Agilent Technologies 1260 User Manual

User Manual
Agilent 1260 Infinity Diode Array and Multiple Wavelength Detector
Agilent Technologies
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2006-2010
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Agilent Technologies Hewlett-Packard-Strasse 8 76337 Waldbronn
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For Research Use Only
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual

In This Guide…

This manual covers the Agilent 1260 Infinity Diode Array and Multiple Wavelength Detector modules:
G1315C - 1260 DAD VL+
G1365C - 1260 MWD
G1315D - 1260 DAD VL
G1365D - 1260 MWD VL
1 Introduction
This chapter gives an introduction to the detector, instrument overview and internal connectors.
2 Site Requirements and Specifications
This chapter provides information on environmental requirements, physical and performance specifications.
In This Guide…
3 Installing the Module
This chapter gives information about the preferred stack setup for your system and the installation of your module.
4 LAN Configuration
This chapter provides information on connecting the detector to the Agilent ChemStation PC.
5 Using the Detector
This chapter provides information on how to set up the detector for an analysis and explains the basic settings.
6 How to optimize the Detector
This chapter provides information on how to optimize the detector.
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 3
In This Guide…
7 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
This chapter gives an overview about the troubleshooting and diagnostic features and the different user interfaces.
8 Error Information
This chapter describes the meaning of error messages, and provides information on probable causes and suggested actions how to recover from error conditions.
9Test Functions
This chapter describes the detector’s built in test functions.
10 Maintenance
This chapter describes the maintenance of the detector.
11 Parts for Maintenance
This chapter provides information on parts for maintenance.
12 Identifying Cables
This chapter provides information on cables used with the 1200 series of HPLC modules.
13 Appendix
This chapter provides addition information on safety, legal and web.
4 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
1 Introduction 9
Introduction to the Detector 10 Optical System 11 Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) 14 Instrument Layout 15 Electrical Connections 16 Interfaces 18 Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch 24
2 Site Requirements and Specifications 33
Site Requirements 34 Physical Specifications 37 Performance Specifications 38
3 Installing the Module 43
Unpacking the Detector 44 Optimizing the Stack Configuration 46 Installing the Detector 50 Flow Connections to the Detector 53 Setting up the LAN access 56
4 LAN Configuration 57
What you have to do first 58 TCP/IP parameter configuration 59 Configuration Switch 60 Initialization mode selection 61 Link configuration selection 65 Automatic Configuration with BootP 66 Storing the settings permanently with Bootp 76 Manual Configuration 77
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 5
5 Using the Detector 83
Setting up an Analysis 84 Special Settings of the Detector 100 Special Setups with Multiple DAD-MWDs 114
6 How to optimize the Detector 115
Introduction 116 Optimization Overview 117 Optimizing for Sensitivity, Selectivity, Linearity and Dispersion 119 Optimizing Selectivity 129
7 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 133
Overview of the Module’s Indicators and Test Functions 134 Status Indicators 135 User Interfaces 137 Agilent Lab Advisor Software 138
8 Error Information 139
What Are Error Messages 141 General Error Messages 142 Detector Error Messages 150
9 Test Functions 161
Self-test 162 Filter Test 164 Slit Test 166 Dark-Current Test 167 Intensity Test 170 Holmium Oxide Test 174 Spectral flatness test 177 ASTM Noise Test 178 Cell Test 179 Using the Built-in Test Chromatogram 181 Wavelength Verification and Recalibration 183 Test Chromatogram 184 Diagnosis Information on Agilent ChemStation 186 D/A Converter (DAC) Test 188
6 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
10 Maintenance 191
Introduction to Maintenance 192 Cautions and Warnings 193 Overview of Maintenance 195 Cleaning the Module 196 Exchanging a Lamp 197 Exchanging a Flow Cell 200 Maintenance of Standard, Semi-Micro or Micro Flow Cell 203 Maintenance of High Pressure Flow Cell 207 Replacing Capillaries on a Standard Flow Cell 209 Replacing Capillaries on a Semi-Micro and Micro Flow Cell 214 Nano Flow Cell - Replacing or Cleaning 218 Cleaning or Exchanging the Holmium Oxide Filter 223 Correcting Leaks 226 Replacing Leak Handling System Parts 227 Replacing the CompactFlash Card (G1315C/G1365C only) 228 Replacing the Module’s Firmware 229
11 Parts for Maintenance 231
Overview of Maintenance Parts 232 Standard Flow Cell 234 Semi-Micro Flow Cell Parts 236 Micro Flow Cell 238 Prep Flow Cell - SST 240 Prep Flow Cell - Quartz 242 Nano Flow Cells 244 High Pressure Flow Cell 248 Accessory Kits 250
12 Identifying Cables 253
Cable Overview 254 Analog Cables 256 Remote Cables 258 BCD Cables 261 CAN/LAN Cables 263 Agilent 1200 module to PC 264
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 7
13 Appendix 265
General Safety Information 266 The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive (2002/96/EC) 269 Radio Interference 270 Sound Emission 271 UV-Radiation 272 Solvent Information 273 Declaration of Conformity for HOX2 Filter 275 Agilent Technologies on Internet 276
8 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
1 Introduction
Introduction to the Detector 10
Optical System 11
Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) 14
Instrument Layout 15
Electrical Connections 16
Serial Number Information (ALL) 17 Rear view of the module 17
Interfaces 18
Interfaces Overview 20
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch 24
Communication Settings for RS-232C 28 Special Settings 30
This chapter gives an introduction to the detector, instrument overview and internal connectors.
Agilent Technologies
1 Introduction

