This chapter contains the safety instructions which you must obey when you install and
operate the drive and do maintenance on the drive. If you ignore the safety instructions,
injury, death or damage can occur.
Use of warnings and notes
Warnings tell you about conditions which can cause injury or death, or damage to the
equipment. They also tell you how to prevent the danger. Notes draw attention to a
particular condition or fact, or give information on a subject.
The manual uses these warning symbols:
Electricity warning tells about hazards from electricity which can cause injury
or death, or damage to the equipment.
General warning tells about conditions, other than those caused by electricity,
which can cause injury or death, or damage to the equipment.
Electrostatic sensitive devices warning tells you about the risk of
electrostatic discharge which can cause damage to the equipment.
14 Safety instructions
General safety in installation, start-up and maintenance
These instructions are for all personnel that install the drive module and do maintenance
work on it.
WARNING! Obey these instructions. If you ignore them, injury or death, or
damage to the equipment can occur.
•Use protective gloves when working on the drive module.
•Handle the drive module carefully:
•Use safety shoes with a metal toe cap to prevent foot injury.
•Lift the drive module only by the lifting lugs.
•Make sure that the module does not topple over when you move it on the floor:
Open the support legs by pressing each leg a little down (1, 2) and turning it aside.
Whenever possible secure the module also with chains.
•Do not tilt the drive module (A). It is heavy and its center of gravity is high. The
module overturns from a sideways tilt of 5 degrees. Do not leave the module
unattended on a sloping floor.
•Do not use the module installation ramp with plinth heights which exceed the
maximum height marked on the ramp. (The maximum plinth height is 50 mm
[1.97 in] when the telescopic ramp is fully retracted and 150 mm [5.91 in] when
the ramp is fully extended.)
•Attach the module installation ramp carefully.
Safety instructions 15
•To prevent the drive module from falling, attach its top lifting lugs with chains to the
cabinet frame before you push the module into the cabinet and pull it from the
cabinet. Work carefully preferably with help from another person as shown below.
Keep a constant pressure with one foot on the base of the module to prevent the
module from falling on its back
•Beware of hot surfaces. Some parts, such as heatsinks of power semiconductors,
remain hot for a while after disconnection of the electrical supply.
•Make sure that debris from borings and grindings does not enter the drive during the
installation. Electrically conductive debris inside the drive may cause damage or
•Make sure that there is sufficient cooling.
•Before you connect voltage to the drive, make sure that the cabinet doors are closed.
Keep the doors closed during the operation. Obey the panel builder’s instructions.
•Before you adjust the drive operation limits, make sure that the motor and all driven
equipment can operate throughout the set operation limits.
•Before you activate the automatic fault reset or automatic restart functions of the drive
control program, make sure that no dangerous situations can occur. These functions
reset the drive automatically and continue operation after a fault or supply break.
•The maximum number of drive power-ups is five in ten minutes. Too frequent power-
ups can damage the charging circuit of the DC capacitors.
•Make sure that any safety circuits (for example, emergency stop and Safe torque off)
are validated in start-up. See chapter Start-up for reference of the validation
•If you select an external source for start command and it is on, the drive will start
immediately after fault reset unless you configure the drive for pulse start. See the
firmware manual.
•When the control location is not set to Local, the stop key on the control panel will not
stop the drive.
16 Safety instructions
Electrical safety in installation, start-up and maintenance
Precautions before electrical work
These warnings are for all personnel that do work on the drive, motor cable or motor.
WARNING! Obey these instructions. If you ignore them, injury or death, or
damage to the equipment can occur. If you are not a qualified electrician, do not
do installation or maintenance work. Go through these steps before you begin any
installation or maintenance work.
1.Clearly identify the work location.
2.Disconnect all possible voltage sources.
•Open the main disconnector of the drive.
•Open the disconnector of the supply transformer as the main disconnector of the
drive does not remove the voltage from the input busbars of the drive.
•Make sure that reconnection is not possible. Lock the disconnectors to open
position and attach a warning notice to them.
•Disconnect any external power sources from the control circuits before you do
work on the control cables.
•After you disconnect the drive, always wait for 5 minutes to let the intermediate
circuit capacitors discharge before you continue.
3.Protect any other energized parts in the work location against contact.
4.Take special precautions when close to bare conductors.
5.Measure that the installation is de-energized.
•Use a multimeter with an impedance of at least 1 Mohm.
•Make sure that the voltage between the drive module input power terminals
(L1/U1, L2/V1, L3/W1) and the grounding (PE) busbar is close to 0 V.
