Aastra Telecom 2827-006 User Manual

OpEasy® Basic Provisioning User Guide
Release 4.0
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Clearspan OpEasy® Basic Provisioning User Guide R4.0 Aastra 2827-006
2014 Clearspan® is a Registered Trademark of Aastra Technologies Ltd. Page 1 of 34
Clearspan OpEasy® Basic Provisioning User Guide R4.0 Aastra – 2827-006
2014 Clearspan® is a Registered Trademark of Aastra Technologies Ltd. Page 2 of 34
Revision Number
Date Completed
Point of Contact
Aastra Technical Publications
Initial release of this publication.
Aastra Technical Publications
Updates and revisions for R 3.5.
Bev Marsh Aastra Pubs
Updates and Revisions for R3.6.
Aastra Technical Publications
Updates and Revisions for R3.9.
Aastra Technical Publications
Aastra Technical Publications
6th Edition (August 2014)
© Copyright 2014 Aastra USA Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this manual may change with product revisions. Aastra® may add features or
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Aastra furnishes the application described in this manual under a license agreement and customers may use or copy information in the manuals only in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
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Address any reader comments to: Aastra USA Inc.
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Trademarks and Acknowledgements
Product registered trademarks and copyrights of the products included in this publication include Clearspan® and OpEasy® as registered trademarks of Aastra Technologies Ltd.; Microsoft® Excel as a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Revision History
The following represents the revision history of this publication:
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2014 Clearspan® is a Registered Trademark of Aastra Technologies Ltd. Page 3 of 34
Table of Contents
6th Edition (August 2014) ................................................................................................................ 3
Contact Information .......................................................................................................................... 3
What to Expect when Contacting Company ................................................................................... 3
Trademarks and Acknowledgements ............................................................................................. 3
Revision History ............................................................................................................................... 3
1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Administration Modes ............................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Basic Provisioning .................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 References ............................................................................................................................. 6
2 Logging In .........................................................................................................................................7
3 Adding a Single User .......................................................................................................................8
3.1 User Add Page ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 Optional Tab ........................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 Phones Tab ............................................................................................................ 11
3.1.3 User: Primary Phone Device View ........................................................................ 13
3.1.4 User: Phone Template Page ................................................................................. 14
3.1.5 SCA Options Tab ................................................................................................... 15
3.2 New User E-mail Notification ............................................................................................. 15
4 Modifying a Single User ............................................................................................................... 17
5 Deleting a Single User .................................................................................................................. 18
6 Adding Multiple Users with Import ............................................................................................... 19
6.1 Opening a Worksheet ......................................................................................................... 19
6.2 Adding Users in the Worksheet ......................................................................................... 20
6.3 Correcting Validation Failures ............................................................................................ 22
6.4 Importing the Worksheet .................................................................................................... 22
6.5 Viewing Import Results ....................................................................................................... 24
6.5.1 Users Tab ............................................................................................................... 24
6.5.2 Voicemail Tab ......................................................................................................... 25
6.5.3 Error Examples on the Results Worksheet........................................................... 25
6.5.4 Results .................................................................................................................... 26
7 Removing Multiple Users with Import .......................................................................................... 27
8 Scheduling an Import .................................................................................................................... 29
8.1 Viewing Scheduled Imports ................................................................................................ 32
8.2 Restarting a Scheduled Import .......................................................................................... 34
8.3 Deleting a Scheduled Import .............................................................................................. 34
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Table of Figures
Figure 1 Explorer Search Box with URL ................................................................................................ 7
Figure 2 OpEasy Main Page for Department Administrators ............................................................... 7
Figure 3 Provisioning Main Page ........................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4 Users Main Page ...................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5 User Add Page – Populated with Show Details Button .......................................................... 9
Figure 6 Show/Hide Details ................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 7 User Add Page – Optional Tab ............................................................................................. 11
Figure 8 User Add – Phones Tab ........................................................................................................ 12
Figure 9 User: Primary Phone Device View ....................................................................................... 13
Figure 10 User: Phone Template Page .............................................................................................. 14
Figure 11 User Add – SCA Options Tab ............................................................................................. 15
Figure 12 User General Settings: New User E-mail Notification ....................................................... 16
Figure 13 Search for User ................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 14 Users Page – Edit Link ........................................................................................................ 18
Figure 15 Get Worksheet Button ......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 16 Clearspan Import Worksheet .............................................................................................. 20
Figure 17 Worksheet Validated ........................................................................................................... 21
Figure 18 Validation Failure 1 .............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 19 Validation Failure 2 .............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 20 Import Page - Top Half ........................................................................................................ 23
Figure 21 Import Page – Progress Messages and Results ............................................................... 24
Figure 22 Results Worksheet .............................................................................................................. 24
Figure 23 Voice Mail Tab ..................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 24 Progress Messages Error ................................................................................................... 25
Figure 25 Validation Status Column - Failure ..................................................................................... 26
Figure 26 E-mail Message Sent Message .......................................................................................... 26
Figure 27 Worksheet – Validation ....................................................................................................... 27
Figure 28 Voice Mail Tab on Remove Worksheet ............................................................................. 27
Figure 29 Remove User Worksheet Process Starting ....................................................................... 28
Figure 30 Scheduling Request: Import: Basic Page – Top Half ........................................................ 29
Figure 31 Selecting the Schedule Type .............................................................................................. 30
Figure 32 Schedule Run Once ............................................................................................................ 30
Figure 33 Schedule Repeated ............................................................................................................. 30
Figure 34 Schedule Hourly .................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 35 Schedule Daily ..................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 36 E-mail Notification Section - Setup ..................................................................................... 31
Figure 37 Status Section ...................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 38 Scheduling Page ................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 39 Worksheet Waiting to start a Run ....................................................................................... 33
Figure 40 Worksheet Run Failed......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 41 Scheduling Results – Basic Import ..................................................................................... 34
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1 Overview
The primary purpose of the OpEasy® Provisioning application is to simplify the process of adding users, features, and devices to the Clearspan® system.
