Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS (PSS-32 and PSS-16)
P H OT O N I C S E R V I C E S W I T C H | R EL E A S E 3 . 0
The Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) represents a new breed of photonic switch for
next-generation metro and long haul wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). Implementing Zero Touch
Photonics, the 1830 PSS transforms traditional WDM into a fully flexible transport layer with complete
optical layer visibility at the individual wavelength level, simplifying service delivery while reducing time-torevenue generation and facilitating bandwidth expansion in metro networks for new broadband services.
1830 PSS -32 p hys ical arrange me nt
The Alcatel-Lucent 1830 PSS is a multireach platform covering from long haul
to regional and metro applications and
supporting a wide range of data rates
enabling service deliver y in a variety
of environments and applications:
• Broadband transport networks for
telecommunications operators and
enterprises operating as telcos to
provide high bandwidth connectivity
over long distances
• Metropolitan or national research
networks for sharing IP and fiber
channel (FC) connectivity and enable
grid computing applications
• Campus networks for data center
protection or data sharing for public
and private organizations such as
universities, hospitals, banks and
• Multi-campus networks for longdistance cooperation among public
and private companies and optimize
leased dark fiber
Key features
• High density multiplexer/demultiplexer (MUX /DEMUX) per network
element (NE)/degree
• Wavelength Tracker™ monitors and
traces each wavelength at any point
in the network
• Static, tunable/reconfigurable optical
add/drop multiplexer (T/ROADM)
with single wavelength add/drop
• Colorless add/drop capabilities
• Up to 88 wavelengths and 50 GHz
ITU WDM per fiber pair
• Support for the full range of network
topologies, including ring, point-topoint and arbitrary optical mesh
• Support for up to 8 degree ROADM NEs
• 40 Gb/s muxponder (4 x 10 Gb/s signals
aggregator into native 40 Gb/s transmission) supporting 10 GigE, OC-192,
STM- 64 or G.709 OTU2 signal types
1830 Pss-16 phy sical arr angem ent

• 100 Gb/s channel capacity with best
in class Pulse-density Modulation
Quadrature Phase-shift Keying
(PDM-QPSK) coherent tech nology
in the market to capture upcoming
traffic needs, supporting high port
capacity and with no inter ference
with existing 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s
• Dual mechanical arrangements
PSS-32 and PSS-16
• Supports C-band and L-band
• Supports ITU-T G.655 fibers and
G.652 fibers
• Supports optional Raman amplification for extended span application
Key benefits
• T/ROADM technology allows operators
to provision and reconfigure wavelengths remotely while adding ”anywavelength-to-anywhere” flexibility
to their network infrastructure
• T/ROADM, optical path tracing and
power monitoring reduces the overall
complexity and cost of network
wavelength management similar to
managing SONET/SDH traffic, making
it easier to engineer, implement and
maintain networks
• Cost-effective gain equalization of
individual wavelengths and Forward
Error Correction (FEC) technology
improve system performance,
eliminating the need for costly
regeneration in metro applications
Technical specifications
Optical layer intelligence and
Wavelength Tracker Optical
Power Management
• Optical layer path tracing and
power monitoring on a perunique-wavelength service basis
• View of all wavelengths present
on a selected fiber pair
• Integrated fault isolation and sectionalization at the optical layer
• Automated optical layer with
dynamic power equalization
• Integrated fault correlation
Full range of service interfaces
¬ OC-3/-12/-48/-192/-768
¬ STM-1/-4/-16/-64/-256
• Gigabit Ethernet (GigE),
100 GigE, 10 GigE LAN
and WAN, Fast Ethernet
• SONET/SDH multiplexing
¬ 10 x OC-3/STM-1
¬ 10 x OC-12/STM-4
¬ 4 x OC-48/STM-16
• 40Gb/s Optical interfaces:
¬ Client side: 10 GigE, OC-192,
STM-64 or G.709 OTU2
¬ Line support: Non-retourn-to-
zero Differential Phase-shift
Keying (NRZ-DPSK) modulation,
100 GHz channel spacing, OTU3
• Data multiplexing
¬ 10 x GigE
• 100 Gb/s Optical interfaces:
¬ 10 x 10 Gb/s MUX OT
- Line side: Coherent
PDM-QPSK 100 Gb/s;
50 GHz (C-band)
- Client side: 10 GigE (LAN/
WAN), OC-192/STM-64,
10 Gb/s FC
¬ 100 Gb/s OT; coherent
100 Gb/s, 50 GHz
- Line side: Coherent
PDM-QPSK 100 Gb/s;
50 GHz (C-band)
- Client side: 100 GigE, OTU-4
¬ 1 Gb/s/2 Gb/s/4 Gb/s/10 Gb/s FC
• Transponderless (direct connect)
transport of ITU-grid wavelengths
from external equipment
• Interoperable with SONET/SDH
Drop Multiplexing (ADM) and
optical cross-connects (OXCs),
2R and 3R transport mode
• Pluggable interfaces (SFP/XFP)
• Software configurable SONET/
GigE/FC client interface
• In-service network scalability
from one to hundreds of wavelengths without service disruption
• Optional egress and ingress
broadband amplifiers
• Network planning independent of
traffic forecast
Flexible protection options
• Flexible protection/restoration
options on a per-wavelength
service basis
• Diverse routed protection
• Optical channel-dedicated and
shared-protection options
• 1+1 client protection
• Fiber-level facility protection
Integrated SLA support
and monitoring
• Proactive service management for
wavelength services
• G.709 compliant
• Flexible service-level alarms
Carrier class availability
• Delivers 99.999% availability
• NEBS Level 3 compliant
• All cards hot-swappable
• Non-stop distributed, reliable and
scalable software architecture
Optical reach
• 2200 km at 10 Gb/s for
88 channels
• 1200 km at 40 Gb/s Partial
Differential Phase-shift Keying
(P-DPSK) for 88 channels
• 1000 km at 100 Gb/s PDM-QPSK
for 15 channels
Network management
• Full-featured Operations,
Administration, Maintenance
and Provisioning (OAM&P)
management functionality
Alcatel- Lucent 1830 PSS ( PSS-32 and PSS -16) | Dat a Sheet2