Acer 505 User Manual

TravelMate 505 series User’s guide

Copyright © 1999 Acer Incorporated All Rights Reserved
Trave lMate 505 Series No tebook Computer Us e r’s Guide Part No.: 49.43F01.041 Original Issue: October 1999
Changes may be made periodically to the information in this publication without obligation to notify any person of such re vision or changes. Such cha nges will be incorporated in new editions of this manua l or supplementary documents and publications. This company makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Acer Incorporated.
TravelMate Notebook Computer
Model Number : 1901-_____ _________________________ Serial N umber:_________________________________ ___ Purchase Date: ___________________________________ Place of P urchase: ___________________ _____________
FCC notice vii
FCC modem notice viii Important safety instructions ix Laser complian ce statem e n t xi Battery statement xii Year 2000 compliance statement xiii Modem notice xiv Connecti ng the computer xvi Getting help and support xviii
Accessing online help xviii
Support i nformation xviii Care and maintenance xx
Taking care of your computer xx
Taking car e of your AC adapter xx
Taking care of your battery pack xx
Cleaning and servicing xxi
1 Getting familiar with your computer 1
Features 3 Display 5 Indicators 7 Keyboard 9
Special keys 9
Lock keys 9 Embedded numeric keypad 10 Windows keys 11 The Euro symbol 11 Hotkeys 13
Keyboard ergonomics 15 Touchpad 16
Touchpad ba sics 16 Storage 18
Hard disk 18
Floppy drive 18
CD-ROM drive 18 Ports 20
Front ports 20
Rear ports 21
Universal Serial Bus 21
Righ t po rts 22
PC card slot 22 Fax/data m odem 23
Audio 25 Secu ri ng your computer 26
Security notch 26 Passwords 26
2 Operating on battery power 29
Battery pack 31
Battery pack characteristics 31 Installing and removing the battery pack 32 Charging the battery 32
Charging modes 32
Checking the battery level 33
Using the W indows battery meter 33 Optimizing battery life 33 Battery-low warning 34
Power managem ent 36
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface 36 Power management modes 36
Sleep mode (ACPI) 36
Display standby mode 37
Hard disk st andby mode 37
Standby mode 37
Hibernation mode 38
3 Peripherals and options 41
External m onitor 43
Using simultaneous display 43
Enabling simultaneous display 43
External keyboard 44 External keypad 45 External pointing device 46
External PS/ 2 mo use 46 External serial mouse 46
Printer 47 Audio devi ces 48 PC cards 49 USB devices 50 Miscellaneous options 51
Additional po w e r pa c ks 51
Battery pack 51
AC adapter 51 Cables 51
PS/2 Y-br idge cable 51
File tr ansfer cable 52
Key component upgrades 53
Memory upgrade 53
Installing memory 53
Hard disk upgrade 54
4 Moving with your computer 55
Disconnecting from the desktop 57 Moving around 58
Preparing the computer 58 What to bring to short meetings 58 What to bring to long meetings 58
Taking the com puter home 59
Preparing the computer 59 What to bring with you 59 Special consi de r ations 59 Settin g up a hom e office 60
Traveling with the computer 61
Preparing the computer 61 What to bring with you 61 Special consi de r ations 61
Traveling int er na t i o nally wit h th e co m p u t e r 62
Preparing the computer 62 What to bring with you 62 Special consi de r ations 62
5 Software 63
Syst em softwar e 65 Sleep Manager 66
Accessing the Sleep Manager 66 Sleep Manager functions 68
Create 68 Remove 70 Minimize 70 Exit 70
Notebook Manager 71
Information viewer 72 POST 73 Boot Sequence 74 Password 75
Setting the Power-On Password 75 Setting the Setup Password 76
Power Managem ent 77
Display Device 78
BIOS Utility 79
Navigating the BIO S U til ity 79 System In formatio n 80 Basic Syst em Configuration 81 Startup Configuration 82 Onboard Device Configuration 84 System Security 85
Setting a password 86
Changing a pa ssword 87
Removing a password 87
Password i cons 87 Load Def ault Settings 88
6 Troubleshooting 89
Frequently-asked questions 91 Error messages 95 Troubleshooting tips 97
Using P C -D o ctor 97
Online services 98
Before you call 98
A Specifications 101 Index 107
FCC notice
This device has been tested and fou nd to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. These limits are design ed t o p rov ide r eas ona ble pr ot ec tion a gai nst h ar mful i nterf er enc e in a residential installation. This device generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instr uct ions , ma y ca us e harm ful int er fere nce t o radi o c ommuni cat ions .
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this device does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determi ned by turning the device off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
2. Increase the separation between the device and receiver
3. Connect the device int o an outl et on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
4. Con sult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technici an for help
