AEG 8000012364 User Manual

Operating Instructions "UniVert 2" inverter and SBS option
AEG Power Supply Systems GmbH Department: PPSD TED Name: Gleitsmann/Schenuit Revision: 01 Date: 06.08.2008
Operating Instructions 8000012364 BAL, en
"UniVert 2" inverter
Notes on these Operating Instructions
Duty to Provide Information
These operating instructions must be read carefully by all persons working with or on the inverter system prior to installation and initial start-up.
These operating instructions are a composite part of the inverter system.
The operator of this unit is obliged to make these operating instructions available to all personnel transporting or starting up units, or performing maintenance or any other work on the unit.
These operating instructions comply with the current technical specifications of the inverter system at the time of publication. The contents do not constitute a subject matter of the contract, but serve for information purposes only.
AEG reserves the right to make modifications with regard to contents and technical data in these operating instructions without prior notification. AEG cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies or inapplicable information in these operating instructions, as no obligation to continuously update the data and maintain their validity has been entered into.
Our goods and services are subject to the general conditions of supply for products of the electrical industry, and our general sales conditions. We reserve the right to alter any specifications given in these operating instructions, especially with regard to technical data, operation, dimensions and weights. Claims in connection with supplied goods must be submitted within one week of receipt, along with the packing slip. Subsequent claims cannot be considered.
AEG will rescind all obligations such as warranty agreements, service contracts, etc. entered into by AEG or its representatives without prior notice in the event of maintenance and repair work being carried out with anything other than original AEG parts or spare parts purchased by AEG.
These operating instructions are structured so that all work necessary for start-up, maintenance and repair of the units can be performed by qualified personnel.
Illustrations are provided to clarify and facilitate certain steps. If danger to personnel and equipment cannot be ruled out in the event
of certain work, it is highlighted accordingly by pictograms explained in chapter 1, Safety Instructions.
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"UniVert 2" inverter
The following abbreviations are used in these instructions: INV = Inverter SBS = Static Bypass Switch DOU = Display and Operation Unit SMPS = Switch Mode Power Supply PSM = Power Supply Monitoring
Do you have any suggestions for improving these operating instructions?
Do you have any questions on any of the subjects dealt with in these operating instructions?
Our service department is available on the hotline number given below:
AEG Power Supply Systems GmbH
Emil-Siepmann-Straße 32 D-59581 Warstein Germany
++49 (0) 29 02-763-100
FAX: ++49 (0) 29 02-763-645 E-mail: Service-Be.AEG@powersupplysystems
No part of these operating instructions may be transmitted, reproduced and/or copied by any electronic or mechanical means without the express prior written permission of AEG Power Supply Systems GmbH.
© Copyright AEG Power Supply Systems GmbH 2003. All rights reserved.
