This manual is intended for End Users who actually execute security tasks such as monitoring
activities, patrolling secured zones, searching video data and managing alarms with use of
NVR surveillance system. The reader is expected to own not only the basic operation skills but
permissions to access major functionalities, as the access rights are based upon different user
roles defined by the System Administrators.
Content Overview
This manual provides information needed for monitoring the whole system and playback
recordings. Its content consists of the following sections:
NVR User Interface Overview gives you a glance of the user interface components and
module functions.
Live View introduces the methods to add your desired channels and arrange your
customized live view layout on live view screen.
Monitoring provides guidance on how to read the system alerts and status, do live view
PTZ operations, take a snapshot and execute manual recording.
Playback gives instructions on how to perform synchronized playback and export files
from NVR server system.
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
Related Documentation
Since this manual focuses on operation instructions for live view operations, playback, search
video and export files from NVR server, there is very limited information about system
installation and configurations for System Administrator. System Administrators and End Users who would like to obtain the instructions on NVR system setup, please acquire the
latest GNR-3000 Administrator’s Manual from
Technical Support
For technical support or feedback, please contact our engineers via our Customer Help Desk
platform at
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
Important Notice
The content within this box is a tip. A tip gives you an alternative method to easily or quickly
achieve an objective, usually for specific conditions.
The content within this box is an important notice. This notice is important for you to get
certain function to work properly, or to prevent from certain potential problems that may damage
your system. Make sure you read this notice and follow the instructions.
The content within this box is a note. A note is some necessary information you need to know
about the action you are currently taking, like what will happen after you follow or don’t follow
certain procedure.
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following are typographic conventions used in this manual:
Bold indicates keywords, major functions of NVR, or a title of a section/column.
Italic is used for a filename or location path.
Underlined is used for a document name or hyperlink.
“Bold” indicates the name of a button, a menu or a choice item.
Some notices are placed within the following boxes; each type of the box indicates different
purposes or levels of importance for system:
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
Legal Notice
The information contained in this document is intended for general information purposes.
ACTi Corporation shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or
consequential damages arising from the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
The English version of this document is the official one for all purpose. All the translated
versions are provided as a convenience. Any discrepancies or differences created in the
translations of any other languages are not legally binding.
Server / Client Architecture ................................................................. 10
4 Log In to the System 11
Access the NVR Server via NVR3 Workstation ..................................... 11
Local Workstation Client Login ..................................................... 12
A. Enter Account & Password 12
B. Choose the Initial Page 12
C. Language 12
D. Remember Login Information and Auto Login 12
E. Retrieve the User Password 13
A. Server IP & Server Port 13
B. Enter Account & Password 13
C. Choose the Initial Page 13
D. Language 14
E. Remember Login Information and Auto Login 14
F. Retrieve the User Password 14
G. Server Name/Server Sites List 14
Change User Profile ............................................................................. 16
Access the NVR Server via Internet Explorer ....................................... 17
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
Accept ActiveX Controls Installation Requests 17
Log in Failure Troubleshooting ..................................................... 17
Condition 1: Why can’t I access NVR server via web browser?17
Condition 2: Why can’t I install Active X controls after logging in?19
Take a Snapshot of the Playback View ................................................ 58
Export the Recordings ......................................................................... 59
Define the Section of Exported Video on Time Bar ...................... 59
Set the Export Video Settings ...................................................... 60
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
Microsoft ® Windows Embedded
Standard 7 Professional
NVR 3.0
NVR 3.0
Product Overview
GNR-3000 is a compact and reliable multi-channel standalone NVR. It contains a pre-installed
Windows operating system, and ACTi NVR 3.0 video management software along with client
This unit is composed of:
A PC, with Microsoft ® Windows Embedded Standard 7 Professional operating system
NVR 3.0 Server System
A video management software that allows this PC to become a server, where the system
administrator performs the administrative tasks and NVR server services (event handling,
schedule recording, media streaming, etc) take place.
