This help document will guide you through the basic operation of the Mobile software.
1. Getting Started
2. Data Storage
3. SMS Mobile User Interface
4. Setting Up Mobile
5. Importing Data
6. Logging Data
7. Navigation View
8. Exporting Data
9. Reviewing Data
10. Printing
11. Troubleshooting
Getting Started
Requirements to Install SMS Mobile
SMS Mobile requires that your mobile device be running Windows Mobile 5.0 to 6.5.3 as
its OS and have a touch screen interface. We do not support the Windows CE OS. Any
device that can run Windows Mobile 5 to 6.5.3 has adequate memory and specifications
to run SMS Mobile.
SMS Mobile PC requires that your PC based device be running Windows XP (SP3),
VISTA (SP2), Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8 (Not RT) as its OS.
Starting SMS Mobile for the First Time
To start SMS Mobile after it is installed on your mobile device, go to the START menu
and select the SMS Mobile icon or go to PROGRAMS, and then scroll down till you see
the SMS MOBILE name and icon and select it. On the PC select the SMS Mobile PC
icon on your desktop or go to the PROGRAMS menu of the OS select the Ag Leader
Technology group and then the SMS Mobile PC item.
SMS Mobile will now begin to start. If you are starting clean with no setup data export
from the desktop software, you will be prompted to select a location to create your SMS
Mobile Project(s) in. By default it is recommended to use the internal storage memory of
your device instead of an external memory card, thus using the default of "Run from
Internal Storage" is preferred. Press OK to continue. Now you will be prompted to enter
in a name for your new Mobile Project. Press OK when you are done. SMS Mobile will
now complete its start up and you should see the main start screen.
SMS Mobile User Manual
Registering SMS Mobile
SMS Mobile requires an unlock code to provide full functionality. When you first install
SMS Mobile it is in trial mode and will only provide full functionality for 30 calendar
days or 5 actual usage days. Once either trial time expires you will not be able to use any
of the Field Operations to collect or edit data. The rest of the application will continue to
function though.
To register SMS Mobile on a Windows Mobile device you must call or email in your
registration information. Please note that you must have SMS Mobile installed on your
mobile device before we can register and unlock it. To begin the registration process call
the Ag Leader Software Support Group at (515) 232-5363 and select the Software
Support option and then the SMS Mobile option or email into You will need to gather the following information to provide
over the phone or via email :
Your Name and Address
Activation code - Located on the back of the DVD case that your SMS CD came in
Device Identification - Found by starting SMS Mobile and going to SETUP, then
Once you have provided the information above you will be provided with an unlock code
that you can enter by selecting the REGISTER SOFTWARE button on the
REGISTRATION screen. Press OK once the code is entered and you should now be
unlocked. Once you have a unlock code it will remain valid to use on your specific
mobile device and for the current version of the software. If you change mobile devices
this unlock will not be valid and if the software version changes (i.e. a new major version
of the software is released) you will need a new unlock code.
To register SMS Mobile PC you can follow the instructions above if you don't have an
internet connection on your device. If you do have an internet connection then the
software can be registered online using the ACTIVATION CODE provided on the DVD
case you received with the software. Start SMS Mobile PC, go to the HELP menu and
select REGISTRATION. Click the REGISTER button and follow the wizard steps to
create a registration account if you don't already have one and activate your software.
You are allowed one unlock per purchased copy of the software.
Setting up a GPS Receiver
When you first start SMS Mobile, it will automatically try and detect and select a
connected GPS receiver. Serial connections via the 9-pin port will detect the fastest, CF
or SD card GPS receivers will take a little longer, and Bluetooth (BT) GPS receivers will
take the longest to detect initially. BT GPS receivers also must be first configured and
connected to your device before they can be detected and SMS Mobile can not
automatically connect them for you. This requires you to manually connect to your BT
GPS receiver before you try and detect it with SMS Mobile. All other receiver types
should be automatically detected for you by SMS Mobile because they are physically
connected to your device but this depends on your device's GPS settings and also does
not apply to internal GPS receivers.
SMS Mobile Help
The automatic GPS detection can take as much as a minute to complete and
during this process you are locked out of many functions until a valid GPS source
is found. Please be patient while your GPS source is being detected. After the
GPS is detected the first time, future detections should occur much faster since
SMS Mobile keeps track of the last used GPS receiver and will start the search
there at startup.
