AEG-Electrolux EMS2100S User Manual

User Manual
8221914 - 33 - 01
Model EMS2100S
Multi Language
The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product maynotbetreated as household waste. Instead it shall be handedover to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product.For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposalservice or the shop where you purchased the product.
Символът върху продукта или опаковката му показва,че този продукт не трябва да се третира като домакинските отпадъци
оборудване на възможните негативни последствия за околната среда и човешкото здраве от неправилното изхвърляне като отпадък на този продукт обърнете към местната градска управа
Вместо това,той трябва да се предаде в специализиран пункт за рециклиране на електрическо и електронно
Като се погрижите този продукт да бъде изхвърлен по подходящ начин,вие ще помогнете за предотвратяване
службата за вторични суровини или магазина,откъдето сте закупили продукта
За по-подробна информация за рециклиране на този продукт се
които иначе биха могли да бъдат предизвикани
Simbol Umjesto togatreba biti uru ovog proizvoda sprije neodgovaraju kontaktirate Vaš lokalni gradski ured, uslugu za odvoženje otpadaiz doma
Symbol místa pro recyklaci elektrického a elektronického za negativním d Podrobn v obchod
A terméken vagy a csomagoláson található terméket el kell szállítani az elektromos éselektronikai készülékek újrahasznosítására szakosodottmegfelel hogy gondoskodik ezen termék helyes hulladékbahelyezésér gyakorolt potenciáliskedvez
na proizvodu ili na njegovoj ambalaži označuje da se s tim proizvodom ne smije postupiti kao s otpadom iz domaćinstva.
en prikladnim sabirnim točkama za recikliranje elektroničkih i električkih aparata. Ispravnim odvoženjem
im rukovanjem otpada ovog proizvoda. Za detaljnije informacije o recikliranju ovog proizvoda molimo Vas da
ete potencijalne negativne posljedice na okoliš i zdravlje ljudi, koje bi inače mogli ugroziti
instva ili trgovinu u kojoj ste kupili proizvod.
na výrobku nebo jeho balení udává, že tento výrobek nepatří do domácího odpadu. Je nutné odvézt ho do sběrného
sledkůmproživotníprostředí a lidské zdraví, které by jinak byly způsobeny nevhodnou likvidací tohoto výrobku.
jší informace o recyklaci tohoto výrobku zjistíte u příslušného místního úřadu, službypro likvidaci domovního odpadu nebo
, kde jste výrobek zakoupili.
ízení. Zajištěním správné likvidace tohoto výrobku pomůžete zabránit
szimbólum aztjelzi,hogy a termék nem kezelhetőháztartási hulladékként.Ehelyett a
tlen következményeket,amelyeket ellenkezőesetben a termék nem megfelelőhulladékkezelése
l, segít megelőzni azokat, a környezetreés az emberiegészségre
okozhatna.Ha részletesebb tájékoztatásra van szüksége a termékújrahasznosítására vonatkozóan, kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba ahelyi önkormányzattal, a háztartási hulladékok kezelését végz
Symbol Nale elektronicznym. Wła
rodowisko naturalne oraz zdrowie. Aby uzyskaćszczegółowe dane dotyczące możliwości recyklingu niniejszegourządzenia, należy
Simbolul predat la punctulde colectare corespunz mod corectprodusul, ajuta consecin reciclarea acestui produs, v achizi
na produkcielub na opakowaniu oznacza,że tegoproduktu nie wolno traktowaćtak, jak innych odpadów domowych.
y oddaćgo do właściwego punktu skupu surowców wtórnych zajmującego sięzłomowanym sprzętem elektrycznym i
ciwa utylizacja i złomowanie pomaga w eliminacji niekorzystnego wpływu złomowanych produktów na
z lokalnym urzędem miasta, służbami oczyszczania miastalub sklepem, w którym produkt został zakupiony.
de pe produs sau de pe ambalaj indicăfaptul căprodusul nu trebuie aruncat împreunăcu gunoiul menajer. Trebuie
e care ar putea deriva din aruncarea necorespunzătoare a acestui produs. Pentru mai multe informaţii detaliate despre
ilaevitareapotenţialelor consecinţe negative pentru mediul înconjurătorşipentrusănătatea persoanelor,
rugămsăcontactaţi biroul local, serviciul pentru eliminarea deşeurilor sau magazinul de la care l-aţi
tor pentru reciclarea echipamentelor electriceşi electronice.Asigurându-văcăaţi eliminat în
szolgálattal vagy azzal a bolttal, ahol a terméket vásárolta.
