Altera Active Serial Memory Interface User Manual

101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134
Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide

About This IP Core

The Altera ASMI Parallel IP core provides access to erasable programmable configurable serial (EPCS), quad-serial configuration (EPCQ), and low-voltage quad-serial configuration (EPCQ-L) devices through parallel data input and output ports.
An EPCS device is a serial configuration device that you use to perform an active serial (AS) configuration on supported Altera® devices.
An EPCQ/EPCQ-L device is a serial or quad-serial configuration that supports AS x1 or AS x4 configura‐ tion scheme. During AS configuration, the Altera device is the master and the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device is the slave.
The Altera ASMI Parallel IP core implements a basic active serial memory interface (ASMI). To use this IP core, you do not need to know the details of the serial interface and the read and write protocol of an EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device.
Beginning from the Quartus® II software version 14.0, the name of this IP core has been changed from ALTASMI_PARALLEL to Altera ASMI Parallel IP core.
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You can perform the following tasks with the Altera ASMI Parallel IP core:
• Read the EPCS silicon identification (device identification)
• Protect a certain sector in the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device from write or erase
• Read the data at a specified address from the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device
• Perform single-byte write to the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device
• Perform page write to the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device
• Read the status of the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device
• Erase a specified sector on the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device
• Erase a specified die on the EPCQ-L512 and EPCQ-L1024
• Erase memory in bulk on the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L256/EPCQ-L512 device The memory in the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device contains two sections:
Configuration memory—contains the bitstream of the configuration data
General purpose memory—used for an application-specific storage
2014 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
ISO 9001:2008 Registered
Altera Device
ASMI Controller
read_silicon_id_block (3)
EPCS Device
User Design
arriagx_asmiblock arriavgz_asmiblock, stratixiv_asmiblock,
cycloneii_asmiblock ,
cyclone_asmiblock, cyclonev_asmiblock,
ASMI Device Primitives
fast_read (1)
(1) Not applicable for EPCS1 and EPCS4. (2) The synthesis operations for Cyclone III, Cyclone IV GX, and Cyclone IV E devices use the cycloneii_asmi primitive. (3) The read_silicon_id block is supported only for EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16 and EPCS64.
(4) Only available for Arria 10 devices. (5) The erase_die_bloack is only available for EPCQ-L512 and EPCQ-L1024 device.

Device Family Support

This figure shows that you can use the Altera ASMI Parallel IP core to access the general purpose memory portion of the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices through the supported Altera devices.
Caution: Altera recommends you to be cautious when accessing the configuration memory in the EPCS/
EPCQ/EPCQ-L device to avoid corrupting the configuration bits.
Example 1: Accessing General Purpose Memory in Altera Devices
Device Family Support
Altera Corporation
Related Information
Introduction to Altera IP Cores
For more information about Altera IP cores
Active Serial Configuration
For more information about AS configuration
Serial Configuration Devices Datasheet
For more information about EPCS devices
Quad-Serial Configuration (EPCQ) Device Datasheet
EPCQ-L Serial Configuration Devices Datasheet
Altera Configuration Device
The Altera ASMI Parallel IP core is available for all Altera device families supported by the Quartus II software except the MAX® series.
For more information about features, memory array organization, and operation codes of the EPCS device
Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide
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Altera ASMI Parallel
clkin (1)
fast_read (9), (4) rden (1)
(2), (5)
sector_protect (1) sector_erase
(1), (6)
dataout[] (1) busy (1) data_valid (1)
status_out[] (1) illegal_write (1)
illegal_erase (1) read_address[] (1)
rdid_out[] (1), (6)
epcs_id[] (2), (5)
(1), (4)
(3), (7)
asmi_dataout[] (1)
asmi_dclk (1) asmi_scein (1)
asmi_sdoin[] (1) asmi_dataoe[] (1)
(3), (8)
ex4b_addr (3), (8)
Applicable for EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices. Applicable for EPCS devices only. Applicable for EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices only. The read and fast_read signals cannot be present simultaneously. EPCS128 does not support the read_sid and epcs_id signals. EPCS1 and EPCS4 do not support read_rdid and rdid_out signals. The read_dummyclk is available only when you select the Use ‘fast_read’ port option. The en4b_addr and ex4b_addr signals are supported only for EPCQ256/EPCQ-L256 or larger devices. Applicable for all EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices, except for EPCS1 and EPCS4 devices.
Applicable for Arria 10 devices only. Applicable for all EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices, except for EPCQ512, EPCQ-L512 and EPCQL-1024. Applicable for EPCQ-L512 and EPCQL-1024 devices.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
(10) (11) (12) (13)
Applicable for Arria 10 devices only.

