......................................................................................... 14-34
Verilog HDL Formatting Functions ........................................................................................ 14-38
Procedures and Functions Specific to the Chaining DMA Design Example......................14-42
Setting Up Simulation.............................................................................................................................14-49
Changing Between Serial and PIPE Simulation ..................................................................... 14-49
Using the PIPE Interface for Gen1 and Gen2 Variants .........................................................14-49
Viewing the Important PIPE Interface Signals........................................................................14-49
Disabling the Scrambler for Gen1 and Gen2 Simulations ....................................................14-49
Disabling 8B/10B Encoding and Decoding for Gen1 and Gen2 Simulations.....................14-50
Debugging .........................................................................................................15-1
Simulation Fails To Progress Beyond Polling.Active State..................................................................15-1
Hardware Bring-Up Issues ......................................................................................................................15-1
Link Training .............................................................................................................................................15-2
Altera Corporation
Use Third-Party PCIe Analyzer ..............................................................................................................15-2
BIOS Enumeration Issues ........................................................................................................................15-3
Frequently Asked Questions.............................................................................. A-1
Lane Initialization and Reversal ........................................................................B-1
Additional Information......................................................................................C-1
Revision History for the Avalon-MM Interface......................................................................................C-1
How to Contact Altera............................................................................................................................... C-4
Typographic Conventions......................................................................................................................... C-5
Altera Corporation
PCIe Hard IP
for PCIe
Serial Data
(User Logic)
101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134


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Arria 10 Avalon-MM Interface for PCIe Datasheet

Altera® Arria® 10 FPGAs include a configurable, hardened protocol stack for PCI Express compliant with PCI Express Base Specification 3.0.
The Hard IP for PCI Express IP core using the Avalon ® Memory-Mapped (Avalon-MM) interface removes some of the complexities associated with the PCIe protocol. For example, it handles all of the Transaction Layer Protocol (TLP) encoding and decoding. Consequently, you can complete your design more quickly. The Avalon-MM interface is implemented as a bridge in soft logic. It is available in Qsys.
Figure 1-1: Arria 10 PCIe Variant with Avalon-MM Interface
The following figure shows the high-level modules and connecting interfaces for this variant.
that is
Table 1-1: PCI Express Data Throughput
The following table shows the aggregate bandwidth of a PCI Express link for Gen1, Gen2, and Gen3 for 1, 2, 4, and 8 lanes. The protocol specifies 2.5 giga-transfers per second for Gen1, 5.0 giga-transfers per second for Gen2, and 8.0 giga-transfers per second for Gen3. This table provides bandwidths for a single transmit (TX) or receive (RX) channel. The numbers double for duplex operation. Gen1 and Gen2 use 8B/10B encoding which introduces a 20% overhead. In contrast, Gen3 uses 128b/130b encoding which reduces the data throughput lost to encoding to less than 1%.
PCI Express Gen1 (2.5 Gbps)
2015 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Link Width in Gigabits Per Second (Gbps)
x1 x2 x4 x8
2 4 8 16
ISO 9001:2008 Registered


