AES 7170 Installation And Operation Manual

AES 7170 IP-Link
(Remote & Local)
Installation and Operation
40-7170 Revision 2B July 6, 2012
Table of Contents
1.0 Product Description: AES 7170 IP-Link System: ........................................................ 4
A. 7170 IP-Link Transceiver: ......................................................................................... 5
B. ASM Antenna Supervision Module (7170SWR) ....................................................... 6
C. Antenna(s): ................................................................................................................. 6
D. Cables and connectors: .............................................................................................. 6
E. AES 52-0054 Surge Suppressor(s): ............................................................................ 6
F. Internal Modem: ......................................................................................................... 6
G. Typical Unique Installation Tool Requirements: ....................................................... 6
2.0 Safety Considerations: .................................................................................................. 7
3.0 Environmental Considerations: ..................................................................................... 7
4.0 Technical Specifications: .............................................................................................. 7
5.0 Installation: ................................................................................................................... 8
A. 7170 IP-Link Transceiver Enclosure Mounting: ....................................................... 8
B. Antenna: ..................................................................................................................... 8
C. Coaxial Cabling and Connections: ............................................................................. 8
D. Surge Suppressor: .................................................................................................... 10
E. Grounding: ................................................................................................................ 10
6.0 Wiring (Electrical Inputs and Outputs): ...................................................................... 11
A. Enclosure Label, Inside Cover: ................................................................................ 12
B. Terminal Block Connection Details: ........................................................................ 13
7.0 Indicators: ................................................................................................................... 14
A. Interface Board LEDs and Speaker: ........................................................................ 14
B. RF / Radio Control Board LEDs: ............................................................................. 14
8.0 Programming and Setup of the 7170 IP-Link Transceiver: ........................................ 16
A. Communicating with the 7170 IP-Link Transceiver: .............................................. 17
A.1. Configure Hyper Terminal (in Windows) to communicate with the 7170: ...... 17
A.2. Optionally, Configure Telix (in DOS) to communicate with the 7170: ........... 19
B. Initializing the 7170 IP-Link Transceiver: ............................................................... 20
Notes on the Shared Serial Port: ............................................................................... 20
RF Interference ................................................................................................................. 22
Editing files: .............................................................................................................. 22
C. Configuring the 7170 IP-Link Transceiver: ............................................................. 23
C.1. Edit the WATTCP.CFG file: ............................................................................. 23
C.2. Configuring the TCP/IP parameters: ................................................................. 23
C.3. Set Up Menu: .................................................................................................... 24
C.4. Test the network connection: ............................................................................ 26
9.0 Testing the 7170 IP-Link Transceiver: ....................................................................... 27
A. Test Basic Board Functionality: ............................................................................... 27
B. Test Local Board Functionality with terminal: ........................................................ 27
C. Test RF Signal: ......................................................................................................... 27
D. Test TCP/IP Communication Functionality: ........................................................... 28
E. Test RF Communication Functionality: ................................................................... 28
10.0 Warranty / Service Procedures: ................................................................................ 29
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40-7170 Revision 2B July 6, 2012
1.0 Product Description: AES 7170 IP-Link System:
MultiNet is an AES IntelliNet system that uses the Internet to forward received radio signals to a central location. At the central location a MultiNet receiver is the central controller. IP-Link Transceivers are deployed in local and or remote locations to collect IntelliNet radio signals from Subscribers that are then forwarded using the Internet, local network or backup modem, to the central MultiNet Receiver for processing and distribution.
Figure A
below illustrates a typical IP-Link system deployment.
Figure A. Typical IP-Link Network Configuration
The AES 7170 IP-Link System is available in a single or dual configuration. In a dual configuration, the second IP-Link Transceiver acts as the backup. Each IP-Link Transceiver will be configured to monitor and be monitored by a MultiNet receiver. Detection of troubles and switching between primary and secondary is automatic.
This product shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72,
NEC, UL 827 and all applicable local codes
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Following is a list and diagram of key components.
Transformer Specifications Pri: 120VAC 60Hz Sec: 16.5V 40VA or 45VA
dditional Transformer information
found on page 6 section 4
Figure B. Typical 7170 IP-Link Transceiver Installation
All wiring and installation must comply with relevant UL installation standards and local buildings codes. Transformer and its wiring must be protected in conduit and in an AES 1640-ENCL enclosure. Unit must bonded to Earth Ground via the ground lug on PCB. Customer shall be responsible for design of site-specific conduit detail including but not limited to the usage of enclosures to house the IP-Link and Surge Suppressor for the purpose of protecting transformer wiring in conduit.