Ports and Parameters

This figure shows a typical block diagram of the Altera ASMI Parallel IP core.
Figure 1: Altera ASMI Parallel Block Diagram
Ports and Parameters
Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide
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Altera Corporation


Table 1: Parameter Settings
Parameter Legal Values Descriptions
Currently selected device family
Arria GX, Arria V GZ, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
Arria V,
Cyclone II,
Cyclone III,
Cyclone III LS,
Cyclone IV E,
Cyclone IV GX,
Cyclone V, HardCopy III, HardCopy IV,
Stratix II,
• Specifies the device family you intend to use. Use this parameter for modeling and behavioral simulation purposes, as each device family has its own ASMI primitive.
Stratix II GX,
Stratix III, Stratix IV,
Stratix V,
Arria 10
Altera Corporation
Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide
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Parameter Legal Values Descriptions
Configuration device
EPCQ64, EPCQ128, EPCQ256, EPCQ512,
EPCQ-L256, EPCQ-L512,
Use ‘read_sid’ port
• Specify the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L type you want to use.
• The default value is EPCS4.
• Enables the ability to read the silicon ID of the EPCS device with an active-high read_sid input signal. When this signal is asserted, the IP core reads the silicon ID of the EPCS device. After reading the silicon ID, the 8-bit silicon ID appears on the epcs_
id[7..0]signal until the device resets.
• This option is available only for EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, and EPCS64 devices.
Use ‘read_status’ port
Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide
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• Enables the ability to read the port status using an active-high input signal named read_status. When this signal is asserted, the IP core reads the EPCS/ EPCQ/EPCQ-L status register. As the status register is read, the 8-bit value appears on the status_
• This option is available for all EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices.
Altera Corporation
Parameter Legal Values Descriptions
Use ‘read_rdid’ and
‘rdid_out’ ports
Enable write operation
• Enables the ability to read the memory capacity ID of the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device with an active-high input signal named read_rdid. When this signal is asserted, the IP core reads the memory capacity ID of the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device. The 8-bit ID appears on the rdid_out[7..0]signal until the device resets.
• This option is available for all devices, except for EPCS1 and EPCS4.
• Enables the ability to write to the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ­L device with an active-high input signal named write. When this port is asserted, the IP core writes the data from the datain[7..0]signal (for single-byte write) or from the page-write buffer (for page-write) to the address that appears on the addr[23..0]port, and to subsequent addresses for page-write. For EPCQ256/ EPCQ-L256 or larger devices, the width of the addr and read_address signals is 32 bit.
• In page-write mode, you must use the shift_byte signal to shift in data bytes before asserting the write signal.
• This option is available for all EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices.
Use ‘wren’ port
• Enables write and erase operations to the EPCS/EPCQ/ EPCQ-L memory with an active-high input signal named wren. If this signal is asserted, the write and erase operations are enabled, and disabled if the signal is deasserted. If you are not using the wren signal, all write and erase operations are automatically enabled when the command appears on the relevant IP core input port. The affected commands are write, sector protect, bulk erase, and sector erase.
• This option is only available when you turn on the
Enable write operation, Use ‘sector protect’ port or die erase port, Use ‘bulk erase’ port, or Use ‘sector
erase’ port option.
• This option is available for all EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices.
Altera Corporation
Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide
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Parameter Legal Values Descriptions
Write mode
Use ‘fast_read’ port
• This option is only available when you turn on the Enable ‘write’ operation option.
• When you select this option, the Altera ASMI Parallel IP core defines two parameters, which are PAGE_SIZE and PORT_SHIFT_BYTES for the following writing mode to the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device:
Page write: PAGE_SIZE = 1 to 256, if 1 then PORT_ SHIFT_BYTES = PORT_UNUSED, else PORT_USED
Store ‘page write’ data in logic elements.
• Enables the ability to perform a fast read operation with an active-high input signal named fast_read. When this signal is asserted, the IP core performs a fast read from the memory address that appears on the
addr[23..0]signal. Each data byte appears on the dataout[7..0] signal as it is read. For EPCQ256/
EPCQ-L256 or larger devices, the width of the addr and read_address signals is 32 bit.
• The fast_read signal supports single-byte fast read and sequential fast read. If a write or erase operation is in progress (the busy signal is asserted), the fast read command is ignored. The fast read operation occurs only when allowed by the rden signal.
• This option is available for all EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices, except for EPCS1 and EPCS4 devices.The fast read operation replaces the normal settings.
Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide
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Altera Corporation
Parameter Legal Values Descriptions
Choose I/O mode STANDARD,
Read device dummy clock
• The following commands are the instructions from the EPCQ/EPCQ-L extended serial peripheral interface (SPI) protocol which uses multiple data lines:
Dual Fast Read (Dual Input/Output Fast Read) Quad Fast Read (Quad Input/Output Fast Read) Dual Write (Dual Input Extended Fast Program) Quad Write (Quad Input Extended Fast Program)
• These commands are combined into the following ports:
