FSDG Thessaloniki X
Contents ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Credits .................................................................................................................................................. 4
System Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 4
Installation ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Support ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Thessaloniki Int’l Airport ...................................................................................................................... 6
FSX settings .......................................................................................................................................... 7
FSX Settings and Memory Usage ......................................................................................................... 8
Texture Resolution ............................................................................................................................... 9
Manager tools .................................................................................................................................... 10
F.A.Q. .................................................................................................................................................. 11
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FSDG Thessaloniki X
Thessaloniki is the second-largest city in Greece and the fifth largest and most populated city in the
Balkans and a popular tourist destination in Greece and worldwide.
At about a million inhabitants, it is considered Greece's cultural capital, renowned for its festivals,
events and vibrant cultural life and has recently been ranked by Lonely Planet as the world's fifth-best par-
ty city worldwide. More importantly, it is also a city with a continuous 3,000 year old history, preserving
relics of its Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman past, and of its formerly dominant Jewish population. Many of its
Byzantine churches and a whole district of the city in particular, are included in UNESCO's World Heritage
Thessaloniki scenery deserves a special mention in this manual as it is shown in unprecedented de-
tail within this scenery add-on. We have covered (by 90%) approximately 20 sq.Km. with models designed
using on-site imaging. The endless list of models includes typical buildings of Thessaloniki, shipping and
industrial areas, famous and non-famous landmarks, churches, football stadiums, shopping centers, ani-
mated entertainment parks and much more. The city scenery is further enhanced by full coverage with
night textures, hand-placed vegetation and 3D lighting.
Greece is known for its ‘bumpy’ terrain, something that is also dangerously evident while ap-
proaching LGTS from the east on a descent to land RW34. This is why the city was designed in 3D studio
with custom-made technology that allows the accurate placement of thousands of buildings and ‘confor-
mation’ of 3D models on top of a customized mesh. This way, we could accurately place any scenery on top
of uneven terrain and further use texture baking techniques on the ground to enhance the 3D depth of the
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FSDG Thessaloniki X
"Macedonia" (Greek: Διεθνής Κρατικός Αερολιμένας Θεσσαλονίκης «Μακεδονία»,
(IATA: SKG, ICAO: LGTS), officially known as Macedonia International Airport (Greek: Διεθνές Αεροδρόμιο
Μακεδονία), is located about 15 km SE of the city center of Thessaloniki. The airport is the second largest
state owned and operated airport in the country after Heraklion (LGIR) airport on the isle of Crete. It
opened in 1930 and was the second busiest airport in Greece in terms of flights served and the third busi-
est in terms of passengers served in 2012 having served over 4 million passengers. It is the main airport of
Northern Greece and serves the city of Thessaloniki. The airport has its own long history, written all over
the wrecked airliners which are gracefully parked behind the airport’s Aeroclub.
You can read about the related incidents here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mal%C3%A9v_Flight_262,
The spectacular approach to RW16 offers unique views above the city’s most famous landmarks
before descending above water to finally land. Thessaloniki often gets completely fogged in, especially at
evening and early morning hours, when wind is calm due to the humidity of adjacent Thermaikos gulf sea.
For this reason ILS 16 and the runway & taxiway lights are for CATII category for precision approaches down
to 150ft above the runway and/or 450m visibility. On the other side, the approach is equally thrilling as you
will have to stay alert of the uneven terrain and pay attention to rather steep descent before landing on
Runway 10/28 is currently closed due to construction works taking place to further expand the
runway and accomodate larger aircraft and increase safety as aircraft will have greater flexibility and visual
contact in bad weather conditions.
All this, and much more is offered in this scenery add-on which will take you several days to explore and
allow you to appreciate the beauty of the special city of Thessaloniki!
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