1) Receiver System
The receiver system is the double-conversion superheterodyne. ln L band the first
IF is 38.9MHz and second IF is 455kHz, and in R band the first IF is 45.1MHz and
second IF is 455kHz.
1 Front End
1-1 108.00MHz~ 173.995MHz (144M Band Main)
The receiving signal is passed through the low-pass filter (L90, L91 , L92, C220,
C229, C230, C231, C235), and amplified in RF amplifier (Q77), then led to the
resonant circuit (L85, L86, varicap D68, D69). The signal is amplified in RF
amplifier Q75, and passed through the resonant circuit (L81 , L82 varicap D66 and
D67), then converted into the frequency of 38.9MHz in the mixer Q79.
Two resonant circuits consisting of L85, L86, varicap D68, D69, L81 , L82, varicap
D66, D67, are controlled by the trucking voltage to obtain the best condition to the
receiving frequency.
The local signal from VVCO OUT is passed through the buffer Q79, and fed to the
base of the mixer Q76. The sum of the displayed frequency and IF frequency is
1-2 420.00MHz~51 1.995MHz: (430M Band Sub)
The receiving signal is passed through the band-pass filter (C59, C60, C61 , C66,
C67, C68, L57, L58, L53, L54), RF amplifier (Q62, Q72), band switch (D63), and
high-pass filter (C175, C176, C186, C187, L77, L78), and converted into the
frequency of 38.9MHz in mixer (Q74).
The local signal is passed through the buffer (Q70), and the difference frequency
between IF frequency and the displayed frequency is fed to the base of the mixer
1-3 130.00MHz~173.995MHz (144M Band Sub)
The receiving signal is passed through the low-pass filter (L90, L91 , L92, C220,
C229, C230, C231 and C235), and RF amplifier (Q68), low-pass fitter (C145,
C146, C153 and C154), then converted into the frequency of 45.1MHz in the mixer
The local signal is passed through the buffer (Q69), then the sum of displayed
frequency and IF frequency is fed to the base of the mixer (Q67).
1-4 420.00MHz~51 1.995MHz (433M Band Main)
The receiving signal is passed through the band-pass filter (C59, C60, C61 , C66,
C67, C68, L57, L58, L53, L54), RF amplifier (Q62, Q72) and the band-pass filter
(FL51), and amplified in RF amplifier (Q63), then converted into the frequency of
The band-pass filter (FL51) is the helical filter to obtain the band width characteristics.
The local signal from UVCO OUT is passed through the diode switch (D58), buffer
(Q64), then the difference frequency between the displayed and IF is fed to the
base ofthe mixer (Q61).
2 IF
2-1 L Band
The sum/difference between the receiving signal and local signal is made in each
mixer. The crystal filter (XF53) selects the difference of 38.9MHz and
eliminates unwanted signal, then it is amplified in the first IF amplifier (Q78).
2-2 R Band
The sum/difference between the receiving signal and local signal is made in each
mixer. The crystal filter (XF51) selects the difference of 45.l MHz and
eliminates unwanted signal, then it is amplified in the first IF amplifier (Q60).
3 Demodulation
3-1 L Band
After amplified in the first IF amplifier (Q78), the signal is fed to the demodulation
IC (IC302) Pin24. The first IF signal outputted to Pin24 (38.9MHz) is mixed in the
mixer of IC302 with the local signal of 38.455MHz which is oscillated in the
oscillation circuit of IC302 and the crystal oscillator (X303), then converted into the
second IF signal of 455kHz. The second IF is supplied from the IC302 Pin3. After
eliminating unwanted signal by the ceramic filter (FL302), the signal is applied to
Pin5 and Pin7.
As for the FM demodulation, the second IF signal applied to Pin7 is demodulated
in limiter amplifier and quadrature detection circuit of IC302 when IC302 Pinl4 is
open, and it is outputted from Pinl2 as the audio signal.
As for the AM demodulation, the second IF signal applied to Pin5 is demodulated
in AM amplifier and AM detection circuits of IC302 when the voltage of IC302
Pin14 is low, and it is outputted from Pinl3 as the audio signal.
3-2 R BandAfter amplified in the first IF amplifier (Q60), the signal is applied to the demodula-
tion lC301, Pinl6. It is mixed in the mixer of IC301 with the local signal of
45.555MHz which is oscillated in the oscillation circuit and the crystal oscillator
(X301) of IC301, then converted into the second IF signal of 455kHz. The second
IF is outputted from IC301 Pin3, and applied to Pin5 and Pin7 after eliminating
unwanted signal by the ceramic filter (FL30l).
