facial hair growth occurs.
To prevent unwanted hair growth on other parts of the body make sure that you limit the application of Spectral DNC® only to the scalp,
wash your hands with soap and water immediately after use, and allow the lotion to dry completely before going to bed.
SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Apply 14 sprays directly in the area of hair loss and thinning hair, twice per day. Hold the localized spray close
to the scalp to avoid getting the medication on the hair. Massage the lotion into the scalp. Do not rinse.
Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after use. Spectral DNC® should be applied whether your hair has been washed or
If the medication is applied excessively, no more rapid or better results will be obtained and this will increase the chances of side
60 ml
Spectral DNC® is a medication containing 5% Minoxidil and Aminexil SP94. This formulation uses tiny micro spheres called nanosomes
that are used to encapsulate the active ingredients in a lotion compound. Other compounds are used to enhance the action of Minoxidil
and Aminexil; these compounds are Retinol, Triclosan, and Piroctone Olamine. Other components of this formulation are puried water,
Ivy nanosomes, Hops nanosomes, Capsicum nanosomes, Ethanol, Vitamin and Mineral Complex, Propyleneglycol, and Methyl Paraben.
Spectral DNC® is a medication containing 5% Minoxidil and Aminexil SP94. This formulation uses tiny micro spheres called nanosomes
that are used to encapsulate the active ingredients in a lotion compound. Other compounds are used to enhance the action of Minoxidil
and Aminexil; these compounds are Retinol, Procyanidin B-1 and C-2, Adenosine, and Piroctone Olamine. Other components of this
formulation are puried water, I vy nanosomes, Hops nanosomes, Capsicum nanosomes, Ethanol, Vitamin and Mineral Complex,
Propyleneglycol, and Methyl Paraben.
The addition of Procyanidin B-1 and C-2 and Adenosine nanosomes to this formulation is a recent modication and has allowed a
further enhancement of eectiveness and rapidness of results.
Spectral DNC® is the newest compound developed in the ght against hair loss and has several unique advantages over other hair loss
medications. Spectral DNC® works faster and better than medications containing only Minoxidil with similar tolerability and side eects.
Spectral DNC® allows patients to re-grow normally thick and healthy hair and may work for patients who previously did not respond to
Minoxidil treatment. This medication is intended for both the crown of the scalp and frontal baldness (receding hairline).
When applied topically, Minoxidil topical solution has been shown to stimulate hair growth in individuals with alopecia androgenetica
(male pattern baldness) and hair loss occurring on the crown of the scalp. Although the exact mechanism of action of Minoxidil in the
treatment of alopecia androgenetica is not known, there may be more than one mechanism by which Minoxidil stimulates hair growth;
they include: direct stimulation of the hair follicle cells to enter into a proliferative phase: resting phase (telogen) follicles being
stimulated to pass into active phase (anagen) follicles; alteration of the eect of androgens on genetically predetermined hair follicles.
Minoxidil may aect the androgen metabolism in the scalp by inhibiting the capacity of androgens to aect the hair follicles. Following
topical application of Minoxidil topical solution, Minoxidil is poorly absorbed from normal intact skin, with an average of 1.4% (range 0.3
to 4.5%) of the total applied dose reaching the systemic circulation. The use of nanosomes as the carrier agent in Spectral DNC®
increases the absorption and eectiveness of Minoxidil.
Aminexil has been shown to increase hair density and hair growth by preventing perifollicular brosis. Perifollicular Fibrosis is a
condition that accompanies all alopecia whereby the collagen around the hair root becomes rigid and tightens, pushing the root to the
surface and causing premature hair loss. The use of nanosomes as the carrier agent in Spectral DNC® increases the absorption and
eectiveness of Aminexil.
This formulation is contraindicated in individuals with a history of sensitivity reactions to any of its components. It should be
discontinued if hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients is noted.
- As with all topical hair loss medications, it is important to start treatment early. Since the treatment works by revitalizing hair follicles,
that have been dormant for many years will not respond as well as follicles that just recently became compromised.
- Spectral DNC® will not prevent or improve hair loss which may occur with the use of some medications, hypothyrodism, chemotherapy,
diseases which cause scarring of the scalp.
- For best results with Spectral DNC®, apply the medicine directly to the scalp twice a day, every day, without skipping applications.
- In some patients, Spectral DNC® may cause scalp irritation. If scalp irritation continues or worsens stop use and see a doctor.
- Results may occur at 2 months with twice a day usage. For some men, you may need to use this product for at least 3 months before
see results. Hair grows at a rate of 1 – 2 cm per month and therefore it will take time to see results.
- When you rst begin to use Spectral DNC® your hair loss may increase temporarily for up to 2 weeks. This temporarily increase in hair
indicates that you are shedding old hairs to begin growing new hairs. If the increase in hair loss continues after 2 weeks, discontinue
and see your doctor.