Link Width in Gigabits Per Second (Gbps)
x1 x2 x4 x8
PCI Express Gen2 (5.0 Gbps)
PCI Express Gen3 (8.0 Gbps)
Refer to AN 456: PCI Express High Performance Reference Design for more information about calculating bandwidth for the hard IP implementation of PCI Express in many Altera FPGAs, including the Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express IP core.
Related Information
PCI Express Base Specification 3.0
AN 456: PCI Express High Performance Reference Design
Creating a System with Qsys
New features in the Quartus® II 15.0 software release:
• Added Enable Altera Debug Master Endpoint (ADME) parameter to support optional Native PHY
register programming with the Altera System Console.
• Dynamic generation of Qsys design examples using the parameters that you specify.
• Added Root Port support for transmitting messages of length greater than one dword.
4 8 16 32
7.87 15.75 31.51 63
The Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express with the Avalon-MM interface supports the following features:
• Complete protocol stack including the Transaction, Data Link, and Physical Layers implemented as hard IP.
• Support for ×1, ×2, ×4, and ×8 configurations with Gen1, Gen2, or Gen3 lane rates for Root Ports and Endpoints.
• Dedicated 16 KByte receive buffer.
• Optional support for Configuration via Protocol (CvP) using the PCIe link allowing the I/O and core bitstreams to be stored separately.
• Support for 32- or 64-bit addressing for the Avalon-MM interface to the Application Layer.
• Qsys example designs demonstrating parameterization, design modules, and connectivity.
• Extended credit allocation settings to better optimize the RX buffer space based on application type.
• Optional end-to-end cyclic redundancy code (ECRC) generation and checking and advanced error reporting (AER) for high reliability applications.
• Easy to use:
• Flexible configuration.
• No license requirement.
• Example designs to get started.
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Table 1-2: Feature Comparison for all Hard IP for PCI Express IP Cores
The table compares the features of the four Hard IP for PCI Express IP Cores.
Feature Avalon-ST Interface Avalon-MM
Avalon-MM DMA Avalon-ST Interface with SR-
IP Core License Free Free Free Free
Supported Supported Supported Supported
Legacy Endpoint
Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Root port Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Gen1 ×1, ×2, ×4, ×8 ×1, ×2, ×4, ×8 Not Supported
Gen2 ×1, ×2, ×4, ×8 ×1, ×2, ×4, ×8 ×4, ×8
Gen3 ×1, ×2, ×4, ×8 ×1, ×2, ×4 ×2, ×4, ×8
64-bit Applica‐
Supported Supported Not supported Not supported
×4, ×8
×2, ×4, ×8
tion Layer interface
Supported Supported Supported Supported Application Layer interface
Supported Not Supported Supported Supported Application Layer interface
Maximum payload size
Number of tags
128, 256, 512,
1024, 2048 bytes
256 8 16 256 supported for non-posted requests
Not recommended for new designs.
128, 256 bytes 128, 256 bytes 128, 256 bytes
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Feature Avalon-ST Interface Avalon-MM
Not supported Supported Supported Not supported handle out-of­order completions (transparent to the Application Layer)
Not supported Supported Supported Not Supported handle requests that cross 4 KByte address boundary (transparent to the Application Layer)
Supported Supported Supported Supported Inversion of PIPE interface signals
Avalon-MM DMA Avalon-ST Interface with SR-
Number of MSI requests
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 (for
Physical Functions)
MSI-X Supported Supported Supported Supported
Supported Supported Supported Supported interrupts
Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported ROM
Table 1-3: TLP Support Comparison for all Hard IP for PCI Express IP Cores
The table compares the TLP types that the four Hard IP for PCI Express IP Cores can transmit. Each entry indicates whether this TLP type is supported (for transmit) by endpoints (EP), Root Ports (RP), or both (EP/RP).
Transaction Layer
Packet type (TLP)
(transmit support)
Memory Read
Avalon-ST Interface Avalon-MM
Avalon-MM DMA Avalon-ST Interface with SR-
Request (Mrd)
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Transaction Layer
Packet type (TLP)
(transmit support)
Memory Read Lock Request (MRdLk)
Memory Write Request (MWr)
I/O Read Request (IORd)
I/O Write Request (IOWr)
Config Type 0 Read Request (CfgRd0)
Config Type 0 Write Request (CfgWr0)
Config Type 1 Read Request (CfgRd1)
Avalon-ST Interface Avalon-MM
Avalon-MM DMA Avalon-ST Interface with SR-
Config Type 1 Write Request (CfgWr1)
Message Request (Msg)
Message Request with Data (MsgD)
Completion (Cpl)
Completion with Data (CplD)
Completion­Locked (CplLk)
Completion Lock with Data (CplDLk)
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Release Information

Transaction Layer
Packet type (TLP)
(transmit support)
Fetch and Add
Avalon-ST Interface Avalon-MM
EP AtomicOp Request (FetchAdd)
The Arria 10 Avalon-MM Interface for PCIe Solutions User Guide explains how to use this IP core and not the PCI Express protocol. Although there is inevitable overlap between these two purposes, use this document only in conjunction with an understanding of the PCI Express Base Specification.
Note: This release provides separate user guides for the different variants. The Related Information
provides links to all versions.
Related Information
Arria 10 Avalon-ST Interface for PCIe Solutions User Guide
Arria 10 Avalon-ST Interface with SR-IOV for PCIe Solutions User Guide
Arria 10 Avalon-MM DMA Interface for PCIe Solutions User Guide
Release Information
Avalon-MM DMA Avalon-ST Interface with SR-
Table 1-4: Hard IP for PCI Express Release Information
Item Description
Version 15.0
Release Date May 2015
Ordering Codes No ordering code is required
Product IDs There are no encrypted files for the Arria 10 Hard
IP for PCI Express. The Product ID and Vendor ID
Vendor ID
are not required because this IP core does not require a license.
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Device Family Support