4 Audio Circuit
4-1 FM (L bandThe audio signal supplied from IC302 is pre-emphasized white transmitting. So
the audio frequency should be compensated in the de-emphasis circuit (R366,
C363), then the signal is passed through FM/AM selection switch (IC303). The
frequency of 300Hz or below is cut in the audio high-pass fitter circuit (Q313), and
it is applied to the electronic volume (IC304) Pin1. The signal is passed through
the buffer (IC306), and adjusted the volume, then led to the audio power amplifier
(IC307) to drive the speaker.
4-2 AM (L ban
4-3 FM (R band)
5 Squelch Circuit
5-1 L Band
When AM mode is selected, the switching transistor (Q312) is turned ON, and
IC302 Pin14 becomes low, then AM demodulation circuit of IC302 is activated.
The audio signal provided from IC302 Pin14 is passed through the de-emphasis
circuit (R362, C360), and FM/AM selection switch (IC303), then led to audio highpass filter circuit (Q313), electronic volume (IC304), buffer (IC306) and the audio
power amplifier (IC307) to drive the speaker.
The FM detection circuit in IC301 (TK10930) is operating even while AM receiving.
(The squelch circuit is activated by FM detection output.) So the FM audio is not
outputted by FM/AM selection switch (IC303).
The audio signal supplied by IC301 Pin9 is compensated the audio frequency
characteristics in de-emphasis circuit (R330, C327), and the signal is passed
through the audio high-pass filter (Q306), then applied to the electronic volume
(IC304) Pin20. It is passed through the buffer (IC305), and led to the audio power
amplifier (IC307) to drive the speaker.
A part of the audio signal of IC302 Pin12 is selected and amplified by the noise
amplifiers in R351 , R352, R350, R353, C351, C352, C353, and IC302. Then it is
supplied from IC302 Pin20 to be amplified again in the noise amplifier (Q309). The
amplified noise factor is rectified in D302, adjusted the level in VR303, and applied
to CPU (IC508) Pin96, then converted to the digital signal.
5-2 R Band
A part of the audio signal of IC301 Ping is selected and amplified by the noise
amplifiers in R316, R317, R318, R319, C318, C319, C320, and IC301. Then it is
supplied from IC301 Pin11 to be amplified again in the noise amplifier (Q303). The
amplified noise factor is rectified in D301 , adjusted the level in VR30l , and applied
to CPU (IC508) Pin97, then converted to the dligital signal.
6 Attenuator Circuit
6-1 VHF Band
When the ATT key is pressed, "L" is applied from shift resistor (IC52) Pin14, and
D71 is turned ON, then the Attenuator circuit (Q56, R151, C194, R160) is activated.
The receiving signal passed through the low-pass filter is attenuated approximately
15dB by the attenuator to decrease the interference of the adjacent channel, etc.
6-2 UHF Band
When the ATT key is pressed, "L" is applied from shift resistor (IC52) Pin13, and
D55 is turned ON, then the Attenuator circuit (Q56, R73, C90, R80) is activated.
The receiving signal passed through the low-pass filter is attenuated approximately
15dB by the attenuator to decrease the interference of the adjacent channel, etc.
2) Transmitter System
1 Demodulation Circuit
The voice is converted into the electric signal by the internal or external microphone, then it is applied to the mic amplifier (IC310). This IC310 has two operational amplifiers. The pre-emphasis and IDC consist of Pin1, 2 and 3, and the
splutter filter consists of Pin5, 6 and 7.
The output from the microphone amplifier is passed through variable resistors
VR305 and VR306 for maximum deviation adjustment to cathode of varicap diode
of the VCO, controlling the VCO frequency and so producing a frequency-modulation.
2 Power Amplifier
The transmitting signal oscillated in VVCO is amplified in pre-drive amplifier (Q81)
and drive amplifier (Q80), then fed to the power module (IC54). The transmitting
signal amplified in IC54 is supplied to the antenna after attenuated the harmonics
enough in the antenna switch (D72) and the Low-pass filter (L90, L91 , L92, C220,
C229, C230,C231 , C235).
The transmitting signal oscillated in UVCO is amplified in pre-drive amplifier (Q54)
and drive amplifier (Q53), then fed to the power module (IC51). The transmitting
signal amplified in IC51 is supplied to the antenna after attenuated the harmonies
enough in the antenna switch (D52), and the bandi)ass filter (L57, L58, L53, L54,
C59, C60, C61, C66, C67, C68).
3 APC Circuit
3-1 VHF Band A part of transmitting voltage from low-pass filter is detected by D74, and con-
verted into the DC voltage. The converted detection voltage is differential amplified, and the output voltage controls the bias voltage of power module (IC54) Pin2
to fix the transmitting power.