To connect your Windows Mobile device to a BT GPS receiver, first turn your BT
receiver ON (usually these units have a power LED to verify this), then on your mobile
device go to the START menu, then SETTINGS, then CONNECTIONS, and then select
the BLUETOOTH icon. Make sure the "Turn on Bluetooth" option is checked. Then
select the DEVICES tab and select the "Add New Device..." option. After a short period
of time you should see a listing for the receiver displayed on the screen by its detected
name. Select this name and then press the NEXT button in the lower right hand side of
the screen. Now enter a Passcode that was provided with your receiver and if in doubt the
number is usually "0000". Once the passcode is accepted you can give the BT GPS a
unique name (the default name should be fine though) and then you want to check the
option called "Serial Port". Press the FINISH button once done. Now you will be returned
to the Bluetooth screen. Close the keyboard at the bottom and then select the COM Ports
tab. Select the "New Outgoing Port" option. Now select the BT GPS receivers name from
the list and press NEXT. Select a COM port from the provided list (it is recommended to
select port 5-9 to help ensure you don't have a conflict with one of your other physical
ports. Then make sure to uncheck the "Secure Connection" option. Press the FINISH
button. Press the OK button in the top right corner of the screen. You now have
completed configuration of your BT GPS receiver and SMS Mobile can now
automatically detect and use it.
If you are using a serial, CF, SD, or internal GPS unit the auto detection of your GPS that
SMS Mobile tries may not actually find your GPS receiver. Follow these general steps if
you are using one of these types of receivers and you are having trouble connecting:
Serial/CF/SD GPS receivers - On your Windows Mobile device select the START
menu, then SETTINGS, then the SYSTEM tab. Now select the GPS icon. On the
PROGRAMS tab make sure that the port is set to GPD1. On the ACCESS tab if
the manage GPS option is UNCHECKED you do not need to make any other
settings. If this option is CHECKED then on the HARDWARE tab you MUST set
the port that your GPS is connected to and the baud rate it is outputting position
data at. If you don't set this then your GPS will not be detected properly by SMS
Mobile (it will say it has detected it as a "Shared" GPS receiver but you wont get
any position data from it).
Internal GPS receiver - If your Windows Mobile device has GPS built in then you
more than likely to have to make some settings changes or at least verify them
first. On your mobile device select the START menu, then SETTINGS, then the
SYSTEM tab. Now select the GPS icon. On the PROGRAMS tab make sure that
the port is set to GPD1. On the ACCESS tab make sure the manage GPS option is
CHECKED. Your internal GPS receiver should now automatically be detected. If
you have problems then you may need to figure out which port your internal GPS
SMS Mobile User Manual
is connected to and manually set this on the PROGRAMS tab or the
Data Storage
SMS Mobile stores all its data in a centralized location referred to as the data location.
This location is always named SMSMOBILEDATA but it is located in different locations
and managed differently depending on which version of SMS Mobile you are running.
On a Windows Mobile install this functionality is located under MENU \\ PROJECT \\
DATA LOCATION. On a Windows PC install this functionality is located under FILE \\
On Windows Mobile devices, the SMSMOBILEDATA folder can be located in 2
possible locations, either in the internal memory of the Mobile device, in which case it is
located in Application Data\Ag Leader Technology or if running from a removable
storage drive (SD card, USB stick, etc) then the SMSMOBILEDATA folder must be
located at the root of the removable drive. You can switch between these storage
locations but there can only be one folder that can be used from either location.
On a Windows PC device, the SMSMOBILEDATA folder location is a little more
flexible and more options are provided for managing it. If the internal location is selected
then the normal default location will be \\ProgramData\Ag Leader\\SMSMobile\\ or if a
removable drive is selected then the SMSMOBILEDATA folder will be in the root of the
drive. There is also a TRANSFER FROM REMOVABLE DRIVE option available that
will allow you to move an SMSMMOBILEDATA folder from a removable drive into
your internal storage location for you, thus allowing you to remove the removable drive
while you are working. A common example here would be to use a USB thumb drive to
move an SMSMOBILEDATA folder between your desktop computer running SMS and
your field device that is running SMS Mobile PC and then back to the desktop PC once
you had finished your field work.
