Aeroflex 6210 Datasheet

6210 Reflection Analyzer
66221100 eennhhaanncceess tthhee ccaappaabbiilliittyy ooff 66220000BB sseerriieess bbyy pprroovviiddiinngg pprreecciissiioonn rreefflleeccttiioonn ccooeeffffiicciieenntt aanndd ttiimmee
ddoommaaiinn mmeeaassuurreemmeennttss
Excellent directivity and test port match for precise measurements of reflection coefficient
Polar and Smith Chart displays to facili­tate matching of devices in circuits
Fast sweep rate to speed up alignment of components in production test
Wide range of calibration kits for 3.5 mm, Type N and 7 mm connectors
Works with standard 6200 series Microwave Test Set for easy upgrade route
The 6210 Reflection Analyzer is designed specifi­cally for precision measurements of reflection coefficient from 250 MHz to 26.5 GHz. 6210 fits underneath a 6200B series Microwave Test Set (MTS) which provides the synthesized signal source and analyzer display to form a single inte­grated test system. 6210 consists of additional hardware and software to enable error corrected reflection coefficient measurements with both cartesian and polar displays.
an autotester. An analysis of return loss measurements using an autotester shows that errors are dominated by test port match and directivity. The 6210 Reflection Analyzer makes error corrected return loss measurements to give improved accuracy and reduced uncertainty. The test port match and directivity achieved with 6210 is significantly better than that obtainable from autotesters.
6210 performs precision reflection coefficient measurements
from 250 MHz to 26.5 GHz
Depending upon the test port connector and the quality of the cali­bration kit a test port match of >40 dB and directivity of >50 dB can be achieved.
Accurate Return Loss Measurements
Reflection coefficient is the primary performance test for microwave systems and components. Return loss and VSWR are derivatives of reflection coefficient, they can be measured with a standard scalar analyzer and a directional RF bridge such as
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Improvement of accuracy obtained with 6210 compared to an
In production areas this means less stand off due to measurement uncertainty resulting in higher yield and shorter test and rework time. To design engineers it means greater confidence in the quality of the initial design.
The measurement can be displayed in log magnitude, linear magni­tude, VSWR, phase, polar, real, imaginary or Smith Chart formats.
Integration of the synthesized source, reflection analyzer and display unit into one system makes the 6210 ideal for both production testing and design work. The soft key menu structure leads the user through the measurement and prompts appear when data has to be entered. Measurement setups and calibrations can be stored in the instrument memory. The macro facility reduces test time in production areas by automating repetitive test methods.
Time Domain Analysis
For design engineers early iterations of systems or components often need trouble shooting. A poor return loss can be the result of bad connector assembly, unoptimized track layout or incorrect compo­nent design. Time domain software gives a display of reflection coef­ficient against time (or distance) which simplifies diagnosis and pin­points the problem area. The nature of the problem, capacitive or inductive, can be identified from the reflection coefficient value. Engineers can easily see if the device under test is faulty or needs improved impedance matching between adjacent components.
Time domain works by performing an inverse Fourier transform on the frequency domain data. Both lowpass and bandpass modes are available. Lowpass mode simulates a traditional Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR). It can be set up for both step and impulse responses. Low-pass mode can only be used on devices whose fre­quency characteristics extend down to DC. For frequency selective devices such as waveguide, filters and antennas bandpass mode must be used. The display zoom feature can be used to examine the fre­quency range of interest with greater clarity rather than the complete range of the calibration.
To overcome the effects of dispersion in waveguide a non linear (warped) frequency sweep can be selected. A normal linear sweep would blur the position of a discontinuity. Warped sweeps allow the discontinuity to be pinpointed accurately.
Time domain response and return loss measurement of a
microwave component
Once a discontinuity has been identified the gating and fencing func­tions can be used to isolate it mathematically. Fencing allows the user to see what the return loss would be without the effect of a particular fault. Conversely gating allows the user to see what the return loss of a specific fault or discontinuity is. These features are very powerful tools for diagnosing and improving the performance of a system. Knowing the position and severity of faults in a device means that they can be modified in the shortest possible time, speeding up design cycles.
