Aeroflex 2026 User Manual


Operating Manual

Document part no. 46892/439
Issue 3
6 April 2001
10 kHz to 2.4 GHz
Includes information on:
Option 1 − Three internal signal sources. Option 3 − High-stability frequency standard. Option 4 − Rear-panel connections.
This manual applies to instruments with software issues of 10.00 and higher.
© IFR Ltd. 2007
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or recorded by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing by IFR Ltd.
Printed in the UK
Manual part no. 46892/439
Issue 3
6 April 2001
This manual explains how to use the 2026 Multisource Generator.

Intended audience

Persons who have a need for accurately generated signals in the VHF and UHF spectrum. It is assumed that the reader will be familiar with telecommunication terms used in modern
communication systems.


Chapter 1 Main features and performance data Chapter 2 Installation details Chapter 3 Local operation Chapter 4 Source configuration, coupling and selected applications Chapter 5 GPIB operation with keywords and sample programs Chapter 6 Brief technical description Chapter 7 Instructions for doing acceptance testing
About this manual

Document conventions

The following conventions apply throughout this manual: RF OUTPUT Titles marked on the instrument panel are shown in capital letters.
[SET UP] Key titles are as shown on the key-caps in square brackets. [Carrier Freq] Soft key titles are shown in italics in square brackets; for example, [Carrier Freq]
means the soft key adjacent to the Carrier Freq title box at the side of the menu.
RF Level Messages on the display are shown in italic letters.

Associated publications

Other publications covering specific aspects of this equipment are:
Maintenance Manual (46882/295) Covers maintenance and repair. Service Manual (46880/094) Consists of operating manual (this document) plus
maintenance manual.
ii 46882/439
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................................... iv
Precautions ....................................................................................................................................................... v
Précautions ....................................................................................................................................................viii
Vorsichtsmaßnahmen Precauz
Precauciones ....................................................................................................................................................xiv
ioni .....................................................................................................................................................xii
......................................................................................................................................... x
Chapter 2 INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................2-1
Chapter 3 LOCAL OPERATION.............................................................................................................3-1
First-time use............................................................................................................................3-9
Individual source operation...................................................................................................3-17
Error messages .......................................................................................................................3-49
Chapter 4 SETUP.......................................................................................................................................4-1
Combiner setup ........................................................................................................................4-3
Applications ..............................................................................................................................4-7
Chapter 5 REMOTE OPERATION.........................................................................................................5-1
Chapter 6 BRIEF TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION..................................................................................6-1
Chapter 7 ACCEPTANCE TESTING .....................................................................................................7-1
Test procedures.........................................................................................................................7-5
Acceptance test results tables................................................................................................7-31
INDEX .................................................................................................................................................... I-1
46882/439 iii


The 2026 Multisource Generator is protected by the following patents: EP 0322139 GB 2214012 US 4870384 EP 0125790 GB 2140232 US 4609881


iv 46882/439


These terms have specific meanings in this manual:
information to prevent personal injury.
information to prevent damage to the equipment.
important general information.
Hazard symbols
The meaning of hazard symbols appearing on the equipment is as follows:
Symbol Description
General hazard Toxic hazard
General conditions of use
This product is designed and tested to comply with the requirements of IEC/EN61010-1 ‘Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use’, for Class 1 portable equipment and is for use in a pollution degree 2 environment. The equipment is designed to operate from an installation category 2 supply.
Equipment should be protected from the ingress of liquids and precipitation such as rain, snow, etc. When moving the instrument from a cold to a hot environment, it is important to allow the temperature of the instrument to stabilize before it is connected to the supply to avoid condensation forming. The instrument must only be operated within the environmental conditions specified in Chapter 1 ‘Performance data’ in the Operating Manual otherwise the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
This product is not approved for use in hazardous atmospheres or medical applications. If the equipment is to be used in a safety-related application, e.g. avionics or military applications, the suitability of the product must be assessed and approved for use by a competent person.
Electrical hazards (AC supply voltage)
This equipment conforms with IEC Safety Class I, meaning that it is provided with a protective grounding lead. To maintain this protection the supply lead must always be connected to the source of supply via a socket with a grounded contact.
Be aware that the supply filter contains capacitors that may remain charged after the equipment is disconnected from the supply. Although the stored energy is within the approved safety requirements, a slight shock may be felt if the plug pins are touched immediately after removal.
Do not remove covers, no user serviceable parts inside. See list of IFR Ltd International Service Centers at rear of manual.
Note that the internal supply fuse is in series with the live conductor of the supply lead. If connection is made to a 2-pin unpolarized supply socket, it is possible for the fuse to become transposed to the neutral conductor, in which case, parts of the equipment could remain at supply potential even after the fuse has ruptured.
46882/439 v
Fire hazard
Toxic hazards
Make sure that only fuses of the correct rating and type are used for replacement. If an integrally fused plug is used on the supply lead, ensure that the fuse rating is commensurate
with the with current requirements of this equipment. See under 'Performance Data' in Chapter 1 for power requirements.
Some of the components used in this equipment may include resins and other materials which give off toxic fumes if incinerated. Take appropriate precautions, therefore, in the disposal of these items.
Beryllia (beryllium oxide) is used in the construction of some of the components in this equipment. This material, if incorrectly handled, could cause a danger to health refer to the Maintenance part of the Service Manual for safe handling precautions.
Beryllium copper
Heavy instrument
Tilt facility
Some mechanical components within this instrument are manufactured from beryllium copper. This is an alloy with a beryllium content of approximately 5%. It represents no risk in normal use.
The material should not be machined, welded or subjected to any process where heat is involved. It must be disposed of as “special waste”. It must NOT be disposed of by incineration.
The weight of this instrument exceeds the 18 kg (40 lb) guideline for manual handling by a single person. To avoid the risk of injury, an assessment should be carried out prior to handling which takes account of the load, workplace environment and individual capability, in accordance with European Directive 90/269/EEC and associated National Regulations.
When the instrument is in the tilt position, it is advisable, for stability reaso ns, not to stack other instruments on top of it.
Static sensitive components
This equipment contains static sensitive components which may be damaged by handling refer to the Maintenance Manual for handling precautions.
vi 46882/439
Suitability for use
This equipment has been designed and manufactured by IFR Ltd. to provide RF signals from two or three configurable sources. IFR Ltd. has no control over the use of this equipment and cannot be held responsible for events arising from its use other than for its intended purpose.
46882/439 vii


