Product Specification Sheet APS860 - Rev. 09/2015
SW-ALENTRY5 AlphaEntry™ v5 System SoftwareSW-ALENTRY5 AlphaEntry™ v5 System Software
SW- ALENTRY 5 Alpha Entry ™ CD-R OM
Sho wn with Activa tion Do ng le
(SOME MAY BE OPTIONAL - EXTRA COST and some features
may require additional hardware and/or Internet)
Touc hscreen and/or Standard sc reen operation
Multilingual lobby display with multilingual voice prompts
Intermix Eight (8) types of calling to remote locations
Alpha-Numeric Display (fully cust omizable)
Quick filtering for fast name or suite# retrieval
All calls/events are logged (with optional video images)
Remote relay ac tivat ion
Transfer c alls between Mast er Stations
Customizable call tones at Mast er Stations (.wav files)
Choice of Alphanumeric, Qwerty or no keypad displays
Full built-in acc ess control capabilities
Database is password protected SQL server type
Listings can be Resident, Commercial, Priority or
Hidden types
Works as a st andard Telephone-Entry Dialer type or
''No Phone Bill type'' entry stat ion
Management reports with Resident Pac kage Option
Complete Pac kage ac c eptance and notification syst em
with optional MailRoom™ display(s)
Holiday sc reens and/or Programmed Advertisements for lobby
Residents can be listed with or without names or suite
numbers (for privacy purposes)
Switc h Console relays c an c ontrol low-voltage devices
in Timed, toggle On/Off or Momentary modes
Can be used t o c all older analog type interc om and/or
videointercom type stations and devices
QwikCAM™ remote sec urity c amera viewing
Built-in instant messaging syst em a resident and/or staff
All calls to conc ierge/security desk are logged and stacked
in a queue (QwikID™) - now with photo option
Emergency c alls can also ac tivat e remote signaling
devices, pocket pagers, send emails or text messages t o
family and/or staff
Can report calls to Cent ral Station (requires additional
hardware and services)
Supports images of residents and/or staff for calling
Sett ings can be made locally, remotely, or over the
internet and are multi-level password protec ted
Optional Apple iPhone and Android app (coming soon)
Transfer c alls to and from Lobbies to Concierge(s)
Works with a variety of ST R™ QwikBUS™ intercom
and video-intercom stations and devices
Works with a variety of VOIP intercom stations and devices
Concierge can call using Resident, Staff, Emergency or Off
Premises display tabs
SW-ALENTRY5 AlphaEntry™ SoftwareSW-ALENTRY5 AlphaEntry™ Software
(US Patent 7,783,018)
The Alpha Communicat ions® SW-ALENTRY5 v5 AlphaEntry™
software is used for a variety of entry and calling intercom,
telephone, VOIP and emergency-call applications.
This AlphaEntry™ software c an be used on virtually any Windows®
based PC for a lobby entry, or conc ierge / sec urity desk
application, or both. The patented software allows a visitor or
staff member to c all to remote locations using telephone lines, or
intercoms or video-intercom stations, and c an be inter-mixed for
up to 6 different c alling methods (an AlphaEntry™ exclusive). An
encrypted ac tivity log stores all relevant syst em ac tivity (along
with optional video images), for future reference. Call signaling is
accomplished with user definable .wav files at the AlphaEntry™
master st ation(s).
When used as a building entry type syst em, the software has a full
access c ontrol module, allowing individual resident and staff
access c odes, with qualifiers suc h as dates, days of week, times,
etc .
When used as a c oncierge or front desk type system, t he soft ware
has a full pac kage trac king and notification system built in with t he
abilit y t o send emails, or text messages when a package is
received. In addition, when used in conjunction with t he Alpha
Communic at ions® / STR™ QwikBUS™ c omponents, the software
can turn the system into a complete 2-way interc om and
emergency calling system, an AlphaEntry™ exclusive.
The software can be used in its basic format , or can be upgraded
for a small yearly fee to the Premium version, allowing for resident
and staff web ac cess, t he addition of an AlphaEntry™ soft ware
client for the residents and staff, an optional Apple® iPhone app®,
VisitorVerifier™ and QwikCAM™ live c olor video, PinkNotes®
building instant messaging, and much more. Other opt ions include
AlphaEntry™ Mailroom™ display(s), switc h c onsole relay c ontrols,
elect ric door release(s), and much more.
Alpha CommunicationsAlpha Communications
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-559942 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
TOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: • Email: info@alphacommunications.comTOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: • Email:
Copyright © 1998-2 016 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Resident phone numbers are hidden from view (private)
Connect s to optional Connect2Doorman™ remote doorman
service or those provided by others
Fully integrates with optional AlphaNotify™ mass notificat ion