Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 supports the command-line mode and enables backup automation by
executing XML scripts.
Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 uses the Acronis True Image Echo command line utility with the
following additions:
1. Ability to use the before/after data capture commands.
2. Ability to use the VSS support option.
3. Ability to check for a license on the license server with the /ls_check command.
4. Ability to use file exclusion at disk backup.
5. Ability to export archives and backups.
The rest of the commands and options are exactly the same. For this reason, the command line
reference uses the terminology accepted in Acronis True Image Echo.
The command line logs are saved in the old (Echo) format and cannot be converted to Acronis
Backup & Recovery 10 logs.
Command line mode limitations
The command-line mode functionality is somewhat more limited than the GUI mode. You will not be
able to perform:
recovery of a system volume
operations that require a user interaction, such as inserting removable media (CD, DVD or tape).
The operation fails if there is no media in the drive or the inserted media is full.
These operations only can be done through the GUI.
Scripting is intended only for backup.
1.1 Agent for Windows command-line utility
An administrator might need a console interface in some situations. Acronis Backup & Recovery 10
supports this mode with trueimagecmd.exe utility. The file is located in the folder where Acronis
Backup & Recovery 10 Agent for Windows has been installed, by default it is C:\Program
This utility is also available when operating under the PE-based bootable media.
1.1.1 Supported commands
trueimagecmd has the following format:
trueimagecmd /command /option1 /option2…
Commands may be accompanied with options. Some options are common for most trueimagecmd
commands, while others are specific for individual commands. Below is a list of supported commands
and compatible options.
FTP and SFTP, e.g.: /vault:ftp://ServerA/Folder1
CD, DVD – with the path specified as a local path, e.g.: /vault:F:\
Acronis Secure Zone, e.g.: /vault:atis:///asz
Tapes, e.g.: /vault:atis:///tape?0
Unmanaged vaults are specified by their path. For example, if a vault is located in a folder,
specify the path to that folder.
If the vault option is specified the filename option is ignored.
arc:[archive name]
The name of the archive. If not specified, the arc_id option is used. If both the arc and arc_id options
are specified, the arc_id option is used.
arc_id:[archive id]
Specifies the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the archive, e.g.:
If not specified, the arc option is used. If both options are specified, the arc_id option is used.
filename:[file name]
a) Backup file name, if the archive location is other than ASZ.
b) Archive name, when restoring or deleting files from ASZ. Can be obtained with asz_files.
If the vault option is specified the filename option is ignored.
a) Password for the archive, if the archive location is other than ASZ.
b) Password for the ASZ, if archive location is ASZ.
asz:[number of archive]
Addresses to the ASZ and selects the archive (a full backup with or without increments).
To get the archive number, use asz_content.
N = Number of the backup in an archive:
1 = basic full backup
2 = 1st increment… and so on
0 (default) = latest increment
Selects a backup in a sequence of incremental backups inside the archive.
To get a backup index from the ASZ, use asz_content.
include_pits:[pits numbers]
Specifies the backups (pits) to be included in the archive copy. To get the numbers of pits, use
pit_info. Separate multiple values with a comma, for example:
The "0" value means the last backup in the archive, for example:
If not specified the whole archive is selected.
Specify a user name for network drive access.
Specify a password for network drive access.
Specify a user name for access to an FTP server.
Specify a password for access to an FTP server. Backup options
Set the backup type to incremental.
If not specified or there is no basic full backup, a full backup will be created.
Set the backup type to differential.
If not specified or there is no basic full backup, a full backup will be created.
Specify the data compression level.
It ranges from 0 to 9 and is set to 3 by default.
Specifies the key size for the AES algorithm encryption of the password-protected archive. The option
is used together with the /password (p. 9) option. For example:
/password:QWerTY123 /crypt:AES256
The randomly generated encryption key is then encrypted with AES-256 using a SHA-256 hash of the
password as a key. The password itself is not stored anywhere on the disk or in the backup file; the
password hash is used for verification purposes. With this two-level security, the backup data is
protected from any unauthorized access, but recovering a lost password is not possible.
If the /crypt option is not specified, the password-protected archive will be not encrypted.