Table 1-5: Device Family Support
Device Family Support
Device Family Support
Arria 10
Preliminary. The IP core is verified with prelimi‐ nary timing models for this device family. The IP core meets all functional requirements, but might still be undergoing timing analysis for the device family. It can be used in production designs with caution.
Other device families Refer to the Altera's PCI Express IP Solutions web
page for support information on other device families.
Related Information
Altera's PCI Express IP Solutions web page


The Avalon-MM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express includes a full hard IP implementation of the PCI Express stack comprising the following layers:
• Physical (PHY), including:
• Physical Media Attachment (PMA)
• Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS)
• Media Access Control (MAC)
• Data Link Layer (DL)
• Transaction Layer (TL)
When configured as an Endpoint, the Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express using the Avalon-MM supports memory read and write requests and completions with or without data.
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Altera FPGA
User Application
Hard IP
Hard IP
User Application
PCI Express Link
Altera FPGA
Figure 1-2: PCI Express Application with a Single Root Port and Endpoint
The following figure shows a PCI Express link between two Arria 10 FPGAs.
Figure 1-3: PCI Express Application Using Configuration via Protocol
The Arria 10 design below includes the following components:
• A Root Port that connects directly to a second FPGA that includes an Endpoint.
• Two Endpoints that connect to a PCIe switch.
• A host CPU that implements CvP using the PCI Express link connects through the switch. For more
information about configuration over a PCI Express link, refer to Configuration via Protocol (CvP) on page 13-1.
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PCIe Link
PCIe Hard IP
Hard IP
User Application
PCIe Hard IP
PCIe Link
PCIe Link
User Application
Altera FPGA Hard IP for PCI Express
Altera FPGA with Hard IP for PCI Express
Active Serial or
Active Quad
Device Configuration
Configuration via Protocol (CvP)
using the PCI Express Link
Serial or
Quad Flash
Hard IP
Altera FPGA with Hard IP for PCI Express
Config Control
Host CPU

Example Designs

Related Information
Configuration via Protocol (CvP)Implementation in Altera FPGAs User Guide
Example Designs
Qsys example designs are available for the Avalon-MM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express IP Core. You can download them from the <install_dir>/ip/altera/altera_pcie/altera_pcie_a10_ed/example_design/a10 directory:
When you click the Example Design button in the Parameter Editor, you are prompted to specify the example design location. After example design generation completes, this directory contains one or two example designs. One is the example design from the <install_dir> that best matches the current parameter settings. This example design provides a static DUT. The other example design is a customized example design that matches your parameter settings exactly; starting in the Quartus II software v15.0, this feature is available for most but not all IP core variations. If this feature is not available for your particular parameter settings, the Parameter Editor displays a warning.
Related Information
Getting Started with the Avalon-MM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express on page 2-1
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Debug Features

Debug Features
Debug features allow observation and control of the Hard IP for faster debugging of system-level problems.
Related Information
Debugging on page 15-1

IP Core Verification

To ensure compliance with the PCI Express specification, Altera performs extensive verification. The simulation environment uses multiple testbenches that consist of industry-standard bus functional models (BFMs) driving the PCI Express link interface. Altera performs the following tests in the simulation environment:
• Directed and pseudorandom stimuli are applied to test the Application Layer interface, Configuration Space, and all types and sizes of TLPs
• Error injection tests that inject errors in the link, TLPs, and Data Link Layer Packets (DLLPs), and check for the proper responses
• PCI-SIG® Compliance Checklist tests that specifically test the items in the checklist
• Random tests that test a wide range of traffic patterns
Altera provides example designs that you can leverage to test your PCBs and complete compliance base board testing (CBB testing) at PCI-SIG, upon request.

Compatibility Testing Environment

Altera has performed significant hardware testing to ensure a reliable solution. In addition, Altera internally tests every release with motherboards and PCI Express switches from a variety of manufac‐ turers. All PCI-SIG compliance tests are run with each IP core release.