Introduction to the Detector

Introduction to the Detector
The detector is designed for highest optical performance, GLP compliance and easy maintenance. It includes the following features:
80 Hz data acquisition rate for (ultra-) fast LC applications (requires
internal hard disk, G1315C and G1365C only),
data recovery (DRC) feature provides data-never-lost insurance (requires
internal hard disk, G1315C and G1365C only),
RFID tags for all flow cells and UV-lamps provides traceable information
about these assemblies,
long-life deuterium with RFID tag and tungsten lamps for highest intensity
and lowest detection limit over a wavelength range of 190–950 nm,
no loss in sensitivity for up to eight wavelengths simultaneous,
programmable slit from 1–16 nm for complete optimization of sensitivity,
linearity and spectral resolution,
optional flow-cell cartridges with RFID tag (standard 10 mm 13 µl,
semi-micro 6 mm 5 µl, micro 3 mm 2 µl, 80 nl, 500 nl, 10 mm, high pressure 10 mm 1.7 µl and prep-cells) are available and can be used depending on the application needs,
easy front access to lamps and flow cell for fast replacement, and
built-in holmium oxide filter for fast wavelength accuracy verification,
built-in temperature control for improved baseline stability,
additional diagnostic signals for temperature and lamp voltage monitoring,
For specifications, see “Performance Specifications” on page 38.
10 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual

Optical System

The optical system of the detector is shown in Figure below. Its illumination source is a combination of a deuterium-arc-discharge lamp for the ultraviolet (UV) wavelength range and a tungsten lamp for the visible (VIS) and short-wave near-infrared (SWNIR) wavelength range. The image of the filament of the tungsten lamp is focused on the discharge aperture of the deuterium lamp by means of a special rear-access lamp design which allows both light sources to be optically combined and share a common axis to the source lens. The achromat (source lens) forms a single, focused beam of light through the flow cell. Each cell room and lamp are separated by a quartz window which can be cleaned or replaced. In the spectrograph, light is being dispersed onto the diode array by a holographic grating. This allows simultaneous access to all wavelength information.
Optical System
Figure 1 Optical System of the Detector
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 11
1 Introduction
Optical System
Lamps The light source for the UV-wavelength range is a deuterium lamp with a
shine-through aperture. As a result of plasma discharge in low-pressure deuterium gas, the lamp emits light over the 190 nm to approximately 800 nm wavelength range. The light source for the visible and SWNIR wavelength range is a low noise tungsten lamp. This lamp emits light over the wavelength range 470 – 950 nm.
(Source Lens)
Holmium Oxide
Cell Support
Flow Cell
Spectrograph The spectrograph material is ceramic to reduce thermal effects to a minimum.
The achromat receives the light from both lamps and focuses it so that the beam passes through the flow cell.
The holmium oxide filter is electromechanically actuated. During the holmium filter test it moves into the light path.
The cell support window assembly separates the holmium filter area from the flow cell area.
The optical unit has a flow cell compartment for easy access to flow cells. A variety of optional flow cells can be inserted using the same quick, simple mounting system. The flow cell can be removed to check the optical and electronic performance of the detector without having influences from the flow cell.
The spectrograph consists of the spectrograph lens, the variable entrance slit, the grating and the photodiode array with front-end electronics. The spectrograph lens refocuses the light beam after it has passed through the flow cell. The sampling interval of the diode array is < 1 nm over the wavelength range 190 – 950 nm. Depending on the wavelength this varies from 1.0 to 1.25 diodes per nanometer (for example a diode every 0.8 to 1 nm).
For a small wavelength range, the small non-linearity could be neglected. With the wavelength range from 190 – 950 nm a new approach is required to achieve wavelength accuracy over the full range. Each spectrograph is calibrated individually. The calibration data is stored in the spectrograph on an EEPROM. Based on these data, the built-in processors calculate absorbance data with linear intervals (1.0, 2.0, …) between data points. This results in an excellent wavelength accuracy and instrument-to-instrument reproducibility.
Variable Entranc e
Slit System
12 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
The micro-slit system makes use of the mechanical properties of silicon combined with the precise structuring capabilities of bulk micro-machining. It combines the required optical functions — slit and shutter — in a simple and compact component. The slit width is directly controlled by the micro-processor of the instrument and can be set as method parameter.
Optical System
Grating The combination of dispersion and spectral imaging is accomplished by using
a concave holographic grating. The grating separates the light beam into all its component wavelengths and reflects the light onto the photodiode array.
Diode Array The diode array is a series of 1024 individual photodiodes and control circuits
located on a ceramic carrier. With a wavelength range from 190 – 950 nm the sampling interval is < 1 nm.
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 13
1 Introduction

Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF)

Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF)
Maintenance requires the exchange of components which are subject to wear or stress. Ideally, the frequency at which components are exchanged should be based on the intensity of usage of the module and the analytical conditions, and not on a predefined time interval. The early maintenance feedback (EMF) feature monitors the usage of specific components in the instrument, and provides feedback when the user-selectable limits have been exceeded. The visual feedback in the user interface provides an indication that maintenance procedures should be scheduled.
EMF Counters
EMF counters increment with use and can be assigned a maximum limit which
provides visual feedback in the user interface when the limit is exceeded. Some counters can be reset to zero after the required maintenance procedure.
Using the EMF Counters
The user-settable EMF limits for the EMF Counters enable the early maintenance feedback to be adapted to specific user requirements. The useful maintenance cycle is dependent on the requirements for use. Therefore, the definition of the maximum limits need to be determined based on the specific operating conditions of the instrument.
Setting the EMF Limits
The setting of the EMF limits must be optimized over one or two maintenance cycles. Initially the default EMF limits should be set. When instrument performance indicates maintenance is necessary, take note of the values displayed by the EMF counters. Enter these values (or values slightly less than the displayed values) as EMF limits, and then reset the EMF counters to zero. The next time the EMF counters exceed the new EMF limits, the EMF flag will be displayed, providing a reminder that maintenance needs to be scheduled.
14 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual

Instrument Layout

The industrial design of the module incorporates several innovative features. It uses Agilent’s E-PAC concept for the packaging of electronics and mechanical assemblies. This concept is based upon the use of expanded polypropylene (EPP) layers of foam plastic spacers in which the mechanical and electronic boards components of the module are placed. This pack is then housed in a metal inner cabinet which is enclosed by a plastic external cabinet. The advantages of this packaging technology are:
virtual elimination of fixing screws, bolts or ties, reducing the number of
components and increasing the speed of assembly/disassembly,
the plastic layers have air channels molded into them so that cooling air can
be guided exactly to the required locations,
the plastic layers help cushion the electronic and mechanical parts from
physical shock, and
the metal inner cabinet shields the internal electronics from
electromagnetic interference and also helps to reduce or eliminate radio frequency emissions from the instrument itself.
Instrument Layout
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 15
1 Introduction