Notice: shield cables
All connections to other computing devices must be made using shielded cables t o ma intain complian ce w ith FCC regulations.
Notice: peripheral devices
Only peripherals (input/output devices, term inals, printe rs, etc.) certified to comply with the Class B limits may be attached to this equipment. Operation with non-certified peripherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception.
Changes or modifications not expr essly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority, which is granted by the Federal Communications Commission, to operate this computer.
Use conditions
This part complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operat ion is su bject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device mus t ac cept any interference received, including inte rferenc e th a t may cause undesired operation.
Notice: Canadian users
This Clas s B digi tal app ar at us meet s al l requi r ement s of the Can adian Inte rf er ence­Causing Equipment Regulations.
Remarque à l’intention des utilisateurs canadiens Cet appar eil nu méri que de la class e B res pecte d to ute s l es exig enc es du Règlem ent
sur le mat ériel brouilleur du Canada.
FCC modem notice
This equi pm ent complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. Located on the bottom side of the modem is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC Registration Number and Ringer Equ ivalence Number (REN) for this equipment. Upon request, you must provide this information to your telephone company.
If your telephone equipment causes harm to the telephone net w ork, the telephone company may discontinue your ser vice temporarily. If possible, they will notify you in adva nce . But, i f advan ce no ti ce is no t pr ac tical , you wi ll be not i fied a s soo n as possible. You will also be informed of your right to file a complaint with the FCC.
Your telephone com pany may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operat ions, or procedures that could affect the proper functioning of your equipment. If they do, you will be not ified in advance to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted telephone service.
If this equipment should fail to operate properly, disconnect the equipment from the phone line to determ ine if it is causin g the prob lem. If the problem is with the equipment, discontinue use and contact your dealer or vendor.
Important safety instructions
1. Read these instructions carefully. Save these instructions for future reference.
2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.
3. Unpl ug this product from the wall out let before cleaning. Do not us e liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
4. Do not use this product near water.
5. Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, or table. The product may fall, causing serious damage to the product.
6. Slots and openings in the ca binet and the back or bottom are provided for ventilation; to ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from overheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface. This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register, or in a built-in installat ion unless proper ventilation is provided.
7. This product should be oper ated from the type of power indicated on the marking l abel. If you are no t su re of th e type of po wer avail abl e, con sul t y our dealer or local power company.
8. Do not allow anything to re st on the power cord. Do not locate this produc t where persons will walk on the cord.
9. If an extension cord is used with this product, make sure that t he total ampere rating o f the equipment plugged i nto the extension cord does not exceed the extensi on cord ampere rating. Also, make sure that the total rating of all product s plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed the fuse rating.
10. Never push objects of any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts tha t could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.
11. Do not attempt t o service this product yourself, as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage points or other risks. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
12. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditi ons:
a. When the power cord or plug is damaged or frayed b. If liquid has been spilled into the product c. If the pro duct has been exposed to rain or water
d. If the product does not operate norm ally when the operating instru ctions
are foll ow ed. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operati ng instructions si nce improper adjustment of other contr ols may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified
technic ian to restore the pr oduct to normal condition. e. If the pro duct has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged f. If the pro duct exhibits a dist inct change in performance, indicating a