A. 7170 IP-Link Transceiver:
The 7170 IP-Link Transceiver acts as a remotely installed hub or receiver that forwards all the signals received from a cluster of AES Subscriber Units to an AES MultiNet Receiver via a LAN, WAN, the Internet or a backup modem. The MultiNet receiver then forwards the signals to the appropriate system. This allows the customer to expand their geographical market reach without direct radio connectivity to the Central Station Receiver. For AES customers with busy networks, the MultiNet system provides significantly increased capacity for their IntelliNet system without adding a new frequency. It also allows adding a new frequency to a RF congested area.
It is housed in a rugged NEMA style enclosure for positioning near the antenna. This assures minimal RF loss from longer coaxial cables. A battery for backup is located in the same enclosure. The battery powers the IP-Link Transceiver in event of a power failure. It also, more efficiently provides extra current the transceiver needs when transmitting. As with any AES central station receiver a Surge Suppressor is recommended. Flanges are provided for wall mounting. Approximate enclosure size is 14”h x 11.5” w x 6”d.
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B. ASM Antenna Supervision Module (7170SWR)
This module is placed in series with the RF connection between the transceiver and the antenna connector and allow the detection of antenna cut by measuring the SWR. It is powered from the board stack. When the antenna is cut, it issues a signal to the board stack that process it and issues a message to the Multinet Receiver. Upon antenna reconnection, a restoral is issue after a pre-defined time has been elapsed without any detection of antenna cut.
C. Antenna(s):
Rugged large antenna to maximize the range of the Base station IP-Link Transceiver. Size and gain vary according the installation requirements and radio frequency. Typical size for a UHF antenna is approximately 8 feet in height, with 9db gain. The use of High Gain Antennas is approved for use in a UL installation or for NFPA 72 compliance.
D. Cables and connectors:
Low-Loss RG-8 (Belden 9913 type) coax cable is supplied with appropriate “N- Type” connectors for maximum performance.
E. AES 52-0054 Surge Suppressor(s):
A device installed in the coaxial transmission line to help protect components and structure against surges like those produced by lightning. The device dissipates surges to an earth ground that is connected to the devices’ mounting bracket. Use only AES part.
F. Internal Modem:
IP-Link’s are equipped with an internal Modem for backup communication when TCP/IP communication is delayed or unavailable. During the IP-Link’s initialization process the modem is tested using both programmed phone numbers. During those tests the Modem LED will be on and the Console Port unavailable. If either number fails to connect to an assigned MultiNet Receiver, it will be re-tested randomly every 5 to 10 minutes until it passes or the maximum number of 5 attempts is reached.
If during normal operation TCP/IP heartbeat fails, the IP-Link’s RF goes offline transmitting a “Receiver Not in Service” message. That message will notify other IntelliNet devices to select a secondary IP-Link for communicating. The modem is again tested, and if it passes any stored messages are passed to the MultiNet receiver and RF goes back online by transmitting a “Receiver Ready” message. Until the TCP/IP connection returns satisfactorily, communication to the MultiNet receiver will occur using the modem. Sending of Alarm messages via modem are attempted immediately after reception. All other less significant messages may be discarded.
The modem, using both phone numbers is tested daily. Interval between daily test attempts is 24 hours plus a random number of minutes up to 30, after the preceding tests pass. This means that the time of day that the daily modem tests occur, randomly advance. This helps to spread out multiple IP-Link testing.
G. Typical Unique Installation Tool Requirements:
The primary tools required to install an IP-Link Transceiver are as follows.
Power or SWR Meter Large Wire Cutters Weatherproof Tape Coax Connector Crimping Tool RG-8U Coax Strippers Serial Terminal or PC running a terminal program Silicon Sealant
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2.0 Safety Considerations:
The following items are safety related precautions that you should take into consideration when installing your AES IntelliNet system. They are for your safety as well as others and the safety of your equipment.
Use caution when installing antennas to keep them away from electrical wires which
could cause serious injury or death if antenna makes contact with live wires.
All equipment must be installed in accordance with National Electric Code,
applicable UL Standards and local building codes.
Be certain to properly ground the antenna and surge suppressor to help dissipate
surges away from equipment and personnel. The grounding of the antenna and surge suppressor is for your safety and the safety of your equipment and should not be neglected.
