AEG-Electrolux EWT8120W User Manual

User manual
Washing machine
EWT 8120 W
We were thinking of you
when we made this product
Thank you for choosing a first class product from Electrolux, which hopefully will provide you with lots of pleasure in the future. The Electrolux ambition is to offer a wide variety of quality products that make your life more comfortable. You find some examples on the cover in this manual. Please take a few minutes to study this manual so that you can take advantage of the benefits of your new machine. We promise that it will provide a superior User Experience delivering Ease-of-Mind. Good luck !
Выѝвыбралиѝпервоклассный продуктѝотѝ Electrolux,ѝкоторый,ѝмы надеемся,ѝ доставитѝ Вамѝ много радостиѝ вѝ будущем.ѝ Electrolux стремитсяѝ предложитьѝ какѝ можно болееѝ широкийѝ ассортимент качественнойѝ продукции,ѝ который сможетѝсделатьѝВашуѝжизньѝеще болееѝудобной.ѝВыѝможетеѝувидеть несколькоѝэкземпляровѝнаѝобложке этойѝ инструкции.ѝ Внимательно изучитеѝ данноеѝ руководство, чтобыѝ правильноѝ использовать Вашѝновыйѝприборѝиѝнаслаждаться егоѝ преимуществами.ѝМы гарантируем,ѝчтоѝонѝсделаетѝВашу жизньѝ намногоѝ легчеѝ благодаря легкостиѝвѝиспользовании.ѝУдачиѝ!
4 contents
Warnings ........................................... 5
Description of the appliance ..............7
How to run a wash cycle ? ................8
Washing guide ................................ 12
Programmes table ........................... 14
Consumption .................................. 15
Care and cleaning ........................... 16
Operating problems ........................ 17
Technical specifications ................... 20
Installation ....................................... 20
Environment .................................... 23
The following symbols have been used in this user guide :
Important information about con­cerning your safety and informa­tion on how to avoid damaging the appliance.
General information.
Information concerning the envi­ronment.
warnings 5
These warnings are for the safety of you and others around you. Please read these points carefully before installing and using your ap­pliance. Thank you for your atten­tion. Keep this user manual with your ap­pliance. If the appliance is sold or gi­ven to another person, please make sure this user manual is included. This way, the new user will have the relevant operating instructions and warnings.
General safety
• Do not modify or attempt to modify this appliance. This would put your­self in danger.
• Ensure that all coins, safety pins, brooches, screws etc have been removed before starting a washing programme. If left in washing, they can seriously damage the appliance.
• Use the amount of detergent recom­mended in the paragraph “Using the right amount of detergent”.
• Put small items together (socks, belts etc.) in a small linen bag or pillow case.
• Unplug and close inlet hose tap after using appliance.
• Always disconnect the power supply from the appliance before cleaning or maintenance.
• Do not machine wash clothes with ribbing, unfinished or torn material.
• Unpack or ask for the appliance to be unpacked immediately upon arri­val. Check the outside of the appliance is not damaged in any way. Put any complaints you may have in writing on your copy of the delivery receipt.
• The appliance must be untied before connecting to power supply or using. If all transit packaging is not comple­tely removed, the appliance or sur­rounding furniture could be damaged.
• Connection to the water supply must be carried out by a qualified plumber.
• If your domestic electrical circuit needs adapting to allow the appliance to be plugged in, use a qualified electrician.
• Ensure that, after installation, the power cable is not trapped under the appliance.
• If the appliance is installed on carpe­ted floor, ensure that the carpet does not obstruct any ventilation ducts located at the base of the appliance.
• The appliance must be equipped with an earthed power plug which conforms to regulations.
• Before connecting your appliance to the power supply, carefully read the instructions in the chapter entitled “Electrical connection”.
• Replacing the power cable should only be carried out by the After Sales Service.
• The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from incorrect installation.
6 warnings
Precautions to be taken against frost
If your appliance is exposed to tempera­tures below 0°C, the following precau­tions must be taken :
• Close the tap and disconnect the inlet hose.
• Place the end of this hose and the drain hose in a basin on the floor.
• Select the Drain programme let it run until the end of the cycle.
• Disconnect the appliance from the power supply by turning the program selector to “Stop”.
• Unplug the appliance.
• Screw the inlet hose back on and replace the drain hose.
This way, the water remaining in the ho­ses will be drained away, avoiding any ice formation which would damage your appliance. Before turning your appliance on again, ensure that it is installed in an area whe­re the temperature will not fall below freezing.
these items into the drum.
