Filter earplugs for music lovers with extremely natural attenuation
Package contents
Two universal earplugs with acoustic fl at fi lters
Alpine storage pouch
Handy cord
Alpine Clean cleaning spray (5 ml)
Perfect earplugs for a night out
At a concert or festival visitors especially want to enjoy the music. But without
hearing protection you can often spend only up to a quarter of an hour in a noisy
environment, without risking permanent hearing damage. However, many music
lovers prefer to take this risk than to have a minimal distortion of the music by
wearing hearing protection. With the new Alpine PartyPlug Pro™, you don’t have
to make this choice anymore!
Natural attenuation
The Alpine PartyPlug Pro™ Natural earplugs have special linear AlpineAcousticFilters™.
This means that they attenuate virtually the same at all frequencies. For the music
lover, the music quality must always remain perfect. With the Alpine PartyPlug Pro™
Natural only the harmful noise is reduced to a safe level. It is as if the volume control has
been turned down. Thanks to the AlpineAcousticFilters™ the music lover also doesn’t
suff er from an isolated feeling, and conversations remain audible.
Enjoy music more with good earplugs
Alpine PartyPlug Pro™ Natural earplugs are specially developed for use during festivals,
concerts and going out. The earplugs are made of soft and fl exible AlpineThermoShape™
material. This forms to the ear canal for optimal fi t and attenuation. The earplugs
can be worn the whole day and night without any problem. The material contains
no silicones. As a result, they don’t itch or irritate the sensitive skin of the ears. Alpine
earplugs are easy to clean and are durable.
With free cleaning spray, cord and pouch
The Alpine PartyPlug Pro™ Natural comes with a handy pouch to keep the earplugs in as
standard. The pouch is also easy to attach to a keyring. In addition, every pack contains
a carrying cord. Attach the earplugs to the cord and hang it around the neck. Ideal if the
earplugs are taken out for a moment. The earplugs are quick and easy to clean with the
included Alpine Clean cleaning spray (5 ml).

Two soft and fl exible
slats for ext remely
high wearing comfor t
Air permeable, no detached
feeling because of opening
Short stem, not visible
in the ear
Special linear AlpineAcousticFilter
provides an evenly attenuation on all
Transparent earplugs,
hardly visible
and good sealing
Special model for
extra wearing
AlpineThermoShape material is shaped
to the ear canal through body heat.
Silicone-free, hy poallergenic
ATTENUATION DATA Alpine PARTYPLUG • Tested according to EN 352-2: 2002
1 Freq uency Hz 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
2 Mean Attenuation dB 19,2 20,7 21,3 20, 8 23,5 2 7,1 20,9 28,9
3 Standard Deviation dB 3,9 2,8 3,3 3,6 3,9 4,7 3, 7 6,4
4 Assumed Prot ection in dB (APV) 14,9 17,9 18 17, 2 19,6 22,4 1 7,2 22, 5
Nominal diameter: 9-12 mm
H=20 M=19 L=18 SNR=21
1. Fréquences, Frequenz, Frequentie, Frecuencia.
2. Atténuation moyenne, Mittelwert der Schalldämmung, Gemiddelde dempingswaarde,
Atenuación media.
3. Déviation standard, Standardabweichung, Standaard afwijking, Desviación estándar.
4. Protection eff ective, Angenommene Schutzwirkung, Verwachte dempingswaarde,
Valor de atenuación previsto.
Unique product features
• Prevents hearing loss and a ring in the ears
• Retains the music quality, only the volume is lower
• Very natural attenuation, thanks to the special linear
• No isolated feeling and conversations remain audible
• Optimum fi t due to the soft AlpineThermoShape™ material
• Does not irritate the skin, thanks to the silicone-free material
• Barely visible in the ear
• With free pouch, handy cord and Alpine Clean cleaning spray
(5 ml)
• Reusable
Winner Red Dot Design Award
Alpine Hearing Protection has won a Red Dot Award (2015) for
the design of the PartyPlug. The jury of this prestigious design
price applauded the “high quality and the innovative ability” of
the earplugs. The Red Dot Award is considered to be the most
valuable award for excellent design. In addition, it is the biggest
design competition in the world.
Dutch Design
Alpine hearing protectors are quality product s from The Netherlands.
Alpine Hearing Protection –
Consistently innovative
Alpine Nederland B.V. was founded in 1995 and is one of few
manufacturers in the world with hearing protection as its
core business. We are continuously working on improving our
products, in collaboration with end users. Alpine earplugs are
sold across the globe in over 40 countries. All Alpine products
have been offi cially tested by independent inspection bodies,
and have the CE certifi cation.