need for service.
13. Replace the battery with the same type as the product's battery we recommend. Use of an other battery may pres ent a risk of fire or explos ion. Refer battery replacement to a qualified serviceman.
14. W ar nin g! Batte ri es ma y explod e if not h andled pro per ly. Do not disasse mble or dispose o f t he m in f ire. Kee p t hem awa y f rom c hildr en and dis pos e o f used batter ies promptly.
15. Use only the proper type of power supply cord set (provided in your accesso ries box) for this unit. It shoul d be a detachable type: UL l isted/CSA certified, type SPT-2, rated 7A 125V minimum, VDE approved or its equivalent. Maximum length is 15 feet (4.6 meters).
Laser compliance statement
The CD-R OM dri ve in this comp ute r is a las er pr odu ct. The CD-RO M dr iv e’s c las ­sifica t ion label (sh ow n below) is loc a ted on the driv e.
Battery statement
The following statemen t re fers to the internal lithium-ion battery that power s th e computer’s clock.
Danger of explosion if bat tery is incorr ectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Di scard used batteries ac­cording to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Lithiumb at teri - Eks plosi ons fa re v ed fej lag tig hå ndt erin g. Uds ki ftni ng må kun ske med batteri af samme fabrikat og type . Léver det brugte batteri tilbag e til lev­erandør en.
Eksplosjonsfare ved feilaktig skifte av batteri. Benytt samme batteritype eller en tilsvare nde typ e anbefa lt av appar atfa brikant en. Bruk te batter ier ka sseres i henhold til fabrikantens instruksjoner.
Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batterib yte. Anvãnd samma batterityp eller en ekviva­lent typ som rekommenderas av apparattillverkaren. Kassera anvãnt batteri enligt fabrik antens instruktion.
Päristo voi räjähtää, jos se on virheellisesti asennet tu. Vaih da paristo ainoastaan laitev alm ista ja n s uosit te le maan t yyppii n. Hä vi tä kä yt ett y par is to valm ist aj an ohjei ­den mukaise sti.
Explosionsgefahr bei unsachgemäßen Austausch der Batterie Ersatz nur durch denselb en oder eine m vom Herst eller emp fohle nem ähnli chen Typ. Ents orgung ge­brauchter Batterien nach Angaben des Herstellers.
Year 2000 compliance statement
The Tr avelMate 505 notebook computer carries the "Hardware NSTL Tested Year 2000 Compliant" logo, which cert ifies that this model has been tested by NSTL using the YMark2000 test, and has been found to meet NSTL's standards for Year 2000 hardware compliance.
For more details, check the Acer Year 2000 Resource Center at (www .tw/ service/y2k/index.htm).
Modem no tice
This equ ipment has been appr oved to Council Di vision 98/482/EC - “CTR 21” for pan-European single terminal connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). However, due to differences between the indi vidual PSTNs provided in different countries, the approval does not, of itself, give an uncondit ional as su rance o f s ucc essfu l o per atio n on e ver y PST N te rmin atio n poi nt . In the event of problems, you should contact your equipment supplier in the first instance.
This manual describes features of the TravelMate 505 series notebook computers. The Tra v elMate series of computers incorporate such features as CardBus, 16-bit stereo audio, internal pointing device, Universal Serial Bus, and all-in-one media storage.
This manual should answe r mo st of the questions you have abou t the day-to-day operation of your TravelMate notebook computer.
Use the Just for Starters… instructions that came with your computer to get your compu te r ru n ning for the fi rst time.
You should also take advan tage of the online help files that are available with almost al l of the programs shipped with your computer.
We hope you enjoy your TravelMate computer. With proper care, your computer will prov ide you with years of prod uctive service.
Connec tin g the comp ute r
Connecting the computer is as easy as 1-2-3.
1. Inser t th e ba ttery pack into the batte r y co m p ar tm e n t, then slide the batte ry compartm ent cover in place.
: When using a battery pack for the first time, fully recharge the battery, then disconnect the adapter to use up the battery before recharging again. Perform this action twice to condition the battery pack.
2. Con nect one end of the AC adapter to the DC-in port on the computer’s rear panel and the other end to a properly grounded power outlet.
3. Slide the display cover latch to the left to open the display. Slide the power switch towards the rear of the computer then release it to turn on the power.
The POST (power-on self-test) routine then executes and Windows begins loading.
: To turn off the power, slide and hold the power switch for more than four seconds. If you are using Windows 98, we recommend that you us e the Shut Down command to turn off the computer. If you turn off the comp uter and want to turn it on again, wait at least two seconds before powering up.