Les termes suivants ont, dans ce manuel, des significations particulières:
contient des informations pour éviter toute blessure au personnel.
contient des informations pour éviter les dommages aux équipements.
contient d'importantes informations d'ordre général.
Symboles signalant un risque
La signification des symboles liés à cet équipement est la suivante:
Symbole Nature du risque
Risques généraux
Danger produits toxiques
Conditions générales d’utilisation
Ce produit a été conçu et testé pour être conforme aux exigences des normes CEI/EN61010-1 “Règles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de régulation et de laboratoire”, pour des équipements Classe I portables et pour une utilisation dans un environnement de pollution de niveau 2. Cet équipement est conçu pour fonctionner à partir d’une alimentation de catégorie II.
Cet équipement doit être protégé de l’introduction de liquides ainsi que des précipitations d’eau, de neige, etc... Lorsqu’on transporte cet équipement d’un environnement chaud vers un environnement froid, il est important de laisser l’équipement se stabiliser en température avant de le connecter à une alimentation afin d’éviter toute formation de condensation. L’doit être utilisé uniquement dans les conditions d’environnement spécifiées dans “Performance data” dans le chapitre 1 du manuel d’utilisation, toute autre utilisation peut endommager les systèmes de protection.
Ce produit n’est pas garanti pour fonctionner dans des atmosphères dangereuses ou pour un usage médical. Si l'équipement doit être utilisé pour des applications en relation avec la sécurité, par exemple des applications militaires ou aéronautiques, la compatibilité du produit doit être établie et approuvée par une personne compétente.
Securite electrique (tension d'alimentation alternative)
Cet appareil est protégé conformément à la norme CEI de sécurité class 1, c'est-à-dire que sa prise secteur comporte un fil de protection à la terre. Pour maintenir cette protection, le cable d'alimentation doit toujours être branché à la source d'alimentation par l'intermédiaire d'une prise comportant une borne terre.
Notez que les filtres d'alimentation contiennent des condensateurs qui peuvent encore être chargés lorsque l'appareil est débranché. Bien que l'énergie contenue soit conforme aux exigences de sécurité, il est possible de ressentir un léger choc si l'on touche les bornes sitôt après débranchement.
Ne pas enlever les capots, aucune pièce réparable ne se trouve à l'intérieur. Contacter un des Centres de Maintenance Internationaux de IFR Ltd dans la liste jointe à la fin du manuel.
Notez que le fusible d’alimentation interne est en série avec la phase du câble d’alimentation. Si la prise d’alimentation comporte deux bornes non polarisées, il est possible de connecter le fusible au neutre. Dans ce cas, certaines parties de l’appareil peuvent rester à un certain potentiel même après coupure du fusible.
viii 46882/439
Risque lie au feu
Danger produits toxiques
Le Beryllia
Lors du remplacement des fusibles vérifiez l'exactitude de leur type et de leur valeur. Si le cable d'alimentation comporte une prise avec fusible intégré, assurez vous que sa valeur est
compatible avec les besoins en courant de l'appareil. Pour la consommation, reportez-vous au chapitre 1 "Spécifications".
Certains composants utilisés dans cet appareil peuvent contenir des résines et d'autres matières qui dégagent des fumées toxiques lors de leur incinération. Les précautions d'usages doivent donc être prises lorsqu'on se débarrasse de ce type de composant.
Le Beryllia (oxyde de Beryllium) entre dans la composition de certains composants de cet appareil. Cette matière peut représenter un danger pour la santé s'il elle n'est pas manipulée de façon correcte se référer à la partie "Maintenance" du "Manuel de Maintenance" pour les précautions de manipulation.
Bronze au béryllium
Dans cet équipement,certaines pièces mécaniques sont à base de bronze au béryllium. Il s'agit d'un alliage dans lequel le pourcentage de béryllium ne dépasse pas 5%. Il ne présente aucun danger en utilisation normale.
Toutefois, cet alliage ne doit pas être travaillé, soudé ou soumis à un processus qui implique l'utilisation d'une source de chaleur.
En cas de destruction, il sera entreposé dans un container spécial. IL ne devra pas être détruit par incinération.
Instrument lourd
Le poids de cet appareil est supérieur à la limite de 18 kg (40 lb), fixée pour le transport par une seule personne. Afin d’éviter tout risque de blessure, il est nécessaire de faire, avant le transport, une évaluation de la charge, des contraintes de l’environnement et des capacités de l’individu, en conformité avec la Directive Européenne 90/269/EEC ainsi que les recommandations Nationales concernées.
Position inclinée
Lorsque l'appareil est dans une position inclinée, il est recommandé, pour des raisons des stabilité, de ne pas y empiler d'autres appareils.
46882/439 ix