• Your appliance has been designed for use by adults. Ensure children do not touch the appliance or use it as a toy.
• Your appliance is intended for normal domestic use. Do not use the appliance for commercial or industrial purposes or for any purpose other than the one it was designed for : washing, rinsing and spinning.
•Only wash items suitable for this treatment. Refer to the instructions on the label of each item.
• Do not put items into the washing machine which have had stains removed with petrol, alcohol, trichlo­rethylne etc. If such stain removers have been used, wait until the pro­duct has evaporated before putting
Description of the appliance
The control panel
Lid handle
Lever for moving the appliance
Adjustable levelling feet
Description of the appliance 7
Dispenser box
Prewash Wash Softener (do not fill above the MAX
symbol )
The control panel
1 2 3 4
Programme selector Spin speed selector “Temperature” pushbutton
“Option” pushbutton
“Extra rinse” pushbutton
Lights of cycle progress
“Start/Pause” pushbutton
“Delay start” pushbutton
732 4 5 6
8 How to run a wash cycle
How to run a wash cycle? Using for the first time
• Ensure the electrical and water con­nections comply with the installation instructions.
• Remove the polystyrene insert and all other items inside the drum.
• Run an initial wash cycle at 90°C, without any washing but with deter­gent to clean the water tank.
Daily use
Loading washing
• Open the lid of the appliance.
• Open the drum by depressing the loc-
king button A : The two shutters unlock automatically.
• Load the washing, close the drum
and the lid of your washing machine.
Proportioning of detergents
Your washing machine has been desi­gned to reduce your water and deter­gent consumption. You can therefore reduce the amounts recommended by detergent manufacturers. Pour the amount of washing powder into the washing and prewash com­partments if you have selected the “prewash” option. Pour fabric softener into the compartment if necessary . If you use another detergent type, refer to the section “detergents and additives” in the washing guide.
Selection of desired programme
You can find the right programme for different types of washing in the programme table (see “Programme table”).
Before closing the lid of your appliance, ensure that the drum is properly closed :
• When the two shutters are closed,
• locking button A released.
Turn the programme selector to the required programme. The “Start/Pause” pushbutton flashes green.
If you turn the programme selector to another programme while a cycle is in progress, the appliance will ignore the new selected programme. The “Start/ Pause” pushbutton flashes red for a few seconds.
How to run a wash cycle 9
Selecting the temperature
Press the “Temperature” pushbutton repeatedly to increase or decrease the temperature if you want your washing to be washed at a different temperature to the one selected by the ap­pliance. The symbol means a cold wash.
Selecting the spin speed
Turn the spin speed selector on the desired speed. You can also select “No spin”*, “Rinse hold”
or “Night silence plus” *.
The maximum speeds are : for Cottons, Synthetics, Easy iron, Wool, Handwash : 800 rpm, for Delicates, Silk, Mini programme : 700 rpm.
At the end of the programme, if you have selected “Rinse hold” or “Night silence plus” , you then need to select a “Spin”, “Delicate Spin” or “Drain” programme to finish the cycle.
“Night silence plus” The washing machine does not empty the water after the final rinse which pre­vents the washing from creasing. Be­cause there are no spin cycles, the washing programme is very quiet and can be selected at night. In Cotton and
Synthetics programmes, the rinsing cy­cle uses more water.
“Rinse hold” The washing machine will not drain the water from the last rinse, so will not crease the laundry.
Selecting options
You must select the different options af­ter selecting the programme and before pressing the “Start/Pause” pus­hbutton (see “Pro-
gramme table”). Press the desired button(s) ; the corres­ponding lights come on. If pressed again, the lights go out. If one of the op­tions is not compatible with the selected programme, the “Start/Pause” pushbut­ton flashes red.
“Super Quick” option
The washing time will be reduced depending on the programme selected.
“Eco” option
This option allows you to choose a lower temperature programme which is as ef­fective as a higher temperature wash programme.
“Prewash” option
The appliance runs a prewash at 30°C max. The prewash finishes with a short spin cycle for cotton or synthetic programmes, and with an empty cycle for delicates programmes.
*depending on model
10 How to run a wash cycle
“Extra rinse” option
The washing machine will add one or more rinses during the cycle. This option is recommended for people with sensitive skin and in soft water areas.
Tem p o r a r y : Press the “Extra rinse” pushbutton. The option is only active for the selected programme.