Getting help and supp ort

This user’s guide provides clear and concise in formation about the computer, so read it thoro ugh ly. T o pro vi de y ou wi th help whe n tra vel in g, th e co mput er al so ha s a comprehensive online help.

Accessing online help

Follow these step s to ac ce ss the onl in e do cumenta tion:
1. Press the Windows logo button or click on the Start button.
2. Se lect Programs.
3. Click on TravelMate Online. The online help is easy to navigate with hypertext and hypergraphics. Clear
illustrations help describe notebook operation as well.

Support information

Your computer is backed by an Int ernational Traveler’s Warranty (ITW ) that gives you secur ity an d pe ace of mi nd whe n trav el in g. Our w orld wide net wor k of ser vi ce centers are the re to give you a helping hand.
An ITW passp ort comes with your computer. This passport contains all you need to know about the ITW prog ram. A l ist of ava ilabl e, aut hor i zed ser vic e ce nters are in this handy booklet. Read this passport thoroughly.
: Always hav e your I TW passport on hand, especially when you travel, to receive the benefits from our support centers. Place your proof-of­purchase in the flap located inside the front cover of the ITW passport.
If the country you are traveling in does not have an Acer-authorized ITW service site, you can still get in contact with our offices worldwide.
For techn ical assistance and support in the Unite d States and Canada, you can call 1-800-81 6-2237. You can also contact a local dealer or distributor in the country you ar e tr av eling in fo r as si stance.
To view support infor m ation, follow thes e steps:
1. Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel.
2. Double-click on System .
3. Click on Support Information.
: If you are connected to the Internet and have World Wide Web access,
visit our home page ( worldwide o ffices, as well as information about our products.
) and get an updated list of our

Care and ma in te na nc e

Taking care of your computer

Your computer will serve you well if you take care of it.
Do not expos e th e compu te r to dir ec t sunl ig ht. Do not pla ce i t near sour ce s of heat, such as a radiator.
Do not expose the computer to temperatures below 0ºC (32 ºF) or above 50ºC (122ºF).
Do not subje ct the computer to magnetic fields.
Do not expose the computer to rain or moisture.
Do not spill water or any liquid on the computer.
Do not subje ct the computer to heavy shock and vibration.
Do not expose the computer to dust and dirt.
Never place objects on top of th e computer to avoid dama ging the computer.
Never place the computer on uneve n surfaces.

Taking care of your AC adapter

Here are some ways to take care of your AC adapter:
Do not connect the adapter to any other device.
Do not step on t he power cord or place heavy objects on top of it. Carefull y route the pow er cord and any cables away from all potential traf fic.
When unplugg in g th e powe r c ord , do not pul l o n th e cord i ts el f but p ull on t he plug.
The total ampere ratings of the equipment plugged in should not exceed the ampere rating of the cord if you a re using an extension cord. Also, the total current rating of all equipment plugged into a single wa ll outlet should not exceed the fuse rating.

Taking care of your battery pack

Here are some ways to take care of your battery pack:
Use only batteries of the same kind as replacements. Turn the power off before removing or replacing bat teries.
Do not tamper with batteries. Keep them away from children.
Disp ose of used ba tteries ac c or d in g to local regu lations . Re cy c le if at all possible.

Cleaning and servicing

When cleaning the computer , follow these steps:
1. Power off the computer and remove the battery pack.
2. Di sconnect the AC adapter.
3. Use a soft cloth moistened with wate r. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners.
Contact yo ur dealer or see your service technician if any of the following occurs:
The computer has been dropped or the body has been damaged.
Liquid has been spilled into the product.
The computer does not operate normall y.
1 Getting familiar with
your computer
This computer combines high-performance, versatility, power management features and multimedia capabilities with a unique style and ergonomic design. Work with unmatched productivity and reliability with your new power computing partner.
This chapter gives an in-depth "tour" of the computer’s many features.


