Alpha Spill Control Barrier System User Manual

Alpha Industrial Power
Spill Control Barrier System
Installation Manual
Battery Acid Spill ControlBarrier
with Acidsafe Floor Coating
Battery AcidSpillControlBarrier without AcidsafeFloor Coating
AlphaIndustrial Power
1075Satellite Blvd,Suite100 678-475-3995 Suwanee, GA30024 800-996-6104
Alpha Industrial Power Spill Control Barrier System
Spill Control Barrier System
Installation Manual
1. Introduction .......................................................................... 1
2. Safety Precautions............................................................... 2
3. Initial Conditions .................................................................. 4
4. Floor Preparation................................................................. 5
5. Barrier Installation................................................................. 7
6. Coating Application............................................................... 12
7. Leak Test ............................................................................. 14
8. Coating Maintenance........................................................... 15
9. MSDS Section...................................................................... 16
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Alpha Industrial Power Spill Control Barrier System
1. Introduction
1.1 The Battery Acid Spill Control Barrier without floor coating is intended to contain battery electrolyte in the event of a spill or leak from a stationary lead-acid battery. The Spill Control Barrier surrounds the battery rack with a 4 inch steel enclosure. It is bonded permanently to the floor with Acidsafe Adhesive Gel and sealed against leakage. The Battery Acid Spill Control Barrier with floor coating also includes Acidsafe Floor Coating, which covers the entire floor surface within the enclosureandprotectsthefloor fromthe corrosive effects of batteryacid. Both theCoating and Adhesive are based on modified novolac epoxy resins with polyaminecuratives andhave been tested to be impervious to 70%sulfuricacid in continuous immersion and up to 98% sulfuric acid in splash and spill exposure. The system may be installed around existing battery racks without removal of the batteries and without interruption of facility operations.
1.2 The highly adaptable design of the system allows configuration to suit a wide range of battery room layouts. This manual covers all of the procedures necessary in most anticipated battery room applications. If a specific application is encountered that is not addressed in this manual, contact Alpha Industrial Power at 678-475-3995 for additional information of supplementary procedures
1.3 Neutra-Mats (part number 5NMB0010) inside the containment area absorb and neutralize the acid immediately upon exposure thus greatly reducing the risk of personal injury and structural damage or contamination. The mats are placed side by side to completely cover the floor beneath the racks. A single Neutra-Mat will fully absorb and neutralize one quart of battery electrolyte (pH between 7.0- 9.0). Each individual Neutra-Mat may be quickly and easily replaced as necessary. Additionally, Neutra-Mats turn pink upon exposure to acid, indicating a leak and the needforreplacement. If Neutra-Matswerenot ordered for this installation, they may be obtained from Alpha Industrial Power.
1.4 Despite the Spill Control Barrier and Coating’s strength and durability, failure to conscientiously follow these instructions may result in inadequate coverage, performance,or protection.Carefullyread and understand the entire instructionmanual before beginning assembly.
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Alpha Industrial Power Spill Control Barrier System
2.1 Examine all shipping containers for signs of external damage. Also look for indications of coating spillage during shipment. In the event that coating material has been spilled, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for spill handling instructions and personal protective equipment requirements.
2.2 Make note of any damage on the bill of lading before signing for delivery.
If system components have been damaged or lost in transit, contact the shippingcarrier for instructions concerning filing a claim.
2.3 Wear steel toed shoes and safety glasses when assembling the Spill
Control Barrier.
2.4 Wear chemical resistant gloves and safety goggles when handling
Adhesive, Coating or Joint/Crack Filler. In areas where ventilation is insufficient, a respirator may also be required. Read the Material Safety Data Sheets supplied with this kit and be familiar with the safety precautions listed therein.
2.5 Observe and obey all caution notes contained in the following instructions.
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Alpha Industrial Power Spill Control Barrier System
Figure 3.1 – Spill Control Barrier Components
1. B arr i er Stri p s
2. S p lice P l a tes
3. C o rner P l a te
4. Ass embly Hardw are
5. Acidsafe Coating (Part A) – floor coating version only
6. Acidsafe Coating (Part B) – floor coating version only
7. Acids afe Adh esive
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Alpha Industrial Power Spill Control Barrier System
3. Initial Conditions
3.1 For maximum effectiveness of the Spill Control Barrier, the floor surface should be flat, smooth and reasonably level. An uneven surface can cause gaps between the Spill Control Barrier and the floor, which may require additional Adhesive during final assembly. Unlevel or sloped floors may require additional Coating to achieve minimum film thickness.
3.2 Permanent floor coverings such as vinyl, linoleum, composite or asbestos tiles will not affect the ability of the Spill Control Barrier or Acidsafe Floor Coatings to contain acid spills, provided that the coverings are in good condition and securelyfastenedto the floor. Loose or broken tilesshould be removed and voids filled using Joint/Crack Filler Kit (part number 5CFK0001).
All asbestos handling precautions should be observed when handling loose or broken asbestos tiles, including respiratory protection, protective clothing and specialized disposal. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction for asbestos abatement requirements.
3.3 Concrete should be completely dry and properly cured (minimum of 28 days after poured). Concrete slabs installed on or below grade or otherwise exposed to weather may transmit water vapor, causing pinholes in the floor coating during cure. Evening (after 7 PM) is the most suitable time of day for a ground-floor installation as the effects of concrete off-gassing will be minimized.
