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Installation Instructions
Do NOT give this manual to end user!
Manual Version 1
The manufacturer cannot legally offer technical support to non-qualified gate
or door installers. End users should employ the services of a professional
install company to commission or support this product!
Tip: Site Survey BEFORE you begin.

Multiple Handset Wiring Survey
Opening the Outdoor Station
Connecting to Gates and Locks
Using a Standard Keypad Code

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Site Survey
Before installing this system, please check the cable type which exists and then design the
installation accordingly.
The maximum distance between the outdoor and indoor units depends on the type and thickness
of cable used, the number of handsets on the system and If the handsfree or classic handsets are
being used (handsfree use double the power).
Method 1 Wiring with Single PSU
(Short distance)
Method 2 Wiring with dual PSU’s
(Longer distance)
Twisted cable (CAT5 or telecoms wire)

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Multiple Handsets Wiring Method
(Recommend Dual PSU method)
Opening the Outdoor Station
Twisted cable (CAT5 or
telecoms wire)
Keep close or
use >0.5mm2
20m (Classic model)
10m (handsfree model)
TIP: Locate the indoor power
supply centrally for longer
distances between handsets, or
use heavier gauge cable.
TIP: You can wire power direct
from the power supply to each
handset in a star configuration.
TIP: Handsfree handsets use
double the power of classic
versions. Take care with cable!
20m (Classic model)
10m (handsfree model)
Wall mount version
Open top screws only
Flush Version
Open top and bottom screws
Pedestal Version
Use security key to open