Acer 390 Service Manual

390 Series390 Series
Notebook ComputerNotebook Computer
Service Guide
PART NO.: 49.43A02.001 DOC. NO.: SG234-9710A PRINTED IN TAIWAN


Copyright 1997 by Acer Incorporated. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Acer Incorporated.
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About this ManualAbout this Manual

This service guide aims to furnish technical information to the service engineers and advanced users when upgrading, configuring, or repairing the 390 series notebook computer.
Manual Structure
This service guide contains technical information about the 390 series notebook computer. It consists of three chapters and five appendices.
Chapter 1 System Introduction
This chapter describes the system features and major components. It contains the 390 series notebook computer board layout, block diagrams, cache and memory configurations, power management and mechanical specifications.
Chapter 2 Major Chips Description
This chapter describes the features and functions of the major chipsets used in the system board. It also includes chipset block diagrams, pin diagrams, and pin descriptions.
Chapter 3 BIOS Setup Utility
This chapter describes the parameters in the BIOS Utility screens.
Chapter 4 Disassembly and Unit Replacement
This chapter describes how to disassemble the 390 series notebook computer to make replacements or upgrades.
Appendix A Model Number Definition
This appendix shows the different configuration options for the 390 series notebook computer.
Appendix B Exploded View Diagram
This appendix illustrates the system board and CPU silk screens.
Appendix C Spare Parts List
This appendix lists the spare parts for the 390 series notebook computer with their part numbers and other information.
Appendix D Schematics
This appendix contains the schematic diagrams for the system board.
Appendix E BIOS POST Checkpoints
This appendix lists and describes the BIOS POST checkpoints.
The following are the conventions used in this manual:
Text entered by user Represents text input by the user.
Screen messages
, , , etc. Represent the actual keys that you have to press on the
Denotes actual messages that appear onscreen.
Gives bits and pieces of additional information related to the current topic.
Alerts you to any damage that might result from doing or not doing specific actions.
Gives precautionary measures to avoid possible hardware or software problems.
Reminds you to do specific actions relevant to the accomplishment of procedures.
Tells how to accomplish a procedure with minimum steps through little shortcuts.
Table of ContentsTable of Contents
Chapter 1 System Introduction
1.1 Overview............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 System Board Layout........................................................................................... 1-2
1.2.1 Mainboard............................................................................................. 1-2
1.2.2 CPU Board............................................................................................ 1-4
1.2.3 Audio Board.......................................................................................... 1-5
1.2.4 Battery Board........................................................................................ 1-5
1.2.5 Keyboard/Touchpad Board .................................................................... 1-6
1.3 Jumpers and Connectors..................................................................................... 1-7
1.4 Hardware Configuration and Specification............................................................ 1-9
1.4.1 Memory Address Map ........................................................................... 1-9
1.4.2 Interrupt Channel Map........................................................................... 1-9
1.4.3 DMA Channel Map...............................................................................1-10
1.4.4 I/O Address Map..................................................................................1-10
1.4.5 Processor.............................................................................................1-11
1.4.6 BIOS....................................................................................................1-11
1.4.7 System Memory...................................................................................1-11
1.4.8 Second-Level Cache............................................................................1-12
1.4.9 Video Memory......................................................................................1-13
1.4.10 Video ...................................................................................................1-13
1.4.11 Parallel Port.........................................................................................1-14
1.4.12 Serial Port............................................................................................1-15
1.4.13 Audio ...................................................................................................1-15
1.4.14 PCMCIA...............................................................................................1-15
1.4.15 Touchpad.............................................................................................1-16
1.4.16 Keyboard .............................................................................................1-16
1.4.17 FDD.....................................................................................................1-17
1.4.18 HDD.....................................................................................................1-18
1.4.19 CD-ROM..............................................................................................1-18
1.4.20 Battery.................................................................................................1-19
1.4.21 Charger................................................................................................1-19
1.4.22 DC-DC Converter.................................................................................1-20
1.4.23 DC-AC Inverter ....................................................................................1-21
1.4.24 LCD .....................................................................................................1-21
1.4.25 AC Adapter.......................................................................................... 1-22
1.5 Software Configuration and Specification............................................................1-23
1.5.1 BIOS....................................................................................................1-23
1.5.2 Drivers, Applications and Utilities.........................................................1-29
1.6 Block Diagrams ..................................................................................................1-31
1.6.1 System.................................................................................................1-31
1.6.2 Clock ...................................................................................................1-32
