ACTi Media Management Server User’s Manual
Table of Contents
A. Login/ Logout .............................................................................................3
B. Camera/ Server Setting .............................................................................4
C. Media Playlist Setting ...............................................................................7
D. TV Box Setting .........................................................................................13

ACTi Media Management Server User’s Manual
A. Login/ Logout
System Login
Open the service main page and enter the account and password.
Default Account and password is: admin / 123456
System logout
Click on the button that is on the top of right

ACTi Media Management Server User’s Manual
B. Camera/ Server Setting
First, you need to add a server. Click on “MGB management” from the left menu
panel, and then click “Add a server”.
Then you have to fill out the information of this MGB server.
Server Name: Please define the name you need
Server IP: Fill out the correct server IP
Server Port: default 9005

ACTi Media Management Server User’s Manual
After the above setting, the server will appear on the list.
Click the server item and then click “Add new device”. You can either add a camera
capturing video or a metadata camera recognizing age/ gender.
Take VMGB-100 as an example.