Reboot is necessary
Reboot is not required
/reboot /later
Reboot before operation (postponed)
Reboot after operation
Reboot before operation
Reboot after operation
no option
No reboot, operation fails
No reboot, operation succeeds
split:[size in MB]
Split the backup into parts of the specified size, if the archive location is other than ASZ. General options
Declares that numbers of partitions in the /partition option are adjusted for the MBR partition table
rather than just as ascending numbers. This means that primary partitions have numbers 1-1, 1-2,
1-3, 1-4; logical partitions numbers start with 1-5. For example, if the disk has one primary and two
logical partitions, their numbers can appear as follows:
/oss_numbers /partition:1-1,1-5,1-6
Reboot the machine before the operation (if required) or after the operation is completed.
Use this option when performing the following operations that require a reboot: recovering locked
files, creating/deleting Acronis Secure Zone on a system disk, cloning a system disk. The machine will
be rebooted automatically. To postpone the operation until a user reboots the system manually, add
the /later option. With this option, the operation will be performed after the user initiates a reboot.
The /reboot option can be used with operations that do not necessarily require a reboot. Examples
of such operations are: recovery under bootable media, recovering files that are not locked by the
operating system, archives validation, and most types of backup. In those cases a reboot will be
performed after the operation is completed. The /later option is not necessary.
The following table summarizes the software behavior with and without the /reboot and /later
Postpone the reboot until a user restarts the system manually. The option is used with the /reboot
option in the following operations that require a reboot: recovering locked files, creating/deleting
Acronis Secure Zone on a system disk, cloning a system disk.
Create a log file of the current operation with the specified file name.
log_net_user:[remote user]
If the log file is created on a network share, include the user name for logon to the share.
If the log file is created on a network share, include the password for logon to the share.
Suppresses the command's output.
progress:[on | off]
Shows/hides the progress information (percent completed). It is shown by default.
1.1.3 Specific options create
harddisk:[disk number]
Specifies the hard disks to include into the image file. The list of available hard disks is provided by
the /list command. An image may contain data of more than one hard disk. In that case, separate
disk numbers by commas, e.g.:
By specifying
you will back up all dynamic volumes present in the system.
partition:[partition number]
Specifies the partitions to include into the image file. The list of available partitions is provided by
/list. Partition numbers are specified as <disk number>-<partition number>, e.g.:
Dynamic volumes are specified with the prefix DYN, e.g.:
Both basic partitions and dynamic volumes can be specified by their letters, for example:
Specifies the partition where the image file will be stored (by letter or number). This option is used
with filename:[file_name]. In that case the file name must be specified without a drive letter or root
folder. For example:
/file_partition:D /filename:”\1.tib”
Dynamic volumes are specified with the prefix DYN, e.g.:
/file_partition:DYN1 /filename:”\1.tib”
Use this option to create an image of a disk (partition) with an unrecognized or unsupported file
system. This will copy all disk/partition contents sector-by-sector. Without this option only the
sectors containing useful system and user data are imaged (for the supported file systems).
progress:[on | off]
Shows/hides the progress information (percent completed). It is shown by default.
Files and folders to be excluded from the backup (comma separated). For example:
Applies masks to select files to be excluded from the backup. Use the common Windows masking
rules. For example, to exclude all files with extension .exe, add *.exe. My???.exe will exclude all .exe files with names consisting of five symbols and starting with “my”.
Excludes all hidden files from the backup.
before:[pre-data capture command]
Enables to define the command to be automatically executed before data capture at the beginning of
the backup procedure. For example:
/before:"net stop MSSQLSERVER"
after:[post-data capture command]
Enables to define the command to be automatically executed after data capture at the beginning of
the backup procedure. For example:
Notifies the VSS-aware applications that the backup is about to start. This ensures the consistent
state of all data used by the applications, in particular, completion of all database transactions, at the
moment of taking the data snapshot. The data consistency, in turn, ensures that the application will
be recovered in the correct state and become operational immediately after recovery. filebackup
Files and folders to be included in the backup (comma separated). For example:
Files and folders to be excluded from the backup (comma separated). For example:
Applies masks to select files to be excluded from the backup. Use the common Windows masking
rules. For example, to exclude all files with extension .exe, add *.exe. My???.exe will exclude all .exe
files with names consisting of five symbols and starting with “my”.
Excludes all system files from the backup.