3-2 UHF Band
A part of transmitting voltage from low-passS filter is detected by D56, and converted into the DC voltage. The converted detection voltage is differential amplified, and the output power controls the bias voltage of power module (IC51) Pin2
to fix the transmitting power.
3) PLL Synthesizer Circuit
The data is sent to the PLL IC (IC53) Pin2 and the clock is sent to Pin3 from CPU
(IC508), then the ratio of the division is decided each in L band and R band.
Each VCO oscillating signal is amplified in the buffer (Q73: L band, Q66: R band),
and the signal in L band is applied to Pin15, then the signal in R band is applied to
Pin6. The programmable divider of IC53 is determined by frequency data, and it
divides (1/N) input signal of IC53. Resulting signal will be 5kHz or 6.25kHz.
2 Reference frequency division
The reference frequency of 5kHz or 6.25kHz according to the channel step is
produced by dividing the reference oscillation 12.8MHz (X51) by 2560 or 2048, the
data from CPU (IC508). The channel steps of 5kHz, 10kHz, 15kHz, 20kHz,
25kHz, 30kHz and 50kHz use the reference frequency of 5kHz, and the channel
step of l2.5kHz uses the reference frequency of 6.25kHz.
3 Phase comparator
The reference frequency of IC53 is 5kHz or 6.25kHz.
The VCO output frequency divided by N is compared with 5kHz or 6.25kHz in the
phase comparator.
4 PLL Loop Filter Circuit
If the phase error should occur in PLL, the charge pump of IC53 Pin13 (L band)
and Pin8 (R band) outputs the pulse. The signal is converted into the DC voltage
in PLL loop filter, then inputted to the varicap of each VCO unit.
5 VVCO Circuit (VHF Band)
Q705 is turned ON, and the desired frequency is oscillated in the Colpitts osclllator
consisting of Q701. The frequency control voltage is apprled to the varicap (D702,
D703), and the osciflating frequency is changed, then amplified in VCO buffer
(Q703), and outputted from the VCO unit.
6 VVCO Circuit (UHF Band)
Q704 is turned ON, and the desired frequency is oscillated in the Colpitts oscillator
consisting of Q702. The frequency control voltage is applied to the varicap (D704,
D705), and the oscillating frequency is changed, then amplified in VCO buffer
(Q703), and outputted from the VCO unit.
7 UVCO Circuit (UHF Band)
Q605 is turned ON, and the desired frequency is oscillated in the Colpitts oscillator
consisting of Q601. The frequency control voltage is applied to the varicap (D602,
D603), and the oscillating frequency is changed, then amplified in VCO buffer
(Q603), and outputted from the VCO unit.
8 UVCO Circuit (VHF Band)
Q604 is turned ON, and the desired frequency is oscillated in the Colpitts oscillator
consisting of Q602. The frequency control voltage is applied to the varicap (D604,
D605), and the oscillating frequency is changed, then amplified in VCO buffer
(Q603), and outputted from the VCO unit.
4) CPU and Peripheral Circuit
1 LCD Display Circuit
The strobe, serial data, and clock are sent to the LCD driver (IC503) Pin 75~77
from CPU (IC508), and the LCD is activated with 1/4 duty and l/3 bias. The frame
frequency is 137Hz.
2 Display Lamp Circuit
The regulated power supply circuit consisting of Q505, Q507, R508, R509 supplies
H from CPU (IC508) when LAMP key is pressed. Then it is applied to the base
of Q507, and the voltage of 3.5V is outputted from the collector of Q505. lt is fed
to each LED (D503~D506, D509,D511 ,D513,D514).
3 Reset and Backup Circuit
When the voltage of approximately 3.0V or more is supplied from the external (DC
jack, battery), the reset signal of "H" level is outputted from Reset IC (IC506), and
it is fed to CPU (IC508) Ping, then the CPU is reset. Until the clock (X502) of CPU
is stabilized, the reset signal is fed to CPU after it is delayed in C522 and R58l.
When the voltage from external is decreased to approximately 3.3V or below, the
voltage of Pin18 in CPU is changed from "H" level to "L" level, then the CPU enters
into the backup mode.
4 S (signal) Meter Circuit
4-1 L Band
The DC voltage of IC302 Pin16 is low when the signal is weak and high when the
signal is strong. This change of DC voltage is adjusted the level at the trim pot
(VR304), and led to CPU (IC508) Pin98, then displayed on the LCD as S meter
after A/D converting.
