SN-B / SN-E Series DimensionsSN-B / SN-E Series Dimensions
Lighte d Roo m Identification Signs
No w with L ED's - e liminati ng bulb re pla ce ment!
SN-B / SN-E Series Dimensions
Width: 13.75" (350mm)
Height: 9.50" (242mm)
Depth: 1.70" (44mm)
SN-B Series (with Battery Back-up)
Model SN-B42S (shown)
120VAC or 277VAC input with bat tery back-up, plastic illuminated
(red with reflex blue lettering) sign. Rechargable battery included.
Mounting options include ceiling (top), wall (back), or wall (side).
SN-B42S (single sided). SN-B42D (double sided). Both models
feature 'pop-out' direct ional arrows.
The SN-B42S Area of Rescue Assistanc e Sign feat ures
photoluminesc ent tec hnology. Aft er 30 minutes of exposure to
normal ambient light (54 lux), the sign is fully charged and will glow
for a full hour. This sign comes with a battery bac kup, for extended
visibility in case of an emergency. This photoluminescent sign is
compliant with NFPA Life Safety Code 101 and all national building
codes. This is a one sided sign, which can be mounted in a ceiling
(top) or wall (back or side).
SN-E Series (no Battery Back-up)
120VAC or 277VAC input plastic illuminated (red with reflex blue
lettering) sign. Mounting options include c eiling (top), wall (back), or
wall (side). SN-E42S (single sided). SN-E42D (double sided). Both
models feature 'pop-out' direct ional arrows.
Instruction SignsInstruction Signs
SN-C48 Series
8.00"w (204mm) x 8.00"h (204mm)
White Plastic with Black imprint.
Utilizes photoluminescent t ec hnology. Energy from normal
ambient light is stored in the sign and it will glow in complete
darkness. Mounts adjacent to Remote Call Box stat ions.
Mounted via double-faced tape (at tac hed).
Rescue Assistance Signage: SN-P Series - Direction and Location SignsRescue Assistance Signage: SN-P Series - Direction and Location Signs
SN-P Series
18.625"w (474mm) x 7.50"h (191mm)
White Plastic with Blue lett ering. Mounted via double-faced tape
(att ac hed). T hese signs meet ADA spec ificat ions for use with Area
of Rescue Assistance systems.
SN-P42L (Left Arrow)
SN-P42R (Right Arrow)
SN-P42F (Front - No Arrow)