Diese Hinweise haben eine bestimmte Bedeutung in diesem Handbuch:
dienen zur Vermeidung von Verletzungsrisiken.
dienen dem Schutz der Geräte.
enthalten wichtige Informationen.
Die Gefahrensymbole auf den Geräten sind wie folgt:
Symbol Gefahrenart
Allgemeine Gefahr Warnung vor giftigen Substanzen
Allgemeine Hinweise zur Verwendung
Dieses Produkt wurde entsprechend den Anforderungen von IEC/EN61010-1 “Sicherheitsanforderungen für elektrische Ausrüstung für Meßaufgaben, Steuerung und Laborbedarf”, Klasse I, transportabel zur Verwendung in einer Grad 2 verunreinigten Umgebung, entwickelt und getestet. Dieses Gerät ist für Netzversorgung Klasse II zugelassen.
Das Gerät sollte vor dem Eindringen von Flüssigkeiten sowie vor Regen, Schnee etc. geschützt werden. Bei Standortänderung von kalter in wärmere Umgebung sollte das Gerät wegen der Kondensation erst nach Anpassung an die wärmere Umgebung mit dem Netz verbunden werden. Das Gerät darf nur in Umgebungsbedingungen wie in Kapitel 1 “Leistungsdaten (Performance data)” der Bedienungsanleitung beschrieben, betrieben werden; ansonsten wird der vom Gerät vorgesehene Schutz des Anwenders beeinträchtigt.
Dieses Produkt ist nicht für den Einsatz in gefährlicher Umgebung (z.B. Ex-Bereich) und für medizinische Anwendungen geprüft. Sollte das Gerät für den Einsatz in sicherheitsrelevanten Anwendungen wie z.B. im Flugverkehr oder bei militaerischen Anwendungen vorgesehen sein, so ist dieser von einer für diesen Bereich zuständigen Person zu beurteilen und genehmigen.
Elektrische Schläge (Wechselspannungsversorgung)
Das Gerät entspricht IEC Sicherheitsklasse 1 mit einem Schutzleiter nach Erde. Das Netzkabel muß stets an eine Steckdose mit Erdkontakt angeschlossen werden.
Filterkondensatoren in der internen Spannungsversorgung können auch nach Unterbrechung der Spannungszuführung noch geladen sein. Obwohl die darin gespeicherte Energie innerhalb der Sicherheitsmargen liegt, kann ein leichter Spannungsschlag bei Berührung kurz nach der Unterbrechung erfolgen.
Entfernen Sie keine Gehäuseabdeckungen, es befinden sich keine austauschbaren Teile im Gerät. Eine Liste der IFR Servicestellen finden Sie auf der Rückseite des Handbuches.
Die interne Sicherung in der Spannungszuführung ist in Reihe mit der spannungsführenden Zuleitung geschaltet. Bei Verbindung mit einer zweiadrigen, nicht gepolten Steckdose kann die Sicherung in der Masseleitung liegen, so daß auch bei geschmolzener Sicherung Geräteteile immer noch auf Spannungspotential sind.
x 46882/439
Warnung vor giftigen Substanzen
Beryllium Oxid
Es dürfen nur Ersatzsicherungen vom gleichen Typ mit den korrekten Spezifikationen entsprechend der Stromaufnahme des Gerätes verwendet werden. Siehe hierzu die Leistungsdaten (Performance Data) in Kapitel 1.
In einigen Bauelementen dieses Geräts können Epoxyharze oder andere Materialien enthalten sein, die im Brandfall giftige Gase erzeugen. Bei der Entsorgung müssen deshalb entsprechende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen getroffen werden.
Beryllium Oxid wird in einigen Bauelementen verwendet. Bei inkorrekter Handhabung kann dieses Material Gesundheitsschäden verursachen. Siehe hierzu
die Hinweise zur Handhabung im Service-Handbuch.
Beryllium Kupfer
In diesem Gerät sind einige mechanische Komponenten aus Berylium Kupfer gefertigt. Dies ist eine Verbindung welche aus einem Berylliumanteil von ca. 5 % besteht. Bei normaler Verwendung besteht kein Gesundheitsrisiko.
Das Metall darf nicht bearbeitet, geschweißt oder sonstiger Wärmebehandlung ausgesetzt werden. Es muß als Sondermüll entsorgt werden. Es darf nicht durch Verbrennung entsorgt werden.
Schweres Gerät
Das Gewicht dieses Geräts liegt über der 18 kg (40 lb) Grenze für Transport durch eine einzelne Person. Zur Vermeidung von Verletzungen sollten vor einem Transport die Arbeitsumgebung und die persönlichen Möglichkeiten im Verhältnis zur Last abgewogen werden, wie in der EU­Regelung 90/269/EEC und nationalen Normen beschrieben.
Bei Schrägstellung des Geräts sollten aus Stabilitätsgründen keine anderen Geräte darauf gestellt werden.
46882/439 xi


Questi termini vengono utilizzati in questo manuale con significati specifici:
riportano informazioni atte ad evitare possibili pericoli alla persona.
riportano informazioni per evitare possibili pericoli all'apparecchiatura.
riportano importanti informazioni di carattere generale.
Simboli di pericolo
Significato dei simboli di pericolo utilizzati nell'apparato:
Simbolo Tipo di pericolo
Pericolo generico
Pericolo sostanze tossiche
Condizioni generali d'uso.
Questo prodotto è stato progettato e collaudato per rispondere ai requisiti della direttiva IEC/EN61010-1 'Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use' per apparati di classe I portatili e per l'uso in un ambiente inquinato di grado 2. L'apparato è stato progettato per essere alimentato da un alimentatore di categoria II.
Lo strumento deve essere protetto dal possibile ingresso di liquidi quali, ad es., acqua, pioggia, neve, ecc. Qualora lo strumento venga portato da un ambiente freddo ad uno caldo, è importante lasciare che la temperatura all'interno dello strumento si stabilizzi prima di alimentarlo per evitare formazione di condense. Lo strumento deve essere utilizzato esclusivamente nelle condizioni ambientali descritte nel capitolo 1 'Performance Data' del manuale operativo, in caso contrario le protezioni previste nello strumento potrebbero risultare non sufficienti.
Questo prodotto non è stato approvato per essere usato in ambienti pericolosi o applicazioni medicali. Se lo strumento deve essere usato per applicazioni particolari collegate alla sicurezza (per esempio applicazioni militari o avioniche),occorre che una persona o un istituto competente ne certifichi l'uso.
Pericoli da elettricità (alimentazione c.a.)
Quest' apparato è provvisto del collegamento di protezione di terra e rispetta le norme di sicurezza IEC, classe 1. Per mantenere questa protezione è necessario che il cavo, la spina e la presa d'alimentazione siano tutti provvisti di terra.
Il circuito d'alimentazione contiene dei filtri i cui condensatori possono restare carichi anche dopo aver rimosso l'alimentazione. Sebbene l'energia immagazzinata è entro i limiti di sicurezza, purtuttavia una leggera scossa può essere avvertita toccando i capi della spina subito dopo averla rimossa.
Non rimuovere i coperchi, utilizzare solo parti di scorta originali. Vedi elenco internazionale dei Centri di Assistenza in fondo al manuale.
Notare che un fusibile è posto sul filo caldo del cavo di alimentazione. Qualora l’alimentazione avvenga tramite due poli non polarizzati, è possibile che il fusibile vada a protezione del neutro per cui anche in caso di una sua rottura, l’apparato potrebbe restare sotto tensione.
xii 46882/439
Pericolo d'incendio
Pericolo sostanze tossiche
Assicurarsi che, in caso di sostituzione, vengano utilizzati solo fusibili della portata e del tipo prescritto.
Se viene usata una spina con fusibili, assicurarsi che questi siano di portata adeguata coi requisiti di alimentazione richiesti dallo strumento. Tali requisiti sono riportati nel cap. 1 "Performance data".
Alcuni dei componenti usati in questo strumento possono contenere resine o altri materiali che, se bruciati, possono emettere fumi tossici. Prendere quindi le opportune precauzioni nell'uso di tali parti.
Berillio (ossido di berillio) è utilizzato nella costruzione di alcuni componenti di quest'apparato. Questo materiale, se maneggiato non correttamente, può causare danni alla salute. Far riferimento
ai capitoli di manutenzione del Manuale di Servizio per le precauzioni richieste.
Rame berillio
Alcuni componenti meccanici in questo strumento sono realizzati in rame berillio. Si tratta di una lega con contenuto di berillio di circa il 5%, che non presenta alcun rischio in usi normali.
Questo materiale non deve essere lavorato, saldato o subire qualsiasi processo che coinvolge alte temperature.
Deve essere eliminato come "rifiuto speciale". Non deve essere eliminato tramite "inceneritore".
Strumento pesante
Il peso di questo strumento supera i 18 kg (40 lb) raccomandati come limite per il trasporto manuale da parte di singola persona. Per evitare rischi di danni fisici è bene quindi considerare il carico complessivo, le condizioni del trasporto e le capacità individuali in accordo con la direttiva comunitaria 90/269/EEC e con eventuali regolamenti locali.
Posizionamento inclinato
Quando lo strumento è in posizione inclinata è raccomandato, per motivi di stabilità, non sovrapporre altri strumenti.
46882/439 xiii


