Ag Leader SMS Mobile Sensors Start Guide

Quick Reference Guide
Sensor Configuration
and Logging Options
SMS™ Mobile Sensor Configuration and Logging Options
SMS Mobile has the ability to connect to predefined and custom sensors when logging data in the field. This document covers the item listed below which will help you to use Sensors with the SMS Mobile Software:
Basic Sensor Configuration Connecting an Ag Leader OptRx Sensor Connecting a Dualem 1s/2s/2/4 Sensor Connecting a Geonics EM38/B/DD/MK2 Sensor Connecting a GreenSeeker RT100/500/505 Sensor Connecting a Holland Scientific 430 Sensor Connecting a Minolta 502 SPAD Meter Connecting a VERIS EC Surveyor and EC Instrument Defining a Custom Sensor Logging Data and Configuring Tooltips
SMS Mobile S ensor Configuration and Log gi ng O pt ions Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
Basic Sensor Configuration [Back to Top]
Data can be logged from external sensors using SMS Mobile in all operations except for the Boundary logging mode. Sensor configurations can be created, edited or deleted in SMS Mobile.
All sensors connected to SMS Mobile must have their own power source. Certain sensors, such as the Veris equipment, also require their own GPS source.
There are several predefined configurations in SMS Mobile that are discussed later in this document. The predefined settings can be modified when setting up your sensor, such as modifying the COM Port your sensor will be using to communicate with SMS Mobile. Custom sensors can also be setup with SMS Mobile to log data that is unique to your operation.
SMS Mobile S ensor Configuration and Log gi ng O pt ions Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
Connecting an Ag Leader OptRx Sensor to SMS Mobile [Back to Top]
1. Connect the OptRx Sensor (running firmware version 1.1 or
newer) to the 12 pin Deutsch cable and then connect the 9-pin end of the cable to the 9-pin port on the Mesa, PC or handheld device (Ag Leader Part Number: 4002339-10).
2. Open the SMS Mobile Software and turn on the OptRx Sensor.
3. Tap the Setup menu and then the Sensors icon.
4. In the Available Sensor Configurations window tap Add.
5. Select Ag Leader OptRx from the Sensor Model drop down menu.
6. Choose the Operation you wish to record data from the OptRx in.
7. Enter a Configuration Name so that you can recognize this sensor in the future when
displayed in the list of Available Sensor Configurations.
SMS Mobile S ensor Configuration and Log gi ng O pt ions Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
8. Tap OK.
9. On the Sensor Port/Connection Settings window the settings to use with the OptRx
Sensor will be predefined for you:
a. Serial Port: COM1 b. Baud Rate: 38400 c. Data Bits: 8 d. Parity: None e. Stop Bits: 1
10. Tap Test Sensor. a. Tap OK after verifying the OptRx Sensor is turned on. b. Once testing is complete you should receive a message indicating that
messages have been received from the sensor and that it is connected.
c. Tap OK.
SMS Mobile S ensor Configuration and Log gi ng O pt ions Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
11. Select the Attributes you wish to log from the sensor by placing a check mark in the
box next to their name. Tap OK when finished.
12. The OptRx configuration will now be displayed in the list of available sensors and
can be used to record data in the operating mode that you designated.
SMS Mobile S ensor Configuration and Log gi ng O pt ions Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
Connecting a Dualem 1s/2s/2/4 Sensor to SMS Mobile [Back to Top]
Photo courtesy of
1. Connect the Dualem Sensor to the Mesa, PC or handheld device with the serial cable
to the 9-pin serial port.
2. Open the SMS Mobile Software.
3. Tap the Setup menu and then the Sensors icon.
4. In the Available Sensor Configurations window tap Add.
SMS Mobile S ensor Configuration and Log gi ng O pt ions Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
5. Select Dualem 1s/2s/2/4 from the Sensor Model drop down menu.
6. Choose the Operation you wish to record data from the Dualem Sensor in.
7. Enter a Configuration Name so that you can recognize this sensor in the future when
displayed in the list of Available Sensor Configurations.
8. Tap OK.
9. On the Sensor Port/Connection Settings window the settings to use with the Dualem
Sensor will be predefined for you:
a. Serial Port: COM1 b. Baud Rate: 9600 c. Data Bits: 8 d. Parity: None e. Stop Bits: 1
SMS Mobile S ensor Configuration and Log gi ng O pt ions Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
10. Tap Test Sensor. a. Tap OK after turning on the Dualem Sensor. (The arrow on the end of the
sensor MUST be pointing up and all wires connected. Newer sensors will say DUALEM” instead of displaying the arrow. The text must be in the upright and readable position).
b. Once testing is complete you should receive a message indicating that
messages have been received and that it is connected.
c. Tap OK.
11. Select the Attributes you wish to log from the sensor by placing a check mark in the
box next to their name. Tap OK when finished.
SMS Mobile S ensor Configuration and Log gi ng O pt ions Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
12. The Dualem configuration will now be displayed in the list of available sensors and
can be used to record data in the operating mode that you designated.
SMS Mobile S ensor Configuration and Log gi ng O pt ions Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
Connecting a Geonics Sensor to SMS Mobile [Back to Top]
1. Connect the Geonics Sensor to the Mesa,
PC or handheld device with the serial cable to the 9-pin serial port.
2. Open the SMS Mobile Software.
3. Tap the Setup menu and then the
Sensors icon.
Photo courtesy of Geonics, Inc.
4. In the Available Sensor Configurations window tap Add.
SMS Mobile S ensor Configuration and Log gi ng O pt ions Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
5. Select the Geonics Sensor that you will be using: a. EM38 b. EM38-B c. EM38-DD d. EM38-MK2
6. Choose the Operation you wish to record data from the Geonics Sensor in.
7. Enter a Configuration Name so that you can recognize this sensor in the future when
displayed in the list of Available Sensor Configurations.
8. Tap OK.
SMS Mobile S ensor Configuration and Log gi ng O pt ions Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved
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