Electrical Connections

Electrical Connections
The CAN bus is a serial bus with high speed data transfer. The two
connectors for the CAN bus are used for internal module data transfer and synchronization.
Two independent analog outputs provide signals for integrators or data
The REMOTE connector may be used in combination with other analytical
instruments from Agilent Technologies if you want to use features such as start, stop, common shut down, prepare, and so on.
With the appropriate software, the RS-232C connector may be used to
control the module from a computer through a RS-232C connection. This connector is activated and can be configured with the configuration switch.
The power input socket accepts a line voltage of 100 – 240 VAC ± 10 % with a
line frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Maximum power consumption varies by module. There is no voltage selector on your module because the power supply has wide-ranging capability. There are no externally accessible fuses, because automatic electronic fuses are implemented in the power supply.
16 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
Never use cables other than the ones supplied by Agilent Technologies to ensure proper functionality and compliance with safety or EMC regulations.

Serial Number Information (ALL)

The serial number information on the instrument labels provide the following information:
CCXZZ00000 Format
CC Country of manufacturing (DE Germany)
X Alphabetic character A-Z (used by manufacturing)
ZZ Alpha-numeric code 0-9, A-Z, where each combination
unambiguously denotes a module (there can be more than one code for the same module)
00000 Serial number

Rear view of the module

Electrical Connections
Figure 2 Rear View of Detector
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 17
1 Introduction


The Agilent 1200 Infinity Series modules provide the following interfaces:
Ta bl e 1 Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Interfaces
G1310B Iso Pump G1311B Quat Pump G1311C Quat Pump VL G1312B Bin Pump G1312C Bin Pump VL 1376A Cap Pump G2226A Nano Pump
G4220A/B Bin Pump 2 No Yes Yes No Yes
G1361A Prep Pump 2 Yes No Yes No Yes CAN-DC- OUT for CAN
G1329B ALS G2260A Prep ALS
G1364B FC-PS G1364C FC-AS G1364D FC­G1367E HiP ALS G1377A HiP micro ALS G2258A DL ALS
2 Ye s N o Ye s 1 Ye s
2 Yes No Yes No Yes THERMOSTAT for
2 Yes No Yes No Yes THERMOSTAT for
LAN (on-board)
RS-232 Analog APG
G1330B CAN-DC- OUT for CAN slaves
G4226A ALS 2 Yes No Yes No Yes
G1314B VWD VL G1314C VWD VL+
G1314E/F VWD 2 No Yes Yes 1 Yes
2 Ye s N o Ye s 1 Ye s
18 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
Ta bl e 1 Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Interfaces
G4212A/B DAD 2 No Yes Yes 1 Yes
G1315C DAD VL+ G1365C MWD G1315D DAD VL G1365D MWD VL
G1321B FLD G1362A RID
G4280A ELSD No No No Yes Yes Yes EXT Contact
G1316A/C TCC 2 No No Yes No Yes
G1322A DEG No No No No No Yes AUX
G1379B DEG No No No Yes No No AUX
G4227A Flex Cube 2 No No No No No
G4240A CHIP CUBE 2 Yes No Yes No Yes CAN-DC- OUT for CAN
2 N o Ye s Ye s 2 Ye s
2 Ye s N o Ye s 1 Ye s
LAN (on-board)
RS-232 Analog APG
slaves THERMOSTAT for G1330A/B (NOT USED)
The detector (DAD/MWD/FLD/VWD/RID) is the preferred access point for control via LAN. The inter-module communication is done via CAN.
CAN connectors as interface to other modules
LAN connector as interface to the control software
RS-232C as interface to a computer
REMOTE connector as interface to other Agilent products
Analog output connector(s) for signal output
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 19
1 Introduction