Fast read port – fast read (x1), dual fast read and quad fast read
Write port – write (x1), dual write and quad write
• You can choose which I/O mode to use, the choices are Standard (x1), Dual (x2) or Quad (x4) mode.
• This option is only available for EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices.
• This option is disabled by default and the IP core generates the design file as per usual.
• To perform fast read operation, align the dummy cycles of EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices with Altera ASMI Parallel designated value.
• When enabling this option, the read_dummyclk input pin is created. The Altera ASMI Parallel IP core reads the dummy clock stored in a non-volatile configuration register of a flash at the beginning of the operation.
• When the signal is asserted high, the Altera ASMI Parallel IP core reads the dummy clock in the volatile configuration register of the flash. The value is held till the next signal is asserted or when the device resets.
• This option is available for EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices only.
Altera Corporation
Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide
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Parameter Legal Values Descriptions
Use ‘sector_protect’ port
Use ‘bulk_erase’ port
Use ‘sector_erase’ port
• Enables the ability to protect sectors in the EPCS/ EPCQ/EPCQ-L device from write and erase operations with an active-high input port named sector_
protect. When this port is asserted, the IP core reads
the block protection code value on the
datain[7..0]signal and writes it to the EPCS/EPCQ/
EPCQ-L status register. To protect specific memory sectors, you must send their block protection code to the datain[7..0] signal.
• This option is available for all EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices.
• Enables the ability to erase the entire memory of the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L256 device, including the configuration data portion with an active-high input signal named bulk_erase. When this signal is asserted, the IP core implements a full erase that sets the entire memory bits of the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L256 device to a value of one.
• This option is available for all EPCS/EPCQ devices.
• Enables the ability to erase a certain sector in the EPCS/EPCQ memory with an active-high input signal named sector_erase. When the signal is asserted, the IP core implements a full erase of the sector. The value of the addr[23..0]signal indicates the sector to erase. For EPCQ256/EPCQ-L256 or larger devices, the width of the addr and read_address signals is 32 bit.
• This option is available for all EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices.
Use ‘die_erase’ port
Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide
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• Enables the ability to erase each die in your device. When the signal is asserted, the IP core implements a full erase of a single die in your device. You need to issue the erase die operation twice for EPCQ-L512 device and four times for the EPCQ-L1024.
• This option is available for Arria 10 devices with EPCQL-512 and EPCQL-1024.
Altera Corporation
Parameter Legal Values Descriptions
Use ‘read_address’ port
Use 'ex4b_addr’
• This signal holds the address from which data is being read. This signal works together with the
dataout[7..0]signal. As data appears on dataout[7..0], the address from which the data byte
was read appears on the read-address output port. For EPCQ256/EPCQ-L256 or larger devices, the width of the addr and read_address signals is 32 bit. For other devices, the width of the addr and read_address signals is 24 bit.
• This option is available for all EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices.
• To exit the 4-byte addressing mode when you use an EPCQ256/EPCQ-L256 or larger devices, pull the WREN signal high, followed by at least one clock cycle. If WREN signal is zero, the 4-byte addressing mode exit operation will not be carried out even though the ex4b_addr is high. After the IP core receives the command, the IP core asserts the busy signal to indicate that the exit operation is in progress.
• Only applicable for EPCQ256/EPCQ-L256 or larger devices.
Altera Corporation
Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide
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Parameter Legal Values Descriptions
Disable dedicated Active Serial interface
• This option is disabled by default and the IP core generates the design file as per usual.
• The Altera ASMI Parallel IP core instantiates the ASMI block internally and connects to the block automati‐ cally.
• The IP core creates the following input/output pins when you enable this option:
asmi_dataout, asmi_dclk, asmi_scein, asmi_sdoin, asmi_dataoe.
• When you enable this option, the Altera ASMI Parallel IP core will not instantiate ASMI block automatically, and all signals to interface with ASMI block are routed to the top level of your design. You must then instantiate the ASMI block externally, and assign the ASMI ports in the Altera ASMI Parallel IP core to the dedicated pins location.
• The CLI parameter to disable this option is USE_
• This option is available for all EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L devices.
Related Information
Introduction to Altera IP Cores
For more information about starting the IP Parameter Editor
Quad-Serial Configuration (EPCQ) Devices Datasheet
For the designated Altera ASMI Parallel dummy cycles values
• on page 20
For more information about the Use ‘read_sid’ port parameter
• on page 29
For more information about the Use ‘read_status’ port parameter
• on page 19
For more information about the Use ‘read_rdid’ and ‘rdid_out’ ports parameter
• on page 26
For more information about the Enable write operation parameter
• on page 23
For more information about the Use ‘fast_read’ port parameter
• on page 21
For more information about the Use ‘sector_protect’ port parameter
Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide
Altera Corporation
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