Estos términos tienen significados específicos en este manual:
contienen información referente a prevención de daños personales. contienen información referente a prevención de daños en equipos. contienen información general importante.
Símbolos de peligro
Los significados de los símbolos de peligro que aparecen en los equipos son los siguientes:
Símbolo Naturaleza del peligro
Peligro general
Aviso de toxicidad
Condiciones generales de uso
Este producto ha sido diseñado y probado para cumplir los requerimientos de la normativa IEC/EN61010-1 "Requerimientos de la normativa para equipos eléctricos de medida, control y uso en laboratorio", para equipos clase II portátiles y para uso en un ambiente con un grado de contaminación 2. El equipo ha sido diseñado para funcionar sobre una instalación de alimentación de categorías II.
Debe protegerse el equipo de la entrada de líquidos y precipitaciones como nieve, lluvia, etc. Cuando se traslada el equipo de entorno frío a un entorno caliente, es importante aguardar la estabilización el equipo para evitar la condensación. Sólo debe utilizarse el aparato en las condiciones ambientales especificadas en el capítulo 1 "Especificaciones" o "Performance Data" del Manual de Operación/Funcionamiento, en caso contrario la propia protección del equipo puede resultar dañada.
Este producto no ha sido aprobado para su utilización en entornos peligrosos o en aplicaciones médicas. Si se va a utilizar el equipo en una aplicación con implicaciones en cuanto a seguridad, como por ejemplo aplicaciones de aviónica o militares, es preciso que un experto competente en materia de seguridad apruebe su uso.
Nivel peligroso de electricidad (tensión de red)
Este equipo cumple las normas IEC Seguridad Clase 1, lo que significa que va provisto de un cable de protección de masa. Para mantener esta protección, el cable de alimentación de red debe de conectarse siempre a una clavija con terminal de masa.
Tenga en cuenta que el filtro de red contiene condensadores que pueden almacenar carga una vez desconectado el equipo. Aunque la energía almacenada está dentro de los requisitos de seguridad, pudiera sentirse una ligera descarga al tocar la clavija de alimentación inmediatamente después de su desconexión de red.
No quitar las tapas, en el interior no existen piezas reemplazables por el usuario. Vea la lista de Centros de Servicios Internacionales en la parte trasera del manual.
Se hace notar que el fusible de alimentación interno está enserie con el activo del cable de alimentación a red. Si la clavija de alimentación de red cuenta con sólo dos terminales sin polaridad, el fusible puede pasar a estar en serie con el neutro, en cuyo caso existen partes del equipo que permanecerían a tensión de red incluso después de que el fusible haya fundido.
xiv 46882/439
Peligro de incendio
Aviso de toxicidad
Asegúrese de utilizar sólo fusibles del tipo y valores especificados como recuesto. Si se utiliza una clavija con fusible incorporado, aseg úrese de que los valores del fusible
corresponden a los requeridos por el equipo. Ver sección de especificaciones del capítulo 1 para comprobar los requisitos de alimentación.
Alguno de los componentes utilizados en este equipo pudieran incluir resinas u otro tipo de materiales que al arder produjeran sustancias tóxicas, Por tanto, tome las debidas precauciones en la manipulación de esas piezas.
Berilio (óxido de berilio) Este material es utilizado en la fabricación de alguno de los componentes de este equipo.
Si se manipulase incorrectamente podria causar daños a la salud En la sección de mantenimiento y reparación encontrará normas de manejo de seguridad.
Instrumento pesado
Tener en cuenta con el equipo Inclinado
Algunos componentes mecánicos contenidos en este instrumento incorporan berilio-cobre en su proceso de fabricación. Se trata de una aleación con un contenido aproximado de berilio del 5%, lo que no representa ningún riesgo durante su uso normal.
El material no debe ser manipulado, soldado, ni sometido a ningún proceso que implique la aplicación de calor.
Para su eliminación debe tratarse como un "residuo especial". El material NO DEBE eliminarse mediante incineración.
El peso de este instrumento excede de los 18 kg (40 lb), lo que debe tenerse en cuenta si va ser transportado manualmente por una sola persona. Para evitar el riesgo de lesiones, antes de mover el equipo deberá evaluar la carga, el entorno de trabajo y la propia capacidad, de acuerdo con la Directiva Europea 90/269/EEC y el Reglamento Nacional Asociado.
Si utiliza el equipo en posición inclinada, se recomienda, por razones de estabilidad, no apilar otros equipos encima de él.
46882/439 xv
Chapter 1


Main features .................................................................................................................................1-2
Operation Display Frequency selection Output
M Increm Frequency sweep Mem Program Calibration data Spectral purity
Calibration Perform Versions, options and accessories
ming ..........................................................................................................................1-3
ance data ...........................................................................................................................1-4