Permanent : Hold down the “Temperature” and “Option” pushbuttons for a few se­conds. The option is permanently acti­vated, even if the appliance is switched off. To deactivate it, repeat the process.
“Delay start”
This option allows you to delay the start of a wash programme by 3, 6 or 9 hours by pressing the “Delay start” pushbutton. You can change or cancel the delayed start time at any time before you press the “Start/Pause” pushbutton, by pres­sing the “Delay start” pushbutton again (when all indicators are off, the wash programme will start immediately). If you have already pressed the “Start/ Pause” pushbutton and you want to change or cancel the delayed start, pro­ceed as follows :
• To cancel the delayed start and start the cycle immediately, press “Start/Pau­se” and then “Delay start” . Press “Start/Pause” to start the cycle.
• To change the timer delay period, you must go through the “Off”
and reprogram your cycle.
The lid will be locked during the delayed start time. If you need to open it, you must first pause the appliance by pres­sing the “Start/Pause” pushbutton. After closing the lid again, press the “Start/ Pause” pushbutton.
Start of the programme
Press the “Start/Pause” pushbutton to start the cycle ; the corresponding
light will come on green. It is normal for the programme selector to remain stationary during the cycle.
The light corresponding to the current cycle is il­luminated.
: Prewash + Wash : Rinse + Spin
: End of cycle
Interrupting a programme Adding washing during the first 10
Press the “Start/Pause” pushbutton : the corresponding light will flash green while the appliance is paused. The lid can only be opened around 2 minutes after the washing machine has come to a stop. Press the “Start/Pause” pus­hbutton again to continue the program­me.
How to run a wash cycle 11
Modifying the programme in pro­gress
Before making any changes to the cur­rent programme, you need to pause the washing machine by pressing the “Start/ Pause” pushbutton. If the modification is not possible, the “Start/Pause” pus­hbutton flashes red for a few seconds. If you still decide to change the program­me, you must cancel the current pro­gramme (see below).
Cancelling the programme
If you want to cancel the programme, turn the programme selector to the “Off”
End of the programme
The washing machine stops automatically ; the “Start/Pause” pushbutton goes out and the light “End of cycle” comes on. The lid can only be opened around 2 minutes after the washing machine has come to a stop.
To exit standby mode, simply press any pushbutton or turn the programme selector.
Turn the programme selector to the “Off” Remove washing Unplug and close water inlet tap.
We recommend leaving the lid and drum open after use to ventilate the water tank.
Standby mode
If the appliance is on but no commands are selected for 10 min before or after a cycle, it goes into standby mode. All the lights go out and “Start/Pause” flashes slowly.
12 washing guide
Washing guide
Sorting and preparing the washing
• Sort washing by type and care label (refer to International symbols section below) : normal wash for tough fabrics which can withstand intense washing and spinning cycles ; deli­cate wash for delicate fabrics which need to be treated with care. For mixed loads, loads with items of dif­ferent types of material, choose a programme and a temperature suita­ble for the most fragile material.
• Wash whites and colours separately : Otherwise, whites will be coloured or will turn grey.
• New coloured clothes often contain excess dye. It is recommended to wash such items separately the first time. Follow care instructions “wash separately” and “wash separately several times”.
• Empty pockets and unfold items.
• Remove loose buttons, pins and fas­teners. Close zip fasteners, tie ups laces and straps.
• Turn multilayered fabrics (sleeping bags, anoraks, etc.), coloured head­wear, wool and material with printed designs inside out.
• Wash small fragile items (socks, tights, bras, etc) in a net bag.
• Take special care with curtains. Remove hooks and place net cur­tains in a net or bag.
Wash loads depending on type of materials
The amount of washing placed in the drum must not exceed the maximum capacity of the washing machine. This capacity can vary depending on the type of materials. Reduce the quantity if washing is heavily soiled or made of ab­sorbant material. Not all textiles have the same volume in the drum or the same water absorption levels. In general, the drum must there­fore be filled :
• to full capacity but avoiding exces­sive pressure on cotton, linen and cotton/linen mixtures,
• to half capacity for processed cot­tons and synthetic fibres,
• to a third of its capacity for very fra­gile items such as net curtains and woollens.
For mixed loads, fill drum depending on most fragile materials.
