Copyright Statement
Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2014. All rights reserved.
“Acronis” and “Acronis Secure Zone” are registered trademarks of Acronis International GmbH.
"Acronis Compute with Confidence", “Acronis Startup Recovery Manager”, “Acronis Active Restore”,
“Acronis Instant Restore” and the Acronis logo are trademarks of Acronis International GmbH.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
VMware and VMware Ready are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the
United States and/or other jurisdictions.
Windows and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks and copyrights referred to are the property of their respective owners.
Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is prohibited without the explicit
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Distribution of this work or derivative work in any standard (paper) book form for commercial
purposes is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.
Third party code may be provided with the Software and/or Service. The license terms for such
third-parties are detailed in the license.txt file located in the root installation directory. You can
always find the latest up-to-date list of the third party code and the associated license terms used
with the Software and/or Service at http://kb.acronis.com/content/7696
Acronis patented technologies
Technologies, used in this product, are covered and protected by one or more U.S. Patent Numbers:
7,047,380; 7,275,139; 7,281,104; 7,318,135; 7,353,355; 7,366,859; 7,475,282; 7,603,533; 7,636,824;
7,650,473; 7,721,138; 7,779,221; 7,831,789; 7,886,120; 7,895,403; 7,934,064; 7,937,612; 7,949,635;
7,953,948; 7,979,690; 8,005,797; 8,051,044; 8,069,320; 8,073,815; 8,074,035; 8,145,607; 8,180,984;
8,225,133; 8,261,035; 8,296,264; 8,312,259; 8,347,137; 8,484,427; 8,645,748; 8,732,121 and patent
pending applications.
2 Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2014
Table of contents
1 Before installation ...........................................................................................................4
1.1 About using the product in the trial mode ................................................................................ 4
1.2 Licenses for Acronis Backup and Acronis Backup Advanced ..................................................... 4
1.3 Acronis Backup components ..................................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 Agent for Linux ................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3.2 Management Console ..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.3 Bootable Media Builder .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Supported operating systems .................................................................................................... 7
1.5 System requirements ................................................................................................................. 7
2 Installing Acronis Backup .................................................................................................7
2.1 Preparation ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1.1 RPM Package Manager ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Linux packages ................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.3 Installation file ............................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Installation in the interactive mode ........................................................................................10
2.3 Installation in the unattended mode .......................................................................................10
2.4 Command-line parameters ......................................................................................................11
3 Upgrading from Acronis Backup to Acronis Backup Advanced ......................................... 12
4 Checking for software updates ....................................................................................... 14
5 Uninstalling Acronis Backup ........................................................................................... 14
6 Deleting Acronis Secure Zone ......................................................................................... 14
3 Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2014
1 Before installation
Acronis Backup for Windows
Acronis Backup for Linux Server
Acronis Backup for Windows
Server Essentials
This section answers questions that might arise before the product installation.
1.1 About using the product in the trial mode
Before buying an Acronis Backup license, you may want to try the software. This can be done without
a license key.
To install the product in the trial mode, run the setup program locally or use the remote installation
functionality. Unattended installation and other ways of installation are not supported.
Limitations of the trial mode
When working under bootable media:
The disk management functionality is not available. You can try the user interface, but there is no
option to commit the changes.
The recovery functionality is available, but the backup functionality is not. To try the backup
functionality, install the software in the operating system.
Upgrading to the full mode
After the trial period expires, the product GUI displays a notification requesting you to specify or
obtain a license key.
To specify a license key, click Help > Change License. Specifying the key by running the setup
program is not possible.
If you have activated a trial or purchased a subscription for the cloud backup service, cloud backup
will be available until the subscription period expires, regardless of whether you specify a license key.
1.2 Licenses for Acronis Backup and Acronis Backup
Licensing of the Acronis Backup product family and the Acronis Backup Advanced suite is based on
the number of machines backed up by the products. A license is required for every physical machine
that you want to back up.
The following table lists the products and their main features.
4 Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2014
Acronis Backup Advanced for
Windows Server
Acronis Backup Advanced for Linux
Acronis Backup Advanced for PC
Acronis Backup Advanced for
Acronis Backup Advanced for SQL
Acronis Backup Advanced for
Acronis Backup Advanced for
Active Directory
Acronis Backup Advanced for
VMware / Hyper-V / RHEV / Citrix
XenServer / Oracle VM
* The supported applications are: Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SharePoint, and
Microsoft Active Directory.
The products without centralized management are designed for backing up the data of a single
machine. All components of each product are installed on the same machine. You will be asked for
the license key during the installation.
The Acronis Backup Advanced suite is designed for backing up multiple machines. In addition to
components that need to be installed on a backed-up machine, these products include a
management server that enables centralized management and storage nodes for storing backed up
data. Usage of these additional components is not licensed. For example, you can install as many
storage nodes as you wish - up to 50.
During installation of a licensed component (agent), you can either specify a license server or enter a
license key manually. Use a license for a specific product or Acronis Backup Advanced Universal
License. This license enables installation of all Acronis Backup Advanced products on a physical
machine and on any number of virtual machines running on this physical machine.
Acronis Backup for Windows Server Essentials is a natural choice for a network with a single server
and multiple workstations. By using this product on the server and using Acronis Backup Advanced
for PC on the workstations, you can centrally manage all of the machines. Most descriptions of the
Acronis Backup Advanced functionality in the documentation also apply to Acronis Backup for
Windows Server Essentials.
Components of other Acronis Backup products do not interact with the components of Acronis
Backup Advanced.
1.3 Acronis Backup components
This section contains a list of Acronis Backup components with a brief description of their
5 Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2014