Interfaces Overview

The CAN is inter-module communication interface. It is a 2-wire serial bus system supporting high speed data communication and real-time requirement.
The modules have either an interface slot for an LAN card (e.g. Agilent G1369A/B LAN Interface) or they have an on-board LAN interface (e.g. detectors G1315C/D DAD and G1365C/D MWD). This interface allows the control of the module/system via a connected PC with the appropriate control software.
If an Agilent detector (DAD/MWD/FLD/VWD/RID) is in the system, the LAN should be connected to the DAD/MWD/FLD/VWD/RID (due to higher data load). If no Agilent detector is part of the system, the LAN interface should be installed in the pump or autosampler.
RS-232C (Serial)
The RS-232C connector is used to control the module from a computer through RS-232C connection, using the appropriate software. This connector can be configured with the configuration switch module at the rear of the module. Refer to Communication Settings for RS-232C.
There is no configuration possible on main boards with on-board LAN. These are pre-configured for
19200 baud,
8 data bit with no parity and
one start bit and one stop bit are always used (not selectable).
The RS-232C is designed as DCE (data communication equipment) with a 9-pin male SUB-D type connector. The pins are defined as:
20 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
Ta bl e 2 RS-232C Connection Table
Pin Direction Function
2In RxD
3Out TxD
4 Out DTR
7Out RTS
9In RI
Figure 3 RS-232 Cable
Analog Signal Output
The analog signal output can be distributed to a recording device. For details refer to the description of the module’s main board.
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 21
1 Introduction
APG Remote
The APG Remote connector may be used in combination with other analytical instruments from Agilent Technologies if you want to use features as common shut down, prepare, and so on.
Remote control allows easy connection between single instruments or systems to ensure coordinated analysis with simple coupling requirements.
The subminiature D connector is used. The module provides one remote connector which is inputs/outputs (wired- or technique).
To provide maximum safety within a distributed analysis system, one line is dedicated to SHUT DOWN the system’s critical parts in case any module detects a serious problem. To detect whether all participating modules are switched on or properly powered, one line is defined to summarize the POWER ON state of a ll connec t e d m odules. C o ntrol o f a nalysi s i s maintained by signa l r eadiness READY for next analysis, followed by START of run and optional STOP of run triggered on the respective lines. In addition PREPARE and START REQUEST may be issued. The signal levels are defined as:
standard TTL levels (0 V is logic true, + 5.0 V is false),
fan-out is 10,
input load is 2.2 kOhm against + 5.0 V, and
output are open collector type, inputs/outputs (wired- or technique).
22 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
All common TTL circuits operate with a 5 V power supply. A TTL signal is defined as "low" or L when between 0 V and 0.8 V and "high" or H when between 2.0 V and 5.0 V (with respect to the ground terminal).
Ta bl e 3 Remote Signal Distribution
Pin Signal Description
1 DGND Digital ground
2 PREPARE (L) Request to prepare for analysis (for example, calibration, detector
lamp on). Receiver is any module performing pre-analysis activities.
3 START (L) Request to start run / timetable. Receiver is any module
performing run-time controlled activities.
4 SHUT DOWN (L) System has serious problem (for example, leak: stops pump).
Receiver is any module capable to reduce safety risk.
5 Not used
6 POWER ON (H) All modules connected to system are switched on. Receiver is any
module relying on operation of others.
7 READY (H) System is ready for next analysis. Receiver is any sequence
8 STOP (L) Request to reach system ready state as soon as possible (for
example, stop run, abort or finish and stop injection). Receiver is any module performing run-time controlled activities.
9 START REQUEST (L) Request to start injection cycle (for example, by start key on any
module). Receiver is the autosampler.
Special Interfaces
Some modules have module specific interfaces/connectors. They are described in the module documentation.
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 23
1 Introduction

Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch

Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch

Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch (with On-Board LAN)