- If your hair loss or thinning hair is due to hereditary male pattern baldness, continued use of Spectral DNC® is necessary or the hair loss
begin again. If your hair loss is cased by other factors then it may be possible to completely discontinue treatment and maintain the
grown hair.
- Allow time for Spectral DNC® to completely dry before bedtime to prevent smearing on the pillow and transferring the medication to
the face
to prevent unwanted facial hair growth.
- Apply 1 ml (10 sprays) with applicator 2 times a day directly on to the scalp in areas of hair loss and thinning hair. Using less will reduce
the eectiveness of the treatment.
- If you miss a does of Spectral DNC® do not try to make up for it by applying multiple doses the next day. Just return to your normal
- Spectral DNC® should not be used by people under 18 years of age.
Spectral DNC contains strong vasodilator compounds increasing the absorption of Minoxidil and some people may experience a higher
sensitivity to Minoxidil side eects. You should not use Spec tral DNC if you have low blood pressure or are taking blood pressure
lowering medications. People with heart failure or signicant coronary heart disease should avoid Spectral DNC® because of these side
The most common side eects are redness and irritation of the scalp.
Pregnancy: Spectral DNC® should not be used in pregnancy and by nursing women.
Stop use and consult a doctor if sudden unexplained weight gain occurs, your hands or feet swell, or if unwanted
Q: Is Spectral DNC® safe?
A: Spectral DNC® contains herbal extracts and vitamins which are known for their safety especially in topical use. The other active
ingredients such as Minoxidil and Aminexil have been tested in clinical studies and have been shown safe. Minoxidil has been on the
market for nearly 20 years and used by millions of people with extremely low incidence of side eects. You should not use Spectral
DNC if you are suering from low or high blood pressure or have heart problems.
Q: Is a higher concentration of Minoxidil more eective?
A: Minoxidil has been shown to be more eective at higher doses - Minoxidil 5% has been shown to be more eective then Minoxidil
2%. However, beyond the 5% threshold applying more does not seem to improve the results while the chance of side eects is
dramatically increased.
Q: Can I use hair sprays, mousses, gels, etc.?
A: Hair spray, gel, and other styling aids are not recommended since they tend to clog the hair shaft. However if you insist on using
styling aids then you should apply Spectral DNC® rst and wait for it to dry completely before applying styling aids.
Q: Can I have my hair colored or permed while using Spectral DNC®?
A: While there is no evidence that coloring or perming hair or use of hair relaxers can aect hair loss, it is generally not recommended
for people with hair loss. If you are experiencing hair loss then perming and coloring hair is not recommended. However, if you insist
on using these treatments then they will not interfere with Spectral DNC.
Q: Is stress a factor in hair loss?
A: When the body is under signicant physical and emotional stress it is possible that the immune system will produce anti-bodies
that attack hair follicles and this results in bald patches or diuse loss. Stress-induced loss will respond very well to Spectral DNC® and
generally you can discontinue treatment and keep the hair that you grew.
Q: Can I go swimming or get my hair wet?
A: You should avoid washing o Spectral DNC® after it has been applied. You should avoid washing o SpectraI DMC for at least 3
hours after application. If you plan on swimming it is recommended to apply Spectral DNC® immediately after swimming on dry scalp
or wait at least 3 hours after application.
Q: Does the treatment reduce sex drive?
A: Just the opposite is likely true. Unlike oral hair loss treatments such as Propecia, Spectral DNC® will not aect your sex drive. Pzer
has applied to the FDA to use Minoxidil to spray on the penis to improve erection. The other ingredients in Spectral DNC® ( Vitamin
Complex and Herbal Extracts) can only enhance sexual function. It is not well know how Aminexil can impact sex drive, however,
Aminexil has not shown any side eects in clinical studies.
Q: What can I do about the aking I’ve noticed since I started using Spectral DNC®?
A: Occasionally users will notice aking with Spectral DNC® (only about 5% of users will experience aking or scalp irritation). Since
Spectral DNC® contains Retinol, the aking may be due to increased skin cell turnover induced by that agent. If irritation persists after
several weeks of use then you should discontinue your treatment with Spectral DNC®.
Q: What is DHT?
A: Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is believed to be the cause of male pattern baldness. DHT is formed from testosterone when
testosterone comes into contact with oil glands in the hair follicles. DHT gets in to the hair follicles and shrinks them. At the same time,
it makes the protective membrane of the scalp thicken, restricting blood ow to the capillaries. This gradually causes hair loss.
Q: Can I blow dry my hair after using Spectral DNC®?
A: You should apply Spectral DNC® after blow drying. Blow drying can cause some of the solution to evaporate and is not
Q: What type of results should I expect?
A: You should be able to take control of your hair loss in about 2 weeks and start growing new hair within three months of use. If you
have small patches of baldness you should see signicant results. It can take up to 6 months of use to see re-growth if you have an
advanced stage of hair loss. It is also possible that the treatment will not work at all for users who have been bald for more then 15
years with advanced stages of hair loss.
