required (from 0.1% to 99.9%) and set a default time (1 to 500
seconds) for the system to achieve this. If the system is
unable to achieve the precision within the default time specified, measurement will stop and the precision achieved
printed out with the result. (The smaller the absorbance
signal the longer the measurement time required to obtain a
given precision).
This facility is extremely useful when high precision is required
but the element concentration (and thus absorbance) is
expected to vary widely. The operator can set the default time
for the lowest expected absorbance knowing that higher
absorbances will be read in a shorter time with no loss of
precision or waste of analysis time.
The concentrations of lead are expected to be low thus the
air-acetylene burner will be used to obtain higher sensitivity.
(NOTE When high sensitivity is not required a burner change
can be avoided by using a nitrous oxide-acetylene burner for
an air-acetylene flame. This eliminates programming a
“Pause” to change burners). PROMT mode could be used for
measurement but in this case the mean of three replicate
readings of 7-second integration is sufficient for the analytical
Chromium forms ferro-chrome compounds in the air-acetylene flame and will therefore be determined using the nitrous
oxide-acetylene flame. This flame will also be used to determine molybdenum and silicon. All three elements will be
determined using five second integration and three replicates.
A delay of five seconds is programmed when using continuous aspiration so that each solution will be aspirated for five
seconds before any readings are taken. This ensures that the
previous solution is washed out of the nebulizer/burner
system. Cross contamination is prevented and the determinations will be more accurate. In addition a RINSE RATE and
RINSE TIME may be programmed if required (where sample
concentrations cover a wide range).
on previous experience with the samples and elements.
Typical values could be reslope 10, recalibration 20.
Up to five standards may be used for each element calibration. 5 mixed standards will be loaded into the sampler
carousel, but the number used will vary from element to
element (see Table 1).
Versatility and ease of use has been achieved in the system
design. The user friendly programming is designed to lead the
operator through the correct procedures.
At power up the DS-15 screen displays 3 modes of operation.
The operator selects one mode using the soft keys labelled:
DEVELOP METHOD used by a chemist to set up and store
methods for the use of other staff.
MODIFY METHOD used in a similar manner.
AUTOMATIC RUN used for routine automatic analysis.
Flame Analytical Procedure
The following scenario shows how aII the facilities of the
system may be used to perform a complex analytical program.
A laboratory has the following samples for analysis:
• 20 steel samples for the determination of chromium,
copper, lead, manganese, molybdenum, nickel and silicon.
• 10 water samples for the determination of iron, sodium
and arsenic.
• 10 slag samples for the determination of calcium, iron
and silicon.
Steel Samples
Analytical method development has shown that most of the
elements in the steel samples can be determined by normal
calibration using mixed standards containing iron. The
SpectrAA- will be calibrated in the concentration mode using
the integration measurement mode for these elements.
Chromium and nickel concentrations must be determined
accurately over a narrow range and bracketing standards calibration will be used for these determinations. High precision
of measurement is also required thus PROMT mode will be
PROMT is Precision Optimised Measurement Time. This
allows the operator to specify the precision of measurement