Performance and Resource Utilization

Because the PCIe protocol stack is implemented in hardened logic, it uses no core device resources (no ALMs and no embedded memory).
The Avalon-MM soft logic bridge functions as a front end to the hardened protocol stack. The following table shows the typical device resource utilization for selected configurations using the current version of the Quartus II software. With the exception of M20K memory blocks, the numbers of ALMs and logic registers are rounded up to the nearest 50.
Table 1-6: Performance and Resource Utilization Avalon-MM Hard IP for PCI Express
Interface Width ALMs M20K Memory Blocks Logic Registers
Altera Corporation
Avalon-MM Bridge
64 1100 17 1500
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Interface Width ALMs M20K Memory Blocks Logic Registers
128 1900 25 2900
64 650 8 1000
128 1400 12 2400
64 250 0 350
Related Information
Fitter Resources Reports

Recommended Speed Grades

Recommended speed grades are pending characterization of production Arria 10 devices.
Recommended Speed Grades
Avalon-MM Interface–Completer Only
Avalon-MM–Completer Only Single Dword
Related Information
Area and Timing Optimization
Altera Software Installation and Licensing Manual
Setting up and Running Analysis and Synthesis

Steps in Creating a Design for PCI Express

Before you begin
Select the PCIe variant that best meets your design requirements.
• Is your design an Endpoint or Root Port?
• What Generation do you intend to implement?
• What link width do you intend to implement?
• What bandwidth does your application require?
• Does your design require CvP?
1. Select parameters for that variant.
2. Simulate using an Altera-provided example design. All of Altera's static PCI Express example designs
are available under <install_dir>/ip/altera/altera_pcie/. Alternatively, generate an example design that matches your parameter settings, or create a simulation model and use your own custom or third­party BFM. The Qsys Generate menu generates simulation models. Altera supports ModelSim-Altera
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Steps in Creating a Design for PCI Express
for all IP. The PCIe cores support the Aldec RivieraPro, Cadence NCsim, Mentor Graphics ModelSim, and Synopsys VCS and VCS-MX simulators.
3. Compile your design using the Quartus II software. If the versions of your design and the Quartus II software you are running do not match, regenerate your PCIe design.
4. Download your design to an Altera development board or your own PCB. Click on the All Develop‐ ment Kits link below for a list of Altera's development boards.
5. Test the hardware. You can use Altera's SignalTap® II Logic Analyzer or a third-party protocol analyzer to observe behavior.
6. Substitute your Application Layer logic for the Application Layer logic in Altera's testbench. Then repeat Steps 3–6. In Altera's testbenches, the PCIe core is typically called the DUT (device under test). The Application Layer logic is typically called APPS.
Related Information
Parameter Settings on page 3-1
Getting Started with the Avalon-MM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express on page 2-1
All Development Kits
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Getting Started with the AvalonMM Arria 10
Data Link,
and PHY
O n-C hip
Qsys System Design for PCI Express
PCI Express
Avalon-MM Hard IP for PCI Express
101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134
Hard IP for PCI Express
This Qsys design example provides detailed step-by-step instructions to generate a Qsys system. When you install the Quartus II software you also install the IP Library. This installation includes design examples for the Avalon-MM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express in the <install_dir>/ip/altera/altera_pcie/
altera_pcie_a10_ed/example_design/a10 directory. This walkthrough uses a Gen2 x4 Endpoint,
ep_g2x4_avmm128.qsys. The design examples contain the following components:
• Avalon-MM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express IP core
• On-Chip memory
• DMA controller
Figure 2-1: Qsys Generated Endpoint
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The design example transfers data between an on-chip memory buffer located on the Avalon-MM side and a PCI Express memory buffer located on the root complex side. The data transfer uses the DMA component which is programmed by the PCI Express software application running on the Root Complex processor.
Related Information
trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Generating the Example Design on page 2-3
2015 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are
ISO 9001:2008 Registered

Running Qsys

Creating a System with Qsys
This document provides an introduction to Qsys.
Running Qsys
1. Choose Programs > Altera > Quartus II><version_number> (Windows Start menu) to run the
Quartus II software. Alternatively, you can also use the Quartus II Web Edition software.
2. On the File menu, select New, then Qsys System File.
3. Open the ep_g2x4_avmm128.qsys example design.
The following figure shows a Qsys system that includes the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller and the Altera PCIe Reconfig Driver IP Cores. The Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller performs dynamic reconfiguration of the analog transceiver settings to optimize signal quality. You must include these components to the Qsys system to run successfully in hardware.
Figure 2-2: Qsys Avalon-MM Design for PCIe with Transceiver Reconfiguration Components
Refer to Creating a System with Qsys in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook for more information about how to use Qsys. For an explanation of each Qsys menu item, refer to About Qsys in Quartus II Help.
Related Information
Creating a System with Qsys
About Qsys
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Getting Started with the AvalonMM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express
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Generating the Example Design

