Actuator Sizing
Actuator Sizing
Because the actuator sizing is so critical to the proper
operation and life of a ball valve, we have chosen
not to publish torque values. Misinterpretation of
manual torque data can lead to undersizing, while
misinterpretation of factored torque values can
mislead as to ease of manual operation.
Furthermore, types of service conditions can
signifi cantly alter standard torque requirements.
Balon valves facilitate ease of use, and we will be
glad to provide sizing information upon request
through one of our fi eld representatives or from our
Oklahoma City headquarters.
Standards and Speci cations
Balon utilizes the following standards in the
manufacture of ball valves. It should be noted that
not all styles, confi gurations and materials used in
Balon valves meet all of these standards in their
API. . . . . . . . . . . . . (American Petroleum Institute)
API-6FA. . . . . . . . . Fire Test For Resilient-Seated Valves
API 5B . . . . . . . . . . Inspection Of Threads
API-6D. . . . . . . . . . Pipeline Valves, End Closures,
Connectors And Swivels.
API-Q1. . . . . . . . . . Quality Programs
API-594 . . . . . . . . . Wafer Check Valves
ANSI . . . . . . . . . . . (American National Standard Institute)
ANSI-B. . . . . . . . . . 16.5 - Pipe Flanges And Flanged Fittings
ANSI-B. . . . . . . . . . 16.10 - Face-To-Face End-To-End
ANSI-B. . . . . . . . . . 16.42 Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges And
Flanged Fittings
ANSI-B. . . . . . . . . . 16.34 - Valves - Flanged End,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Threaded And Butt Weld
ANSI-B. . . . . . . . . . (B1.20.1) - Pipe Threads General
Purpose (Inch)
The user therefore, should specify a given standard
if there is a need to assure total compliance with a
given standard.
MSS . . . . . . . . . . . . (Manufacturers Standardization Society)
MSS-SP6 . . . . . . . . Standard Finishes For Contact Faces Of
Pipe Flanges And Connection End
Flanges Of Valves And Fittings
MSS-SP25. . . . . . . Standard Marking System For Valves, Fittings,
Flanges And Fittings
MSS-SP72. . . . . . . Ball Valves With Flanged Or Butt
Welding Ends For General Service
MSS-SP82. . . . . . . Valve Pressure Test Methods
MSS-SP84. . . . . . . Steel Valves - Socket Welding And Threaded
NACE MR-01-75. . .Sulfi de Stress Cracking, Resistant
Metallic Material For Oil Field Equipment (NACE
Materials Are Optional And Must Be Specifi ed
On Purchase Orders)
Standards & Specifi cations
Different by Philosophy, Better by Design

Application Guide
Application Guide
This Balon “Media and Application Guide” provides assistance to the engineer in selecting the best material
for a particular service. The fi nal selection of materials however, requires the judgement of the user because it
may be necessary to sacrifi ce certain physical properties of a material to take better advantage of others.
Information contained in the following chart is believed to be reliable and is intended to be used by trained
personnel at their own discretion and risk. Due to many factors which affect the rate of corrosion, we
suggest that fi nal acceptability be established by test under actual operating conditions.
Ratings are based on media at ambient temperatures except as noted.
E - Excellent G - Good F - Fair U - Unsatisfactory BLANK - Insuffi cient Data
Application Guide
Media *
Air E E E E E E E
Alcohols G G E E E F E
Amines (conc.) E E E U U E E
Ammonia, Anhydrous E G E F U E E
- Aqueous E E E F U G E
- Solutions G G E F U G E
Benzene or Benzol G G E U E E E
Brines F F G E E E E
Bunker Oils (Fuels) G G E E E E E
Butane E E E E E E E
Carbolic Acid (Phenol) U U G U G U E
Carbon Dioxide, Dry E F E G G G E
Carbonic Acid U U G G E E E
Carbon Tetrachloride, Dry F F E U E E E
-Wet U U G U E E E
Carbonated Water G G E E E G E
Crude Oil, Sweet E E E E E E E
- Sour G G E F G G E
Diethylamine (DEA) E E E U U E E
Diesel Fuels E E E E E E E
Dowtherm A and E G G E U E E E
Drilling Mud G G E E E E E
Ethane E E E E E E E
Ethylene E E E U E E E
Ethylene Glycol G G G E E G E
Fuel Oil G G E E E E E
Gas, Manufactured G G G E E E E
- Natural G G E E E E E
- Odorizers G G E U E G E
- Sour G G E F E E E
Gasoline, Leaded E G E G E E E
- Unleaded E G E F E E E
- Aviation E G E G E E E
- Motor E G E F E E E
Glycols G G G E E G E
Heptane E E E E E E E
Hexane E E E E E E E
Hydraulic Oil
- Petroleum Base E E E E E E E
- Phosphate Base E E E U E E E
Hydrocloric Acid
-Air Free U U U F E U E
Hydrofl oric Acid U U U U U U F
Hydrogen Gas G G E E E E E
Hydrogen Sulfi de,
Wet(Conc.) F U G U F E E
Illuminating Gas E E E E E E
Iso-Octane E G E E E E E
Buna-N Viton Nylon TFE
Media *
Isopropyl Alcohol G G G G E G E
- Ether E G E G U E E
JP-4 Fuel E E E E E E E
JP-5 Fuel E E E E E E E
JP-6 Fuel E E E E E E E
Kerosene G G E E E E E
Liquifi ed Pet. Gas (LPG) G G G E E E E
Lubricating Oil E E E E E E E
Mercaptan (Conc.) G G E F E G E
Methane E E E E E E E
Muratic Acid U U U G E U E
Naphtha G G E G E E E
Naphthalene E G E U E E E
Natural Gas E E E E E E E
Nitrogen E E E E E E E
Oil, Animal E E E E E E
- Cottonseed F F G E E E E
- Fish G G E E E E E
- Fuel G G E E E E E
- Lube E E E E E E E
- Mineral G G E E E E E
- Petroleum, Refi ned E G E E E E E
Oil-Water Mixtures E E E E E E E
Parafi n G G E G E E E
Pentane G G E U E E E
Producer Gas G G G E E E E
Propane E E E E E E E
Propyl Alcohol E E E E E E E
Propylene Glycol E E E E E F E
Sea Water U U E E E E E
Sodium Acetate G G G G U G E
- Hydroxide, Cold, 20% E E E G G E E
- Hydroxide, Hot, 20% F F G G G G E
- Hydroxide, Cold, 50% G G G F F F F
- Hydroxide, Hot, 50% G G G U F U F
- Hydroxide, Cold, 70% F F G U F F
- Hydroxide, Hot, 70% G F G U F U
Steam (212˚ F) E E E U U U E
Stoddard Solvent G G G E E G E
Sulfur Dioxide (Dry) G G E U U F E
Sulfuric Acid, 0-7% F F G F E G E
- 20% U U F U E U E
- 50% U U U U E U E
- 100% U U U U E U E
Toluene or Toluol E E E U E E E
Water, Distilled, Aerated U U E E G E E
- Fresh F F E E E E E
- Sea U U E E E E E
Wax Emulsions E G E E E E E
Waxes E E E E E E E
Xylene, Dry E E E U E E E
* Consul t Oklahom a City offi ce for c ompatibi lity of Alu minum Bro nze Material
ahoma City offi ce for compatibility of Aluminum Bronze Material
onsult Ok
Buna-N Viton Nylon TFE
ABCLeading the Pack Through Innovation