Instruction Manual for 70C, 70D 75C and 75D
FLEXIDYNE® Couplings and Drives
These instructions must be read thoroughly before installation or operation. This instruction manual was accurate at the time of
printing. Please see baldor.com for updated instruction manuals.
Note! The manufacturer of these products, Baldor Electric Company, became ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc. on
March 1, 2018. Nameplates, Declaration of Conformity and other collateral material may contain the company name of
Baldor Electric Company and the brand names of Baldor-Dodge and Baldor-Reliance until such time as all materials have
been updated to reflect our new corporate identity.
WARNING: To ensure the drive is not unexpectedly
started, turn off and lock-out or tag power source before
proceeding. Failure to observe these precautions could
result in bodily injury.
WARNING: All products over 25 kg (55 lbs) are noted on the
shipping package. Proper lifting practices are required for
these products.
Flow Charge
Flow Charge
FLEXIDYNE dry uid couplings and drives are unique concepts
to provide soft start and momentary overload protection for all
types of driven equipment. Standard EMAB motors with RPM
base speeds of 1750, 1160 or 860 are commonly used with a
FLEXIDYNE coupling or drive, yet other available power sources
may be used with the FLEXIDYNE mechanism.
The dry "uid" in the FLEXIDYNE housing is heat treated steel
shot. A measured amount, referred to as ow charge, is added
into a housing which has been keyed to the motor shaft. When
the motor is started, centrifugal force throws the ow charge to
the perimeter of the housing, packs it between the housing and
the rotor which in turn transmits power to the load.
After the starting period of slippage between housing and rotor
the two become locked together and achieve full load speed,
operating without slip and with 100% efciency.
Consequently, the motor accelerates instantly to base speed,
while the load starts gradually and smoothly.
WARNING: Because of the possible danger to person(s) or
property from accidents which may result from the improper
use of products, it is important that correct procedures be
followed. Products must be used in accordance with the
engineering information specified in the catalog. Proper
installation, maintenance and operation procedures must
be observed. The instructions in the instruction manuals
must be followed. Inspections should be made as necessary
to assure safe operation under prevailing conditions. Proper
guards and other suitable safety devices or procedures as
may be desirable or as may be specified in safety codes
should be provided, and are neither provided by ABB nor
are the responsibility of ABB. This unit and its associated
equipment must be installed, adjusted and maintained by
qualified personnel who are familiar with the construction
and operation of all equipment in the system and the
potential hazards involved. When risk to persons or property
may be involved, a holding device must be an integral part
of the driven equipment beyond the speed reducer output
Coupling Drives
Figure 1 - Housing cross section
Install coupling ange on motor shaft and drive housing
mechanism on driven shaft in accordance with the instruction
manual for the Taper-Lock® bushings.
NOTE: The coupling flange must be mounted on motor
shaft (not driven shaft) to allow proper operation of the
FLEXIDYNE coupling.
Shaft ends must not protrude beyond bushing ends. Install
coupling disc over pins on drive housing mechanism. Position
the motor and the driven unit so that the spacer buttons on the
coupling disc slightly contact the coupling ange. Reference
Dimension A on Parts Replacement Drawing.
(A = 5/8” on size 70C; A = 3/4” on size 75C)
For longest FLEXIDYNE coupling life, it is always desirable to align
coupling as accurately as possible at initial installation. Check
alignment by laying a straight edge across the coupling ange
and drive housing at several points around the circumference.
NOTE: Driven shaft must not touch housing hub.

Install the FLEXIDYNE special bolt-on sheave on the driven hub.
Use screws and lock washers provided with the FLEXIDYNE
drive. Torque screws to 160 inch-pounds.
Stake motor shaft key in place and slide FLEXIDYNE drive onto
the motor shaft, with collar as close to the motor as possible.
Tighten key set screw securely against motor shaft key. Tighten
shaft set screw securely against motor shaft.
In-rush Amps
Acceleration Amps
NOTE: The sheave is the output of the FLEXIDYNE drive, do
not input power to the FLEXIDYNE drive through the sheave.
In other words, do not mount the FLEXIDYNE drive on the
driven shaft.
1. Remove the ller plug and install the proper amount of
ow charge specied in Table 1. Replace and tighten ller
plug, making sure that no ow charge is trapped in threads.
Torque ller plug to 35 inch-pounds.
2. Attach AC ammeter (conventional clamp-on or equivalent) to
one line of the AC motor. Set range to cover 200% of motor
nameplate current.
3. Note the maximum allowable acceleration time as stated in
Tables 1 and 2.
Note: Table 2 lists starting time capacity for starting cycles
occurring more than once every 2 hours.
4. Push start button. Observe motor current during load
acceleration and number of seconds required to reach full
speed (Fig. 2).
Increase amount of ow charge if:
A. Acceleration time reaches maximum allowable before
load is up to speed. Turn off power immediately if this time
is reached.