1.1 Administration Modes
There are two administration modes:
Basic OpEasy Admin–Has little or no expertise on Clearspan, but can easily use Basic
Provisioning to add, modify, and delete users on the Clearspan system. For this document, the Basic OpEasy Admin is a Department Administrator (DA) and has all of the possible functions that can be enabled for a DA.
Advanced OpEasy Admin–Has considerable expertise with the Clearspan system. This
administrator lays the groundwork for manipulating users such as creating devices, profiles, templates, etc. All of this is necessary for Basic Administrators to do their job. This administrator is usually a System Administrator (SA), an Enterprise Administrator (EA), or a Group Administrator (GA).
1.2 Basic Provisioning
This document provides instructions on adding, modifying, and deleting one Clearspan user and user’s phone device at a time. It also provides instructions on adding and deleting multiple Clearspan users with their phone devices using Import.
1.3 References
Advanced provisioning topics such as assigning user features, exporting, phone templates, phone management, and group settings are covered in the Clearspan OpEasy Advanced Provisioning User Guide.
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2 Logging In
Your system administrator will provide your username and password. Your system administrator will also provide the URL for your login, shown in red below.
1) Enter the URL (case sensitive) into your web browser. It will be similar to the following:
http://<Fully Qualified Domain Name> or <IP Address>/opeasy/
Figure 1 Explorer Search Box with URL
2) Enter the User Name and Password provided by your system administrator.
3) Click Login. The OpEasy main page displays as the following image.
Figure 2 OpEasy Main Page for Department Administrators
4) Click on Provisioning. The Provisioning page displays as in Figure 3 Provisioning Main
Figure 3 Provisioning Main Page
The options that you see, both on the main page and in the pages that follow for each function, depend upon licensing and your assigned user privileges. Direct any questions to your system administrator.
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3 Adding a Single User
This chapter describes the process of adding a single Clearspan user.
When a new user is created, an email goes out to the user with instructions for phone setup.
3.1 User Add Page
1) From the OpEasy main menu, click Provisioning.
2) From the Provisioning page, click Users from the menu tree on the left, or click Users from the
Provisioning menu. The Users page displays as in the following image.
Figure 4 Users Main Page
The Enterprise and Group associated with this DA’s login are displayed. If the login is other than a DA, you may be prompted to select this information.
3) Select Basic for the User Mode.
4) Click Add. The User Add page displays. If no license is available, an error displays.
5) Select the User Profile from the drop-down list. You can select User Profiles for Aastra and
Polycom phones when the Polycom Phone Support system license for Clearspan is installed. Click the View Template button if you want to see the template that has been assigned to the
phone. The template assignment was made in the User Profile that you selected.
6) Enter the Last Name, First Name and E-mail Address of the user to add.
7) Select the Department and Phone Number.
Click the View Phone Template button if you want to see the template for the primary phone.
8) Enter the Phone Location. This can be the address, building, office, or any type of description
the system administrator has set for this value. If the Emergency Gateway Manager is in use, then this field must contain the Emergency
Response Location (ERL) that is defined in the Emergency Gateway. In this case, your System Administrator will assist in providing the ERL.
If the Emergency Gateway Manager is not in use, enter the physical location of this user’s phone device.
9) Enter the Voice Portal Passcode. It should be a numeric value, four to eight digits in length.
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10) Enter the User Password. It must be at least six characters; the number of characters to enter
is set by the administrator. You can click Initialize User Password to random password to protect the user from unauthorized access in cases where the password will not be used.
Figure 5 User Add Page – Populated with Show Details Button
11) Click Show Details at the bottom of the page if you want to see additional details of the User
Add page. The hidden information is automatically generated as you enter user information on the top half of the page. There is no need to change any of this information.
There are four sections of additional information.
User Information–The User ID and Extension. Calling Party ID–The Calling Party ID name and number. Authentication–User Name and automatically generated password. Primary Phone Device–The device name, line/port, and MAC address, and the Device
Access Username and Password for Polycom devices. If the device is an Aastra phone, enter a temporary MAC Address, typically the user’s extension. If the device is a Polycom phone, enter a true MAC Address or leave that field blank.
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Figure 6 Show/Hide Details
12) Click OK .
You can click OK without viewing the other tabs, or you can go to the Optional tab and Phones tab. If you click OK, all input up to this point is validated and saved, the user is successfully added to Clearspan, and you are returned to the previous Users page where the new user appears in bold text in the user list.
3.1.1 Optional Tab
Click on the Optional tab of the User Add page to view or change optional values such as Contact Information, Time Zone, Language information, and Aliases used to place and receive calls.
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Figure 7 User Add Page – Optional Tab
3.1.2 Phones Tab
Click on the Phones tab of the User Add page to view or change the Phone Configuration and Shared Call Appearances, and view the primary phone device. (The Restart Selected Phones button is not available when creating a phone. It is only available when modifying a phone.)
View–Takes you to the User: Primary Phone Device View. View Template–Takes you to the User: Phone Template page. SCA Options (Shared Call Appearance)–Takes you to the SCA Options tab.
There are two View links in the Phone Devices table. The View button takes you to the User: Phone Template page, and the View link in the last column takes you to the User: Primary Phone Device View page.
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+ 23 hidden pages