ALTANA Auto-Chart User Manual

Measure what you see.
Auto-Chart 软件
软件 auto-chart
BYK-Gardner GmbH
Lausitzer Str. 8 D-82538 Geretsried Germany Tel. 0-800-gardner (0-800-4273637) +49-8171-3493-0 Fax +49-8171-3493-140
上海市徐汇区田林路 140 22 号楼
电话: 86-21-3367 6321 传真: 86-21-3367 6305
BYK - Gardner USA
9104 Guilford Road Columbia, MD 21046 USA Phone 800-343-7721 301-483-6500 Fax 800-394-8215 301-483-6555
auto-chart® 使用手册
Planing 规划
1. Create new Organizer 新建编排档案
2. Send Organizer to the instrument
Take Measurements 进行测量
3. Take readings with the instrument
Transfer Data 传输数据
4.1 Create a database for saving the measurement data 创建用于保存测量数据的数据库
4.2 Transfer data to auto-chart and save in database 传输数据到 auto-chart 软件并保存到数据库中
Analyze Data saved in a Database 分析保存在数据库中的数据
5. Open Data 打开数据
Filtered data are transferred to an empty Excel file. 将筛选出的数据传输到一个空的 Excel 文件中。
Pivot function defines layout in Excel. 预先设定 Excel文件中数据的摆放
6. QC Reports QC 报告 Filtered data are shown in pre-prepared QC Reports:
在预先设定好的 QC 报告中显示筛选的数据
6.1 Summary by Lines 生产线简报
6.2 Trend 趋势图表
6.3 Trend MinMax 具有上下限的趋势图表
6.4 xR-Chart xR-图表
6.5 Structure Chart 结构谱线图表
6.6 Zone Profile 测试区域描述图表
6.7 DOI Spectrum 鲜映性结构谱线图表
6.8 BYK-mac link 多角度色差图表
7. auto-chart Lite 简化版 auto-chart
8. wave-scan link 桔皮仪专用 excel
259 016 251 E 0710
1.1 Purpose of the Organizer 编排档案的用途
In order to perform an efficient data analysis a clear and uniform sample identification is neces­sary. The Organizer file defines all needed parameters:
ModelColorPaint BoothCheckzones
This file is transferred to the wave-scan instrument and the parameters can be selected on the display of the instrument. In addition, the user is guided by the defined measurements sequence (checkzones). Uniform naming of parameters, checkzones and blocks is mandatory for analyzing the data saved in a database.
将文件传输到桔皮,在仪器屏幕上选数。另外,使 用 者根据定义好的测量顺序(检测区域
Create a new (1) or open an existing Organizer file (2-4):
创建一个 (1) 或打开一个有的编排档案 (2-4):
A new window opens which allows to define: 打开一个新窗口用于下定
- Parameters for object identification 用于识别
- Control Sequence for measurement order of checkzones 管理检查区域测量的测量顺序
- Instrument Configuration
1.2 Organizer File: Definition of Parameters 编排档案:参数定义
The software allows to clearly identify the test object with 3 Parameters, e.g. Model, Color and Paint Line.
Select the "Parameter" folder (1): "Parameter" 文件(1): Parameter 1: Enter name of the test object, e.g. the car model (2).
数 1 :输测量物体名称,例如车型 (2). Parameter 2: Enter the names of a 2nd identification parameter, e.g. colors (3).
数 2 :输入第二识别参名称,例如(3). Parameter 3: Enter the names for an additional identification, e.g. booth (4).
数 3 :输入附加识别参名称,例如烘箱 (4).
Note: Entering a parameter while the dropdown box is open (5), will save the information in the parameter list. Thus, the entered information can be used for future organizers avoiding spelling errors and double entries in the database.
注意:打开的下拉框中 (5), 输,该参内容将保存在表中。这样,输信息以后使用的编排档案中可避免拼写错误重复数据库中。
Cut, copy or insert rows: 剪切,拷贝或插入行:
Move the cursor to the left side of the desired row until it changes to a black arrow (6).
光标移左边需要的行光标变成黑色的箭头 (6). Click right mouse button to open a menu which will allow to insert, copy and paste rows or entries.
1.3 Organizer File: Definition of Control Sequence 编排档案:定义管理顺序
This part defines the test sequence to guide the user on the instrument display. 这部分测量顺序,在仪器显示使
Several test zones can be combined to a "Block". After transfer to the PC, the software will calculate the average of these zones.
Select the "Control Sequence" folder (1): "Control Sequence" 文件(1): Checkzone Comment: Enter names of the checkzones in the order to be measured (2).
检查区域注释测量的顺序入检查区域名称 (2). Block Comment: Enter names for the combined areas, e.g. for all horizontal zones (3).
注释:输区域的名称,例如有的水平测量区域 (3). Block No.: Enter the Block comment number to all corresponding zones (4).
编号:对于所有相同的区域输入这个块的注释编号 (4).
Cut, copy or insert rows: 剪切,拷贝或插入行:
Move the cursor to the left side of the desired row until it changes to a black arrow (6).
光标移左边需要的行光标变成黑色的箭头 (6). Click right mouse button to open a menu which will allow to insert, copy and
paste rows or entries.
1.4 Organizer File: Definition of Instrument Configuration - wave-scan 编排档案:仪器配置设定 - 桔皮测量
Select the instrument to be used (1), confirm with and open the folder of the required Instrument (2). The configuration settings are dependend on the selected instrument:
(1) 中选择使用的仪器点击 按钮确定。打开所需仪器的文件(2). 设定选的仪 器:
Statistic (3): Select the desired statistical options and check the number of readings (5).