Start Screen
This is the screen that comes up by default after you start SMS Mobile. From this
screen you have access to all the functionality of SMS Mobile from creating/logging
data, to exporting, to setting up management items. The screen is broken up into a
main menu and button bars that allow access to specific items in each of their
categories. The following items are the key areas available on this screen and their
Main Menu
SMS Mobile Help
Allows access to all the functions available on the Start Screen, even some that
don't have icons to select such as functions related to Projects, Help,
Registration, and Check for Updates.
Allows the selection of an SMS Mobile Project exported from the SMS desktop
software or created as a new project in SMS Mobile. Projects can be deleted,
their names edited, or you can just view stats on a project.
Field Operations
Allows the selection of the available field operations where you can log or create
data. Current Field Operations are Boundary, Soil Sampling, Crop Scouting,
Coverage Logging, and General Logging.
Allows the user to view a summary of data they have in the Mobile project, view
a map of data in the Mobile project, or export data contained in the Mobile
Allows the configuration of SMS Mobile from GPS settings to management
items to general logging settings.
Hardware Keys/Buttons
Depending on the device that you are running SMS Mobile on, there more than likely are
hardware keys that can be used as inputs for the software instead of having to use the
touch screen or a mouse.
These keys can be programmed to different functions on some devices but by default the
directional arrows (up/down/left/right arrows) will allow you to m ove up/down or
left/right in menus and on the Start Screen. When in a operating mode, the left/right keys
either allow you to scroll the toolbar left or right or if in Manual GPS simulation mode
they will allow you to manually turn the vehicle icon. The up/down keys in simulation
mode will speed up or slow down the vehicle. The ENTER key will allow you to make a
selection in a MENU and in an operating mode it will allow you to select the main
ACTION button without making a selection on the screen.
Operating Mode Layout
Displays your selected data. Up to 4 layers of data can be displayed at a time.
Zoom In/Out buttons are displayed at all times on the map in the upper left and
right corners. The bottom edge of the map can display the map scale, GPS stats,
and the main Action button. A Toggle Navigation View button is shown in the
lower left hand side of the screen when a navigation related tool is selected,
which will allow you to switch between the normal map view and a dedicated
navigation view.
SMS Mobile User Manual
Status Bar
Displays information based on the currently selected tool such as its name and
function or spatial stats such as area, length, count. An icon indicating GPS state
is also displayed on this bar as well as a manual control button to hide/show the
map toolbar.
Map Toolbar
Displays the available tools as buttons than can be selected. The Toolbar can be
customized to display only the tools you desire and also filters itself to only show
the tools that are actually available for the currently selected tool.
Map Tooltips
Displays any tooltips that have been selected to display. Up to two tooltips can
be setup for display at a time. The Tooltips are shown above the Map Toolbar but
only when at least one item as been selected to display as a tooltip.
The source for tooltip values is dependent on the map layer and the operating
mode. If the source is set to the Edit Layer on a map then the values come from
the last logged value. If the source is one of the Reference layers then the source
for the values is the object value at the current location.
Setting Up Mobile
Setup of SMS Mobile can either be done from SMS Basic/Advanced, Case IH AFS
Software, or New Holland PFS software or you can manually create setup information in
SMS Mobile manually or by importing files. The preferred method for ease of use and
consistency with your desktop system is to create and manage your setup as much as
possible from the desktop software. Please see the instructions for DEVICE SETUP in
SMS/AFS/PFS software for more details on the process of creating a setup for SMS
Mobile from the desktop software.
If you need to create your setup in the field you can go to the SETUP area and define
Growers, Farms, Fields, Products, People (operators), Vehicles, Implements, Containers,
Pests, and Marks. A key feature of SMS Mobile is that you can create almost all of the
management items on the fly when you are entering an operating mode or when
changing/starting a new dataset. This means you have easy access to making additions
when you need them.
You can also import spatial files into the system either for reference or editing or also to
help generate Grower, Farm, Field, and Product management items if that information is
contained in the import files. See the section below on Importing Data.
Grower/Farm/Field/Resource Tracking Setup
These management items can all be created, edited, deleted in SMS Mobile. They can
also be setup in SMS Desktop software and exported out to SMS Mobile. Setup for these
SMS Mobile Help
items is fairly straight forward and nearly identical to the setup provided in SMS desktop
software for these items.
Product Setup
Products can be created, edited, or deleted in SMS Mobile. They can also be exported
from SMS Desktop Software to SMS Mobile or imported from a Shape file.