The 2026 is a multisource signal generator offering as standard two signal sources in one instrument. Up to three sources may be fitted, each of which is a fully functional modulated signal generator. Each source can either be routed to its own individual RF output or switched to the input of an RF combiner network before being fed to a separate combined RF output. All sources cover the frequency range 10 kHz to 2.4 GHz. An additional RF input is provided to enable the output from an external RF signal generator to be combined with the signals from up to two internal sources.
Each signal source can be controlled independently in frequency and level, and each has its own amplitude, frequency, phase, FSK and pulse modulation capability. All parameters can be entered from the front-panel keyboard and a rotary control can be used to adjust most settings. The instrument includes a GPIB interface which allows remote control of all standard signal generator functions except the supply switch.
The instrument is provided with built-in tests specifically for use with two or three combined sources such as for amplifier and receiver intermodulation tests and receiver selectivity tests. The sources may be locked together, offset in frequency (additionally with a harmonic or sub-harmonic relationship) as well as level.
Microprocessor control ensures that the instrument is flexible and easy to use and allows programming by the General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) or RS-232 serial bus. The GPIB is designed to IEEE Standard 488.2 and is a means of sending commands to an instrument, via a data bus, from a remote controller or personal computer. The instrument can therefore be used manually or as part of a fully automated test system.
46882/439 1-1

Main features


Selection of parameters on the screen may involve one or more of the numeric, hard or menu selection keys or the rotary control knob. Parameters may be set to specific values by numeric key
entry, while values may be varied in steps of any size using the [ moving the control knob, set to a particular sensitivity.


The display is a dot matrix liquid crystal panel, with backlighting. Display contrast and brightness may be varied to accommodate differing lighting conditions and the setting saved in memory.

Frequency selection

Carrier frequency is either selected directly via the keyboard or remotely via the interfaces. Frequency resolution is 1 Hz across the complete frequency range of 10 kHz to 2.4 GHz. A series of carrier frequencies can be stored in non-volatile memory for recall when required.


Peak RF output levels from each signal source of up to +24 dBm can be set up to 1.2 GHz (+20 dBm up to 2.4 GHz) by direct keyboard entry with a resolution of 0.1 dB down to
137 dBm. The peak output level from the combiner is +4 dBm up to 1.2 GHz (0 dBm up to
2.4 GHz). RF ON/OFF keys are provided to disable each individual output as well as the combined output.
A choice of level units is available to the user and provision is made for the conversion of units (for example, dBm to μV) by a simple keypress.
An electronic trip protects each independent signal source output against reverse power of up to 50 W. This prevents damage to output circuits when RF transmitter or DC power supply is accidentally applied to an RF OUTPUT connector.
To facilitate testing of receiver squelch systems, an attenuator hold function allows control of the RF output without introducing RF level drop-outs from the step attenuator.
Ø][×] keys or altered by


Comprehensive amplitude, frequency and phase modulations are available. Pulse modulation can be applied to the carrier from an external pulse source. The instrument also produces FSK modulated outputs. An internal modulation oscillator is provided, having a frequency range of
0.01 Hz to 20 kHz. Sine, triangle and square waveforms are available. The oscillator is capable of generating one or two modulation tones simultaneously in one modulation channel. A BNC connector on the front panel offers access to the internal LF signal as well as providing an input for external modulation signals to be combined with the internal signals. These sources can be combined to give a number of modulation modes. The pulse modulation can be used in combination with the other forms of modulation.
The frequency modulation range provides a 1 dB bandwidth of typically 100 kHz and provides FM deviation of 0 to 100 kHz. AC or DC coupled FM can be selected. Phase modulation is provided with a 3 dB bandwidth of 10 kHz and deviation range of 0 to 10 radians.
Amplitude modulation with a 1 dB bandwidth of typically 30 kHz and with modulation depths of up to 99.9% is available with a resolution of 0.1%. Pulse modulation is available as standard with typical rise and fall times of less than 10 μs and 40 dB on/off ratio.
The instrument also accepts one or two logic level inputs to produce a 2-level or 4-level FSK modulated output. The required FM deviation is set by keyboard entry.
The external input voltage required for specified modulation is 1 V RMS (1.414 V peak). To accommodate other signal levels, Automatic Level Control (ALC) can be selected which provides correctly calibrated modulation for inputs between 0.75 and 1.25 V RMS.
A modulation ON/OFF soft key simplifies the testing of signal-to noise-ratio.
1-2 46882/439


All major parameters can be incremented or decremented in step sizes entered via keyboard entry or remotely. If no step size is entered for a parameter, the steps are preset to 1 kHz for carrier frequency, 1 kHz for modulation oscillator, 1 kHz for FM deviation, 0.1% for AM depth, 0.01 rad for ΦM and 1 dB for output level.
In addition, the rotary control knob can be used to vary the parameter with the sensitivity of the knob being changed by means of the [×10] and [÷10] keys.
Control knob operation can be assigned for the adjustment of one parameter, while another parameter is adjusted by the increment and decrement keys. By this means two parameters, for example carrier frequency and RF level, can be adjusted simultaneously.

Frequency sweep

The sweep capability of the instrument allows comprehensive testing of systems. Four parameters are used to specify sweep; start, stop, step size and time per step, all of which may be specified by the user. The sweep can be paused at any time and the frequency and level manually altered. During the sweep the RF level can be altered using the rotary control. Sweep triggering can be single shot or continuous and can be initiated directly or on the detection of a trigger. The triggering signal may either be programmed or from a TTL signal applied to the rear-panel TRIGGER 1 input. When frequency coupling is enabled, the coupled sources will track with the swept source.


The instrument provides both non-volatile and volatile memory for storing instrument settings. The non-volatile memory provides 100 full instrument settings and 100 settings of carrier frequency only. The volatile memory (RAM) also provides 100 instrument settings. Any one of the non-volatile instrument settings can be selected as the power-up setting for the instrument.
Software protection
To prevent accidental interference with the contents of internal memories, internal data is protected.
A GPIB interface is fitted so that all functions are controllable via the interface bus which is designed to the IEEE Standard 488.2. The instrument can function both as talker and listener. The instrument also has an RS-232 interface which uses the common GPIB command set to control the instrument and also allow new software upgrades or applications to be downloaded into the instrument.
Calibration data
All alignment data is digitally derived. Realignment can be undertaken, without removing covers, by protected front-panel functions or via the GPIB interface.
Spectral purity
With an SSB phase noise performance of typically −121 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset from a 1 GHz carrier, these instruments can be used for both in-channel and adjacent channel receiver measurements. Harmonically-related signals and non-harmonics are typically better than 30 dBc and 60 dBc respectively.
This instrument has a recommended two-year calibration interval after which it should be returned for recalibration (for addresses refer to ‘International Service Centers’ section at end of manual).
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Performance data