统计 (3): 择需要计操作,(5) 设定测量的数。
Scales (4): Depending on the instrument type, up to 10 scales can be shown on the instrument display. The selected scales and the structure spectrum (dullness, Wa - We) together with LW, SW are saved for each measurement.
标尺 (4): 据仪器的型,在仪器显示上显示 10 标尺。选 标尺结构谱线(du,Wa
-We) LW,SW 保存在每次测量中。 Scan length (6): The measurement length can be varied between 5, 10 and 20 cm. If long waves (We) are evaluated, it is better to select 20 cm or average 3 x 10 cm.
扫描长度 (6): 测量的可以是 5,10 20cm. 需要评估长波 (We) ,好选择 20cm 3 10cm 平均值.
On (7): Allows to activate / deactivate checkzones, e.g. in case of style variants.
激活 (7): 允许检查区域激活/关闭,例如: 设多测量方式. Advanced Settings (8): Additional options, dependend on the device type, for further details
please refer to the help function or the instruments manual.
高级设置 (8): 据设型附加作,更详细内容参见功能帮助备手册.
Save Organizer file 保存编排档案
After entering all parameters, the Organizer needs to be saved. Choose "Save As" from the File menu (9), a dialog box will open and offers the name of parameter 1 for saving the file to the hard drive.
有的数输入后,保存个编排档案.在文件菜单 (9) 中选择“存为”,打开中建使1 为文件名,将文件保存在硬盘中.
1.5 Organizer File: Definition of Instrument Configuration - BYK-mac 编排档案: 仪器配置设定- BYK-mac 多角度测色仪
Select the BYK-mac instrument from the pull down menu (1) and confirm with Highlight the BYK-mac folder (2) to display its configuration window:
在下菜单 (1) 中选BYK-mac, 点击 按钮确BYK-mac 文件(2) 仪器置窗口显 示:
The Settings area allows to set the unit into Absolute or Difference Mode (3). In the Absolute Mode the instrument displays absolute data, while in the Difference Mode the differences to a selected standard are displayed.
在设区域允许或差值模式 (3). 在值模式中仪器显示绝,在差值模式中显的差
The button Advanced Settings (4) offers additional options which are dependend on the device type, for further details please refer to the auto-chart Help function or the instruments manual.
(4) 按钮 据仪器的提供额。更详细内容参auto-chart 功能帮助仪器 手册
曲率 例如
| 测试
低曲率 擎盖板 曲率 险杠 曲率 视镜
Save Organizer file 保存编排档案
After entering all parameters, the Organizer needs to be saved. Choose "Save As" from the File menu (7), a dialog box will open and offers the name of parameter 1 for saving the file to the hard drive.
有的数输入后,保存个编排档案.在文件菜单 (7) 中选择“存为”,打开中建使1 为文件名,将文件保存在硬盘中.
2. Send Organizer file to the instrument 将编排档案发送到仪器
Open the Organizer file to be transfered (1) or use "File" > "Open".
单击按钮 (1) 或使文件>打开,打开一个需要送的编排档案:
Send the Organizer file to the instrument (4):
点击按钮 (4) 送一个编排档案到仪器:
Depending on the instrument type, up to 50 Organizer files can be saved in the unit. 据设型,备最保存 50 个编排档案。
3. Take measurements with the instrument 仪器测量
First select the parameters for identification of the object to be measured. 先选择对物体识别数用于测量。
The selection procedure is guided on the instrument display and depends on the instrument type (for further details please refer to the manual of your instrument):
After all parameters have been selected, the name of the first checkzone will be displayed. Ready for measurement:
Measure all checkzones in order as displayed on the instrument. Note that the readings can be influenced by the measurement direction, e.g. when measuring vertical areas. Thus, it is recommended to measure the checkzones allways in same orientation. After finishing the complete test sequence, the parameter menu will apear in the display for se­lection of a next object.
进行测量。测量顺序全部测量后,参 菜单将显示在仪器屏幕便下一测量选
4.1 Create a database for saving the measurement data 创建保存测量数据的数据库
It is recommended to save all data in one database in order to perform a flexible analysis over time. Before transfer of your first measurement results, create your own database for saving the transferred data (1):
创建用于保存传输数据的个数据库 (1):
Use the default folder or browse for the required location (2). Enter a name for the new database (3), after confirmation with "Save", the database name will appear in the Database field (4).
使默认文件夹或查需要的路(2). 输入新数据库的名称 (3), 定后点击“保存”,数据库的名将显示在数据库显示区 (4).
4.2 Transfer Data and Save it in Database 传输数据保存数据库中
Connect the instrument with the PC and check the interface and instrument settings (1). 连接仪器,检查口和仪器设 (1).
For changing the settings, press the Browse button (2). A selection box appears which shows all connected devices.
置,点击按钮 (2). 择窗口中显示连接的仪器。 Make sure the required database is activated (3). After start of transfer (4) the system automati­cally guides you for saving the data:
需要的数据库被激活 (3). 点击“数据传输”按钮自动引导传输保存数据。
Confirmation with "OK" opens a window which allows to input additional information to every data set recorded in the left column (5), e.g. Vehicle Identification No. and a comment (6). Entering an information while the dropdown box is open (7), will save it in the parameter list for future use.
点击“OK”确后,开 一个用于个数据输入附加信息窗口 (5), 例如:入车编号注释 (6). 在下拉框 (7), 信息可保存在表中用于以后使用。
If needed, a record can be demarked to have it not save in the database (8). After editing all individuals, press OK to save the data. If you cancelled the procedure, you may start again with menu "File > Save".
必要,记录可被保存到数据库中 (8). 各项设置编后,点击“OK”按钮保存数据。取消您也可文件>保存”菜单
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