1.7 Environmental Requirements..............................................................................1-33
1.8 Mechanical Specifications...................................................................................1-34
Chapter 2 Major Chips Description
2.1 PCI 1250A............................................................................................................2-2
2.1.1 Features.................................................................................................2-2
2.1.2 Block Diagram .......................................................................................2-4
2.1.3 Terminal Functions ................................................................................2-5
2.2 Aladdin IV (M1531/M1533) .................................................................................2-20
2.2.1 M1531..................................................................................................2-20
2.2.2 M1533..................................................................................................2-34
2.3 FDC37C672........................................................................................................2-47
2.3.1 Features...............................................................................................2-47
2.3.2 General Description .............................................................................2-49
2.3.3 Pin Configuration .................................................................................2-50
2.3.4 Pin Descriptions...................................................................................2-52
2.3.5 Description of Multifunction Pins.......................................................... 2-55
2.3.6 Block Diagram .....................................................................................2-56
2.4 65555................................................................................................................. 2-57
2.4.1 Features...............................................................................................2-57
2.4.2 Software Support Features...................................................................2-59
2.4.3 Introduction / Overview........................................................................2-61
2.4.4 Pin Descriptions...................................................................................2-63
2.5 M38813 ..............................................................................................................2-77
2.5.1 Overview .............................................................................................2-77
2.5.2 Description...........................................................................................2-77
2.5.3 Pin Configuration .................................................................................2-78
2.5.4 Pin Descriptions...................................................................................2-79
2.6 YMF715B-S........................................................................................................2-81
2.6.1 Features...............................................................................................2-81
2.6.2 Pin Diagram.........................................................................................2-82
2.6.3 Pin Descriptions...................................................................................2-83
Chapter 3 BIOS Setup Utility
3.1 Basic System Settings ......................................................................................... 3-3
3.2 Startup Configuration........................................................................................... 3-4
3.3 Onboard Devices Configuration........................................................................... 3-6
3.4 System Security................................................................................................... 3-8
3.5 Power Management Settings ............................................................................... 3-9
3.6 Load Default Settings..........................................................................................3-11
Chapter 4 Disassembly and Unit Replacement
4.1 General Information............................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 Before You Begin.................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.2 Connector Types................................................................................... 4-3
4.1.3 Disassembly Sequence......................................................................... 4-4
4.2 Installing Memory................................................................................................. 4-6
4.3 Removing the Modem Board ............................................................................... 4-8
4.4 Removing the Hard Disk Drive ............................................................................. 4-9
4.5 Removing the Keyboard .....................................................................................4-10
4.6 Disassembling the Inside Frame Assembly.........................................................4-12
4.6.1 Removing the Heat Sink Assembly ......................................................4-12
4.6.2 Removing the Display..........................................................................4-13
4.6.3 Removing the Internal Drive.................................................................4-14
4.6.4 Replacing the CPU...............................................................................4-15
4.6.5 Detaching the Top Cover .....................................................................4-16
4.6.6 Removing the Mainboard.....................................................................4-17
4.6.7 Disassembling the Mainboard ..............................................................4-19
4.6.8 Disassembling the Top Cover ..............................................................4-20
4.7 Disassembling the Display ..................................................................................4-22
Appendix A Model Number Definition Appendix B Exploded View Diagram Appendix C Spare Parts List Appendix D Schematics Appendix E BIOS POST Checkpoints
List of Figures
1-1 PCB No. 96183-1A Mainboard Layout (Top)........................................................ 1-2
1-2 PCB No. 96183-1A Mainboard Layout (Bottom)................................................... 1-3
1-3 PCB No. 96534-SE CPU Board Layout (Top)....................................................... 1-4
1-4 PCB No. 96534-SE CPU Board Layout (Bottom).................................................. 1-4
1-5 PCB No. 97355-1 Audio Board............................................................................. 1-5
1-6 PCB No. 97348-1 Battery Board .......................................................................... 1-5
1-7 PCB No. 97349-1 Keyboard/Touchpad Board (Top View) .................................... 1-6
1-8 PCB No. 97349-1 Keyboard/Touchpad Board (Bottom View)............................... 1-6
