Product Specification Sheet APS834 - Rev. 10/2013
FZ151 Inline Fuse Holder and 4 Amp FuseFZ151 Inline Fuse Holder and 4 Amp Fuse
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
NOTE: The FZ151 assembly comes with a 4A fuse supplied.
Architects' And Engineers' SpecificationsArchitects' And Engineers' Specifications
For eac h battery bac kup using the BA001 (or similar) batteries,
contract or shall furnish one Alpha Communications® model FZ151
inline fuse holder and 4 Amp fuse, or approved equal.
The FZ151 shall feature a Black thermoplastic fuse holder with
spring loaded brass c ontac t s and a 13" Red insulated #16AWG
stranded wire. A 4A fuse shall be supplied as well.
Contractor shall observe all local and national electrical and
building codes.
FZ151 Inline Fuse Holder and 4 Amp FuseFZ151 Inline Fuse Holder and 4 Amp Fuse
The Alpha Communicat ions® model FZ151 inline fuse holder and 4
Amp (model# 50T- 4A) fuse is used primarily with our nurse-c all and
emergency- c all systems when using the BA001 (or equivalent)
batt eries for battery bac k-up c apabilities.
Typic ally it c an be used with our AlphaEcall™, CM800, DS100,
NC110N, NC150N, NC150R, NC200N and other similar syst ems when
using the BA001 (or similar) batteries.
Whenever using the BA001 batteries with a bat tery charger, it is
highly recommended t hat the F Z151 inline fuse holder and 4 Amp
fuse be installed.