Q: What side eects are there to using Spectral DNC®?
A: Most of the side eects in Spectral DNC® are due to the use of Minoxidil 5% and are very similar to side eects reported by users of
regular Minoxidil containing medications. In some people this can be a simple irritation, in others it can be an allergic reaction. A small
percentage of people experience dizziness and/or shortness of breath. These eects occur because Minoxidil can lower blood
Q: What should I do if I experience side eects of Spectral DNC®?
A: If you experience itching and aking then try applying less Spectral DNC®. You should try to gradually increase until you reach the
normal dosage once the aking or itching goes away. If you experience dizziness or shortness of breath, consult your doctor. Minoxidil
can cause your blood pressure to drop and you should have your blood pressure checked to see if you have low blood pressure. You
should not use Spectral DNC® if you have low blood pressure.
Q: How eective is Spectral DNC®?
A: Spectral DNC® is signicantly more eective then any other topical hair loss treatment. Many users who did not respond to other
medications containing Minoxidil will respond to Spectral DNC® and have a much bigger chance of growing normally thick and
healthy hair. You can expect dramatic results from your Spectral DNC® treatment.
Q: Who is the ideal candidate for Spectral DNC®?
A: The ideal Spectral DNC® candidate is someone with little hair loss or at the beginning stages of hair loss. It is much easier to prevent
hair loss then to grow new hair. If you have a large bald spot for longer then 15 years then Spectral DNC® may not work.
Q: What can I reasonably expect from Spectral DNC®?
A: When deciding to use Spectral DNC®, it is important to have realistic expectations. Hair grows at a rate of approximately 1 – 2 cm
per month and you will not see immediate hair growth. In fact, during the rst 2 weeks of treatment you may actually notice increased
hair loss as old hairs are being pushed out and the hair follicles start growing new hair. Do not become alarmed with this and just stick
to the treatment.
Q: When should I expect to see results from Spectral DNC®?
A: The response to treatment is dierent for every individual. However, you can expect to completely inhibit hair loss within just 2 -3
weeks of use and start seeing new hairs after approximately 2 months of use. You will at rst see "fuzz" hairs that are light in color,
these hairs will eventually become normal hair. Full hairs may be seen to grow as early as 4 months into treatment, although the full
eect is usually achieved between 8 and 12 months. After that point, as long as Spectral DNC® is used properly the hair can usually be
maintained indenitely.
Q: Can I use Spectral DNC® once per day instead of twice?
A: For Spectral DNC® to be used eectively, it must be used twice per day, preferably morning and before bedtime. Some people nd
that after a year or two they can use Spectral DNC® only once a day to maintain what they have.
Q: Can I skip a treatment or two of Spectral DNC®?
A: Yes. You can occasionally skip treatments for one or several days without reducing eectiveness. If you miss an application, do not
increase your dose the next day to make up for it. Simply continue with the normal treatment schedule.
Q: How long can I stop using Spectral DNC® without loosing hair?
A: Once you restore normal hair growth, it is possible to interrupt the treatment for 1 - 2 weeks at a time without shedding. However, it
is best to continuously use Spectral DNC® to maintain normally strong and healthy hair.
Q: What is DS Laboratories nanosome technology?
A: DS Laboratories nanosome technology encapsulates the active ingredients in microcapsules that are hundreds of times smaller
then human cells. The outer layer of the microcapsules is formed from a material similar to the skin. These microcapsules reach much
deeper into the epidermis tissue then standard carrier agents and therefore boost the eectiveness of all active ingredients.
Q: What shampoo should I use?
A: We recommend using Nizoral AD shampoo several times per week to further boost your results with Spectral DNC®, especially if you
are suering from dandru or seborrhea. Seborrheic dermatitis has been shown to play a role in hair loss. If you do not have dandru
then you should just use a mild shampoo like Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo. It is best to wash your hair every day to keep the
scalp clean at all times.
Q: Does Spectral DNC® work on a receding hair line or is it only eective on the crown of the scalp?
A: Unlike other topical treatments, Spectral DNC® can help re-grow hair on the frontal hair line as well as on the crown. Most users are
able to re-grow and maintain normally strong and healthy hair on the entire scalp.
Q: What is the dierence between Rogaine®* and Spectral DNC®?
A: Rogaine® is a 5% Minoxidil solution approved by the FDA as a treatment for hair loss. Rogaine® does not contain any other active
ingredients. Spectral DNC® uses the highest quality research grade Minoxidil combined with Aminexil - the only other compound
clinically proven to re-grow hair. Spectral DNC® also contains Retinol, a Vitamin & Mineral complex, and highest purity herbal extracts.
All the active ingredients are encapsulated in DS Laboratories nanosomes. In short, Spectral DNC® is signicantly more eective and
provides rapid and dramatic results even in users who did not respond to Rogaine®. Spectral DNC® is the world's most eective topical
hair loss treatment medication.