1-9 Jumpers and Connectors (Top View) ................................................................... 1-7
1-10 Jumpers and Connectors (Bottom View) .............................................................. 1-8
1-11 Power Management Block Diagram....................................................................1-24
1-12 System Block Diagram........................................................................................1-31
1-13 Clock Block Diagram ..........................................................................................1-32
2-1 PCI1250 Block Diagram....................................................................................... 2-4
2-2 M1531 Pin Diagram (Top View)..........................................................................2-23
2-3 M1533 Pin Diagram (Top View)..........................................................................2-39
2-4 FDC37C67 (TQFP) Pin Diagram.........................................................................2-50
2-5 FDC37C67 (QFP) Pin Diagram...........................................................................2-51
2-6 FDC37C67 Block Diagram ..................................................................................2-56
2-7 65555 BGA Ball Assignments (Top View) ...........................................................2-64
2-8 65555 BGA Ball Assignments (Bottom View)......................................................2-65
2-9 M38813 Pin Diagram..........................................................................................2-78
2-10 M38813 Block Diagram.......................................................................................2-80
2-11 YMF715 Block Diagram......................................................................................2-82
4-1 Removing the Battery Pack ................................................................................. 4-2
4-2 Using Connectors With Locks.............................................................................. 4-3
4-3 Disassembly Sequence Flowchart........................................................................ 4-5
4-4 Removing the Memory Door................................................................................ 4-6
4-5 Installing and Removing Memory ......................................................................... 4-7
4-6 Removing the Modem Board ............................................................................... 4-8
4-7 Removing the Hard Disk Drive............................................................................. 4-9
4-8 Removing the Display Hinge Covers...................................................................4-10
4-9 Removing the Keyboard .....................................................................................4-10
4-10 Unplugging the Keyboard Connectors.................................................................4-11
4-11 Removing the LED Cover...................................................................................4-12
4-12 Removing the Heat Sink Assembly..................................................................... 4-12
4-13 Unplugging the Display Cable.............................................................................4-13
4-14 Removing the Display Hinge Screws ..................................................................4-13
4-15 Removing the Display Hinge Screws ..................................................................4-14
4-16 Removing the Internal Drive............................................................................... 4-15
4-17 Replacing the CPU .............................................................................................4-15
4-18 Removing Cables ...............................................................................................4-16
4-19 Detaching the Top Cover....................................................................................4-16
4-20 Removing the Bottom Screws .............................................................................4-17
4-21 Removing the Keyboard/Touchpad Board and DC-DC Converter Board Cover... 4-17
4-22 Removing the DC-DC Converter Board ..............................................................4-18
4-23 Removing the Mainboard....................................................................................4-18
4-24 Removing the Charger Board .............................................................................4-19
4-25 Removing the PCMCIA Sockets .........................................................................4-19
4-26 Removing the Hard Disk Drive Heat Sink ...........................................................4-20
4-27 Removing the Audio Board.................................................................................4-20
4-28 Removing the Touchpad and Speakers ..............................................................4-21
4-29 Removing the LCD Bumpers ..............................................................................4-22
4-30 Removing the Display Bezel Screws ...................................................................4-22
4-31 Removing the Display Bezel...............................................................................4-23
4-32 Removing the Inverter Board.............................................................................. 4-23
4-33 Removing the LCD Panel ...................................................................................4-24
List of Tables
1-1 CPU Mounting Reference Table........................................................................... 1-5
1-2 SW1 Switch Settings ........................................................................................... 1-8
1-3 Memory Address Map.......................................................................................... 1-9
1-4 Interrupt Channel Map ......................................................................................... 1-9
1-5 DMA Channel Map..............................................................................................1-10
1-6 I/O Address Map.................................................................................................1-10
1-7 Processor Specifications .....................................................................................1-11
1-8 BIOS Specifications............................................................................................1-11
1-9 Memory Configurations .......................................................................................1-12
1-10 Video RAM Configuration....................................................................................1-13
1-11 Video Hardware Specification.............................................................................1-13
1-12 Supported External CRT Resolutions..................................................................1-13
1-13 Supported LCD Resolutions................................................................................1-14