1. On the Generate menu, select Generate Testbench System. The Generation dialog box appears.
2. Under Testbench System, set the following options: a. For Create testbench Qsys system, select Standard, BFMs for standard Qsys interfaces.
b. For Create testbench simulation model, select Verilog.
3. You can retain the default values for all other parameters.
4. Click Generate.
5. After Qsys reports Generation Completed, click Close.
6. On the File menu, click Save.
The following table lists the testbench and simulation directories Qsys generates.
Table 2-1: Qsys System Generated Directories
Directory Location
Generating the Example Design
Qsys system
Simulation Directory
<project_dir>/ep_g2x4_avmm128_tb/ep_g2x4_tb/sim/ <cad_vendor>
The design example simulation includes the following components and software:
• The Qsys system
• A testbench. You can view this testbench in Qsys by opening <project_dir>/ep_g2x4_avmm128_tb/ep_
• The ModelSim software
You can also use any other supported third-party simulator to simulate your design.
Complete the following steps to run the Qsys testbench:
1. In a terminal window, change to the <project_dir>/ep_g2x4_avmm128_tb/ep_g2x4_avmm128_tb/sim/
mentor directory.
2. Start the ModelSim® simulator.
3. Type the following commands in a terminal window: a. do msim_setup.tcl
b. ld_debug c. run 140000 ns
Getting Started with the AvalonMM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express
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Altera Corporation
Generating the Example Design
The driver performs the following transactions with status of the transactions displayed in the ModelSim simulation message window:
1. Various configuration accesses to the Avalon-MM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express in your system after the link is initialized
2. Setup of the Address Translation Table for requests that are coming from the DMA component
3. Setup of the DMA controller to read 512 Bytes of data from the Transaction Layer Direct BFM shared
4. Setup of the DMA controller to write the same data back to the Transaction Layer Direct BFM shared memory
5. Data comparison and report of any mismatch
The following example shows the transcript from a successful simulation run.
Example 2-1: Transcript from ModelSim Simulation of Gen2 x4 Endpoint
# INFO: 3657 ns RP LTSSM State: DETECT.ACTIVE # INFO: 4425 ns RP LTSSM State: POLLING.ACTIVE # INFO: 17257 ns RP LTSSM State: DETECT.QUIET # INFO: 17353 ns RP LTSSM State: DETECT.ACTIVE # INFO: 17405 ns RP LTSSM State: DETECT.QUIET # INFO: 17485 ns RP LTSSM State: DETECT.ACTIVE # INFO: 18249 ns RP LTSSM State: POLLING.ACTIVE # INFO: 23685 ns RP LTSSM State: DETECT.ACTIVE # INFO: 28510 ns RP LTSSM State: DETECT.QUIET . . . # INFO: 44777 ns RP LTSSM State: POLLING.CONFIG # INFO: 45865 ns RP LTSSM State: CONFIG.LINKWIDTH.START # INFO: 46213 ns EP LTSSM State: CONFIG.LINKWIDTH.START # INFO: 46885 ns EP LTSSM State: CONFIG.LINKWIDTH.ACCEPT # INFO: 47353 ns RP LTSSM State: CONFIG.LINKWIDTH.ACCEPT # INFO: 48549 ns RP LTSSM State: CONFIG.LANENUM.WAIT # INFO: 48825 ns RP LTSSM State: CONFIG.LANENUM.ACCEPT # INFO: 48869 ns EP LTSSM State: CONFIG.LANENUM.ACCEPT # INFO: 49145 ns RP LTSSM State: CONFIG.LANENUM.WAIT # INFO: 49337 ns RP LTSSM State: CONFIG.LANENUM.ACCEPT # INFO: 49657 ns RP LTSSM State: CONFIG.COMPLETE # INFO: 50149 ns EP LTSSM State: CONFIG.COMPLETE # INFO: 51429 ns RP LTSSM State: CONFIG.IDLE # INFO: 51456 ns EP LTSSM State: CONFIG.IDLE # INFO: 51609 ns RP LTSSM State: L0 # INFO: 51909 ns EP LTSSM State: L0 . . . # INFO: 82248 ns Completed configuration of Endpoint BARs. # INFO: 83016 ns Starting Target Write/Read Test. # INFO: 83016 ns Target BAR = 0 # INFO: 83016 ns Length = 000512,Start Offset=000000 # INFO: 85264 ns Target Write and Read compared okay # INFO: 85264 ns Starting DMA Read/Write Test. # INFO: 85264 ns Setup BAR = 2 # INFO: 85264 ns Length = 000512, Start Offset = 000000 # INFO: 88616 ns Interrupt Monitor: Interrupt INTA Asserted # INFO: 88616 ns Clear Interrupt INTA # INFO: 89400 ns Interrupt Monitor: Interrupt INTA Deasserted # INFO: 92892 ns MSI received! # INFO: 92896 ns DMA Read and Write compared okay! # SUCCESS: Simulation stopped due to successful completion! # Break in Function ebfm_log_stop_sim at ./..//ep_g1x4_avmm64_tb/simulation/ submodules//altpcietb_bfm_log.v line 78
Altera Corporation
Getting Started with the AvalonMM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express
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Related Information
Simulating Altera Designs

