AES Predator-WiFi, Predator Pro 2 Installation Instructions

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AES Predator-WiFi, Predator Pro 2 Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions


Predator-WiFi (PRO 2)


Do NOT give this manual to end user!

Manual Version 1

The manufacturer cannot legally offer technical support to non-qualified gate or door installers. End users should employ the services of a professional install company to commission or support this product!

Tip: Site Survey BEFORE you begin. See Page 3!

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Site Survey


WiFi Setup


Answering on Android


Answering on Apple


LAN setup






Intercom Module Wiring


Keypad Module Wiring


Output Connections Example


Adding Additional APP Users


Other Settings


Sounds, Volume & Speech


Using the APP


Keypad Programming


Using the Keypad




Revision Changes


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Site Survey






















I have some wifi signal at the gate with my











phone! If not, STOP. You will need some form






of wifi extender, or repeater, or LAN/CAT5









Slow Fast






I have at least 1 Mb UPLOAD speed. If not STOP! This system may operate intermittently remotely or have delayed PUSH notifications.


My wifi Internet Security is WPA or WPA2 or better.


My wifi network supports 802.11 b/g or n (2.4g frequency networks). Note: This device cannot run on “a” or “s” type networks (these are 5G frequency).


The network I am trying to connect to is a single network without duplicate SSID networks of the same name.

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Wifi Setup

Step 1

3-4 feet / 1 metre

Step 2

Download and install the app on the end-user’s phone.

Search for wifi PRO 2 and find the icon, or scan the QR code if the phone has a QR scan app.

Tip: Be sure to accept ALL permissions during install, otherwise you will experience problems later!

Step 3

Open the intercom and connect antenna.

Loosen top screws

Use Key on lock


Landscape Portrait wall Pedestal Style mount style

Do not install the intercom. Power it up beside the router so that you can perform the configuration with the home owners phone beside the intercom and router.

Note: If you skip this step and proceed directly to installation, technical support may request you go back and perform this

Architectural or “Portrait” oriented models will have security screws at the top. Loosen only these with the security screwdriver provided.

Pedestal style “Landscape” orientated units will have a locking key.

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Step 4

Connect 24v DC power with the power supply provided.

RJ45 Ethernet


Ethernet Terminals



+24v GND N/O COM N/C

Mains electricity to be


wired by qualified



electrician only




24v DC PSU


mains in







Exit button


Step 5

Press and HOLD the code button for more than 3 seconds. A tone will be heard.

The intercom will now begin to transmit its own wifi network called BELL-XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is the 6 numerical digits from the serial ID number).

>3 seconds

Step 6a

With the user’s phone, search for available wifi networks and connect to the BELL network.

TIP: Your phone needs to be within range of the intercom to detect this network.

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Step 6b

Wifi passcode

Enter the default pass code 123456789 and the users phone should now


be connected directly to the intercom.


Press CONNECT on android devices and DONE on apple devices.

Step 7a, 7b, 7c

After pressing SEARCH, the APP will now search for the intercom and should detect it.

Step 7d, 7e

Intercom ID will be auto filled.

Enter “admin” for the main user.

Enter “123456789” as the default password and press the TICK as shown.

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Step 8

Should be showing ONLINE status.

Step 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d

Press the Video icon to view live video.

Note: at close proximity, you will experience acoustic feedback. This is normal.

TIP: If you can view live video, and hear acoustics, then this proves that the intercom hardware is working as it should.

Note: The intercom and phone are directly connected in a point to point link. Although we know the intercom is fully operational, we now need to connect it to the local wifi network.

The intercom is now searching the area for wifi networks and will display all compatible networks on the App screen.

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Step 9e, 9f, 9g

Enter the WIFI PASSCODE for the network which you are connecting to.

WARNING: Take care not to enter a typing mistake. The intercom will accept any wifi password and will not know if it is correct or not!

Wifi Signal strength must be at least 25%, or you will have problems!

Step 10

60 secs..

Wait 60 seconds. The intercom will now

re-boot and attempt to connect to the wifi network with the password you have entered.

Diagnostic Tips

If you can see live video and hear audio, the intercom has successfully connected to the network.

If for some reason this does not work, try connecting to the wifi network again and double check the wifi password is correct.

1. Intercom is showing online status, but the video feed shows “fetching”.

A. This can be caused by poor power cable extended to the intercom, weak wifi, or too many devices connected to the wifi network and the router is incapable of managing the workload.

2. Intercom is not showing online status.

A. This can be caused by incorrect wifi password created, or wifi dropping in and out due to weak signal.

3.I can see video but there is no audio on the phone or there is no audio at the intercom.

A: This can be caused by the audio settings being too low on the phone, or permissions for the app were not accepted during app install. Check microphone permissions for the app in the phone settings.

4.The status is showing online, then connecting, then online again.

A: This is normal when a phone roams between two wifi connections, or between wifi and data. Make sure the phone is stationary and either has good wifi or a stable data connection.

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