1-14 Parallel Port Configurations ................................................................................1-14
1-15 Serial Port Configurations...................................................................................1-15
1-16 Audio Specifications ...........................................................................................1-15
1-17 PCMCIA Specifications .......................................................................................1-16
1-18 Touchpad Specifications.....................................................................................1-16
1-19 Keyboard Specifications......................................................................................1-16
1-20 Windows 95 Key Descriptions.............................................................................1-17
1-21 FDD Specifications.............................................................................................1-17
1-22 HDD Specifications.............................................................................................1-18
1-23 CD-ROM Specifications......................................................................................1-18
1-24 Battery Specifications .........................................................................................1-19
1-25 Charger Specifications........................................................................................1-20
1-26 DC-DC Converter Specifications .........................................................................1-20
1-27 DC-AC Inverter Specifications ............................................................................1-21
1-28 LCD Specifications .............................................................................................1-21
1-29 AC Adapter Specifications ..................................................................................1-22
1-30 Hotkey Descriptions............................................................................................1-23
1-31 Standby Mode Conditions and Descriptions ........................................................1-25
1-32 Light Green Mode Conditions and Descriptions...................................................1-26
1-33 Hibernation Mode Conditions and Descriptions ...................................................1-27
1-34 Display Standby Mode Conditions and Descriptions............................................1-27
1-35 Hard Disk Standby Mode Conditions and Descriptions........................................1-28
1-36 Location of Drivers in the System Utility CD........................................................1-29
1-37 Location of Applications in the System Utility CD................................................ 1-30
1-38 Environmental Requirements.............................................................................. 1-33
1-39 Mechanical Specifications...................................................................................1-34
2-1 Major Chips List....................................................................................................2-1
2-2 PCI1250 Terminal Functions.................................................................................2-5
2-3 M1531 Signal Descriptions..................................................................................2-24
2-4 M1531 Numerical Pin List................................................................................... 2-28
2-5 M1533 Numerical Pin List................................................................................... 2-40
2-6 FDC37C67 Pin Descriptions ...............................................................................2-52
2-7 FDC37C67 Multifunction Pin Descriptions...........................................................2-55
2-8 65555 Pin Functions...........................................................................................2-66
2-9 M38813M4-XXXHP Functions............................................................................. 2-77
2-10 M38813M4-XXXHP Pin Description ....................................................................2-79
2-11 YMF715 Descriptions.......................................................................................... 2-83
3-1 Basic System Settings Parameters.......................................................................3-3
3-2 Startup Configuration Parameters .........................................................................3-4
3-3 Onboard Devices Configuration Parameters.........................................................3-6
3-4 System Security Parameters.................................................................................3-8
3-5 Power Management Settings Parameters.............................................................3-9
4-1 Guide to Disassembly Sequence ..........................................................................4-4
B-1 Exploded View Diagram List................................................................................B-1
C-1 Spare Parts List...................................................................................................C-1
D-1 Schematics List ...................................................................................................D-1
E-1 POST Checkpoint List.......................................................................................... E-1
C h a p t e r 1C h a p t e r 1

System Introduction

1.1 Overview
This computer combines high-performance, versatility, power management features and multimedia capabilities with unique style and ergonomic design. This computer was designed with the user in mind. Here are just a few of its many features:
Intel Pentium® processor with MMX™ technology
64-bit main memory and external (L2) cache memory
Large LCD display and PCI local bus video with graphics acceleration
Internal CD-ROM drive and external 3.5-inch floppy drive, or internal 3.5-inch floppy drive
High-capacity, Enhanced-IDE hard disk
Lithium-Ion or Nickel Metal-Hydride battery pack
Power management system with light green, standby and hibernation power saving modes
16-bit high-fidelity stereo audio with 3-D sound
Built-in dual speakers
Ultra-slim, high-speed CD-ROM drive
High-speed fax/data modem port
Fast infrared wireless communication
USB (Universal Serial Bus) port
Human-centric Design and Ergonomics
Lightweight and slim
Sleek, smooth and stylish design
Full-sized keyboard and wide palmrest
Ergonomically-centered touchpad pointing device
CardBus PC card (formerly PCMCIA) slots (two type II/I or one type III) with ZV (Zoomed
Video) port support
Port replicator option for one-step connect/disconnect from peripherals
User-upgradeable memory and hard disk
System Introduction 1-1
1.2 System Board Layout
1.2.1 Mainboard
Figure 1-1 PCB No. 96183-1A Mainboard Layout (Top)
1-2 Service Guide
Figure 1-2 PCB No. 96183-1A Mainboard Layout (Bottom)
System Introduction 1-3
1.2.2 CPU Board
Figure 1-3 PCB No. 96534-SE CPU Board Layout (Top)
Figure 1-4 PCB No. 96534-SE CPU Board Layout (Bottom)
1-4 Service Guide
The following table is a reference when mounting1 the CPU.