The 8-bit configuration switch is located at the rear of the module. Switch settings provide configuration parameters for LAN, serial communication protocol and instrument specific initialization procedures.
All modules with on-board LAN, e.g. G1315/65C/D, G1314D/E, G4212A, G4220A:
Default is ALL switches DOWN (best settings) - Bootp mode for LAN.
For specific LAN modes switches 3-8 must be set as required.
For boot/test modes switches 1+2 must be UP plus required mode.
Figure 4 Location of Configuration Switch
24 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
To perform any LAN configuration, SW1 and SW2 must be set to OFF. For details on the LAN settings/configuration refer to chapter “LAN Configuration”.
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch
Ta bl e 4 8-bit Configuration Switch (with on-board LAN)
Mode Function
SW 1 SW 2 SW 3 SW 4 SW 5 SW 6 SW 7 SW 8
LAN 00 Link Configuration Init Mode Selection
Auto-negotiation 0 xxxxx
10 MBit, half-duplex 1 00xxx
10 MBit, full-duplex 1 0 1xxx
100 MBit, half-duplex 1 1 0 xxx
100 MBit, full-duplex 1 1 1 x x x
Bootp x x x 000
Bootp & Store x x x 001
Using Stored x x x 0 1 0
Using Default x x x 0 11
TEST 1 1 System NVRAM
Boot Resident System 1 x
Revert to Default Data (Coldstart) x x x 1
0 (switch down), 1 (switch up), x (any position)
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 25
When selecting the mode TEST, the LAN settings are: Auto-Negotiation & Using Stored.
1 Introduction
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch

Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch (without On-Board LAN)

The 8-bit configuration switch is located at the rear of the module.
Modules that do not have their own LAN interface (e.g. the TCC) can be controlled through the LAN interface of another module and a CAN connection to that module.
Figure 5 Configuration switch (settings depend on configured mode)
All modules without on-board LAN:
default is ALL DIPS DOWN (best settings) - Bootp mode for LAN
for boot/test modes DIPS 1+2 must be UP plus required mode
Switch settings provide configuration parameters for GPIB address, serial communication protocol and instrument specific initialization procedures.
26 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
With the introduction of the Agilent 1260 Infinity, all GPIB interfaces have been removed. The preferred communication is LAN.
The following tables represent the configuration switch settings for the modules without on-board LAN only.
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch
Ta bl e 5 8-bit Configuration Switch (without on-board LAN)
Mode Select12345678
RS-232C 0 1 Baudrate Data
Reserved 1 0 Reserved
The LAN settings are done on the LAN Interface Card G1369A/B. Refer to the documentation provided with the card.
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 27
1 Introduction
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch

Communication Settings for RS-232C

The communication protocol used in the column compartment supports only hardware handshake (CTS/RTR).
Switches 1 in down and 2 in up position define that the RS-232C parameters will be changed. Once the change has been completed, the column instrument must be powered up again in order to store the values in the non-volatile memory.
Ta bl e 6 Communication Settings for RS-232C Communication (without on-board LAN)
RS-232C 0 1 Baudrate Data Bits Parity
12345 6 78
Use the following tables for selecting the setting which you want to use for RS-232C communication. The number 0 means that the switch is down and 1 means that the switch is up.
Ta bl e 7 Baudrate Settings (without on-board LAN)
Switches Baud Rate Switches Baud Rate
345 345
0 0 0 9600 1 0 0 9600
0 0 1 1200 1 0 1 14400
0 1 0 2400 1 1 0 19200
0 1 1 4800 1 1 1 38400
Ta bl e 8 Data Bit Settings (without on-board LAN)
Switch 6 Data Word Size
0 7 Bit Communication
1 8 Bit Communication
28 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch
Ta bl e 9 Parity Settings (without on-board LAN)
Switches Parity
0 0 No Parity
1 0 Odd Parity
11 Even Parity
One start bit and one stop bit are always used (not selectable).
Per default, the module will turn into 19200 baud, 8 data bit with no parity.
Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual 29
1 Introduction
Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch

Special Settings

The special settings are required for specific actions (normally in a service case).
The tables include both settings for modules – with on-board LAN and without on-board LAN. They are identified as LAN and no LAN.
Firmware update procedures may require this mode in case of firmware loading errors (main firmware part).
If you use the following switch settings and power the instrument up again, the instrument firmware stays in the resident mode. It is not operable as a module. It only uses basic functions of the operating system for example, for communication. In this mode the main firmware can be loaded (using update utilities).
Ta bl e 1 0 Boot Resident Settings (without on-board LAN)
Mode Select SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8
No LAN TEST/BOOT11001000
30 Agilent 1260 Infinity DAD and MWD User Manual
+ 252 hidden pages