Carrier frequency
Range: 10 kHz to 2.4 GHz with a resolution of 1 Hz. Accuracy: As frequency standard.
RF output
Individual outputs:
Combined output:
Resolution: 0.1 dB. RF level units:
* This specification does not apply to external RF input signals to combiner. † Level accuracy is unspecified below 100 kHz for levels greater than +6 dBm.
RF level tracking* (over a temperature range of +17°C to +27°C):
Attenuator hold: Inhibits operation of the step attenuator from the level at which the key
Level accuracy is unspecified below 1 MHz.
137 dBm to +24 dBm (output power above +20 dBm is uncalibrated for carrier frequencies above 1.2 GHz).
137 dBm to +4 dBm (settable to +10 dBm) (output power above 4 dBm is uncalibrated for carrier frequencies above 1.2 GHz; output power is uncalibrated at all levels for carrier frequencies below 1 MHz).
Maximum output is reduced by 5 dB when pulse modulation is selected and/or by up to 6 dB when AM is selected, dependent upon set AM depth.
Units may be set to μV, mV, EMF or PD; dB relative to 1 μV, 1 mV, EMF or PD; or dBm. Conversion between dB and linear units may be achieved by pressing the appropriate units key (dB or V, mV, μV). The output level can be normalized for 75 Ω operation with an external impedance converter (applies to all outputs simultaneously).
Up to 1.2 GHz (over temperature range 17°C to 27°C):
RF level
Individual outputs ±0.8 dB ±1.0 dB
RF level
Combiner output ±1.0 dB
Up to 2.4 GHz (over temp range of 17°C to 27°C):
RF level
Individual outputs ±1.6 dB ±2.0 dB
RF level
Combiner output ±2.0 dB
Temp stability <1.2 GHz >1.2 GHz
The relative level accuracy between any two or more combined signals of equal amplitude is typically:
18 to +4 dBm <18 dBm
is enabled. Usable for a level reduction of at least 10 dB. Typical accuracy ±3 dB.
127 dBm to +6 dBm
>127 dBm to
+4 dBm‡
127 dBm to +6 dBm
>127 dBm to
0 dBm
<±0.02 <±0.04
1 MHz1.2 GHz 1.2 GHz2.4 GHz
±0.3 dB ±0.6 dB ±0.6 dB ±1.2 dB
+6 dBm to +24 dBm†
+6 dBm to
+20 dBm
1-4 46882/439
Individual outputs:
Combined output: Output VSWR is less than 1.22:1 for carrier frequencies between
Output connector: Output protection
Individual outputs:
Combined output:
Spectral purity
Individual outputs:
Combined output:
Non-harmonics (for offsets >3 kHz):
Isolation: Better than 80 dB between individual outputs in use.
For output levels less than 5 dBm, output VSWR is less than 1.5:1 for carrier frequencies up to 1.2 GHz and less than 1.7:1 up to 2.4 GHz.
1 MHz and 1.2 GHz, and less than 1.32:1 up to 2.4 GHz. 50 Ω, type N connector to MIL 390123D.
Protected from a source of reverse power up to 50 W from 50 Ω, or 25 W from a source VSWR of 5:1. Protection circuit can be reset from the front panel or via the GPIB or RS-232 interface.
No reverse power protection. Maximum total safe power 0.5 W.
Typically better than 30 dBc for RF levels up to +6 dBm and typically better than 25 dBc for RF levels up to +18 dBm (+14 dBm above
1.2 GHz). Typically better than 30 dBc for RF levels up to 14 dBm and typically
better than 25 dBc for RF levels up to +4 dBm (0 dBm above
1.2 GHz). Harmonics unspecified below 1 MHz. Better than 70 dBc for carrier frequencies up to 1 GHz;
better than 64 dBc for carrier frequencies above 1 GHz; better than 60 dBc for carrier frequencies above 2 GHz.
Better than 60 dB from a used individual output to the combiner output. Better than 40 dB between the combiner output and an unused individual output.
At an RF output level of 0 dBm on the combiner into a load VSWR of 2:1 or better:
Frequency range 2-tone intermod*
10 MHz to 2.4 GHz
5 MHz to 10 MHz
Usable but unspecified down to 1 MHz
<−80 dBc <−75 dBc
*Third-order intermodulation products.
Residual FM (FM off): Less than 4.5 Hz RMS deviation in a 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz unweighted
SSB phase noise:
Carrier leakage:
External RF input: The following applies when an external input is connected at the
Insertion loss: Frequency range: Return loss: Max input power:
Intermodulation levels reduce with reducing RF levels.
bandwidth at a carrier frequency of 1 GHz. Typically <1 Hz at 249 MHz, <2 Hz at 501 MHz, <3 Hz at 1001 MHz,
<6 Hz at 2001 MHz. Better than 124 dB/Hz at 20 kHz offset from a 470 MHz carrier.
Typically better than 121 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset from a 1 GHz carrier.
Less than 0.5 μV PD at the carrier frequency into a 2-turn 25 mm diameter loop 25 mm from the surface of the signal generator.
rear panel and the combiner is set up for ‘independent’ external RF input.
14.75 dB ±1 dB. 10 kHz to 4 GHz (usable to 5 GHz). >20 dB to 2.4 GHz.
0.5 W.
46882/439 1-5
Frequency modulation
Deviation: 0 to 100 kHz. Resolution: 3 digits or 1 Hz. Accuracy: ±5% at 1 kHz modulation rate. Bandwidth (1 dB): DC to 100 kHz (DC coupled),
Group delay: Carrier frequency offset: Less than 1% of the set frequency deviation when DC coupled. Distortion: Less than 1% at 1 kHz rate for deviations up to 100 kHz,
Modulation source: Internal modulation oscillator or external via front-panel BNC.
Modes: Data source: Frequency shift: Variable up to ±100 kHz. Accuracy: As FM deviation accuracy. Timing jitter: Filter:
FM, AM or phase modulation can be applied to the carriers generated by each signal source from independent internal or external modulation sources. The internal modulation sources are capable of generating two simultaneous signals into any one of the modulation channels. Each internal and external modulation source can be enabled simultaneously to produce combined amplitude and frequency (or phase) modulation. Pulse modulation can be applied to each of the carriers from external pulse sources. The pulse modulation can be used in combination with the other forms of modulation. 2-level or 4-level FSK modulation can be applied to each carrier using data from an external source.
10 Hz to 100 kHz (AC coupled), 20 Hz to 100 kHz (AC coupled with ALC).
Less than 5 μs to 100 kHz.
typically 0.3% at 1 kHz rate for deviations up to 10 kHz. Less than 3% at 1 kHz rate and deviations up to 100 kHz for carrier frequencies below 50 MHz.
2-level or 4-level FSK. External data via rear-panel 25-way D-type connector.
