Ag Leader EZ-Guide Reference Guide

Ag Leader EZ-Guide
Quick Reference Card
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
To select an option, press the following key until the option is displayed:
To display the value, press:
T o ch ange the v alue, press:
To accept the value, press:
Return to step 2, or press the following keys until GUIDE is displayed:
Option Default Values
60' Swath width – Set this to about 0.3 m (1 ft) less than your total boom width to ensure that there are no skips
between swaths.
LED MODE CHASE CHASE – Chase the lights to stay online PULL – Center the lights to stay online SPACING
1' Distance represented by one LED.
0' Distance at which the Approach LED indicates your approach to the headland or end of swath line. It turns
0' Distance off-swath at which the alarm sounds. Set to zero to disable the swath alarm.
0' • F<distance> – Boom in front of GPS antenna • R<distance> – Boom to rear of GPS antenna
Look ahead time in seconds. Predict your future guidance path by the number of seconds configured. Increase this value for larger vehicles that take longer to turn.
• 0 to 8 mph – 1 second
• 8 to 15 mph – 2 seconds
• 15+ mph – 3 seconds
MOUNT DASH DASH – Text aligned for upright dash mount CEILING – Text aligned for ceiling mount TEXT SWTH&XTE SWTH&XTE – Swath number and cross-track error
SWTH&SPD – Swath number and current speed
HDG&SPD – Current heading and speed
DEMO – Sales demo mode
SNAPSWTH ON ON – Lightbar automatically guides to nearest
OFF – Use the –/+ keys to change swath
O-USA C – OmniSTAR U.S. Central satellite
O-S.AMER – OmniSTAR South American satellite
O-AFRICA – OmniSTAR African satellite
T-USA W – Thales U.S. Western satellite
T-USA E – Thales U.S. Eastern satellite
T-AFRICA – Thales African satellite
T-AUSTRL – Thales Australian satellite
O-USA W – OmniSTAR U.S. Western satellite
O-USA E – OmniST AR U.S. Eastern satellite
O-EUROPE – OmniSTAR European satellite
O-AUSTRL – OmniSTAR Australian satellite
T-USA C – Thales U.S. Central satellite
T-S.AMER – Thales South American satellite
T-EUROPE – Thales European satellite
DIFF GPS DIFFONLY AUTO – Accept all positions including less
accurate non-differential positions
DIFFONLY – Accept only DGPS positions
AUTOWARN – Accept all positions, but warn if
differential corrections are lost
UNITS US US – Feet, miles per hour, acres METRIC – Meters, kilometers per hour, hectares LANGUAGE ENGLISH ENGLISH
Return all configuration settings to factory defaults.
Ag Leader EZ-Guide
Quick Reference Card
To change the brightness level of the lightbar display, press and hold: .
© 2003. Trimble Navigation Limited. All rights reserved. EZ-Guide is a trademark of Trimble Navigation Limited licensed to Ag Leader Technology. Part Number 48651-40-ENG. Rev.A (January 2003).
Select Guidance, Area, or Configuration modes.
Clear all area points.
Add an area point. The new area is displayed briefly.
Reset the guidance in preparation for a new field.
Select a configuration option or accept a configuration value.
• Press to access yellow functions on other keys.
• Press and hold to change the brightness of the lightbar display.
• When editing configuration values, press to toggle between increasing and decreasing the values.
• Increase or decrease swath number if SNAPSWTH is off.
• Scroll through configuration options.
• Increase or decrease configuration values.
Pause or resume guidance.
Set the A or B point for swath guidance.
Ag Leader EZ-Guide
Quick Reference Card
Step 1:
GPS antenna
Step 2:
Lightbar and remote keypad
Step 3: Cables
Step 4:
Test your installation
a. Mount the antenna on the
highest part of the vehicle. Ensure that there are no obstructions in the way of the GPS antenna.
b. Mount the antenna along the
boom centerline as shown below.
Note – Ensure that the vehicle with the GPS antenna on top can safety fit through the door of the machine shed!
a. Attach the suction cup to the
lightbar. Mount the lightbar for comfortable viewing inside the cab.
Note – The lightbar can be mounted upside down.To flip the text, change the MOUNT setting to CEILING.
b. Mount the remote keypad for
comfortable access.
a. Attach the cables as shown
b. Place the cigarette lighter
plug into the vehicle’s cigarette lighter adaptor.
c. Optionally, connect the
Sonalert alarm.
a. Drive outside and turn on the
unit. The lightbar display should illuminate.