Table 1-1 CPU Mounting Reference Table
Volt. Ext Freq Ratio CPU Volt Freq R4 R6 R8 R11 R20 R22 R24 R26 RX14 RY1 RX6 RX9 RX11 RX12 UX2 UX3 P55C-133MHz 2.5V 133=66x2 V X V X V X X V V X V X X X X X P55C-150MHz 2.5V 150=60x2.5 V X V V X X V V V X V X X X X X P55C-166MHz 2.5V 166=66x2.5 V X V X X X V V V X V X X X X X TLMK-200MHz 1.8V 200=66x3 X X V X X V V X V X X V V V V V TLMK-233MHz 1.8V 233=66x3.5 X X V X V V X X V X X V V V V V TLMK-266MHz 2.0V 266=66x4 X V V X X X V V X V X V V V V V
1.2.3 Audio Board
Figure 1-5 PCB No. 97355-1 Audio Board
1.2.4 Battery Board
Figure 1-6 PCB No. 97348-1 Battery Board
V: mount on; X: not mount on
System Introduction 1-5
1.2.5 Keyboard/Touchpad Board
Figure 1-7 PCB No. 97349-1 Keyboard/Touchpad Board (Top View)
Figure 1-8 PCB No. 97349-1 Keyboard/Touchpad Board (Bottom View)
1-6 Service Guide
1.3 Jumpers and Connectors
CN1 CN4 CN5 CN8 CN12 CN2 CN3 U1
CN7 CN11 CN10 CN13
CN15 CN14
CN17 CN21
CN1 USB port CN14 Audio board cable connector CN2 Parallel port CN15 Internal speaker connector (right) CN3 Serial port CN16 PCMCIA socket connector CN4 VGA port CN17 FDD/CD-ROM connector CN5 Port replicator port CN18 Internal keyboard/touchpad connector CN6 RJ-11 phone jack CN19 HDD connector CN7 DC-DC connector CN20 CD-ROM connector CN8 Inverter connector CN21 CPU board connector CN9 LCD connector CN22 Battery connector CN10 Charger connector GF1 Golden finger for debug card CN11 Charger connector SW1 KB/password/logo setting switch CN12 Fan connector U1 FIR port CN13 Internal speaker connector (left)
Figure 1-9 Jumpers and Connectors (Top View)
System Introduction 1-7
CN23 Modem connector CN24 Modem connector DIMM DIMM sockets
Figure 1-10 Jumpers and Connectors (Bottom View)
The following tables list the switch settings for SW1.