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"UniVert 2" inverter
Table of Contents
Notes on these Operating Instructions ...........................................2
1 Safety Instructions!................................................................6
1.1 Important Instructions and Explanations..................................6
1.2 Accident Prevention Regulations.............................................6
1.3 Danger during Maintenance and Repair Work.........................7
1.4 Qualified Personnel..................................................................7
1.5 Safety Awareness....................................................................8
1.6 Application ...............................................................................8
1.7 Liability.....................................................................................9
1.8 Directives .................................................................................9
2 General Information.............................................................10
2.1 System Description................................................................10
2.2 Function of the System .......................................................... 11
2.3 Description of the INV............................................................13
2.4 Principle of Operation of the INV, Electrical...........................14
2.5 Description of the SBS...........................................................15
2.6 Principle of Operation of the SBS, Electrical.......................... 16
3 Function of the Inverter.......................................................17
3.1 DC Input.................................................................................17
3.2 AC Output ..............................................................................17
3.3 DC Input Monitoring System..................................................17
3.4 Temperature Monitoring System............................................17
3.5 Output Voltage Monitoring System ........................................17
3.6 Monitoring of Functions..........................................................17
3.7 ON/OFF Switch......................................................................18
3.8 CAN Bus Interfaces X6 / X7...................................................18
3.9 DIL Switch..............................................................................18
3.10 Signalling, Displays and Remote Signals...............................20
4 Function of the SBS (optional) ...........................................21
4.1 Operating Statuses ................................................................21
4.2 Switchback Attempts..............................................................21
4.3 AC Mains Input (X1)...............................................................22
4.4 AC Busbar (X2)......................................................................22
4.5 AC Mains Monitoring System.................................................22
4.6 AC Busbar Monitoring System...............................................22
4.7 Temperature Monitoring System............................................22
4.8 Monitoring of Functions..........................................................22
4.9 Reset Button ..........................................................................22
4.10 CAN Bus Interfaces (X6, X7) .................................................23
4.11 DIL Switch..............................................................................23
4.12 Signalling, Displays and Remote Signals (X4).......................24
4.13 Operating modes ...................................................................25
5 Start-Up.................................................................................27
5.1 Installation..............................................................................27
5.2 Connection.............................................................................27
5.3 Connecting the Loads / DC / Mains .......................................27
5.4 Disconnection ........................................................................28
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"UniVert 2" inverter
6 Maintenance .........................................................................29
7 Troubleshooting...................................................................30
7.1 No Output Voltage or Output Current Present
(with connected load).............................................................30
7.2 Output Voltage Deviation.......................................................30
8 Technical Data......................................................................31
8.1 General Data INV...................................................................31
8.2 General Data SBS..................................................................33
8.3 Electrical Data........................................................................36
9 Dimensional Drawing...........................................................40
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"UniVert 2" inverter
1 Safety Instructions!
1.1 Important Instructions and Explanations
The instructions for operation and maintenance, as well as the following safety regulations must be complied with to ensure the safety of personnel as well as the availability of the unit. All personnel installing/dismantling, starting up, operating or servicing the unit must be familiar with and observe these safety regulations. Only qualified personnel may perform the described work using tools, equipment, test equipment and materials intended for the purpose and in perfect working condition. Important instructions are highlighted by "CAUTION:",
"ATTENTION:", "NOTE:" and indented text.
This symbol identifies all working and operational procedures requiring absolute compliance to avoid any danger to personnel.
ATTENTION: This symbol identifies all working and operational procedures requiring absolute compliance to prevent any damage, irreparable or otherwise, to the INV or its components.
NOTE: This symbol identifies technical requirements and additional
information requiring the operator's attention.
1.2 Accident Prevention Regulations
Compliance with the accident prevention regulations valid in the respective country of use and the general safety regulations in accordance with IEC 364 is mandatory.
The following safety regulations must be observed prior to any work on the inverter system:
disconnect the power supply,
secure against reactivation,
verify that the unit is disconnected from the power supply,
earth and short-circuit the unit,
cover or isolate any neighbouring live parts.
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"UniVert 2" inverter
1.3 Danger during Maintenance and Repair Work
The voltages applied to the INV can be fatal. Prior to start-up and/or maintenance work always disconnect the INV from the power supply and ensure that the unit cannot be switched on. The capacitors must be discharged. Free-standing and movable components can protrude into the work area and cause injuries.
ATTENTION: Considerable damage can be caused to equipment if unsuitable replacement parts are used during repair work, if work is carried out by unauthorised personnel, or the safety regulations are not observed.
NOTE: Only trained and qualified personnel may work on or in the vicinity
of the INV (refer to chapter 1.4) while strictly observing the safety regulations.
1.4 Qualified Personnel
The inverter system may only be transported, installed, connected, started up, serviced and operated by qualified personnel who are familiar with the pertinent safety and installation regulations. All work performed must be inspected by responsible experts.
The qualified personnel must be authorised by the responsible safety officer of the installation to perform the work required.