•Make sure that the voltage between the drive module UDC+ and UDC- terminals
and the grounding (PE) busbar is close to 0 V.
6.Install temporary grounding as required by the local regulations.
7.Ask for a permit to work from the person in control of the electrical installation work.
Safety instructions 17
Additional instructions and notes
WARNING! Obey these instructions. If you ignore them, injury or death, or
damage to the equipment can occur.
•If you are not a qualified electrician, do not do installation or maintenance work.
•Do not install a drive with EMC filter option +E200 or ARFI-10 on an ungrounded
power system or a high resistance-grounded (over 30 ohms) power system.
•Do not connect the drive to a voltage higher than what is on the type designation label.
If you do, the brake chopper starts to operate which causes the overheating of the
brake resistor (if present). Overvoltage can also cause the motor to rush to its
maximum speed.
•We do not recommend that you secure the cabinet by arc welding.
•Do not do insulation or voltage withstand tests on the drive or drive modules.
•The motor cable terminals of the drive are at a dangerous voltage when the input
power is on, regardless of whether the motor is running or not.
•The DC bus and brake resistor terminals (UDC+, UDC-, R+ and R-) are at a
dangerous voltage.
•External wiring can supply dangerous voltages to the terminals of relay outputs
(XRO1, XRO2 and XRO3).
•The Safe torque off function does not remove the voltage from the main and auxiliary
circuits. The function is not effective against deliberate sabotage or misuse.
WARNING! Use a grounding wrist band when you handle the printed circuit
boards. Do not touch the boards unnecessarily. The boards contain components
sensitive to electrostatic discharge.
WARNING! Obey these instructions. If you ignore them, equipment malfunction
and damage to the fiber optic cables can occur.
•Handle the fiber optic cables with care.
•When you unplug the cables, always hold the connector, not the cable itself.
•Do not touch the ends of the fibers with bare hands as the ends are extremely
sensitive to dirt.
•Do not bend the fiber optic cables too tightly. The minimum allowed bend radius is
35 mm (1.4 in).
18 Safety instructions
These instructions are for all personnel who are responsible for the grounding of the drive.
WARNING! Obey these instructions. If you ignore them, injury or death, or
equipment malfunction can occur, and electromagnetic interference can increase.
•If you are not a qualified electrician, do not do grounding work.
•Always ground the drive, the motor and adjoining equipment. This is necessary for the
personnel safety. Proper grounding also reduces electromagnetic emission and
•Make sure that the conductivity of the grounding conductors is sufficient. See section
Selecting the power cableson page 71. Obey the local regulations.
•Connect the power cable shields to protective earth (PE) of the drive to make sure of
personnel safety.
•Make a 360° grounding of the power and control cable shields at the cable entries to
suppress electromagnetic disturbances.
•In a multiple-drive installation, connect each drive separately to the protective earth
(PE) busbar of the switch board or the transformer.
•You can use power cable shields as grounding conductors only when their conductivity
is sufficient.
•As the normal touch current of the drive is higher than 3.5 mA AC or 10 mA DC, you
must use a fixed protective earth connection. See standard EN 61800-5-1,
Safety instructions 19
Additional instructions for permanent magnet motor
Safety in installation, start-up and maintenance
These are additional warnings concerning permanent magnet motor drives. The other
safety instructions in this chapter are also valid.
WARNING! Obey these instructions. If you ignore them, injury or death and
equipment malfunction can occur.
•Do not do work on the drive when the permanent magnet motor is rotating. A rotating
permanent magnet motor energizes the drive including its input power terminals.
Before installation, start-up and maintenance work on the drive:
•Stop the motor.
•Disconnect the motor from the drive with a safety switch or by other means.
•If you cannot disconnect the motor, make sure that the motor cannot rotate during
work. Make sure that no other system, like hydraulic crawling drives, can rotate the
motor directly or through any mechanical connection like felt, nip, rope, etc.
•Measure that the installation is de-energized.
•Use a multimeter with an impedance of at least 1 Mohm.
•Make sure that the voltage between the drive output terminals (T1/U2, T2/V2,
T3/W2) and the grounding (PE) busbar is close to 0 V.
•Make sure that the voltage between the drive input power terminals (L1/U1, L2/V1,
L3/W1) and the grounding (PE) busbar is close to 0 V.
•Make sure that the voltage between the drive module UDC+ and UDC- terminals
and the grounding (PE) busbar is close to 0 V.
•Install temporary grounding to the drive output terminals (T1/U2, T2/V2, T3/W2).
Connect the output terminals together as well as to the PE.
