Vehicle Te chnology

User Manual
The new AL-KO ESC (Electronic Stability Control) is a sway and
swerve stability control system for caravans fitted with AL-KO
electric brakes. The ESC gives an assurance to drivers that, even in
the most difficult of driving scenarios, the stability of their caravan
is being monitored by the ESC, providing an unparalleled level of
safety during the journey. Manoeuvring past heavy goods vehicles,
coping with excessive side winds and dealing with road hazards can
be done with the ultimate confidence that any potentially dangerous condition will be controlled smoothly and
effectively by the ESC.
The ESC is only approved for use on trailers and caravans fitted with AL-KO electric brakes, axles and suspensions.
How it works
AL-KO ESC is an ingenious electronic braking system that works in a similar way to an ESC system in some cars.
The AL-KO ESC constantly senses the lateral (side to side) movement of the caravan while towing. When a critical
sway or emergency swerve is detected, the ESC partially applies the caravan brakes. Braking of the caravan only
has the effect of pulling the caravan into line behind the tow vehicle and prevents further
swaying of the caravan. This allows the driver to remain in control of the vehicle.
Critical swerve or sway is detected by the ESC
ESC partially applies the caravan brakes. The caravan is pulled into line behind the tow vehicle
The sway is stopped and the caravan brakes are released

User Manual
Instructions for use
The ESC must be connected to the power supply in the tow vehicle using a
12 pin trailer connector or separate 2 pin connector.
The ESC automatically completes a self test when power is connected to
check that everything is working and connected correctly. The LED status
light, located at the front of the caravan, will display red during the test.
Once the test is complete, the LED status light will turn green.
The ESC is then operational and ready for use.
Occasionally the LED will flash green and then requires some movement to
complete the test, if this occurs the vehicle should be driven a short distance and the LED
status light rechecked for a solid green LED to make sure that the system is working correctly.
When a sway or swerve occurs during your trip, the ESC will detect the critical movement of the caravan and
the ESC will automatically activate the brakes to a preset amount.
If the LED status light turns red at any time a minor problem has been detected. It is safe to drive but the ESC
will not activate during a critical sway or swerve until the problem has been addressed and the green light
restored. Refer to the Troubleshooting section to determine the corrective steps.
If the LED status light flashes red continuously at 1 second intervals, a serious problem has been detected
and the ESC will no longer operate. The ESC should not be used and must be disconnected before driving
further. Refer to the Troubleshooting section to determine the next steps.
Off road use:
The ESC should be disconnected for serious off road use because the severe tilting of the trailer and bumps
experienced during off road driving may cause the ESC to inadvertently activate the brakes.
For vehicles intended to be taken off road it is recommended that the ESC is connected to the tow vehicle
using a separate 2 pin connector rather than the normal 12 pin connector. This enables the user to disconnect
the ESC during periods of off road use. The ESC should be immediately re-connected when on less severe
road conditions.
LED status light
The connector on the caravan and tow vehicle must be lubricated with a water dispersant spray and checked
regularly for corrosion to ensure that the ESC will function correctly. Replace the connector once it displays
evidence of corrosion. Otherwise the ESC is maintenance free and requires no adjustment.
Note that the electric brakes must be adjusted correctly and working well for the ESC to operate effectively.
Maintenance of your electric brakes is important and should be carried out as described in the electric brake
service manual.
Frequently asked questions
Q. How do I know if the ESC has activated?
A. Soft braking of the caravan should be noticed in the car.
Q. Do the caravan brake lights function when the ESC is activated during a manoeuvre?
A. No. Neither do the brake lights on your tow vehicle when its ESC is activated. The ESC applies the caravan
brakes to correct alignment rather than to stop the combination, so stop light illumination is not appropriate.