This comput er was des igned wit h th e use r in mi nd. Here are jus t a few of its many features:
Intel® Celeron™ processor with 128 KB level 2 cache
64-bit /128-bit main memory
Large LCD display and PCI video with 128-bit graphics acceler ation
Internal CD-ROM drive
Bui lt -in FDD mo d ule
High-ca pacity, Enhanced-IDE hard disk
NiMH battery pack
Power management system with hibernation power saving modes
16-bit h igh-fidelity stereo audio with 3-D sound an d w avetable synthesizer
Bui lt -in dual speakers
Ultra-slim, high-speed CD-ROM drive
High-speed fax/data software modem port
USB (Universal Serial Bus) port
Human-centric design and ergonomics
All-in-one design (CD-ROM, FDD, HDD)
Sleek, smooth and stylish design
Full-sized keyboard
Wide and curved palm rest
Ergonomically-centered touchpad pointing device
CardBus PC card (formerly PCMCIA) slot ( type II/I or type III) with ZV
(zoomed video) port support
Upgradeable memory and hard disk
1 Getting familiar with yo ur comp uter


The large graphics display offers excellent viewing, display quality and desktop performa nce grap hic s. The compu te r suppor ts t wo dif f er ent d is pla y conf ig ur ation s — High Performance Addressing (HP A) or Thin-Film Transistor (TF T).
Video performance
PCI video with 128- bi t graph ic s accel er ation and 2 MB video m emor y boost vide o performa nce .
Simultaneous display
The computer’s large display and multimedia capabilities are great for giving presentat io ns. If you pr ef er , you ca n also co nne ct a n exter nal moni tor w hen giving presentations. This computer supports simultaneous LCD an d CRT display. Simultaneous display allows you to control the presentation from your computer and at the same time face your audience. You can also connect other output displa y devices such as LCD project ion panels for large-audience presentations.
Power management
The power management system incorporates an "automatic LCD dim" feature that automatically dims the LCD whe n the computer is power ed by a bat tery pack to conserve battery power. See “Power management” on page 36 for more information on power management features.
Opening and closing the display
To open the display, slide the di splay cover latch to the left and lift up the cover. Then tilt it to a comfortable viewing position. The computer employs a microswitch that turns off the dis play (and enters stan dby m ode) to conserve power when you close the display co ver, and turns it back on when you open the display cover.
: If an external monitor is connected, the computer turns off the display
(but does not enter standby mode) when you clo s e the display cover.
To close the display cover, fold it dow n gently until the display cover latch cli cks into place.
Caution: To avoid damaging the display, do not slam it when you close it. Also, do not place any object on top of the computer when the display is closed.
1 Getting familiar with yo ur comp uter


The computer has six easy-to-read status indicator s (LEDs) under the displ ay screen.
The Power and Standby indicators are visible even when you close the display cover so you can see the status of the computer while the cover is closed.
# Icon Function Description
1 Power Lights when the c o mputer is on.
Blinks when a battery-low condition occurs.
2 Standby Lights when the computer enters Stand by
4 Battery
5 Caps Lock Lights when Caps Lock is activated.
6Num Lock
Lights when the floppy dr ive, hard disk o r CD­ROM drive is active.
Lights when the battery is b eing charged.
Lights when Numeric Lock is activated.
1 Getting familiar with yo ur comp uter


The keyboard has full-sized keys with an embedded keypad, separate cur sor keys, two Windows keys and twelve function keys.

Spec ial keys

Lock keys
The keyboard has three lock keys which you can toggle on and off.
Lock Key Description
Caps Lock When Caps Lock is on, all alphabetic characters typed are in
Num Lock (Fn­F11)
Scroll Lock (Fn-F12)
When Num Lock is on, the embedded keypad is in numeric mode. The keys function as a calculator (complete with the arithmet ic operators +, -, *, and /). Use this mode when you need to do a lot of numeric data entry. A better solut ion would be to connect an external keypad. See “External keyboar d” on page 44.
When Scroll Lock is on, th e screen moves one line up or down when you pres s or respectively. Scroll Lock does not work with some applications.
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