Table 1-2 SW1 Switch Settings
Switch 1 (Logo Screen)
Switch 2 (Password)
Germany U.S. Japanese Switch 3 (KB Language) Switch 4 (KB Language)
OEM Acer
Bypass Check
On Off Off Off Off On
1-8 Service Guide
1.4 Hardware Configuration and Specification
1.4.1 Memory Address Map
Table 1-3 Memory Address Map
Address Range Definition Function
000000 - 09FFFF 640 KB memory Base memory 0A0000 - 0BFFFF 128 KB video RAM Reserved for graphics display buffer 0C0000 - 0CBFFF Video BIOS Video BIOS 0F0000 - 0FFFFF 64 KB system BIOS System BIOS 100000 - top limited Extended memory SIMM memory FE0000 - FFFFFF 256 KB system ROM Duplicate of code assignment at 0E0000-0FFFFF
1.4.2 Interrupt Channel Map
Table 1-4 Interrupt Channel Map
Priority Interrupt Number Interrupt Source
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
IRQ 11 IRQ 12
IRQ 13 IRQ 14 IRQ 15 IRQ 3 IRQ 4 IRQ 5 IRQ 6 IRQ 7
Power management unit Parity error detected, I/O channel error Interval timer, counter 0 output Keyboard Interrupt from controller 2 (cascade) Real-time clock / Cascaded to INT 0AH (IRQ 2) / Audio / PCMCIA Audio (option) / PCMCIA / Internal modem / Serial communication port 2 / PCMCIA / USB Audio (option) / PCMCIA / Internal modem / Serial communication port 1 / PCMCIA PS/2 mouse INT from coprocessor Hard disk controller / PCMCIA controller CD-ROM controller / PCMCIA controller Serial communication port 2 / Internal modem / Audio / PCMCIA Serial communication port 1 / Internal modem / Audio / PCMCIA Parallel port (option) / Internal modem / Audio / PCMCIA Diskette controller Parallel port (option) / Audio
System Introduction 1-9
1.4.3 DMA Channel Map
Table 1-5 DMA Channel Map
Controller Channel Address Function
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0087 0083 0081 0082
008B 0089 008A
Audio (option) / Audio
Audio (option) / ECP / Audio / FIR
Audio (option) / ECP / FIR
Not support / Audio
1.4.4 I/O Address Map
Table 1-6 I/O Address Map
Address Range Device
000 - 00F 020 - 021 040 - 043 048 - 04B 060 - 06E 070 - 071 080 - 08F 0A0 - 0A1 0C0 - 0DF 1F0 - 1F7 220 - 22F 230 - 23F 240 - 24F 250 - 25F 278 - 27F 2E8 - 2EF 2F8 - 2FF 378, 37A 3BC - 3BE 3B4, 3B5, 3BA 3C0 - 3C5 3C6 - 3C9 3C0 - 3CF 3D0 - 3DF 3E0 - 3E1 3E8 - 3EF 3F0 - 3F7 3F8 - 3FF CF8 - CFF
DMA controller-1 Interrupt controller-1 Timer 1 Timer 2 Keyboard controller 8742 chip select Real-time clock and NMI mask DMA page register Interrupt controller-2 DMA controller-2 Hard disk select Audio (option) - default Audio (option) Audio (option) Audio (option) Parallel port 3 COM 4 COM 2 Parallel port 2 Parallel port 1 Video subsystem Video subsystem Video DAC Enhanced graphics display Color graphics adapter PCMCIA controller COM3 Floppy disk controller COM 1 PCI configuration register
Cascade Not support Not support
1-10 Service Guide
1.4.5 Processor
Table 1-7 Processor Specifications
Item Specification
CPU type P55C-133/150/166 CPU package TCP Switchable processor speed (Y/N) Yes Minimum working speed 0MHz CPU core voltage 2.0V/2.45V/1.8V CPU I/O voltage 2.5V/3.3V/2.5V
1.4.6 BIOS
Table 1-8 BIOS Specifications
Item Specification
BIOS vendor Acer BIOS version V3.0 BIOS in flash EPROM (Y/N) Yes BIOS ROM size 256KB BIOS package type 32-pin PLCC Same BIOS for STN color/TFT color (Y/N) Yes
The BIOS can be overwritten/upgradeable using the “AFLASH” utility (AFLASH.EXE). Please refer to software specification section for details.
1.4.7 System Memory
Memory is upgradeable from 8 to 64 MB, employing 8-/16-/32-/64-MB2 64-bit soDIMMs (Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Modules). After installing the memory modules, the system automatically detects and reconfigures the total memory size during the POST routines. The following lists important memory specifications.
Memory bus width: 64-bit
Expansion RAM module type:144-pin, 64-bit, small outline Dual Inline Memory Module
Expansion RAM module size/configuration:
8MB (1M*16x4)
You can upgrade memory using 32-MB soDIMMs when these become available. Consult your dealer.
System Introduction 1-11
16MB (2M*8x8)
32MB (4M*16x4)
64MB (8M*8x8)
Expansion RAM module speed/voltage/package: 60ns/3.3v/TSOP EDO
EDO and fast-page mode DIMMs may be used together in a memory configuration.
The following table lists all possible memory configurations.
