The PDAT responds to all Alesis system exclusive ADAT commands, as well as MIDI Machine Control (MMC)
commands. In addition, the PDAT also responds to and sends out Alesis system exclusive PDAT commands to access
functions that may or may not be addressed by PDAT or MMC commands.
Note: There may be some overlap in commands. For example, setting a locate address may be done using MMC,
ADAT Sysex or PDAT Sysex commands.
The PDAT has the following MIDI System Exclusive format:
F0H Start-of-Exclusive
00H 00H 0EH Alesis manufacturer ID
16H PDAT product ID
aaH Device id# (0..7EH, 7FH=all)
bbH Opcode (0..7FH)
data Data
F7H End-of-Exclusive
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Note: 1) Items in parentheses,{}, can be repeated multiple times
2) Items in square brackets, [], are optional, depending upon preceding info
01H - Write Parameter
F0H 00H 00H 0EH 16H <dev#> 01H {<param#> [<sub-param>] <data>} F7H
<param> - If = 0, then function bit to follow in sub-param position
- If <> 0, then this value is the user parameter number
<sub-param> - User bit parameter (range 0..13h)
<data> - For User Parameters, see Parameter Table
- For Sub-Parameters, 0=disabled and 7Fh=enabled
Parameters (general user parameters)
See Table 1
Sub-Parameters (user function bit parameters)
00 All Safe Enable
01 All Input Enable
02 Auto Input Enable
03 Auto Play Enable
04 Rehearse Enable
05 Online Enable
06 Auto AUX Routing Enable
07 Format Safe Enable
08 Format Enable
08 SMPTE Chase Enable
0A Internal Generator Enable
0B Tape Offset Enable
0C Track Delay Enable
0D Pre-Roll Enable
0E Post-Roll Enable
0F Auto Return Enable
10 Auto Record Enable
11 Fast Wind Mode Enable
12 Mute Audio Enable
13 CADI Connect Status (1=connected)
02H - Read Parameter
F0H 00H 00H 0EH 16H <dev#> 02H 06H {<param#> [<sub-param>]} F7H
<param> - 00 = bit parameter to follow in sub-param position
F0 00 00 0E 16 <dev#> 02H 07H {<param#> [<sub-param>] <data>} F7
03H - Jog Command
F0H 00H 00H 0EH 16H <dev#> 03H <data-1> <data-2> F7H
<data-1> - 000000ba a = jog speed<7>, b = direction (0=fwd, 1=rew)
<data-2> - jog speed<6..0>
04H - Control Pause Tension
F0H 00H 00H 0EH 16H <dev#> 04H F7H
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05H - Search Switch Toggle
F0H 00H 00H 0EH 16H <dev#> 05H <data> F7H
<data> - search switch status (0=disable, 7Fh=enable)
06H - Master Search Mode
F0H 00H 00H 0EH 16H <dev#> 06H <data> F7H
<data> - master search mode status (0=master not in search mode, 7Fh=master in search mode)
Information Query/Response Commands
07H - PDAT Software Version Inquiry
F0H 00H 00H 0EH 16H <dev#> 07H F7H
• Request PDAT software version
Note: For compatibility purposes, the PDAT also responds to the ADAT software version request with its ADAT
software version equivalent (currently 4.03).
Response: F0 00 00 0E 14 <dev> 44 <versionH> <versionL> F7
<versionH> - 0aaaaaaa = integer part (0..99)
<versionL> - 0bbbbbbb = fractional part (0..99)
08H - PDAT Miscellaneous Info
F0H 00H 00H 0EH 16H <dev#> 08H 06H F7H
• Request miscellaneous PDAT information
Response: F0 00 00 0E 16 00 08H 07H <data-1> <data-2> F7
<data-1> = 0gfedcba where a = AUX record track status
d = TC Track input track status
e = Online ADAT slave status
f = Transport/system error status
g = Transport task active status
<data-2> = 000000ba where a = Digital input presence
09H - Slave Query
F0H 00H 00H 0EH 16H <dev#> 09H 06H F7H
• Request number of ADATs connected
Response: F0 00 00 0E 16 00 09H 07H <# of ADATs> F7
<# of ADATs> - 0..16
0AH - Timecode Query
F0H 00H 00H 0EH 16H <dev#> 0AH 06H <type> F7H
<type> - 0 = Search Master TC Request search master resting timecode
<type> - 1 = Tape TC Request tape tc (TC Track) timecode
b = AUX input track status
c = TC Track record track status
b = I/O card presence
Response: F0 00 00 0E 16 <dev#> 0AH 07H <type> <timecode>F7
<type> = same as requested
<timecode> =32-bit timecode converted to 7-bit MIDI data bytes
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