±3.2 μs.
-order Bessel, −3 dB at 20 kHz.
Phase modulation
Deviation range: 0 to 10 radians. Resolution: 3 digits or 0.01 radians. Accuracy at 1 kHz: ±5% of indicated deviation excluding residual phase modulation. Bandwidth (3 dB): 100 Hz to 10 kHz. Distortion: Less than 3% at 10 radians at 1 kHz modulation rate. Typically
Modulation source: Internal LF generator or external via front panel BNC.
Amplitude modulation
Individual outputs For carrier frequencies <500 MHz, usable to 1.5 GHz. Combined output Unspecified below 5 MHz; usable to 1 MHz. Otherwise as for
Range: 0 to 99.9%. Resolution: 0.1%. Accuracy*: ±5% of set depth at 1 kHz rate, over temperature range 17°C to
Bandwidth (1 dB): DC to 30 kHz (DC coupled),
Distortion*: <1.5% at 1 kHz rate for modulation depths up to 30%,
Modulation source: Internal LF generator or external via front panel BNC.
<0.5% for deviations up to 1 radian at 1 kHz.
individual outputs.
27°C. Temperature coefficient <0.02%/°C.
10 Hz to 30 kHz (AC coupled), 20 Hz to 30 kHz (AC coupled with ALC).
<2.5% at 1 kHz rate for modulation depths up to 80%.
1-6 46882/439
ΦM on AM:
*For RF levels not exceeding +10 dBm (individual output) or 4 dBm (combined output).
Pulse modulation
Carrier frequency range: 32 MHz to 2.4 GHz, usable to 10 MHz. RF level range: Maximum guaranteed output is reduced by 5 dB when pulse
RF level accuracy: When pulse modulation is enabled, adds ±0.5 dB to the RF level
On-off ratio: Rise and fall time: Overshoot: Less than 1 dB
Modulation oscillator
Frequency range: 0.01 Hz to 20 kHz with a resolution of 0.01 Hz. Frequency accuracy: As frequency standard. Distortion: Less than 0.1% THD at 1 kHz. Waveforms: Sine to 20 kHz, triangle or square wave to 3 kHz. Square wave jitter: Audio output: The modulation oscillator signal from each source is available from
External modulation
Input level: 1 V RMS (1.414 V peak) sine wave for set deviation. Maximum safe
Input impedance: Modulation ALC: Levels the applied external modulation over the range 0.75 to 1.25 V
Sweep mode:
Control parameters:
Step time: Trigger:
Frequency standard
TCXO: 10 MHz. Temperature stability: Better than ±5 in 10 Aging rate: Less than ±1 in 10 External input/output: Rear-panel BNC connector accepts an input of 1 MHz or 10 MHz at
Remote control
GPIB interface
Typically 0.1 radian at 30% depth at 470 MHz.
modulation is selected.
accuracy specification. Front-panel BNC connector with an input impedance of 10 k Ω nominal.
A logical ‘1’ (3.5 to 5 V) turns the carrier on, a logical ‘0’ (0 to 1 V) turns the carrier off. Maximum input is ±15 V.
Better than 45 dB below 1.2 GHz, better than 40 dB above 1.2 GHz. Less than 10 μs.
The internal modulation oscillator for each signal source is capable of generating one or two modulation tones simultaneously in one modulation channel.
Less than 6.4 μs on any edge.
the modulation input/output BNC connector at a nominal level of 2 V RMS EMF from a 600 Ω source impedance.
A front-panel external modulation input/output BNC connector is provided.
input is ±15 V. 100 kΩ nominal.
RMS sine wave. High and low indicators in display indicate when the input is outside leveling range.
The carrier frequency of one source can be swept. To enable more than one source to be swept the coupling facility must be invoked.
Start/stop values of carrier frequency, frequency step size and time per step.
50 ms to 10 s per step. A trigger input is available on a rear-panel BNC connector and can
be used in single, continuous, start/stop or single-step mode.
over the operating range 0 to 55°C.
per year.
220 mV RMS to 1.8 V RMS into 1 kΩ. Rear-panel BNC connector provides an output of 10 MHz at a
nominal level of 2 V pk-pk into 50 Ω.
All signal source parameters except the supply switch are remotely programmable.
Designed in accordance with IEEE 488.2. Complies with the following subsets as defined in IEEE Std 488.1:
SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E2.
46882/439 1-7
Connector: Baud rate: Handshake:
Electrical interface:
Electromagnetic compatibility
Rated range of use
Conditions of storage and transport
All signal source parameters except the supply switch are remotely programmable.
9-way male D-type 300 to 9600 bit/s. Hardware: DTR, RTS, CTS and DSR.
Software: XON and XOFF. Interface to EIA-232-D.
Conforms with the protection requirements of Council Directive 89/336/EEC.
Conforms with the limits specified in the following standards: IEC/EN 61326-1 : 1997, RF Emission Class B, Immunity Table 1, Performance Criterion B
Conforms with the requirements of EEC Council Directive 73/23/EEC and Standards IEC/EN 61010-1 : 1993.
This instrument complies with the requirements of BS EN 61010-1/IEC 61010-1, for Class 1 portable equipment and is for use in a pollution degree 2 environment. The equipment is designed to operate from an installation category 2 supply.
Unless otherwise indicated, specification is met over the temperature range 0 to +55°C (32 to 131°F), humidity up to 93% at +40°C (104°F) and elevation up to 3050 m (10 000 ft).
The instrument can be stored at temperatures of −40 to +71°C (-40 to 160°F), in humidities up to 93% at +40°C (104°F) and at elevations up to 4600 m (15 000 ft).
Power requirements Calibration interval
Dimensions and weight Height Width Depth Weight
90 to 132 V, or 188 to 255 V at 47 to 63 Hz, 250 VA maximum. 2 years.
177 mm 419 mm 488 mm 16 kg 7 in 16.5 in 19.2 in 35 lb
(Dimensions over projections but excluding front panel handles.)
Option 1: 3-source generator
Includes three signal sources.
Option 3: High stability frequency standard
Replaces the internal TCXO with a high stability OCXO. Specification as standard instrument with the following exceptions:
Aging rate: Stability: Better than ±5 in 10 Warm-up time: Within 2 in 10
<±2.5 in 10
Option 4: Rear output connections (all inputs/outputs)
All front-panel connectors are relocated on the rear panel for rack mounted operation. The specification is not altered.
per year, <±5 in 109 per day after 2 months’ continuous use.
over the temperature range 0 to 50°C.
of final frequency 10 minutes after switch-on at a temperature of
1-8 46882/439