3.4 Failure to properly clean and prepare the surface of the floor prior to applying the Adhesive and Coating can cause adhesion failure or degraded chemical resistance over time. Appropriate floor cleaning and other surface preparatory procedures are described in Section 4.
3.5 Local amb ien t a ir temp era ture mu st be grea ter tha n 5 0˚F when ap plying
and curing the Adhesive and Coating materials. As ambient air temperature decreases, the time necessary to set and cure the Acidsafe
Ad hesive and Co ating incr ease s. Cold co nditio ns (bel ow 50˚F) will also
impair the Coating’s application characteristics.
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Alpha Industrial Power Spill Control Barrier System
3.6 The following tools and supplies are recommended for a quick and thorough Barrier installation:
7/16 inch box end or combination wrench putty knife
tape measure several sheets of sandpaper, 100 grit roll of 1 inch masking tape goggles,chemicalresistantgloves andrespirator (asneeded)for installers’ paper towels or shop rags
rubbing alcohol
3.6.1 Additional supplies needed for Spill Barrier with floor coating version
only: small metal ruler with 1/64” increments or wet film thickness gauge.
The Coating Installation standard Tool Kit (part number 5BNK0001) contains: small rotary stirring tool, two v-notch trowels, four v-notch spreaders, onemaskingtape, twobrushes,two gloves, tworags, twoputty knives, one 3-piece extension, one 1-1/2 inch spiked pin roller, one pair goggles, and two sheets sandpaper. (Other kits available upon request)
4.1 The installer or site/equipment engineer must ensure that sufficient aisle space will remain once the Barriers have been installed. There should be a minimum of 30 inches between Barriers. Aisle spacing at the end of each rack may be as little as 24 inches, providing no conflict exists with battery maintenance requirements. The aisle spacing,includingthe space between the surrounding Barriers, should be sufficienttopermitallrequired maintenance (includingbattery installationandremoval). SeetheNationalElectric Codeorcontactthelocalauthority having jurisdiction for further clarification regarding aisle clearances.
4.2 After clearances have been verified, locate and mark the outline of the Barrierusing the Barrier’s dimensionsand a tape measure.TheBarriershould
becentered around the rack with at least 1 inch clearance in all directions to meet 1995 Uniform Fire Code article 64 requirements.
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Alpha Industrial Power Spill Control Barrier System
4.3 Completely clean and prepare the portion of flooring which will have Adhesive or Coating applied during installation. For Barrier System versions without floor coating, this area is a strip approximately 3 inches wide inside the outline of the Barrier perimeter. For Barrier System versions with floor coating, this includes the entire area inside the outline of the Barrier perimeter. Prepare the flooring according to the following guidelines.
All Floor Types: Remove all oil, grease, dirt, efflorescence, laitance, chemicals, hardeners,curing membranes,wax, previouslyapplied coatings or othersurfacecontainments. Floors may be cleaned with an alkaline detergent dissolvedin hot water, scrubbed with a non-metallic stripping pad and rinsed several times. Alternatively, clean using steam, water (low pressure), air blast, vacuum, and broom cleaning methods as described in ASTM D 4258 and SSPC-SP-1.
Concrete Floors: Roughen surface by abrading or etching. Concrete may be etched with a 20% phosphoric acid solution, mechanically scrubbed, and rinsed with a neutralizing solution (2 lb. Sodium bicarbonate and 1 gal. Water) and followed by a clean water rinse. Alternatively, abrade by steel shot blasting, sandblasting, water jetting with abrasive, power tool cleaning, or scarifying as described in ASTM D 4258 and NACE RP-01-72.
4.4 Perform a check for cleanliness by rubbing the floor with a clean, white cloth. If the cloth appears dirty, perform Step 4.3 again. Also check surface
preparation by performing the following ‘water-break’ test: pour a small amount of clean water onto the surface and observe. If water evenly wets the surface, the cleaning is adequate.If the water forms beads on the surface,performStep 4.3 again. Allow surfaces to completely dry before applying Adhesive or Coating.
4.5 Use 100 grit aluminum oxide or silicon carbide sandpaper to lightly sand the underside of the Barrier Strips and the mating surfaces of the connector plates. Wipe all sanding debris from the Barrier Strips with a clean rag.
4.6 Inspect the floor inside the containment area for any progressive cracks greater than 1/8 inch in width, as well as for control/expansion joints. Such surface defects must be repaired or filled with a Joint/Crack Filler before progressing any further with the Spill Control System installation. Smaller defects may be filled using Adhesive and a putty knife. A Joint/Crack Filler Kit is available from Alpha Industrial Power.
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Alpha Industrial Power Spill Control Barrier System
Figure 5.1 – Mixing the Adhesive
Figure 5.2 – Preparing Mixing Bag for Application
5. Barrier Installation
5.1 Lay out the Barrier Strips on the floor around the battery stand location in the order demonstrated in Figure 3.1 and lightly bolt the pieces together using carriage bolts, washers, nuts and the appropriate connector plates. Position the barrier around the batterystand location to provide equal clearances on all sides between the battery stand and the barrier. Note that the horizontal flange on all of the barrier strips faces the battery stand (Figure 3.1). This orientation is important both for barrier clearance and liquid-tight integrity.
Barrier strips and connectorsareconstructed fromsteelandcoatedwith an acid resistant epoxy. These strips should be handled with care near all electric power sources. Contact with an electrical source could result in severe shock or death. This product should only be installed by trained professionals familiar with the electrical hazards of high energy DC back up power systems.
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