NVR 3.0 Client Application
The dedicated client application of NVR3 system - NVR3 Workstation, allowing the user to
directly access NVR3 interface. A remote client can also access this system via network.
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
Server / Client Architecture
NVR 3.0 is a typical web-based server/client system. In a video surveillance system
architecture, the Server serves as a video management service provider, aimed to run 24/7
offering non-stop services for clients. A Client makes requests of monitoring video streams or
playback recordings to Server, which can reside on the same computer with server program
(as from local) or on another computer (as from remote). Server starts automatically as soon
as the Server computer (where it is installed) boots up, and operates in the background
without requiring login by administrator. It would provide services over the TCP/IP network to
multiple Clients upon request through HTTP Protocol.
There are two types of Clients in NVR 3.0 system: Web Client and Workstation Client. A
user, connecting from whether web browser or workstation, will enjoy the same user interface
and NVR functions.
Web Client: the web version of interface to access NVR server without need of installing any
client program to become a client. Logging in the NVR server is as simple as visiting a
website through IE browser.
Workstation Client: the client application making accessing NVR server free from the use
of browser .The workstation includes a set of programs that provide interface between users
and the NVR server.
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
Log In to the System
Access the NVR Server via NVR3 Workstation
NVR3 Workstation includes a set of programs that provide the interface between users and the
NVR server. It may be installed in the NVR server, or in the remote client computer that
connects to the NVR server via network. For the local client of the NVR server, NVR3
Workstation will start automatically after you login to Windows; for the remote client, please
double-click the shortcut icon on your desktop to execute this workstation application.
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
Local Workstation Client Login
Local Workstation Client refers to the user who runs NVR3 Workstation on the NVR server to log in to the NVR system. The login process is described as follows.
A. Enter Account & Password
Account (non case-sensitive)
Admin (default)
Password (case-sensitive)
B. Choose the Initial Page
The user interface consists of three main
module screens, Live View, Playback
and Setup. You may choose one where
you would like to
enter after login.
Default is Live
View screen.
C. Language
Choose a UI language from the dropdown list.
D. Remember Login Information and Auto Login
To have NVR3 Workstation remember the Account, Password,
Initial Page and UI Language, simply check “Remember login info”. Click “Don’t Remember” will clear your input text and reset to default.
If the NVR server or remote client computer may be accessed by
someone else, you might consider not using this function.
To automatically login to the NVR system, please check both
“Remember login info” and“Auto Login” to skip the Login page. If
the NVR server or remote client computer may be accessed by
someone else, you might consider not to use this function.
To cancel auto-login, on title bar, click “Logout” to return to
login page, and this function will be cancelled.
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
The email address input in Forgot
Password window should match
the one under your User account
saved in the NVR server.
E. Retrieve the User Password
The NVR server can send the password of the User’s account to the saved email address. To
have users be able to use this service, please make sure (1) the SMTP settings have been
configured and (2) a valid email address has previously been saved in Setup page Users
tab User list.
Remote Workstation Client Login
Remote Workstation Client refers to the user who runs NVR3 Workstation on a computer
rather than the NVR server, and tries to reach the NVR server via network. The login process
is described as follows.
A. Server IP & Server Port
In Server IP field, please input the LAN or
WAN IP address of the NVR server.
In Server Port field, key in the port number.
The default value is 80.
B. Enter Account & Password
Account (non case-sensitive)
Admin (default)
Password (case-sensitive)
C. Choose the Initial Page
The user interface consists of three main module screens, Live
View, Playback and Setup. You may choose one where you would like to enter after login. Default is Live View screen.
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
D. Language
Choose a UI language from the dropdown list.
E. Remember Login Information and Auto Login
To have NVR3 Workstation remember the Account, Password,
Initial Page and UI Language, simply check “Remember login info”. Click “Don’t Remember” will clear your input text and reset to default.
If the NVR server or remote client computer may be accessed by
someone else, you might consider not to use this function.