Note – GPS does not work indoors.
b. Press –/+ to change the
swath widt h, then press Enter to accept.
c. Wait for the SET A message
on the lightbar. EZ-Guide is ready to use.
Mounting the antenna
Application boom
GPS antenna
Boom centerline
Attaching the cables
Remote keypad
Sonalert alarm
White + Black –
To yield monitor or computer
EZ-Guide cable
To power
Ag Leader EZ-Guide
Quick Reference Card
The following table lists the swath pattern options and describes the approach LED colors and operation.
Pattern Tips on using this pattern Diagram
To set a straight guidance line, set new A and B points.
If you have set area points, this area is used for headland approach LED color.
This diagram assumes that snap to swath is ON.
Use A+ pattern for irregular gaps in your field, or for adjacent parallel fields. Just reset Point A to generate a new reference line that is perfectly parallel to the last A-B line.
With this pattern, if you have set area points, this area is used for headland approach LED color . If y ou d o not ha v e any area points, then you do not get any approach LED indication.
This option is only available if there is a valid A-B Line still in memory.
This diagram assumes that snap to swath is ON.
To set a curved guidance line, set new A and B points.
The approach LED does not indicate the start and end of the curve swaths. However , when you are approaching a turn, end LEDs appear as a turn signal.
Snap to Swath is not available with the Curve pattern. You must manually increment the swath. Before beginning your turn, you must press –/+.
For straight parallel swaths inside the headland, map at least one headland pass around the outside of the field and then set A and B points.
Before you can set the A and B points, you must complete the headland.
When you approach the he adland, the approach LED indicates your distance to the end of the swath.
Note – EZ-Guide only calculates field area based on area points, not headlands.
Green = Inside
Red = Outside
Red = Outside
Approach LED color
Direction of last A-B line
Approach LED color
Ag Leader EZ-Guide
Quick Reference Card
To obtain guidance in a field, define a reference swath by mapping A and B points. The lightbar then provides guidance at swath-width intervals. To get guidance:
Approach indication
The large, central LED indicates where you are in relation to the swath line:
• GREEN – inside the spray zone. Turn the boom on when the LED turns green.
• RED – outside the spray zone. Turn the boom off when the LED turns red. For more information, see the diagrams in the SWATH PATTERN OPTIONS section on the previous page. If the HLNDWARN value is configured to greater than 0, the approach LED turns ORANGE to indicate your
approach to the spray zone boundary (from either direction). Prepare to turn the boom on or off.
Pausing guidance
You can pause guidance, for example, to refill chemical tanks or refuel.
Step 1:
Clear guidance
Step 2:
Map the guidance line
Step 3:
Follow the lightbar
a. At the start of the
new field, clear old guidance points by pressing:
b. To select the desired pattern
option, press:
c. When the lightbar displays the
desired option, press:
• Diagrams in the SWATH PATTERN OPTIONS section on the previous page show which keys to press for each pattern option.
a. Turn left or right for the next sw ath. If the
next swath is not automatically selected or the wrong swath is selected, press –/+.
b. Steer your vehicle so that you center
the green lights in the middle of the lightbar and drive forward down the swath.
Note – With a curve pattern, the lightbar LEDs and text only provide cross-track error (XTE) guidance parallel to the last swath. When you get past the end of each swath, they display the distance to the end of the swath.
To pause guidance … To resume guidance …
While in mid-swath, press . Press again.
Ag Leader EZ-Guide
Quick Reference Card
You can map area points to calculate acreage. Area points can be added in both Guidance mode and Area mode.
If the alarm is connected, it sounds at various times during a swathing operation to indicate that you are:
• entering or leaving the spray zone (as defined by the A-B end-zone, or by a defined headlands area)
• drifting too far off-swath (use the
XTE WARN option to configure this)
• returning to the current swath while guidance is paused
• losing differential corrections (use the
DIFF GPS option to configure this)
New Area Calculate Area View Area
1. To clear all area points in preparation for a new field, at any time press:
2. To toggle between CONFIRM or CANCEL, press:
3. When the desired option is displayed, press:
• To calculate the area of your field drive to each corner of the field and press: Each time the key is pressed, a new area value is displayed. The area is calculated from the outside end of the application boom.
Note – A minimum of three area points are required to calculate the field area. The maximum number of area points is 99.
The following diagram shows mapped area points and the area calculated.
Tip – Acreage calculations take the current swath width into account, so you should drive a half-swath in from the field edge.
• To view the field area at any time, press the following buttons until the area is displayed:
Adjusted area is calculated
Actual swath pass width
at the outside of the swath pass