For the same device shown previously, this display shows time
domain response with fence around fault and return loss of
device with effect of discontinuity removed
Complex Reflection Coefficient
When building up systems which include devices such as transistors, PIN diodes, varactor diodes, capacitors and resistors, it is often nec­essary to fully characterize these devices. This allows prediction of the performance of a circuit at an early stage of the design reducing the number of design iterations. In order to match consecutive devices in a circuit it is essential to have knowledge of the complex reflection coefficient of each stage (input and output). This enables a matching circuit to be designed to ensure the overall circuit per­formance meets its specification. 6210 can display complex reflection coefficient in either polar or Smith Chart format. The accuracy of the device characterization can be enhanced by using the time domain gating function and electrical delay.
Smith Chart gives impedance information to aid design of
matching circuits
The electrical delay facility of 6210 allows the user to shift the refer­ence plane. When characterizing devices on a substrate or in a test fixture it is often necessary to shift the reference plane to the input of the device. This removes the response of the length of transmission line between the test port and the device input resulting in a display of input impedance of the device.
Phase Display
Phase characteristics and open circuit return loss measurement
on a phase stable cable
The display can be formatted to show phase in degrees against fre­quency. This facility is invaluable for testing the phase stability of cables and for phase matching lengths of transmission line such as semi-rigid coax.
A cable with poor phase stability will introduce errors into measure­ments if moved after a calibration. Storing the phase characteristics of a cable into a trace memory and then comparing with a live trace enables the quality of the cable to be evaluated quickly.
Fast Calibration
An intuitive menu structure enables the user to quickly calibrate the
6210. Calibration kits are available for coaxial 3.5 mm, Type N and 7 mm connectors. Waveguide calibrations are also supported. A slid­ing load can give directivities of over 50 dB for coaxial measurements.
Screen displays lead the user through the calibration procedure
The overall performance of the 6210 is determined by the specifica­tion of the calibration kit used. The directivity, source match and response errors can be characterized by measuring known standards. Error correction routines in the 6210 then minimize errors during normal measurements. IFR offer full calibration kits including short and open circuits, fixed and sliding loads, connector gauges, test port adapters and torque spanners. To verify calibrations optional airlines are also available. The calibration kits are supplied in a protective wooden storage box.
Economy calibration kits which include open and short circuits and fixed loads are also available.
Active Device Measurement
For testing some active devices such as PIN and varactor diodes and transistors it is necessary to have a biasing voltage on the output of the test port. The optional bias tee (option 011) allows voltages to be applied to the test port. The internal voltage/current source of the MTS can be used as the supply.
Test Port Flexibility
The use of adapters at the test port to provide the most suitable test port connector does not degrade measurement accuracy. This is because calibration removes the effect of the adapter. Errors associ­ated with scalar analyzers and autotesters using test port adapters are therefore not encountered when using the 6210 Reflection Analyzer.
A range of ruggedized test port cables are available. Test port cables allow error corrected measurements to be made remote from the front panel connector with the choice of test port connectors includ­ing 3.5 mm male and female and Type N male and female or 7 mm. All test port cables are phase stable so that repositioning the cable after a calibration will still give good measurement accuracy.
Comprehensive Measurement System
A 6210 can be added to any 6200B series Microwave Test Set. All the features of the 6200B are retained including absolute power meas­urement, frequency counter, voltage/current source, standard scalar analyzer and synthesized sweep generator. The synthesizer can also be used as a CW signal source.
6210 can be added to an MTS at any time giving an easy upgrade route for users whose measurement requirements become more demanding. The comprehensive marker functions, limit lines, scal­ing and plotting functions are all available when using the 6210 Reflection Analyzer.
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