To automatically login to the NVR system, please check both
“Remember login info” and“Auto Login” to skip the Login page. If
the NVR server or remote client computer may be accessed by
someone else, you might consider not to use this function.
To cancel auto-login, on title bar, click “Logout” to return to
login page, and this function will be cancelled.
F. Retrieve the User Password
Please refer to E. Retrieve the User Password on page 13
G. Server Name/Server Sites List
NVR3 Workstation can remember multiple server sites and their login settings and show the site lists on Login window. To add a new site:
1. Click in the Server Name box and input the
server site name.
2. Fill in the other fields. If you disable the
“Remember login info”, then only the
Server Name, Server IP and Server Port
of this server site will be remembered.
3. Click “Save”.
4. After a server site is
saved, it will be
shown on Server Name dropdown list.
You may click on its name to enter its Login
window or to delete it from the list.
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
5. You can export the saved server sites, or import it to another Workstation client computer.
Access the NVR server via NVR3 Workstation, go to Setup page System tab
A. Export current server sites list
Click “Browse” to select a folder to save the list, and then click “Export”. This file will be
saved as an *.xml file.
B. Import a server site list
Click “Browse” to select the *.xml file, and then click “Import”. The server sites will appear
in Server Name dropdown list on Login window of your next login.
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
Change User Profile
You can maintain your own account information on NVR interface without System
Administrator’s help.
On NVR screen, click “Update Profile”.
You may change the email address or password and then click “Apply” to save the settings to
NVR server.
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
Access the NVR Server via Internet Explorer
In addition to NVR3 Workstation, you can also log in to the NVR system with Internet Explorer
(IE). If you open the IE browser on the NVR server, you will be directed to the NVR system
Login page immediately. If you are connecting to the NVR server as a remote client, please
type the NVR server’s LAN or WAN IP address, or domain name in the URL box. Remember to
append a colon and the port number after the hostname or IP address.
Accept ActiveX Controls Installation Requests
NVR 3.0 system interface requires the add-on ActiveX Control components, please make sure
browser’s security settings allow ActiveX controls to be downloaded and installed. When your
browser asks if you allow ACTi Corporation’s add-on components to run, please allow.
Log in Failure Troubleshooting
Once you confront with problems accessing the NVR server, refer to the possible conditions
below and follow the instruction to solve your issues.
Condition 1: Why can’t I access NVR server via web browser?
After typing in the correct NVR server IP, if you cannot access NVR Login page, you may get
the below browser screens:
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
Cause 1: The NVR server is not ready
Solution: It may happen when you just start the NVR server and it is still booting up. Please
wait a few seconds and connect again.
Cause 2: The NVR server is not able to respond to your request through current path because
port 80 has been seized by another service running on server computer. This may happen
when that service is executed right before the NVR server starts its services.
Solution: Please check if there is another service using port 80 right now, and change the
setting in that program to release port 80 for the NVR server. Below are the steps to find the
1. Please click on "Windows Start" (Windows-Logo) , then enter "cmd.exe" in the
run box and execute it.
2. Input the command “netstat -a -o -b”. You will be provided with the ports in use and
the services using them. Find the Local Address that has taken port 80, and the PID
3. Press down “ctrl”+ “alt” + “Delete” keys to bring up Windows Task Manager. Select
“View”, then “Select columns”, and enable the “PID (Process Identifier)” to appear
on search results. Please also make sure “Show process from all users” is enabled.
GNR-3000 User’s Manual
4. On Task Manager Process tab, locate the PID number of the service using port 80.
The service name is shown under “Image Name” column.
Condition 2: Why can’t I install Active X controls after logging in?
ActiveX Control components are essential for the NVR server to present user interface. The
message below will show if these controls were not installed. Please try refresh the browser
first, making IE pop up the prompts again.
Cause 1: Your Internet Explorer browser version does not support NVR 3.0 system.
Solution: Make sure your browser is 32-bit version.
Cause 2: Your browser restricts the installation of add-on components.
Solution: Internet Explorer security settings may restrict the installation of add-on components.
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