•Make sure that the operator cannot run the motor over the rated speed. Motor
overspeed causes overvoltage can damage or explode the capacitors in the
intermediate circuit of the drive.
20 Safety instructions
Introduction to the manual 21
Introduction to the manual
Contents of this chapter
This chapter describes the manual. It contains a flowchart of steps in checking the
delivery, installing and starting up the drive. The flowchart refers to chapters/sections in
this manual and to other manuals.
Target audience
This manual is intended for people who plan the installation, install, start up, use and
service the drive. Read the manual before working on the drive. You are expected to know
the fundamentals of electricity, wiring, electrical components and electrical schematic
The manual is written for readers worldwide. Both SI and imperial units are shown.
Contents of the manual
This manual contains the instructions and information for the basic drive configuration. The
chapters of the manual are briefly described below.
Safety instructions gives safety instructions for the installation, start-up, operation and
maintenance of the drive.
Introduction to the manual gives an introduction to this manual.
Operation principle and hardware description describes the operation principle and
construction of the drive.
Mechanical installation describes how to install the drive mechanically.
Guidelines for planning the electrical installation contains instructions for the motor and
cable selection, protections and cable routing.
22 Introduction to the manual
Electrical installation gives instructions on wiring the drive.
Control units of the drive contains the default I/O connection diagrams, descriptions of the
terminals and technical data for the control units of both the supply and inverter units.
Installation checklist contains a list for checking the mechanical and electrical installation
of the drive.
Start-up describes the start-up procedure of the drive.
Fault tracing describes the fault tracing possibilities of the drive.
Maintenance contains preventive maintenance instructions.
Technical data contains the technical specifications of the drive, eg. the ratings, sizes and
technical requirements, provisions for fulfilling the requirements for CE and other
Dimensions contains example dimension drawings of the drive.
Safe torque off function describes the Safe torque off function of the drive and gives
instructions on its implementation.
Resistor braking describes selection, protection and wiring of optional brake choppers and
resistors. The chapter also contains technical data.
Related manuals
See List of related manuals on the inside of the front cover.
Categorization by frame size and option code
Some instructions, technical data and dimension drawings which concern only certain
frame sizes are marked with the symbol of the frame size. The instructions, technical data
and dimension drawings which concern only certain drive.
Frame sizes are marked with the symbol of the frame size (R10 or R11). The frame size is
marked on the type designation label.
Introduction to the manual 23
Quick installation, commissioning and operation
Plan the electrical installation and acquire the accessories needed
(cables, fuses, etc.).
Check the ratings, required cooling air flow, input power connection,
compatibility of the motor, motor connection, and other technical
Check the installation site.Ambient conditions (page 140)
Unpack and check the drive (only intact units may be started up).
Make sure that all necessary optional modules and equipment are
present and correct.
Mount the drive.
Route the cables.Routing the cables (page 85)
Check the insulation of the supply cable, the motor and the motor
Guidelines for planning the
electrical installation (page 73)
Technical data (page 133)
Mechanical installation (page 43)
If the drive has been nonoperational for more than one year,
the DC link capacitors need to be
reformed (page 129)
Checking the insulation of the
assembly (page 75)
If the drive is about to be connected to an IT (ungrounded) system,
check that the drive is not
Connect the power cables.
Connect the control cables.
Check the installation.Installation checklist (page 105)
Start the drive up.Start-up (page 107)
Operate the drive: start, stop, speed control etc.ACS880 quick start-up guide,
equipped with EMC filter +E200.
Checking the compatibility with IT
(ungrounded) systems (page 76)
Connecting the input power cables
(page 87), Connecting the control
cables (page 77),
firmware manual
24 Introduction to the manual
Terms and abbreviations
BCUDrive control unit. The drive contains two BCU control units. One controls the supply unit,
DriveFrequency converter for controlling AC motors.
FENA-21OptionalEthernet adapter module for EtherNet/IP™, Modbus TCP and PROFINET IO
FEPL-01Optional Ethernet POWERLINK adapter module
FIO-01Optional digital I/O extension module
FIO-11Optional analog I/O extension module
FLON-01Optional LonWorks® adapter module
FPBA-01Optional PROFIBUS DP adapter module
Frame (size)Relates to the construction type of the component in question. For example, several drive
IGBTInsulated gate bipolar transistor; a voltage-controlled semiconductor type widely used in
Power module Supply module or inverter module. See also Frame (size).
