Installation Instructions
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Adding Additional Smart Phones & Devices
Using the Intercom on Android
Using the Intercom on iphone
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Android Configuration
Using one of the homeowners’ Android
phones, search for “Predator WiFi” app
on the Google Play store. Look for the
icon shown. Then download and install to
the users phone.
Locate the intercom on a bench or table beside the home router, along
with the user phone. Connect the antenna & power supply provided to the
intercom, red to +24v dc and black to 0v dc, and power on.
Wait a full 60 seconds for the intercom to
fully boot up.
Press and hold the call button for more
than 3 seconds. A loud tone will be
heard. The intercom will now be in
configuration mode for 5 minutes.
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Enter settings on the phone, select
WiFi and scan for networks. The
phone should detect the intercom.
The network name will be BELL-
Enter the following password…
Now open the WiFi-Predator App on
the phone and select as shown to add
On the next screen, select search as
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The phone should then find the
device. Select it as shown.
On the next screen the intercom should
be showing online status. Select the
settings button.
Enter WiFi settings as shown.
Select option to manage wifi networks
and the intercom will now scan networks
in the area.
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Select the network which the home
owner is normally using.
Enter the home owner’s WiFi password
and press DONE. The intercom should
now re-boot and the phone should then
re-connect to the normal wifi network.
Wait 2 minutes for the intercom to
come back online, and then open the
app. The intercom should be showing
status online.
You may now press the call button and
check that the intercom calls the phone
You are now ready to range test the intercom in the location which it will be
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I-phone Configuration
Step 1
Using one of the homeowners’
iphones, search for “Predator-WiFi”
app on the Apple Store. Look for the
icon shown. Then download and
install to the users phone.
Locate the intercom on a bench or table beside the home router, along
with the user phone. Connect the antenna & power supply provided to the
intercom, red to +24v dc and black to 0v dc, and power on.
Wait a full 60 seconds for the
intercom to fully boot up.
Step 4
Press and hold the call button for
more than 3 seconds. The intercom
will sound a long tone, and now be in
configuration mode for 5 minutes.
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Enter settings on the phone, select
WiFi and scan for networks. The
phone should detect the intercom.
The network name will be BELL-
Enter the following password…
123456789. Now the iphone is directly
connected to the intercom.
Now open the WiFi-Predator App on
the phone and select as shown to add
Press search. The phone should now
detect the intercom.
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The intercom should now have been
detected. Select as shown.
Now the app should show the bell ID,
default username & password details.
Press DONE as shown.
Select option to manage wifi networks
and the intercom will now scan
networks in the area.
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