AES 7880-A
December 9, 2004
The exterior of any product containing this device must contain the following
“Contains FCC ID : L9N-7880-A”
This device must be professionally installed with appropriate power supply
and antenna in order to ensure proper operation. For outdoor applications, the
antenna gain must not exceed 10 dBi. For indoor applications, the antenna gain
must not exceed 2.2 dBi.
This device may not be modified by the user. Any modifications not
expressly approved by AES Corporation could void the user’s authority to operate
the equipment.
For FCC RF exposure compliance purpose, this device may not be
incorporated into any product which operates within 50 cm of a person under
normal operation.

1.0 Description
The AES Model 7880-A UHF Data Transceiver permits data to be transmitted in
the 421 ~ 470 MHz band of frequencies. The maximum output power is 1 W. The data
rate is 9600 baud. The 7880-A interfaces with an embedded microprocessor using a
simple 4-wire serial Programming Port. The operating parameters are set by AES
approved software.
B2.0 Signals
The 7880-A has 20 pins, consisting of 2 rows of 10 pins each. The following
diagram (botto m v iew) sho ws the pin number ing s cheme:
Th e follo wing t able lists the signal pins and their function:
Pin Name Function
19 PSEL Select Programming Port (active low)
18 PCLK Serial Cloc k for Pro gr amming Por t
17 PDI Data Input for Programing Port
16 PDO Data Output from Programming Port
2 DCLK Data Clock for Synchronous Data
3 DIO Data Input/Output for Synchronous Data
5 VCC Power (+5 volts, 900 mA max)
1 GND Ground
8 “
10 “
11 “
13 “
20 “