Understanding Simulation Log File Generation

Starting with the Quartus II 14.0 software release, simulation automatically creates a log file, altpcie_
monitor_<dev>_dlhip_tlp_file_log.log in your simulation directory.
Table 2-2: Sample Simulation Log File Entries
Understanding Simulation Log File Generation
Time TLP Type Payload
17989 RX CfgRd0 0004 04000001_0000000F_01080008 17989 RX MRd 0000 00000000_00000000_01080000 18021 RX CfgRd0 0004 04000001_0000010F_0108002C 18053 RX CfgRd0 0004 04000001_0000030F_0108003C 18085 RX MRd 0000 00000000_00000000_0108000C

Running a Gate-Level Simulation

The PCI Express testbenches run simulations at the register transfer level (RTL). However, it is possible to create you own gate-level simulations. Contact your Altera Sales Representative for instructions and an example that illustrate how to create a gate-level simulation from the RTL testbench.

Simulating the Single DWord Design

You can use the same testbench to simulate the Completer-Only Single Dword IP core by changing the settings in the driver file.
TLP Header
1. In a terminal window, change to the <variant>_tb/<variant>_tb/altera_pcie_a10_tbed_140/sim/ directory.
2. Open altpcietb_bfm_driver_avmm.v in your text editor.
3. To enable target memory tests and specify the completer-only single dword variant, specify the
following parameters:
a. parameter RUN_TGT_MEM_TST = 1; b. parameter RUN_DMA_MEM_TST = 0; c. parameter AVALON_MM_LITE = 1;
4. Change to the <variant>_tb/<variant>_tb/sim/mentor directory.
5. Start the ModelSim simulator.
6. To run the simulation, type the following commands in a terminal window:
Getting Started with the AvalonMM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express
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Altera Corporation

Generating Quartus II Synthesis Files

a. do msim_setup.tcl b. ld_debug (The debug suffix stops optimizations, improving visibility in the ModelSim waveforms.) c. run 140000 ns
Generating Quartus II Synthesis Files
1. On the Generate menu, select Generate HDL.
2. For Create HDL design files for synthesis, select Verilog.
You can leave the default settings for all other items.
3. Click Generate to generate files for Quartus II synthesis.
4. Click Finish when the generation completes.

Creating a Quartus II Project

You can create a new Quartus II project with the New Project Wizard, which helps you specify the working directory for the project, assign the project name, and designate the name of the top-level design entity.
1. On the Quartus II File menu, click then New Project Wizard, then Next.
2. Click Next in the New Project Wizard: Introduction (The introduction does not appear if you
previously turned it off.)
3. On the Directory, Name, Top-Level Entity page, enter the following information:
a. For What is the working directory for this project, browse to <project_dir>/ep_g2x4_avmm128/
b. For What is the name of this project, select ep_g2x4_avmm128.v from the <project_dir>/ep_g2x4_
avmm128/synth directory.
c. For Project Type select Empty project.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Add Files page, add <project_dir>/ep_g2x4_128avmm/ep_g2x4_avmm128.qip to your Quartus II
6. Click Next to display the Family & Device Settings page.
7. On the Device page, choose the following target device family and options: a. In the Family list, select Arria 10.
b. In the Devices list, select All. c. In the Available devices list, select the appropriate device. For Arria 10 ES2 development kits, select
8. Click Next to close this page and display the EDA Tool Settings page.
9. From the Simulation list, select ModelSim. From the Format list, select the HDL language you intend
to use for simulation.
10.Click Next to display the Summary page.
11.Check the Summary page to ensure that you have entered all the information correctly.
Altera Corporation
Getting Started with the AvalonMM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express
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Adding Virtual Pin Assignment to the Quartus II Settings File (.qsf)

Adding Virtual Pin Assignment to the Quartus II Settings File (.qsf)
To compile successfully you must add a virtual pin assignment statement for the PIPE interface to your .qsf file. The PIPE interface is useful for debugging, but is not a top-level interface of the IP core.
1. Browse to the synthesis directory that includes the .qsf for your project, <project_dir>/ep_g2x4_avmm128/
2. Open ep_g2x4_avmm128.qsf.
3. Add the following assignment statement:
set_instance_assignment -name VIRTUAL_PIN ON -to pcie_a10_hip_0_hip_pipe_*
4. Save the .qsf file.