RFIRadio-frequency interference
SARSafe acceleration range
SBCSafe brake control
SLSSafely-limited speed without encoder
SS1Safe stop 1
SSESafe stop emergency
SSMSafe speed monitor without encoder
STOSafe torque off
the other controls the inverter unit.
As standard, the external I/O control signals are connected to the control unit, or optional I/O
extensions mounted on it.
In this manual, the term refers to the ACS880-07XT as a whole.
protocols, 2-port
types with different power ratings may have the same basic construction, and a frame size is
used in reference to all those drive types.
To determine the frame size of a drive type, see the rating tables in chapter Te c hnica l data.
Optional functional safety modules
drives due to their easy controllability and high switching frequency.
Introduction to the manual 25
Safety data (SIL, PL)
Cat.EN ISO 13849-1Classification of the safety-related parts of a control system in respect
of their resistance to faults and their subsequent behavior in the fault
condition, and which is achieved by the structural arrangement of the
parts, fault detection and/or by their reliability. The categories are: B, 1,
2, 3 and 4.
CCFEN ISO 13849-1Common cause failure (%)
DCEN ISO 13849-1Diagnostic coverage
FITIEC 61508Failure in time: 1E-9 hours
HFTIEC 61508Hardware fault tolerance
PFDIEC 61508Probability of failure on demand
PLEN ISO 13849-1Performance level. Levels a…e correspond to SIL
SCIEC 61508Systematic capability
SFFIEC 61508Safe failure fraction (%)
SILIEC 61508Safety integrity level (1…3)
SILCLIEC/EN 62061Maximum SIL (level 1…3) that can be claimed for a safety function or
SS1IEC/EN 61800-5-2Safe stop 1
STOIEC/EN 61800-5-2Safe torque off
T1IEC 61508Proof test interval. T1 is a parameter used to define the probabilistic
EN ISO 13849-1Mean time to dangerous failure: (The total number of life units) / (the
IEC 61508Probability of dangerous failures per hour
number of dangerous, undetected failures) during a particular
measurement interval under stated conditions
failure rate (PFH or PFD) for the safety function or subsystem.
Performing a proof test at a maximum interval of T1 is required to keep
the SIL capability valid. The same interval must be followed to keep the
PL capability (EN ISO 13849) valid. Note that any T1 values given
cannot be regarded as a guarantee or warranty.
See also section Maintenance (page 258).
26 Introduction to the manual
Operation principle and hardware description 27
Operation principle and
hardware description
Contents of this chapter
This chapter briefly describes the operation principle and construction of the drive.
Product overview
The ACS880-07XT is an air-cooled cabinet-installed drive for controlling asynchronous AC
induction motors, permanent magnet synchronous motors and AC induction servomotors.
The drive consists of two drive modules (ACS880-04 +P943) and a separate control unit.
28 Operation principle and hardware description
ACS880-04 +P943
Overview circuit diagram of the drive
1AC choke
2Rectifier. Converts alternating current and voltage to direct current and voltage.
3DC link. DC circuit between rectifier and inverter
4Inverter. Converts direct current and voltage to alternating current and voltage.
5Brake chopper (option +D150). Conducts the surplus energy from the intermediate circuit of the
drive to the brake resistor when necessary. The chopper operates when the DC link voltage
exceeds a certain maximum limit. The voltage rise is typically caused by deceleration (braking) of a
high inertia motor.
Operation principle and hardware description 29
6-pulse connection
12-pulse connection
12-pulse connection (option +A004)
The figure below illustrates the difference between 6-pulse and 12-pulse AC supply
connections. 6-pulse connection is standard. If the drive has an even number of supply
modules, you can order it as a 12-pulse version (option +A004).
12-pulse supply connection eliminates the fifth and seventh harmonics, which remarkably
reduces the harmonic distortion of the line current and the conducted emissions.
12-pulse connection requires a three-winding transformer, or two separate transformers.
There is a 30-degree phase shift between the two 6-pulse supply lines, which are
connected to different supply modules through electrically separate switching equipment.
No. Description
1.Supply transformer. See section Electrical power network specification (page 139) for transformer
2.Switching equipment
3.Diode supply modules
30 Operation principle and hardware description
Cabinet line-up and layout examples
Example(Frame R11)
Cabinet line-up example
AIncoming and Auxiliary control cubicle (ICU). Contains control electronics, customer I/O
connections, the power input cable terminals and switchgear.
BModule cubicle. Contains the R11 module.
COutput cubicle. Contains the du/dt (option) and output ternimals for motor.
DModule cubicle. Contains the R11 module.
1Main switch-disconnector (Q1.1)
2Door switches and lights
3Drive control panel
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