3.0 Environmental Considerations:
The following environmental related suggestions are to help insure an installation that will provide you with a system that will operate at its optimum long into the future.
The provided AES 52-0054 surge suppressor should be installed in a weather tight
enclosure such as a UL Listed NEMA4 enclosure.
4.0 Technical Specifications:
Listed below are the technical specifications for the 7170 IP-Link Transceiver.
Transformer Input rating is 16.5 Volts AC at 40/45VA
– Use only provided Model Amseco XF-1640 or ELK P/N ELK-TRG1640 or TDC Power P/N DA-40-16.5 or MG Electronics P/N MGT1640
DC Current Draw: 370mA standby, 900mA transmit
7170 DC operating voltage
is 12 Volts nominal.
Onboard Fuse; Self
Resetting / Not User Serviceable
Rechargeable Gel Type
Battery Required: 12V, 10AH
Low Battery Condition, AC
Fail and Charger Trouble are reported to Central Station.
Figure C –
Enclosure Dimensions
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5.0 Installation:
The IP-Link Transceiver installation site is a critical element of the AES IntelliNet network. Every installation is unique, taking into account structure, geography and other factors. This section covers elements of the system installation and operation. Read the entire document before proceeding with your installation.
Read the Manual and any other provided documents.
Study each component to understand its mounting and installation characteristics.
Decide how each component be will be installed in your facility.
Proceed with the installation in a manner that serves your needs best.
Test your installation as outlined in section 8.
A. 7170 IP-Link Transceiver Enclosure Mounting:
Mount the enclosure on a steady permanent surface. A plywood backboard attached to a wall works well. Locate it so that the coax runs to the antenna without tight bending, kinking or producing strain on the coax and its connectors. Use mounting hardware of appropriate size to support the weight of the enclosure.
B. Antenna:
It is a requirement in a commercial operation when growing a network to cover a large area. For a professional installation, you can install the major components, run the required cables, and then retain a qualified radio technician to perform the RF portion of the installation:
1- Antenna, Mounts and connectors 2- All RF Connectors /Terminations 3- RF Lightning Suppressor / Grounding 4- Final check to assure that your installation is getting maximum performance.
Contact the radio technician BEFORE you begin any part of the installation, which is a mix of science and art. Radio signal distance is in part related to the height of the antenna. Select an antenna height that clears all or as many obstructions as possible. If mounting on the side of a metal tower you should try to place the antenna at least 5 feet off the tower if possible, with 2 ½ feet off the tower as the absolute minimum.
C. Coaxial Cabling and Connections:
The length of the coaxial cable is important. Coax causes loss of signal, the longer the coax the greater the loss. You do not want to sacrifice signal loss for antenna height that
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is not necessary. Ideally, select an antenna height and the 7170 IP-Link Transceiver location that will use less than 50 feet of coax. If you must exceed 50 feet absolutely do not exceed 100 feet unless you use a lower loss cable than provided with the standard system. AES provides a Belden 9913 or equivalent which is a lower loss cable than standard RG-8/U. 9913 is specified as about 3 dB per 100 feet at 400 MHz, which means a loss of 50% of power in 100 feet of coax.
1- Terminate the 9913 N-Type connectors at the coax ends that connect to the
antenna, and the surge suppressor, (if applicable, make sure it faces the right direction) and to the 7170 IP-Link Transceiver. AES pre-installs one connector on the provided spool of coax. Route or pull your coax such that this connector connects to the base of the antenna if possible.
2- Run the ground cable from surge suppressor to a suitable earth ground in
accordance with the local building codes.
Strip Dimensions, inches (mm) a: .0539 (13.7) b: 0.250 (6.4) c: 0.158 (4.0)
Figure E – Crimp Style N Connector
Installation of Crimp Style N-Type connectors:
Step 1 Strip cable jacket, braid, and dielectric to dimensions shown. All cuts are to be sharp and square. Important: Do not nick braid, dielectric, and center conductor. Tinning of center conductor is not necessary if contact is to be crimped. For solder method, tin center conductor avoiding excessive heat.
Step 2 Slide outer ferrule onto cable as shown. Flare slightly end of cable braid as shown to facilitate insertion of inner ferrule. Important: Do not comb out braid. Place contact on cable center conductor so it butts against cable dielectric. Center conductor should be visible through inspection hole in contact. Crimp or solder contact in place as follows:
Crimp Method: Use Die Set Cavity for contact indicated in table above.
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