Versions, options and accessories

When ordering please quote the full ordering number information.
Ordering numbers Versions
2026 10 kHz to 2.4 GHz MultiSource Generator with two signal sources.
Option 1 Three internal signal sources. Option 3 High-stability frequency standard. Option 4 Rear-panel outputs.
Supplied accessories
AC power supply lead (see ‘Power cords’, Chapter 2).
46882/439 Operating manual (this document).
Optional accessories
54311/208 50/75 Ω adapter. 46882/295 Maintenance Manual 46880/094 Service manual (consists of Operating manual (this document) plus
Maintenance manual). 43129/189 GPIB lead assembly, 1.5 m. 46884/649 RS-232 cable, 9-way female to 25-way female, 1.5 m. 46884/650 RS-232 cable, 9-way female to 9-way female, 1.5 m. 46884/293 Rack-mounting kit (with slides) for rack cabinets with depths from
480 to 680 mm. 46884/294 Rack-mounting kit (with slides) for rack cabinets with depths from
680 to 840 mm. 46884/931 Rack-mounting kit containing front mounting brackets only. 46662/614 Soft carrying case. 59999/724 TEM cell. 54112/165 Hard carrying case.
46882/439 1-9
46882/439 1-11
Chapter 2


Mounting arrangements.................................................................................................................2-2
Installation requirem
Class I power cords Goods-in checks Connecting to supply
Fuse General purpose interface bus (GPIB)
GPIB cable connection
GPIB connector contact assignm
IEEE to IEC conversion
Interface bus connection RS-232 interface
RS-232 connector Auxiliary port connector
FSK operation Rack m Routine safety testing and inspection Cleaning
Putting into storage
Cleaning the LCD window
List of tables
Table 2-1 Auxiliary port contact assignments ..............................................................................2-8
Table 2-2 Auxiliary port inputs for 2FSK.....................................................................................2-8
Table 2-3 Auxiliary port inputs for 4FSK
List of figures
Fig. 2-1 GPIB connector contact assignments (viewed from rear of instrument).........................2-6
Fig. 2-2 IEEE to IEC conversion..................................................................................................2-6
Fig. 2-3 RS-232 connector (viewed from Fig. 2-4 25-way
rear of instrument) ......................................................2-7
AUXILIARY PORT connector.......................................................................... 2-7
46882/439 2-1
Initial visual inspection
After unpacking the instrument, inspect the shipping container and its cushioning material for signs of stress or damage. If damage is identified, retain the packing material for examination by the carrier in the event that a claim is made. Examine the instrument for signs of damage; do not connect the instrument to a supply when damage is present, internal electrical damage could result in shock if the instrument is turned on.

Mounting arrangements

Excessive temperatures may affect the performance of the instrument. Completely remove the plastic cover, if one is supplied over the case, and avoid standing the instrument on or close to other equipment which is hot.

Installation requirements


This instrument is forced-air cooled by a fan mounted on the rear panel. Air must be allowed to circulate freely through the ventilator grills located on the side and underside of the instrument. Before switching on the instrument, ensure that the fan outlet on the rear panel is not restricted (i.e. clearance of at least 75 mm (3 in) at the rear, 25 mm (1 in) at each side, 15 mm (0.5 in) on the underside). Failure to provide adequate clearances will increase internal temperatures and reduce the instrument’s reliability, so that its performance may not meet specification.
Class I power cords (3-core)
When the equipment has to be plugged into a Class II (ungrounded) 2-terminal socket outlet, the cable should either be fitted with a 3-pin Class I plug and used in conjunction with an adapter incorporating a ground wire, or be fitted with a Class II plug with an integral ground wire. The ground wire must be securely fastened to ground. Grounding one terminal on a 2-terminal socket will not provide adequate protection.
In the event that a molded plug has to be removed from a lead, it must be disposed of immediately. A plug with bare flexible cords is hazardous if engaged in a live socket outlet.
Power cords with the following terminations are available from IFR Ltd. Please check with your local sales office for availability.
2-2 46882/439
This equipment is provided with a 3-wire (grounded) cordset which includes a molded IEC 320 connector for connection to the equipment. The cable must be fitted with an approved plug which, when plugged into an appropriate 3-terminal socket outlet, grounds the case of the equipment. Failure to ground the equipment may expose the operator to hazardous voltage levels. Depending upon the destination country, the color coding of the wires will differ:
Wire ended
Country IEC 320 plug type IFR part number
Universal Straight through 23424-158 Universal Right angled 23424-159
North America Harmonized
Line (Live) Black Brown Neutral White Blue Ground (Earth) Green Green/Yellow
Country IEC 320 plug type IFR part number
United Kingdom Straight through 23422-001 United Kingdom Right angled 23422-002
The UK lead is fitted with an ASTA approved molded plug to BS 1363. A replaceable 13 A fuse to BS 1362 is contained within the plug. This
fuse is only designed to protect the lead assembly. Never use the plug with the detachable fuse cover omitted or if the cover is damaged.
The fuse(s) or circuit breaker to protect the equipment is fitted at the back of the equipment.
North American
Country IEC 320 plug type IFR part number
North American Straight through 23422-004 North American Right angled 23422-005
The North American lead is fitted with a NEMA 5-15P (Canadian CS22.2 No 42) plug and carries approvals from UL and CSA for use in the USA and Canada.
Continental Europe
Country IEC 320 plug type IFR part number
Europe Straight through 23422-006 Europe Right angled 23422-007
The Continental European lead is fitted with a right angle IEC83 standard C4 plug (CEE 7/7) which allows it to be used in sockets with either a male earth pin (standard C 3b) or side earth clips (standard C 2b) the latter is commonly called the German ‘Schuko’ plug. In common with other Schuko style plugs, the plug is not polarized when fitted into a Schuko socket. The lead carries approvals for use in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Norway and Sweden. Note that this plug will not fit Italian standard CEI 23 not be used in Denmark given that the earth connection will not be made.
-16 outlets. The lead should
46882/439 2-3
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