To make selection of "favorite" products easier, products in the product list with a check
by their name will be listed at the top of the product list when assigning management
items during creation of a new dataset when entering an operating mode. They will be
separated from the entire list of products for easier selection of a commonly used product.
Pest Setup
Pests can be created, edited, or deleted in SMS Mobile. They can also be exported from
SMS Desktop Software to SMS Mobile or imported from a Shape file.
When creating Pests, you will be required to pick a Pest Type for a new pest.
To make selection of "favorite" pests easier, pests in the pest list with a check by their
name will be listed at the top of the pest list when assigning pests. They will be separated
from the entire list of pests for easier selection of a commonly used pest.
Operations Setup
There are a number of setup options related to operations. It should be noted that in this
release of SMS Mobile that new operations and new attributes can NOT be created in
SMS Mobile, they can only be created in SMS desktop software and exported out to SMS
Definitions Tab - Allows you to setup, for operations that are editable, what
attributes are assigned to be created/logged with that operation and what
attributes will be visible when creating/logging data. For example the Soil
Sampling operation has numerous default attributes that are only useful once you
have gotten lab results back, so by default when taking samples these attributes
(i.e Soil pH, Soil OM, etc) are hidden by default. You can also define whether an
attribute will used a default global value by default or whether it will load the last
entered value for that attribute.
Field Conditions Tab - Allows the selection of additional attributes that you
would like to collect when creating/logging data that aren't defined with a
specific operation that you want to consistently record or they might be an
attribute that you need to collect for a special reason but not all of the time. An
example would be to select attributes related to scouting such as Sky Conditions,
Tillage Type, and Air Temperature. When you select Field Condition attributes
they will then be available to set/log for any operating mode and be appended to
the list of default attributes that are available for the operating mode/operation.
Instances Tab - Allows the creating/editing of Operational Instances in SMS
Mobile. This is useful for activities such as soil sampling and scouting where you
may be returning to a location multiple times during a crop season and you want
SMS Mobile User Manual
to keep your data separated by an operational instance such as Spring Sampling
vs Fall Sampling.
Export Tab - Allows the selection of management item properties that you
would like to export for each operation you have in SMS Mobile in addition to
the logged attribute values. Examples are Operator (people) Name, Vehicle SN,
Grower Custom ID, etc.
Sensor Setup
Data can be logged from external sensors using this setup. Sensor configurations can be
created, edited, or deleted in SMS Mobile. Sensor configurations can be setup for all
operating modes except for the Boundary mode.
Predefined sensor models are provided for easy configuration of sensors. Sensors from
Ag Leader, Dualem, Geonics, Holland Scientific, Minolta, NTech, and Veris are
currently available. A Custom Sensor model is also available that allows you to define a
sensor that isnt provided in the list and that outputs data in an ASCII text format that
SMS Mobile can parse to acquire data to log.
Unique sensor configurations can be setup for the same sensors but for use in specific
operating modes or situations where you only need a particular attribute to be logged
from a sensor.
To define a custom sensor you must specify how the information it provides is organized
and how SMS Mobile should interpret it. The following parameters must be set for a
custom sensor configuration:
Define Sensor Header to Parse - This setting identifies what text strings from a
custom sensor contain the data you wish to log. So an example might be an ASCII
text string formatted as $, 123.5, South, XYZ. In this example you want to log
123.5, South, and XYZ and to do that you must define the header as " $," in this
entry. SMS Mobile will then know to look for those two characters in sensor
readings to find the data to log.
String Delimiter - This setting defines the formatting of the ASCII text string to
be parsed, i.e. how each attribute in the string is separated from each other.
Options are commas, spaces, and tabs.
String Terminator - This settings defines how each ASCII string output by the
sensor ends and thus defines the start of the next string that is output from the
Logging Type - This setting defines how often the sensor will output data.
Trigger Type should be used when the sensor outputs a single reading on-demand.
The Continuous Type should be used when the sensor outputs readings
automatically and constantly without any user control. When Continuous is
selected and the sensor is used in any operating mode except for Coverage
Logging then a Sensor button will appear on the map that will allow you to take a
reading for the currently selected object in the edit layer.
Batch Setup
These options provide the ability to run key functions in batch to reduce the amount of
work needed to complete key tasks.
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