Features of the ADC Pediatric Software
The ADC Pediatric Software permits you to perform pediatric examinations
with low radiation doses and optimized image qua lity. It has been
developed for speed class 200/400 examin ations com plian t with the
European Guidelines on Quality Cr iter ia for Diagno stic Radio grap hic
Images in Paediatrics
The ADC Pediatric Software provides image proc essing parame ters
(MUSICA parameters) optimized for four age groups, covering all pediatric
Definition of age groups
The age groups for which optimized image processing parameters have
been defined are listed below.
0 - 1.5 yr Premature babies /Bab ies
1.6 - 5 yr Toddlers /I nf ants
6 - 12 yr Schoolchildren
13 - 16 yr Teenagers
Age Age group
You can identi fy the patient as belonging to a particular age group via the
Radiologist field in the Identification screen of the A DC ID Softwar e.
If your hospital is equipped with a Radiologica l Infor mation Sys tem (R IS),
your system administrator can develop an application which - based on the
patient’s birth date - automatically selects the appropriate age group in the
Radiologist field.
ADC Pediatric Software
2212A GB 20000303