Compiling the Design

1. Before compiling, you need to make a few changes to your top-level Verilog HDL file to create a design that you can successfully download to a PCB.
a. In the <project_dir>/ep_g2x4_avmm128/synth/, open ep_g2x4_avmm128.v. b. Comment out the declaration for pcie_a10_hip_0_hip_ctrl_test_in. c. Add a wire [31:0] pcie_a10_hip_0_hip_ctrl_test_in declaration to the same the same file. d. Assign pcie_a10_hip_0_hip_ctrl_test_in = 0x000000A8. e. Connect pcie_a10_hip_0_hip_ctrl_test_in to the test_in port on the Arria 10 Hard IP for
PCI Express instance.
2. On the Quartus II Processing menu, click Start Compilation.
3. After compilation, expand the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer folder in the Compilation Report. Note
whether the timing constraints are achieved in the Compilation Report.
If your design does not initially meet the timing constraints, you can find the optimal Fitter settings for your design by using the Design Space Explorer. To use the Design Space Explorer, click Launch Design Space Explorer on the Tools menu.

Programming a Device

After you compile your design, you can program your targeted Altera device and verify your design in hardware.
For more information about programming Altera FPGAs, refer to Quartus II Programmer.
Related Information
Quartus II Programmer

Understanding Channel Placement Guidelines

Arria 10 transceivers are organized in banks of six channels. The transceiver bank boundaries are important for clocking resources, bonding channels, and fitting. Refer to the Channel Placement for the Gen1 and Gen2 Data Rates and Channel Placment and fPLL and ATX PLL Usage for the Gen3 Data Rates for illustrations of channel placement for x1, x2, x4, and x8 variants.
Getting Started with the AvalonMM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express
Altera Corporation
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Understanding Channel Placement Guidelines
Related Information
Channel Placement and fPLL Usage for the Gen1 and Gen2 Data Rates on page 4-5
Channel Placement and fPLL and ATX PLL Usage for the Gen3 Data Rate on page 4-7
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Getting Started with the AvalonMM Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express
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Parameter Settings

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Arria 10 Avalon-MM System Settings