B. Acceleration amperage is below motor nameplate.
Decrease amount of ow charge if:
A. Acceleration time is less than 1-1/2 seconds.
B. Acceleration amperage is above 200% of motor nameplate.
Once satisfactory operation has been obtained, record the
following for future reference:
1. The amount of ow charge
2. Starting current
3. Acceleration Time
Seconds from Start
Figure 2 - Typical Motor Current vs. Time
The amount of ow charge in the housing determines the
acceleration time for a given load. Slower acceleration times will
occur when less ow charge is used and faster acceleration,
from stop to full speed, will be observed with greater amounts
of ow charge.
The FLEXIDYNE mechanism should start the load smoothly and
without delay, provided the proper amount of ow charge has
been used. Should the acceleration time exceed the maximum
allowable in Table 1, shut off power to the FLEXIDYNE mechanism
immediately. Allow the FLEXIDYNE mechanism to cool, then
add small amounts of ow charge until proper acceleration is
Vibration is an indication of accelerating too rapidly and not
allowing ow charge to become evenly distributed in the
FLEXIDYNE housing. This can be corrected by removing small
amounts of ow charge until vibration subsides. Other causes of
vibration are: undersize shafting, unit not installed far enough on
shaft or worn bore in the unit.
Slippage — The FLEXIDYNE mechanism can, without slipping,
transmit overloads up to 130% of its pre-set starting torque.
Should this breakaway torque be exceeded, the FLEXIDYNE
mechanism will slip and generate heat (see Overload Protection).
Although slippage usually indicates increased loads, it can also
be caused by worn ow charge or a worn rotor especially if the
FLEXIDYNE mechanism has been in operation for some time.
The necessity to replace either a rotor or ow charge will be
made evident by a loss in power transmitting capacity of the
FLEXIDYNE mechanism.
WARNING: The rotor must slip during acceleration to allow
flow charge to become evenly distributed in the FLEXIDYNE
housing. Therefore, DO NOT ALLOW FLEXIDYNE
MECHANISM TO RUN "FREE" (that is, without a load on
the driven end), otherwise an out-of-balance condition may
result, damaging mechanism and attached equipment.
For average industrial applications involving 3 or 4 starts a day
and of not more than 6 seconds acceleration time each, the ow
charge should be changed every 10,000 hours of operation. For
more severe conditions, visually inspect ow charge at more
frequent intervals; it should be changed when it has deteriorated
to a half powder, half granular condition. See page 8 for ow
charge analysis. Visual inspections should continue until enough
ow charge changes have been made to adequately establish a
schedule for renewing FLEXIDYNE ow charge.
The FLEXIDYNE mechanism has been lubricated at the factory
and no further lubrication is required. Never apply grease, oil or
any other foreign material to the ow charge.

Since there is slippage within the ow charge during acceleration,
heat is generated from friction. The thermal capacity of the
FLEXIDYNE mechanism is based on balancing this heat
generated during acceleration against the cooling time between
accelerations. The amount of heat generated is determined
by the amount of horsepower dissipated by slipping and the
duration of each acceleration. If the ow charge weight is light,
the heat generated will not be as great as that which would
be generated with a heavier ow charge, when compared at
the same acceleration time. A longer time between starts will
dissipate more heat; therefore, higher starting horsepowers may
be transmitted, or longer acceleration times may be allowable.
(See Starting Cycle)
Stalled — If a jam-up stalls the drive, the motor continues to run
and the FLEXIDYNE mechanism slips. This causes heat to be
generated at twice the rate of normal acceleration. Therefore,
the allowable slipping time, when stalled, is half the allowable
acceleration time given in Table 1.
Starting Cycle is the time from the beginning of one acceleration
to the beginning of the next. Allowable acceleration times in Table
2 are based on the assumption that the FLEXIDYNE mechanism
will be running continuously except for a momentary stop before
the next start. If the stop is more than momentary, decrease the
actual starting cycle by one-half the stopped time before using
Table 2; for example, with a 50 minute actual starting cycle of
which 20 minutes is stopped time, decrease 50 by half of 20 to
give 40 minutes as the starting cycle time to use for Table 2.
Acceleration times shown in Table 1 are for starting frequencies
of one start per hour or less. If starting frequency is more than
once per hour, use acceleration time for actual starting cycle
shown in Table 2.
Acceleration times listed in Tables 1 and 2 are the MAXIMUM
permissible for the various starting frequencies listed. The
MINIMUM acceleration time required for proper FLEXIDYNE
mechanism operation is 1 to 1½ seconds. This is the time
required for the ow charge to be uniformly distributed around
the housing cavity before the unit "locks in". Any acceleration
time between the minimum and maximum listed is acceptable,
although a shorter acceleration time will generally provide longer
wear life. For applications requiring a specic acceleration time
(within these limits) ow charge may be added or removed to
produce the required results.
Grouped Starts — For several starts grouped together followed
by uninterrupted running, add the acceleration times of all starts
and consider it as the time for one start. The starting cycle would
be the time from the beginning of one group of starts to the
beginning of the next group.