Table 1-9 Memory Configurations
Slot 1 Slot 2 Total Memory
8 MB 0 MB 8 MB 0 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 8 MB 16 MB
16 MB 0 MB 16 MB
0 MB 16 MB 16 MB
16 MB 8 MB 24 MB
8 MB 16 MB 24 MB 16 MB 16 MB 32 MB 32 MB 0 MB 32 MB
0 MB 32 MB 32 MB 32 MB 8 MB 40 MB
8 MB 32 MB 40 MB 32 MB 16 MB 48 MB 16 MB 32 MB 48 MB 32 MB 32 MB 64 MB
64MB 0MB 64MB
0MB 64MB 64MB
64MB 8MB 72MB
8MB 64MB 72MB 64MB 16MB 80MB 16MB 64MB 80MB 64MB 32MB 96MB 32MB 64MB 96MB 64MB 64MB 128MB
1.4.8 Second-Level Cache
This notebook has 256KB second-level (L2) cache onboard.
1-12 Service Guide
1.4.9 Video Memory
Table 1-10 Video RAM Configuration
Item Specification
DRAM or VRAM DRAM(EDO type) Fixed or upgradeable Fixed Memory size/configuration 2MB (256K x 16 x 4pcs) Memory speed 50ns Memory voltage 3.3V Memory package TSOP
1.4.10 Video
Table 1-11 Video Hardware Specification
Item Specification
Video chip C&T65555 Working voltage 3.3V External CRT Resolution Support
Table 1-12 Supported External CRT Resolutions
Resolution x Color on
External CRT
640x480x16 60,75,85 60 Y Y 640x480x256 60,75,85 60 Y Y 640x480x65,536 60,75,85 60 Y Y 640x480x16,777,216 60,75,85 60 Y Y 800x600x16 56,60,75,85 60 Y Y 800x600x256 56,60,75,85 60 Y Y 800x600x65,536 56,60,75,85 60 Y Y 800x600x16,777,216 56,60,75,85 60 Y Y 1024x768x16 60,75,85,86I 60 Y Y 1024x768x256 60,75,85,86I 60 Y Y 1024x768x65536 60,75,85,86I 60 Y Y 1280x1024x16 60,75,86I 60 Y Y 1280x1024x256 60,75,86I 60 Y Y
CRT Refresh Rate Simultaneous on
CRT only Simultaneous SVGA SVGA
Simultaneous on
System Introduction 1-13 LCD Resolution Support
Table 1-13 Supported LCD Resolutions
Resolution x Color on LCD Only TFT LCD (SVGA) DSTN LCD (SVGA)
640x480x16 Y Y 640x480x256 Y Y 640x480x65,536 Y Y 640x480x16,777,216 Y Y 800x600x16 Y Y 800x600x256 Y Y 800x600x65,536 Y Y 800x600x16777216 Y Y 1024x768x16 Y Y 1024x768x256 Y Y 1024x768x65536 Y Y 1280x1024x16 Y Y 1280x1024x256 Y Y
Maximum resolution (External CRT): 1280x1024
Using software, you can set the LCD to a higher resolution than its physical resolution, but the image shown on the LCD will pan.
1.4.11 Parallel Port
Table 1-14 Parallel Port Configurations
Item Specification
Number of parallel ports 1 ECP support Yes (set by BIOS setup) Connector type 25-pin D-type Location Rear side Selectable parallel port (by BIOS Setup)
Parallel 1 (3BCh, IRQ7)
Parallel 2 (378h, IRQ7)
Parallel 3 (278h, IRQ5)
1-14 Service Guide
1.4.12 Serial Port
Table 1-15 Serial Port Configurations
Item Specification
Number of serial ports 1 16550 UART support Yes Connector type 9-pin D-type Location Rear side Selectable serial port (by BIOS Setup)
Serial 1 (3F8h, IRQ4)
Serial 2 (2F8h, IRQ3)
1.4.13 Audio
Table 1-16 Audio Specifications
Item Specification
Chipset YMF715 Audio onboard or optional Built-in Mono or stereo Stereo Resolution 16-bit Compatibility SB-16 , Windows Sound System Mixed sound sources Voice, Synthesizer, Line-in, Microphone, CD Voice channel 8-/16-bit, mono/stereo Sampling rate 44.1 kHz Internal microphone No Internal speaker / quantity Yes / 2 pcs. Microphone jack Yes Headphone jack Yes
1.4.14 PCMCIA
PCMCIA is an acronym for Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. The PCMCIA committee set out to standardize a way to add credit-card size peripheral devices to a wide range of personal computers with as little effort as possible.