Excludes all hidden files from the backup.
before:[pre-data capture command]
Enables to define the command to be automatically executed before data capture at the beginning of
the backup procedure. For example:
/before:"net stop MSSQLSERVER"
after:[post-data capture command]
Enables to define the command to be automatically executed after data capture at the beginning of
the backup procedure. For example:
/after:"net start MSSQLSERVER"
Notifies the VSS-aware applications that the backup is about to start. This ensures the consistent
state of all data used by the applications, in particular, completion of all database transactions, at the
moment of taking the data snapshot. The data consistency, in turn, ensures that the application will
be recovered in the correct state and become operational immediately after recovery. deploy
file_partition:[partition letter]
Specifies the partition where the image file will be stored (by letter or number). This option is used
with filename:[file_name]. In that case the file name must be specified without a drive letter or root
folder. For example:
/file_partition:D /filename:”\1.tib”
Dynamic volumes are specified with the prefix DYN, e.g.:
/file_partition:DYN1 /filename:”\1.tib”
harddisk:[disk number]
Specifies the basic hard disks to restore.
partition:[partition number]
Specifies the partitions to restore.
Dynamic volumes are specified with the prefix DYN, e.g.:
target_harddisk:[disk number]
Specifies the hard disk number where the image will be restored.
By specifying
you will select unallocated space on all dynamic disks that are present in the system.
target_partition:[partition number]
Specifies the target partition number for restoring a partition over the existing one. If the option is
not specified, the program assumes that the target partition number is the same as the partition
number specified with the /partition option.
Dynamic volumes are specified with the prefix DYN, e.g.:
start:[start sector]
Sets the start sector for restoring a partition to the hard disk unallocated space.
Enables the file system conversion from FAT16 to FAT32 if the partition size after recovery is likely to
exceed 2 GB. Without this option, the recovered partition will inherit the file system from the image.
type:[active | primary | logical]
Sets the restored partition active, primary or logical, if possible (for example, there cannot be more
than four primary partitions on the disk). Setting a partition active always sets it primary, while a
partition set primary may remain inactive.
If the type is not specified, the program tries to keep the target partition type. If the target partition
is active, the restored partition is set active. If the target partition is primary, and there are other
primary partitions on the disk, one of them will be set active, while the restored partition becomes
primary. If no other primary partitions remain on the disk, the restored partition is set active.
When restoring a partition on unallocated space, the program extracts the partition type from the
image. For the primary partition, the type will be set as follows:
if the target disk is the 1st according to BIOS and it has no other primary partitions, the restored
partition will be set active
if the target disk is the 1st according to BIOS and there are other primary partitions on it, the
restored partition will be set logical
if the target disk is not the 1st, the restored partition will be set logical.
When restoring a partition over an existing one, the target partition is deleted from the disk along
with its entry in the target disk MBR. Then, with the preserve_mbr option, the restored partition's
entry will occupy the upper empty position in the target disk MBR. Thus, the target disk MBR is
preserved. If not specified, the restored partition's entry will occupy the same position as in the
source disk MBR saved in the image. If the position is not empty, the existing entry will be moved to
another position.
Options specific for Universal Restore
The following options are available when using the Universal Restore add-on to Acronis Backup &
Recovery 10.
Specifies using Acronis Universal Restore and the path to the drivers storage.
Specifies using Acronis Universal Restore and a user name.
When getting access to a place located on the remote computer, the username depends on the
service which is used to get access to the remote resource. E.g. if the remote resource is a shared
folder located on a workgroup computer, the username must contain the remote computer name
("Computer_name\User_name"). If the resource is located on an FTP-server the computer name is
not required. When the target and local computer are members of different domains, the username
must contain the name of the domain the target computer is the member of (e.g.
Specifies using Acronis Universal Restore and a password associated with the ur_username option
Specifies using Acronis Universal Restore and the mass-storage driver to be installed. deploy_mbr
harddisk:[disk number]
Specifies the basic hard disk to restore the MBR from.
target_harddisk:[disk number]
Specifies the target hard disk where the MBR will be deployed to. filerestore
target_folder:[target folder]
Specifies a folder where folders/files will be restored (a target folder). If not specified, the original
path is re-created from the archive.
overwrite:[older | never | always]
This option allows you to keep useful data changes made since the backup being restored was done.
Choose what to do if the target folder contains a file with the same name as in the archive:
older – this will give priority to the most recent file modification, whether it be in the archive or
on the disk.
never – this will give the file on the hard disk unconditional priority over the archived file.
always – this will give the archived file unconditional priority over the file on the hard disk.
If not specified, the files on the disk will always be replaced with the archived files.
restore_security:[on | off]
Specifies whether to restore files’ security attributes (default) or whether the files will inherit the
security settings of the folder where they will be restored.
original_date:[on | off]
Specifies whether to restore files’ original date and time from the archive or whether to assign the
current date and time to the restored files. If not specified, the current date is assigned.