Detergents and additives
Only use detergents and additives desi­gned for use in a washing machine. Re­fer to manufacturer’s recommendations and also Dispenser box and Using the ri­ght amount of detergent sections. We do not recommend mixing different types of detergents. This may spoil the washing. The amount of detergent to be used de­pends on the size of the load, the hard­ness of the water and how heavily soiled the washing is. If the water is soft, reduce the amount slightly. If the water contains lime scale (a descaler is recommended) or if the washing is heavily soiled or stained, in­crease the amount slightly.
washing guide 13
You can obtain information on the hard­ness level of water in your area by con­tacting your water company or other competent source. There are no restrictions on the use of powder detergents. Liquid detergents must not be used when a prewash has been selected. For cycles without prewash, they can be ad­ded either via means of a dosing ball, or in the detergent compartment. In either
International symbols
BLEACHING Whitewashing (bleach) allowed (cold only and in dilu-
Wash at 95°C Wash at 60°C Wash at 40°C Wash at 30°C
ted solution)
High temperature
(max 200°C)
Mid temperature
(max 150°C)
case, the wash cycle must be started immediately. Detergent tablets or doses must be pla­ced in the detergent compartment of your appliance’s dispenser box. For stain removal before a wash cycle, please refer to manufacturer’s recom­mended amounts and instructions. If you use a detergent to remove stains, the wash cycle must be started imme­diately.
Hand wash Do not wash
No whitewashing (bleach)
Low temperature
(max 100°C)
Do not iron
DRYING Dry flat Hang dry Dry on clothes
Dry cleaning
(all common solvents)
Dry cleaning
(all common solvents
except trichlorethylene
Dry cleaning
(only oil-based solvents
and R113)
High temperature
Mid temperature
Tumble drying
Do not dry clean
Do not tumble dry
14 programmes table / consumption
Programmes table
Programme / Type of washing Load Possible options
Cottons* : White or colour, e.g., normally soiled work clothes, bed linen, table linen, body linen, towels.
Synthetics : Synthetic fabrics, body linen, coloured fa­brics, non-iron shirts, blouses.
Easy iron : Reduces creasing and makes ironing easier. 1,0 kg Prewash
Delicates : For all delicate materials, for example, cur-
Wool : Machine washable wool carrying the labels
“pure new wool, machine washable, does not shrink”.
Handwash : Very delicate items carrying the “wash
by hand” label.
Silk : Fabric machine washable at 30°C. 1,0 kg
5,5 kg Prewash
2,5 kg
2,5 kg Prewash
1,0 kg
1,0 kg
Super quick
Extra rinse Rinse hold
Night silence plus
Delay start
Extra rinse Rinse hold Delay start
Super quick
Extra rinse Rinse hold
Night silence plus
Delay start
Rinse hold
Night silence plus
Delay start
Soak : Soaking for very dirty washing. The drum stops full of water.
Mini programme : For lightly soiled fabrics except
for wool.
Rinses : Hand washed items can be rinsed in this pro­gram.
Delicate Rinse : Hand washed items can be rinsed in this programme.
Drain : Runs an empty cycle after a Rinse hold or (Night Silence Plus).
Spin : A spin cycle from 500 to 800 rpm after a Rinse hold (or Night silence plus).
5,5 kg
2,5 kg Delay start
5,5 kg
2,5 kg
5,5 kg
5,5 kg Delay start
Delay start
Extra rinse Rinse hold
Night silence plus
Delay start
programmes table / consumption 15
Programme / Type of washing Load Possible options
Delicate spin : A delicate spin cycle after a Rinse hold
2,5 kg Delay start
(or Night silence plus).
* Reference programme for test conforming to CEI 456 standard (60° Cottons programme with Eco option). ** Cannot be used with programmes lower than 40°C.
Washing type
Cottons* cold - 90 67 2,20 140-150
Synthetics cold - 60 48 0,85
Easy iron cold - 60 55 0,65
Delicates cold - 40 53 0,55
Wool cold - 40 48 0,45 55-65
Handwash cold - 40 48 0,45 55-65
Silk 30 40 0,30 25-35
Soak 30 20 0,20 15-25
Mini programme 30 40 0,35 25-35
°C Litres kWh Time
Rinses - 32 0,05 50-60
Delicate Rinse - 45 0,04 35-45
Drain - - 0,002 0-10
Spin - - 0,015 10-20
Delicate spin - - 0,015 5-15
* Reference programme for test conforming to CEI 456 standard (60° Cottons programme with Eco option) : 49 L / 1,04 kWh / 140 min. ** Average figures which can vary depending on conditions of use. Consumptions shown refer to the maximum temperature for each programme.
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