― Calls up to 500 families from a single SIM card.
― Visitors can scroll for residents, or enter apartment number to call.
― Dials up to 3 phone numbers per family on roll over.
― 4G Ready.
― HD voice with VOLTE*.
― Programmable locally by USB PC link with free software, or remotely with free Android and
Iphone apps.
― Proximity card version available.
― Built in time clock for auto opening and closing of gates, barriers or doors in busy periods
or for day time operation.
― 2 relays.
M u l t i F a m i l y I n t e r c o m
M u l t i C O M C l a s s i c

Keypad codes
― Each family can have a family code (500)
― Plus 50 visitor codes for 24/7 entry.
― Plus 20 time restricted codes for deliveries or maintenance personnel.
― Plus 20 temporary auto expiring codes for short term access.
Proximity cards
― Each family can have 3 cards per family (1500 cards total)
― Plus 50 visitor cards for 24/7 access.
― Plus 20 time restricted cards for deliveries or maintenance personnel.
― Plus temporary auto expiring cards for short term access.
Caller ID access (call gates or door to open)
― Can be enabled or disabled by manager APP.
― Can add up to 50 phone numbers for visitor caller ID access plus 20 time restricted
and 20 temporary codes.
M u l t i C O M C l a s s i c
M u l t i A p a r t m e n t I n t e r c o m