There are two type II/I or one type III PC Card slots found on the left panel of the notebook. These slots accept credit-card-sized cards that enhances the usability and expandability of the notebook.
ZV (Zoomed Video) port support allows your system to support hardware MPEG in the form of a ZV PC card.
System Introduction 1-15
Table 1-17 PCMCIA Specifications
Item Specification
Chipset TI 1250A Supported card type Type-II / Type-III Number of slots Two Type-II or one Type-III Access location Left side ZV (Zoomed Video) port support Yes
1.4.15 Touchpad
Table 1-18 Touchpad Specifications
Item Specification
Vendor & model name Power supply voltage (V) 5 ± 10% Location Palm-rest center Internal & external pointing device work simultaneously Yes Support external pointing device hot plug Yes X/Y position resolution (points/mm) 20 Interface PS/2 (compatible with Microsoft mouse driver)
Synaptics TM3202TPD-226
1.4.16 Keyboard
Table 1-19 Keyboard Specifications
Item Specification
Vendor & model name SMK KAS1901-0161R (English) Total number of keypads 84/85 keys Windows 95 keys Yes, (Logo key / Application key): Internal & external keyboard work simultaneously Yes
1-16 Service Guide Windows 95 Keys
The keyboard has two keys that perform Windows 95-specific functions. See Table 1-26.
Table 1-20 Windows 95 Key Descriptions
Key Description
Windows logo key Start button. Combinations with this key performs special functions, e.g.:
Windows + Tab Activate next Taskbar button
Windows + E Explore My Computer
Windows + F Find Document
Windows + M Minimize All
Shift + Windows + M Undo Minimize All
Windows + R Display Run dialog box
Application key Opens the application’s context menu (same as right-click).
1.4.17 FDD
Table 1-21 FDD Specifications
Item Specification
Vendor & model name Mitsumi D353F2
Floppy Disk Specifications
Media recognition 2DD (720K) 2HD (1.2M, 3-mode) 2HD (1.44M) Sectors / track 9 15 18 Tracks 80 80 80 Data transfer rate (Kbits/s) 250 300 500 500 Rotational speed (RPM) 300 360 360 300 Read/write heads 2 Encoding method MFM
Power Requirement
Input Voltage (V) +5 ± 10%
System Introduction 1-17
1.4.18 HDD
Table 1-22 HDD Specifications
Item Specification
Vendor & Model Name Hitachi DK225A-21 IBM DTNA22160 IBM DDLA21620
Drive Format
Capacity (MB) 2160 2160 1620 Bytes per sector 512 512 512 Logical heads 16 16 16 Logical sectors 63 63 63 Logical cylinders 4889 4200 3152 Physical read/write heads 6 6 3 Disks 3 3 2 Spindle speed (RPM) 4464 4000 4000
Performance Specifications
Buffer size (KB) 128 96 96 Interface ATA-3(IDE) ATA-2 ATA-2 Data transfer rate
(disk-buffer, Mbytes/s) Data transfer rate
(host-buffer, Mbytes/s)
DC Power Requirements
Voltage tolerance (V)
5.7 ~ 9.0 5 ~ 7.7 5 ~ 8.3
16.6 /33.3 (max., PIO mode 4)
5 ± 5%
16.6 (max., PIO mode 4)
5 + 5%
16.6 (max., PIO mode 4)
5 ± 5%
1.4.19 CD-ROM
Table 1-23 CD-ROM Specifications
Item Specification
Vendor & Model Name
Performance Specification
Speed (KB/sec) 2100 (14X ave. speed) Access time (ms) 150 (Typ.) Buffer memory (KB) 128 Interface Enhanced IDE (ATAPI) compatible Applicable disc format CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-ROM XA (except ADPCM), CD-I, Photo CD
Loading mechanism Soft eject (with emergency eject hole)
Power Requirement
Input Voltage (V) 5
1-18 Service Guide
Panasonic KMEUJDA110
(Multisession), Video CD, CD+
+ 174 hidden pages