Symbol toho ho treba odovzda bude zlikvidovaný správnym postupom, aby ste predišli negatívnym vplyvom na životné prostredie a
na výrobku alebo na jeho obale znamená, že s výrobkom sa nesmie zaobchádzaťako s domovým odpadom. Namiesto
v zbernom stredisku na recykláciu elektrických alebo elektronických zariadení. Zabezpečte, že tento výrobok
udské zdravie,čobybolo spôsobené nesprávnym postupom pri jeho likvidácii. Podrobnejšie informácie o recyklácii tohto výrobku získate, ak zavoláte miestny úrad vo Vašom bydlisku, zberné suroviny alebo obchod, v ktorom ste výrobok kúpili.
Simbol odpadki, Izdelek odpeljite na ustrenzo zbirno mesto za predelavo elektri S pravilnim na
na izdelku ali njegovi embalaži označuje, da z izdelkom ni dovoljeno ravnati kot z običajnimi gospodinjskimi
inom odstranjevanja izdelka boste pomagali prepreViti morebitne negativne posledice in vplive na okolje
ne in elektronske opreme.
in zdravje ljudi, ki bi se lahko pojavile v primeru nepravilnega odstranjevanja izdelka. Za podrobnejše informacije o odstranjevanju in predelavi izdelka se obrnite na pristojen mestni organ za odstranjevanje odpadkov, komunalno službo ali na trgovino, v kateri ste izdelek kupili.
Before using your microwave oven 4
Technical data 4
Safety instructions 5
Utensil safety 5 – Testing suitability of cookware 5 – Food safety 6
Installation 8
– Connecting to the mains 8
Oven utensils and accessories guide 9
Unpacking 7
How to operate your microwave oven 10
– Name and function of parts 10 – Turntable installation 10
Control panel 11 – Setting the clock 12 – Child safety lock 12 – To stop the oven 12 – Microwave cooking 13 – Microwave power setting guide 13 – Automaticdefrost 15
– Defrosting instructions using – Microwave hints 16 – Care and cleaning 17 – Cleaning the accessories (turntable and support) 17 – Cleaning the interior 17 – Cleaning the exterior 17
Guarantee conditions 18
Congratulations on the purchase of your new Microwave Oven
Thank you for having chosen a Electrolux product. We are convinced that you will find your new microwave oven very useful and that it will be of great help to you. As with all new kitchen appliances, it will take some time to learn all the new functions and features, but with time, this oven will become indispensable to you.
Read through the instruction manual carefully and ensure that you follow the recommendations given, these instructions have been prepared so that you get the best from your new Electrolux Microwave Oven. It is important that this instruction book is retained with the appliance for future reference. Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner, or if you move house and leave the appliance, always ensure that the book is supplied with the appliance so that the new owner can be acquainted with the functioning of the appliance and the relevant warnings.
Before using your Microwave Oven
Technical data
Overall dimension Weight 14 kg
Width 484 mm Depth 375 mm Height 285 mm
Cavity dimension Fuse 10 A
Width 323 mm Depth 304 mm Height 209 mm
Volume 21 Litre
Power source 230V, 50 Hz
Power consumption 1300W
Power output 800W
The built-in safety interlock switches prevent the
microwave oven from operating when the door is open.
Do not tamper with them, or attempt to operate
the oven with the door open as open door operation can result in exposure to microwave energy.
Do not allow food spills or cleaner residue to
accumulate on door sealing surfaces. See the Cleaning and Care section for cleaning instructions.
It is particularly important that the oven door
closes properly and that there is no damage to the: (1) door (warped), (2) hinges and latches (broken or insecure), (3) door seals and sealing surface.
WARNING : If the door,
hinges/latches or door seals are damaged, the microwave must not be operated until it has been repaired by a authorized service person.
WARNING : It is hazardous for
anyone except factory trained service personnel to service or make adjustments to this oven. Contact your nearest authorised service agent if service should be required.
Do not remove the outer case, door or control
panel at any time. Doing so may cause exposure to extremely high voltage.
Install or locate this oven only in accordance with
‘installation instructions’ found in this manual.