Qualified personnel is defined as personnel
having completed training and gained experience in the respective
familiar with the pertinent standards, rules and regulations and
accident prevention regulations,
having received instruction on the mode of operation and operating
conditions of the inverter system,
capable of recognising and preventing dangers.
Regulations and definitions for qualified personnel can be found in DIN 57105/VDE 0105, Part 1.
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"UniVert 2" inverter
1.5 Safety Awareness
The qualified personnel defined in chapter 1.4 are responsible for safety. They are also responsible for ensuring that only suitably qualified persons are permitted access to the INV system or the safety area.
The following points must be observed: All working procedures are prohibited which are detrimental to the
safety of persons and the function of the INV system in any way. The INV system may only be operated in perfect working condition. Never remove or render inoperable any safety devices. All necessary operational measures must be initiated prior to
deactivating any safety device for performing maintenance, repair or any other work on the unit.
Safety awareness also entails informing colleagues of any unsuitable behaviour and reporting any faults detected to the respective authority or person.
1.6 Application
The INV system has been designed for installation in a power supply cabinet and may only be used for uninterrupted power supply in the described installation position and operating mode while observing the maximum permissible connection values as given in these operating instructions. The unit may only be used for this intended purpose. It is not permitted to make any unauthorised modifications to the INV or to use any spare parts and replacement parts not approved by AEG SVS or to use the INV system for any other purpose.
The person responsible for the installation must ensure that:
the safety regulations and operating instructions are readily
available and are complied with,
the operating conditions and technical data are observed,
safety devices are used,
the prescribed maintenance work is performed,
the maintenance personnel is informed without delay or that the
INV system is shut down immediately in the event of abnormal voltages or noise, high temperatures, vibrations or any similar effects, in order to detect the cause.
These operating instructions contain all information required by qualified personnel for operation of the INV system. Additional information and explanations for unqualified persons and for the use of the INV system in non-industrial applications is not included in these operating instructions.
The warranty obligations of the manufacturer are only applicable if these operating instructions are observed and complied with.
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1.7 Liability
1.8 Directives
"UniVert 2" inverter
No liability is accepted if the inverter system is used for applications not intended by the manufacturer. Any measures necessary for the prevention of injury, or damage to equipment is the responsibility of the operator or user. In the event of any claims in connection with the unit, please contact us quoting:
type designation,
works number,
reason for claim,
period of use,
ambient conditions,
operating mode.
The units comply with current DIN and VDE regulations. VBG4 is met on the basis of compliance with VDE 0106 Part 100.
The requirements of VDE 0100 Part 410, "Functional extra-low voltage with safe isolation", are complied with when applicable.
The CE sign on the unit confirms compliance with the EC outline directives for 73/23 EEC – Low voltage and for 89/336 EEC – Electromagnetic compatibility if the installation and start-up instructions described in the operating instructions are observed!
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"UniVert 2" inverter
2 General Information
2.1 System Description
Depending on the system design, the following versions of safe AC power supply are possible (Figure 1):
Individual INV operation
Parallel operation of several INVs
Individual or parallel operation with SBS
C load
Bus termination
Individual operation
Parallel operation
C load
CAN bus
Bus termination
C mains
CAN bus
Bus termination
Figure 1 Block diagrams of various systems
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Parallel operation with SBS
Man. bypass
C load
"UniVert 2" inverter
Individual INV operation:
Here an INV is supplied with DC and itself supplies the AC load. In the event of INV fault or switch-off, the load is no longer supplied.
Parallel INV operation:
In order to increase redundancy or performance, up to 8 INVs of the same type and the same output can be connected in parallel. Note that if one or several of the INVs fail, the remaining INVs take over the load. Overload of the remaining INVs can be prevented by choosing the right number of redundant INVs. If the number of INVs that fail or are switched off exceeds the number of available redundant INVs, the remaining INVs switch off together. When the INVs are switched back on by connecting the DC, they do not switch on their output contactors at the same time until a sufficient number of INVs (in accordance with the redundancy setting) are available to take over the load. INVs for parallel operation need a choke between INV output and busbar.