Table 3-1: System Settings for PCI Express
Parameter Value Description
Number of Lanes x1, x2, x4, x8 Specifies the maximum number of lanes supported.
Lane Rate Gen1 (2.5 Gbps)
Gen2 (2.5/5.0 Gbps)
Gen3 (2.5/5.0/8.0
Port type Native Endpoint
Root Port
Legacy endpoint
Specifies the maximum data rate at which the link can operate.
Specifies the port type. Altera recommends Native Endpoint for all new Endpoint designs. Select Legacy Endpoint only when you require I/O transaction support for compatibility.
The Endpoint stores parameters in the Type 0 Configuration Space. The Root Port stores parameters in the Type 1 Configu‐ ration Space.
Application Interface Type
RX Buffer credit allocation ­performance for received requests
2015 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
Avalon-MM with
Avalon-ST with SR-
Selects either the Avalon-ST interface, Avalon-MM interface, Avalon-MM with DMA interface, or Avalon-ST with SR-IOV interface.
Determines the allocation of posted header credits, posted data credits, non-posted header credits, completion header credits, and completion data credits in the 16 KByte RX buffer. The 5 settings allow you to adjust the credit allocation to
ISO 9001:2008 Registered
Arria 10 Avalon-MM System Settings
Parameter Value Description
Maximum100 MHz
optimize your system. The credit allocation for the selected setting displays in the message pane.
Refer to the Throughput Optimization chapter for more information about optimizing performance. The Flow Control chapter explains how the RX credit allocation and the
Maximum payload RX Buffer credit allocation and the Maximum payload size that you choose affect the allocation of flow control credits. You can set the Maximum payload size parameter on the Device tab.
The Message window dynamically updates the number of credits for Posted, Non-Posted Headers and Data, and Completion Headers and Data as you change this selection.
Minimum—configures the minimum PCIe specification
allowed for non-posted and posted request credits, leaving most of the RX Buffer space for received completion header and data. Select this option for variations where application logic generates many read requests and only infrequently receives single requests from the PCIe link.
Low—configures a slightly larger amount of RX Buffer
space for non-posted and posted request credits, but still dedicates most of the space for received completion header and data. Select this option for variations where application logic generates many read requests and infrequently receives small bursts of requests from the PCIe link. This option is recommended for typical endpoint applications where most of the PCIe traffic is generated by a DMA engine that is located in the endpoint application layer logic.
Balanced—configures approximately half the RX Buffer
space to received requests and the other half of the RX Buffer space to received completions. Select this option for variations where the received requests and received completions are roughly equal.
Use 62.5 MHz application clock
Enable byte parity ports on Avalon-ST interface
Altera Corporation
On/Off This mode is only available only for Gen1 ×1.
On/Off When On, the RX and TX datapaths are parity protected.
Parity is odd. This parameter is only available for the Avalon-ST Arria 10
Hard IP for PCI Express.
Parameter Settings
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Arria 10 Avalon-MM System Settings
Parameter Value Description
Enable multiple packets per cycle for the 256-bit interface
Enable configu‐ ration via PCI Express (CvP)
Enable credit consumed selection port
Enable dynamic reconfiguration of PCIE read­only registers
On/Off When On, the 256-bit Avalon-ST interface supports the
transmission of TLPs starting at any 128-bit address boundary, allowing support for multiple packets in a single cycle. To support multiple packets per cycle, the Avalon-ST interface includes 2 start of packet and end of packet signals for the 256-bit Avalon-ST interfaces. This feature is only supported for Gen3 x8.
On/Off When On, the Quartus II software places the Endpoint in the
location required for configuration via protocol (CvP). For more information about CvP, click the Configuration via Protocol (CvP) link below.
A single hard IP block in each device includes the CvP functionality. Refer to thePhysical Layout of Hard IP in Arria 10 Devices for more information.
On/Off When you turn on this option, the core includes the tx_cons_
cred_sel port. This parameter does not apply to the Avalon-
MM interface.
On/Off When On, you can use the Hard IP reconfiguration bus to
dynamically reconfigure Hard IP read-only registers. For more information refer to Hard IP Reconfiguration Interface.
Enable Altera Debug Master
On/Off When On, you can use the Altera System Console to read and
write the embedded Arria 10 Native PHY registers.
Endpoint (ADME)
Related Information
Physical Layout of Hard IP In Arria 10 Devices on page 4-1
PCI Express Base Specification 3.0
Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide
Provides information about the ADME feature for Arria 10 devices.
Parameter Settings
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Interface System Settings

Interface System Settings
Table 3-2: Interface System Settings
Parameter Value Description
Application Interface width
Avalon-MM address width
Enable completer-only Endpoint
64-bit 128-bit 256-bit
32, 64
Specifies the data width for the Application Layer to Transaction Layer interface. Refer to Application Layer
Clock Frequency for All Combinations of Link Width, Data Rate and Application Layer Interface Widths for all
legal combinations of data width, number of lanes, Application Layer clock frequency, and data rate. The Avalon-MM with DMA interface does not support the 64-bit interface width.
Specifies the address width for Avalon-MM RX master ports that access Avalon-MM slaves in the Avalon address domain. When you select 32-bit addresses, the PCI Express Avalon-MM bridge performs address translation. When you specify 64-bits addresses, no address translation is performed in either direction. The destination address specified is forwarded to the Avalon-MM interface without any changes.
For the Avalon-MM interface with DMA, this value must be set to 64.
In this mode, the Hard IP can receive requests, but cannot initiate upstream requests. However, it can transmit completion packets on the PCI Express TX link. This mode removes the Avalon-MM TX slave port and thereby reduces logic utilization.
Enable completer-only Endpoint with 4-byte payload
Altera Corporation
This is a non-pipelined version of Completer Only mode. At any time, only a single request can be outstanding. Single dword completer uses fewer resources than completer only Endpoint. This variant is targeted for systems that require simple read and write register accesses from a host CPU. If you select this option, the width of the data for RXM BAR masters is always 32 bits, regardless of the Avalon-MM width.
For the Avalon-MM interface with DMA, this value must be Off .
Parameter Settings
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