4-2 R Band
The DC voltage of IC301 Pin13 is adjusted the level at the trim pot (VR302), and
led to CPU (IC508) Pin99, then displayed on the LCD as S meter after A/D
5 Full-duplex Circuit
When the DUP key is pressed, in the receiving side Q317 is turned ON and the
audio signal supplied to audio amplifier is decreased. ln transmitting side Q510 is
turned ON, and the modulation signaf is decreased to prevent the howling.
6 X-Band Repeater Circuit
ln X-band repeater mode, Q323 is turned OFF, the audio Signal which is opened
the squelch is passed through the audio high-pass filter (Q313: L band, Q306:R
band), and the signal is applied to the other modulation circuit. Then the radio
enters into the transmitting mode.
7-1 Encoder
The DTMF encoder is built in the CPU (IC508). The DTMF signal output from
Pin91 is adjusted its level at VR308, and amplified by the mic amplifier (IC310),
then fed to the varicap for modulation of each VCO.
Simultaneously the monitor sound is passed through AF circuit, and it is supplied
from the speaker.
7-2 Decoder
A part of the audio signal which is demodulated in IC301 , IC302 is fed to the DTMF
switch (IC501), then only the selected band audio signal is fed to DTMF IC (IC502)
Pin1. The supplied signal is judged whether valid or not by the signal judgement
circuit in IC502, and converted into 4-bit code, then supplied to IC508 Pin85.
8 Tone Squelch
8-1 Encoder
8-2 Decoder
The tone signal supplied from Tone IC (IC504) Pin21 (67.OHz~254.lHz) is adjusted the level at VR307, and amplified n the tone amplifier (Q322), then applied
to the varicap for modulation of each VCO.
A part of the audio signal which is demodulated in IC301, IC302 is fed to the tone
switch (IC504), then only the selected band audio signal is fed to tone IC (IC504)
When the signal is accord with the programmed tone frequency, "LO" is outputted
from IC504 Pin14, and it is fed to CPU (IC508) Pin74, then the squelch is opened.
Full duplex ON/OFF when transmittin
Right side TX lamp ON/OFF
Left side TX lamp ON/OFF
VHF TX circuit for power supply
UHF TX circuit for power supply
VHF RX busy lamp ON/OFF
UHF RX busy lamp ON/OFF
Microphone mute
Full duplex ON/OFF when receiving
DTMF band selection
Tone band selection
Tone detection signal input
Tone IC strobe
Power supply
AM circuit ON/OFF
Audio amplifier power supply ON/OF
VHF AF mute
UHF AF mute
IF power supply ON/OFF
VHF IF circuit power supply
UHF IF circuit power supply
DTMF 4-bit data
DTMF clock
DTMF detection signal
DTMF operation ON/OFF
A/D converter power supply
VHF trucking voltage output
DTMF signal output
Power supply for DTMF reference level
Power suppTy for A/D reference level
Band plan2
Band plan1 (destination)
VHF SD signal input
UHF SD signal input
VHF S meter signal input
UHF S meter signal input
Microphone remote control input
No signalAnalog in
No slgnalAnalog in
Analog in
Analog in
Analog in
6) Terminal function of 4094
4094 p
Q11UHlUHF high power controlActive Low Low powerHHHHH
Q12UMlDUHF middle power control Active Low UHF middle=H HHHHH
Q13VHlVHF high power controlActive Low Low powerHHHHH
Q14VMIDVHF middle power control Active Low VHF middle=H HHHHH
Q15VATTCVHF RX attenuater control Active Low ATT ONH/LH/LH/LH/LH
Q16UATTCUHF RX attenuater control Active Low ATT ONH/LH/LH/LH/LH
Q17VCO4SWUHF VCO switchActive LowH/LH/LLHH
Q18VCO1SWVHF VCO switchActive LowLHH/LH/LH
Q22USUBCUHF 145MHz power control Active LowH/LH/LHLH
Q23UMAINCUHF 435MHz power control Active LowH/LH/LLHH
Q25VSUBCVHF 435MHz power control Active LowHLH/LH/LH
Q26VMAlNCVHF 145MHz power control Active LowLHH/LH/LH
Q27UPLLCUHF VCO power controlActive LowH/LH/LLLH
Q28VPLLCVHF VCO power controlActive LowLLH/LH/LH
7) Frequency Table
BandIF Frequency Display frequencyUP/LOWOscillation frequency Mode
VHF38.9MHz108.000~173.995MHzUP146.900~212.895MHz FM/AM
UHF45.lMHz 130.000~173.995MHzUP175.100~219.095MHz FM
Port NameFunctionLogicDescription
420.000~511.995MHzLow381.100~473.095MHz FM/AM
420.000~511.995MHzLow374.900~466.895MHz FM
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