Use the appliance for its intended use as
described in this manual. Do not use corrosive chemicals in this appliance. This type of oven is specifically designed to heat, cook, or defrost food. It is not designed for industrial or laboratory use neither for commercial use as this will invalidate the guarantee.
Do not operate the oven empty. If food or water is
not present to absorb the microwave energy, the magnetron tube can be damaged.
Important Safety instructions.
Do not store this appliance outdoors. Do not use this product near water.
Do not attempt to dry clothing or newspapers in the microwave oven. These items can ignite.
Do not use the cavity for storage purposes. Do not leave paper products, cooking utensils, or food in the cavity when not in use.
The temperature of accessible surfaces may be high when the appliance is operating.
WARNING : If smoke is observed,
switch off or unplug the appliance and keep the door closed in order to stifle any flames. Never use water.
WARNING : Only allow children or
infirm persons to use the microwave, without supervision, when adequate instructions have been given so that the child or infirm person is able to use the microwave in a safe way and understand the hazards of improper use.
Utensil safety
Only use utensils that are suitable for use in a microwave oven.
Most glass, glass ceramic and heat-resistant glass-ware utensils are excellent for use in the micro-wave oven. Although microwave energy will not heat most glass and ceramic items, these utensils can become hot as heat transfers from the food to the container. The use of oven gloves to remove dishes is recommended.
Testing suitability of cookware
Utensils should be checked to ensure they are suitable for use in Microwave Ovens.
Place the cookware in the microwave along with a glass half full of water. Heat on (
for one minute. If the cookware feels hot, you should not use it. If it is just slightly warm, you can use it for reheating but not for cooking. If the dish is room temperature, it is suitable for microwave cooking.
) (max)
Paper napkins, wax paper, paper towels, plates, cups, cartons, freezer wrap and cardboard are great convenience utensils. Always be sure containers are filled with food to absorb energy and thus avoid the possibility of overheating or ignition.
Many plastic dishes, cups, freezer containers and plastic wraps may be used in the microwave oven. Follow manufacturer’s instructions when using plastics in the oven. Avoid using plastic utensils with foods that have high fat or sugar content since these foods reach high temperatures and could melt some plastics.
Do not leave oven unattended, and look at it from time to time when heating or cooking food in plastic, paper or other combustible containers.
Metal utensils and utensils with metallic trim should not be used in the microwave oven, unless specifically recommended for microwave use.
Containers with restricted openings, such as bottles, should not be used for microwave cooking.
Use caution when removing a lid or cover from a dish to avoid steam burns.
Foil containers
Shallow foil containers may safely be used to reheat foods in your microwave oven providing the following rules are observed:
1. Foil containers should not be more than 3 cms (1 1/4”) deep.
2. Foil lids must not be used.
3. The foil containers must be at least two-thirds full of food. Empty containers must never be used.
4. Foil containers should be used singly in the microwave oven and should not be allowed to touch the sides. If your oven has a metal turntable or cooking rack, the foil container should be placed on an upturned oven-proof plate.
5. Foil containers should never be re-used in the microwave oven.
6. If the microwave oven has been in use for 15 minutes or more, allow it to cool before using it again.
7. The container and turntable may become hot during use, take great care when removing either from the oven. It is advisable to use an oven cloth or glove when doing so.
8. Remember when using an aluminium foil container that the reheating or cooking times may be longer than you are used to, always ensure that the food is piping hot before serving.
Food safety
Do not heat food in a can in the microwave oven. Always remove the food to a suitable container.
Deep fat frying should not be done in the microwave oven, because the fat temperature cannot be controlled, hazardous situations can result.
Popcorn may be prepared in the microwave oven, but only in special packages or utensils designed specifically for this purpose. This cooking operation should never be unattended.
Pierce foods with non-porous skins or membranes to prevent steam build-up and bursting. Apples, potatoes, chicken livers, and egg yolks are examples of items that should be pierced.
The contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars are to be stirred or shaken and the temperature is to be checked before consumption, in order to avoid burns.
WARNING : Liquids or other foods
must not be heated in sealed containers since they are liable to explode.
WARNING : Microwave heating of
beverages can result in delayed eruptive boiling, therefore care must be taken when handling the container.
WARNING : When heating liquids,
e.g. soups, sauces and beverages in your microwave oven, overheating the liquid beyond boiling point can occur without evidence of bubbling. This could result in a sudden boil over of the hot liquid. To prevent this possibility the following steps should be taken:
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