Individual or parallel operation with SBS:
If one or more INVs are combined with an SPS, switchover of the loads from the mains to the INV and vice versa is possible without any interruption. With parallel operation systems, the load is distributed to the remaining INVs if one or several INVs fail. The system may switch over to the mains when a voltage drop occurs on the load busbar as a result of the failure of one INV, or if the number of INVs still operating is insufficient (redundancy setting). In order to switch the load back from the mains to the INVs, n-R INVs must be in operation (where R = redundant INVs).
2.2 Function of the System
Individual INV operation:
The INV as an individual unit supplies the loads. If it is switched off or disturbed, either by internal faults of the INV or by failure of the DC supply or by a DC voltage deviation, the AC loads are no longer supplied. The INV is not synchronised with the mains or other AC voltage sources. The INV can be connected to the DC voltage using a switching device on the input (miniature circuit-breaker, contactor). An internal softstart device limits the current to values below the rated current. If the INV is switched to the DC, the control unit starts operating. The INV supplies the output voltage if the unit is additionally switched on using the ON/OFF switch. If the supplying mains fails, the battery of the power supply system is discharged (also) by the INV. When the DC undervoltage monitoring value is reached, the INV is switched off. If the battery is charged after the mains voltage has returned, the INV is automatically started when a limit value of the DC undervoltage monitoring is exceeded.
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"UniVert 2" inverter
Parallel INV operation:
Prerequisite for parallel operation is that the INVs on the DC and AC side are connected in parallel, interconnected via CAN bus (16-pin, X7) and correctly addressed. The general behaviour of an individual INV is as described in the previous paragraph. The loads are only supplied with voltage when n-R INVs are switched on. The K7 output contactors of the INVs switch on simultaneously. The load is distributed equally to all the INVs in operation. If an INV is switched off or becomes faulty, the remaining INVs supply the load. The INVs are not synchronised with the mains. When the DC undervoltage monitoring value is reached, the INVs are switched off. If the battery is charged after the mains voltage has returned, the INVs are automatically started when a limit value of the DC undervoltage monitoring is exceeded. The K7 output contactors of the INVs are switched on when n-R INVs are in operation. In order to be able to remove one INV from the interconnected system for maintenance or repair work, we recommend providing a DC and an AC fuse for each INV.
Individual or parallel operation with SBS:
Prerequisite for operation with SBS is that the INV and SBS are connected in parallel on the AC side, interconnected via CAN bus (X7) and correctly addressed. The general behaviour of an individual INV is as described in the two previous paragraphs. Under normal conditions, the INVs are operating synchronously with the mains and supply the AC loads. In the event of a voltage drop on the load busbar caused by the short circuit of an AC load or the failure, switch-off or overload of the INVs, the thyristor contactor of the SBS is fired and the K7 output contactors of the INVs are switched off. The loads are supplied by the mains. When the required number of INVs is available again, the loads are switched back from the mains to the INVs without interruption. If the SBS is blocked, e.g. because of mains voltage deviations, it is not possible to switch from INV to mains or vice versa. In order to be able to disconnect the SBS from the mains and the AC busbar for maintenance or repair work, we recommend providing an AC fuse for both sides and supply the loads via the manual bypass.
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"UniVert 2" inverter
2.3 Description of the INV
Its electronic high-performance components make the INV suitable for universal applications. It has a very high degree of operational reliability, optimum efficiency and excellent communication capability with other systems thanks to integrated interfaces.
The control electronics of the INV have been designed on the basis of state-of-the-art microcontroller technology. By using parameters in the software, the main unit characteristics are determined.
Softstart DC filter INV set Transform.AC filter
Control unit
U = 231V
I = 10.3A
Figure 2 Block diagram of the inverter
The main assemblies of the INV are (Figure 2):
DC filter
INV set
AC filter
INV output contactor
Control unit
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